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Kol Ari El newsletter from Adat Ari El, November 2000



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    Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice The Monthly Chronicle of Ada! Ari El A Reform Congregation Embracing Traditional Judaism November 2000 3 Cheshvan - 3 Kislev Vol. IX. Issue No. 11 Kol Harav...The Rabbi's Voice Truth or Genocide J ews throughout the world are focused on the events happening in Israel and throughout the Middle East as the Palestinians are continually causing havoc in the streets of Israel. We have been witness to horrific actions on TV and the Internet that have graphically brought us the murders of two Israelii soldiers thrown out of the Palestinian Police Station window and pounded until unrecognizable. One man the father of three young children, the other killed four days after his [ wedding. We are, of course, pained over the needless killings of the Palestinian children who are encouraged by Arafat and his regime to step up to the forefront with slingshots and rocks to be sacrificed in front of TV cameras as sympathy raisers during Arafat's media war. There was an article written by a brave Arab-American that you may have seen or heard that helps put the truth on the situation with the Palestinian- Israeli conflict. He includes a disclaimer to the Palestinian's assertion that they refute the Jewish claim on Jerusalem, Israel and the holy sights. His name is Joseph Farah, a journalist with Inside this issue: (Continued on page 3) Kol Harav I&3 Board Briefs I&2 From Bonni... 4 Donations 5 What's New 6 Sisterhood & Men's Oub 7 Religious School 9 Calendar 10 Birthdays, Anniversaires, Yahrzeits 13 Board Briefs W ell, our busy Holiday season is over. We've prayed, we've sat in a Sukkah, and paraded with the Torah. In the midst of all these celebrations, our board met to discuss the business of running our Synagogue. Our first order of business was to discuss the High Holidays and what went right and what went wrong. We all felt that this year's services went rather smoothly and that they were inspiring. Many people had commented to us the same feelings. We decided to write down our thoughts and suggestions for what could be done next year to strengthen the sen/ices. It's amazing how you forget the services from the year before when it comes time to plan the next one. We invite all of you to share your feelings with us now, before the beginnings of 5761 fade from our memory. Our October board meeting was very productive in terms of event Rabbi Gary M. Golbart Board of Directors President Dr. Lori Snipper 1st Vice-President Dr. Phil Devore 2nd Vice-President Bob Steelman Recording Secretary Jeanne Schomaker Corresponding Secretary....Scott Schreiber Treasurer Michelle Blank Immediate Past President.Steven Janovitch Bruce Feldman Ron Israel Mel Kochan Dr. Mark Ohriner Corinne Fields Michel Kingery Jennifer Ohriner Mark Solomon (Continued on page 2) KolAri El The Lion's Voice PageS Board Briefs (Continued from page 1) programming. We realize that this is an area that is of vital importance to our Synagogue and we have developed some events that should be of interest to you all. Beit Kafeh, which began at the end of October will become a monthly event. This casual evening will feature some really extraordinary entertainment, programmed by Rabbi Golbart, who still has a lot of connections in the entertainment community. If you missed the first Beit Kafeh, join us in November. The Board of Directors is also sponsoring a Games Night on December 2. Look in this issue for more information. We are also planning a New Year's Eve Slumber Party for our kids. This should be a lot of fun for them and for their parents who have the chance to go out this year, knowing that their children are being well taken care of. Look in this issue for more information about this as well. We will also be continuing to offer evenings like the one on meditation, which a lot of people, both members and non-members, attended. We want to do what we can to make Adat Ari El a vibrant place that meets the needs of our congregation. If any of you have any more suggestions on programming, please talk to Bruce Feldman, Also, if you're interested in serving on our Board of Directors, please let us know. Elections are in January and our nominating committee is now seeking applicants for Board positions. We welcome your participation. That's all until next month. Your Adat Ari El Board of Directors. Want to be a part of something meaningful...join the Board D oes Adat Ari El feel like an extended family to you? Do you look forward to coming to the Synagogue? congregational family grow these things, or if you don't, want to consider becoming a Directors. Our nominating candidates for open spots on crossroads in regards to our community, and we are guide us on our journey. It is be very satisfying and very Would you like to see our and become stronger? If you feel but would like to, then you may part of the Adat Ari El Board of committee is now interviewing the Board. Our Synagogue is at a growth within our Jewish looking for people who can help not always the easiest job, but it can interesting as well. If you're interested, contact Bruce Feldman, chairperson of the