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senator W. A. Clark, -£~ io-EO-16# year will be so much per box of oranges and lan one packed. At 13ie same time there must be a minimum payment# On this basis they could probably pay out in four car five years. We feel quite sure that this basis would be much better than what we have been doing heretofore, as the shipper then will assume all responsibility of maintaining the house and keeping it insured. The attitude of the Southern Pacific and the Santa le in trying to control all of the business on their own rails would naturally drive the Salt lake to great efforts to get some of the business, which they should appreciate. I do not feel that this question of pa eking-ho uses will in any way interfere with our arrangement wife the Southern Pacific in regard to passenger station etc. As you know, they are very much interested to get their trains off Alameda Street, and there is no other way they can get out except across the river over our tracks. Judge Lovett’s reply to Mr. Zruttschnitt, which he quotes in his telegram, was certainly very well taken. As soon as the details in connection with the new pa eking- houses are worked out by the Operating and traffic Departments, will advise you. We are working out a plan now to build one new house at Whittier, and have also arranged with two other houses already constructed to serve than with our tracks as soon as the rails are laid to that point. Your affectionate brother, .? i-. WS&VliA i