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San Pedro, Los Angeles &^|alt Office of GeneralJ ttorney. T. E. GIBBON, General Counsel. C. O. WHITTEMORE, General Attorney. Railroad Comply Salt Lake City, Utah, Doc« SSCth, 1102 « Hon# Willi-aw* A# Clark* 41Wall Bt,$ *»«#w : cr'Keity , WmL US * ^ I beg lfe<,*ve tfi report t-h.e .reault fcf %f exifMnmiioa of fill# title t# the ”£#:§ Vegas ranch a» fcy the ©hatrmct of title furnished ae by tits Ooi.r by Tleoorder of Lincoln County, Stats of Umvafia, by the reo-ords of said ftemerder*# Office, me fellows| Th& tract oougpriaee eighteen hundred and forty &cx*ets, end the original title i» derived by patents from the State of ITevuhu, the Siaa# Itfitig & pert of the lands oeded to Jbe St etc by im Act of Congress. Slid original ranch contained about nine hundred and sixty mores and was e»«n«Kl by Archibald Stewart, who died intestate in 1UM, Tkd eatmtv of Archibald Stewart, dor. . i*I# was duly and regul&rl,;? administered upon in the district court of Lincoln County, sof Nevada, in IfM, «mi I;; property was distributed after payment of all debts, to li£s midov? K&h.n .T* Stewart and to Mo children W&lllt&a. J* Stuw&rt, Xtirm * Stewart* TO. ism f • it swart # Hys^line Cfcevart and Aralibald Stewart. AdditionrJ. lands have 1>v> acquired frorti ti:ie to fcir.y by Tfolon .r. Stewart, the widow, by patents from the it ate of Nevada, and by conveyances from private parlies, D^ods have also boon laade each of the children to Helen ~ • Stewart conveying their interest in the property to the latter. fit# title to the property mn shown the s&stracb and by the records, is therefore vested in Helen J* St««wt free and clear of encuKSirmnoeo*