nominating committee at 221- 1230. Adat Ari El's Board of Directors is sponsoring a night of games for Dec 2nd. at 6:00 pm. Families are invited to share an evening of pizza and games with your fellow congregants. Call the Synagogue Office for more information. ARE YOU GAME! RA88IGOLB ART'S GUIDE TO JUDAISM A Guide to Judaism, an 18 week course covering Holidays, Life-cycles, Hebrew, and Class begins November 1st philosophy, is offered at various times throughout the year. This is a fundamental introduction course in Judaism that addresses both the cognitive and affective domains where students will gain intellectual knowledge of Judaism, as well as the skills necessary to "do Jewish" and confronting feelings about being or becoming Jewish. The cost of the course, including books, is $150 for non members and $115 for members. KolAri El The Lion's Voice PageS Kol Harav...The Rabbi's Voice (Continued from page I) WorldNetDaily. who has suffered from threats of killing him and his family for revealing these truths. I believe that some of his facts should be shared with as many people who have the interest in knowing the truth. Not until the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, was there any serious movement for a Palestinian homeland. The Israelis seized the West Bank and Old Jerusalem in the Six-Day War, when Israel captured Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. These territories were captured not from Yasser Arafat but from Jordan's King Hussein. The first time the name Palestine was used was in 70 C.E. when the Romans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of Israel would be no more. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans to add insult to irqury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, but its new name did not stick Palestine never as an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass. But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. This is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. According to Farah's article there are no true Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem. So what is the truth about the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem if they claim they represent Islam's third most holy sites? The fact is the Koran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem. With good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest Mohammad ever visited Jerusalem. Muslims cite a vague passage in the Koran that relates that in a dream or a vision Mohammed was carried by night "from the sacred temple to the temple that is most remote, whose precinct we have blessed, that we might show him our signs...." In the seventh century, some Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse as being in Mecca and Jerusalem. And that's as close as Islam's connection with Jerusalem gets. The Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back to the days of Abraham. The latest round of violence in Israel erupted when Likud Party leader Ariel Sharon tried to visit the Temple Mount, the foundation of the Temple built by Solomon. It is the holiest site for Jews. Sharon did nothing illegal but was making the statement that Jews should not be physically kept out of the holiest site in Judaism? Peace can only be attained when truth is accepted and only by accepting the truth will the Arabs abandon their cad for Jewish genocide in Israel. Treating a 5,000-year-old birthright backed by overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence equally with illegitimate claims, wishes and wants gives diplomacy and peacekeeping a bad name. A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries can be heard on TalkNetDaily and other articles by Farah may be found at Thanks also go the Dr. Patrica Pierce and Mitch Aitman for hosting our Sukkot picnic at their home and to Chris Simon and her crew of volunteers who helped with all of the food. Dr. Mark Ohriner and Mitch for helping me set up the Sukkah at 7 a.m the morning of Erev Sukkot. There sure was a whole lot of shaking going on during our picnic with the Lulav and Etrog. B'Shalom, Rabbi Gary M. Golbart KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page 4 fro*i Bohhi ??? WJ halom. At this time of the year I often find myself in a reflective mood, looking back over the past year, looking ahead to the year to come. I think about the people I've helped, the ones I've befriended and the ones I might have helped had I just been a bit more understanding or compassionate. I think about the people who have helped me and who have changed my life for the better in myriad ways and I am always surprised and grateful at the length of the list. I silently forgive the ones who've hurt me and hope that I will be forgiven for my own flaws in return. I think about how lucky I am, even with serious problems to contend with. I ask for the strength of character to be able to deal with my assorted crises for another year. During this past year, several people came (and went) in my life, but these people have left an indelible impression on me. They came at a time when I was particularly needy and hopeless - they stopped to help me before moving on or moving away. They shored up my flagging self-esteem, gave me courage and a new vision of my life, with no