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upr000177 393


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hr* Hsu Jtttafeavtlf C oo Mr« su s . M m f t h e * • Maureb $, 1950 * 23-6 In % m n s s x # m * with you* tolopiion# rsqnest £ enclose An analysis of 3ta*f§at to Aoommt 30-2 eororing Ifg.intename #f PisirllMtiag 1 M % # 19^9* separating ’behvmn Material from MOil, trunk 'Jxperoe, bocal ?urob«A Material* and HlsbellaiMMHSS* ¥® have also * h m m on this study tho ohargos Foma f for ptxjppmm of oomparison. Generally otnhe A?«Ut©r,« differences appear to be au# to tii# math, la which vouchers art r 1*51 a ^erSvi* IMOS'S received s.n th# off! 043 af tar the 15tfa are r«glat-or-fcd in the ©yrrsnt month mm% though iss$trli&l a«y liar# bean received. in the previous month* Is completAea winlolo nm ais'l oyuoru a ana lsyismiisl aorf sCtiatteermgeenat .to *General gsswtB®**