thought to how I could help them. Indeed, I could not help them at all, but that did not matter - they offered their assistance anyway, with no thought of further payment. I look back in wonderment and know instinctively that they were sent to me by G-d, literally thrust in my path at a time when I felt that my life was careening out of control. And I am grateful for the fact that they were sent to me when I needed them most. It's healthy to reflect upon all these things - our blessings, our failures, our successes, our dreams - and also upon how we can make life better in the year to come - both for ourselves and our loved ones and for people we might not have even met yet. It's important to set aside this time to reflect on what really matters in the world - not how many possessions we have, how much money we've amassed and the objects that money can buy, but on the people who share our own little corner of the world and the ones who might cross our paths along the way. So, too, should we as a Congregation assess what really matters. The most beautiful synagogue on Earth is only, in the end, a cold mass of marble and granite, steel and mortar and bricks and stone if it is not filled with the good, the devout, the honest - those people of all walks of life, with a multitude of abilities and life experiences who make a synagogue a House of G-d. I hope the coming year brings us many more of the blessings which help enrich and unite us as a Congregation, allowing Adat Ari El to do all the good works and acts of compassion and kindness that make it a true instrument of G-d. Until next month... Bonnie Spivak & R O S S U M # Realty Unlimited X ^ V C O M M E R C I A L ? L A N D ? R E S I D E N T I A L visit our website at JEANNE SCHOMAKER Realtor (702) 368-1850 ? Fax: (702) 368-1825 Toll Free: 1-888-231-3546 ? Cell: (702) 373-0480 e-mail: 3875 S. JONES. STE. 101 ? LAS VEGAS, NV. 89103 NEW! The Digital DJ We'll shake your groove thing! 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S (W1VI k ef tit* 1 (800) 788-8368 (702) 655-5700 KolAri El The Lion's Voice PageS THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS KOL NIDRE APPEAL GENERAL FUND Bobble & Larry Kneitel - For High Holiday Ally ah Corlnne Fields - In Memory of Pauline Cohen Sheila & Don Rose - Kol Nldre Allyah Evelyn & Abe Efros - In Honor of Their Anniversary and High Holiday Allyah Robert Katz - In Memory of Pauline Cohen Rabbi Steven Newman & Nancy Bryan - In Honor of Birthdays Donald & Carole Schoenbold - In Memory of Dr. William Perer Hillary & Robert Stoltz - High Holiday Allyah Gloria Golbart Marks - Yom Klppur Allyah Frances & Sidney Cope land - In Memory of Pauline Cohen Dr. Phillip & Micheie Devore - In Honor of Phil's Birthday Dr. Phillip & Micheie Devore - In Honor of Stephanie's Birthday Roni Miles - In Memory of Pauline Cohen Nora & John Householder - In Honor of Ashley's High Holiday Ally ah Allan & Elizabeth Durst - In Memory of Dr. William Perer, Dr. Marvin Perer's Father Sophie Jasson - Mishaberach for Jodie and Chandler Lana Reich - In Memory of Husband & Father, Kenneth Reich Frances & Paul Blumenthal - High Holiday Allyah Frances & Paul Blumenthal - Yahrzeits for Fran & Paul's Mothers Tina & Frank Pecinka - High Holiday Allyah Dr. Marvin & Irene Perer - In Memory of Anne Schoengold, Mother of Don Schoengold Dolores & Leonard Ember - High Holiday Ylzkor Service Ruth & Samuel Green Helen & Sam Groner - Yahrzeits for Helen's Mother, Bertha Rothsteln, and Sam's Father, Charles Groner, Sam's High Holiday Allyah David Kamerling Lanna Reich - In Memory of Husband & Father, Kenneth Reich Harold & Carole Wein - Ytzkor of Ana & Barney Wein and Mildred and Louis Price RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Carol & Cliff Meltzer- Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Linda & Alan Myers - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Nancy Miller Bryan - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Cheryl & Carl Ross - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Lee & Scott Schreiber - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Jeanne Schomaker - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Carole & Donald Schoengold - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Jacqueline & Stuart Hess - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Ron Israel - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Eve Jeanos - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Hutchison & Steffen Ltd. - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser |? A #1 Tax & Bookkeeping Service Cheryl R. Ross, CB Certified Bookkeeper (702) 636-9219 (702) 460-5170 Cell Email: www. A1 Dr. Phillip & Micheie Devore Carol & Michael Festen JJ & David Cowries Dr. Marvin & Irene Perer Feme & Ron Unger Ethel Baron Arthur Meyer Eric & Rebecca Daly Roni Miles Mariee & Asher Rogow Jane Schwager Corlnne Fields Stuart & Jackie Hess Moshe & Suell Moses Tina & Frank Pecinka Leroy & Ida Black Jill Chorna William Kanter Ethel Baron Frances & Paul Blumenthal Christopher Cohen & Laura Deitsch Corlnne Fields Jacqueline & Stuart Hess Moshe & Suell Moses Arthur Meyer Helen & Alvln Munves Tina & Frank Pecinka Marcy Proenza Esther Bernstein Ida & Leroy Black Bruno & Blanca Buonomo Jill Chorna Helen & Barbara Deanln Mitchell Drucker Debra & Mark Galsky Johann Graff man Helen & Sam Groner William Kanter Robert & Marilyn Kennan Howard Owen Kline Ivan & Marcla Lambert Jennifer Leitman Judith Marandola Yuval Nissan Jack & Rochelle Silas S. Lawrence & Marion Stein PRAYER BOOK FUND Mark Solomon Pauline Cohen & Claire Watson - In Memory of RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Larry Kneltel - In Memory of His Mother Hazel & Harold Lowe Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice Page 6 ri t r * What's New? Introducing Adat Ari El's New Coffeehouse eit Kafeh is Adat Ari El's new coffeehouse. Every month it brings you fine entertainment and delicious foods all in a delightful atmosphere. On November 16, we feature comic hypnotist Ron Paperno. Paperno's mingling of comedy and hypnosis make for an evening of laughs and some astounding uses of his art Be prepared to be amazed at what those around you, and if your game, what you will do under hypnosis. While his act is done for laughs, it is audience friendly and is not meant to embarrass anyone. Aside from the show, Beit Kafeh offers a dessert and coffee bar. All this for a fraction of what you'd pay on the Strip and you don't have to bribe the Maitre'd for a better table. Tickets for this evening are only $8. So join us in November and every month for an evening of unique entertainment at our Beit Kafeh. Kafelr Coffee House Jewish Meditation for the Body and Soul JL n September, Rabbi Golbart offered a primer to the High Holiday Healing Service. Rabbi instructed us in the benefits and use of Jewish Meditation. He offered a variety practice this soothing method of relaxing the mind, which better connects us to the gifts Though the class was decided upon with short notice, and not much advertising was done, we had a tremendous response to the program. Rabbi Golbart would again like to offer this class which can be so helpful in coping with the stressful days we all face. So please join us on November 8th from 6 pm to 7 pm for an evening that could truly change your life. Special Shabbat Celebrates Special Lady At the evening class, of ways for people to that G-d has to offer. o 'n November 3, Adat Ari El's Friday evening Shabbat honors Milly Cohen, one of our Synagogue's founding members and one of our former board members. Until a stroke curtailed her activities, Milly was very active with the Synagogue and especially our Religious School. She, and her mother Pauline, who passed away this summer, were regular attendees on Shabbat and also worked on, and came to. most of our Synagogue activities. It seems fitting to honor this industrious woman who was a tireless crusader for Adat Ari El. Please help us make this an evening to remember for Milly, who will be attending the service with her family. New Year's Eve Kid's Slumber Party or the ever, Adat Ari offering our sleep over What better night to start the fun New Year's Eve, the biggest party year. Our kids will play, dance, eat with fellow congregants in an V ? \ > \ \ i V i V i V \ \ > > \ ' V > > i V \ N , f i r s t t i m e * El is While the kids are away, The parents can play / / / / children a party, than on night of the and mingle evening of good, safe fun. Chaperones will be one hand to make sure that the slumber party is under control and full of activities. Anyone interested in having you children attend this kid's only evening, please call the Synagogue office so that we can know how many children to expect. So, give your kids a night to remember at this celebration of the year to come. For more details call 221 -1230. Adat Ari El's Chanukah Party is at the Temple on December 23rd. his year's Chanukah celebration will offer a great time at a great price so that everyone can enjoy. Food, games, & a D. J. should make this the best one ever. Call Michelle Blank at 221-1230 if you want to help plan this family friendly event. KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page 7 Sisterhood & Men's Club News Sisterhood Gift Shop a great place to shop for Chanukah isterhood has opened a Gift Shop. We will carry Jewelry, Mezuzahs, Menorahs, gift items for Chanukah, and other beautiful items. Catalog special orders will also be available. Our gift shop will be open during Religious School from 9 A.M.-12:00 P.M. and is located in the office side of our Synagogue. C e a d y . . . $ e t V ? T f A t's time to exert our civic responsibility and vote on November 7th. To help us prepare, Sisterhood and the Board of Directors held a political forum on October 17. The evening began with those present watching the last of the three Presidential Debates. Thanks to Bruce Feldman, programming chairperson for the Board, we had two TV's set up for us to watch this important match-up. After the debate, representatives from Jon Porter, Ed Bernstein and Shelley Berkley's campaigns spoke to us about their respective candidates. As an added bonus, Berkley, who had to remain in Washington to take care of congressional business, called before the forum began, gave us an update on what was happening in the Middle East. Thanks to his AN talents, Rabbi Golbart was able to tape the phone call so that we all could hear what she had to say later in the evening. Sisterhood Wish List Desserts for Oneg Shabbat Styrofoam Coffee Cups Decaf Coffee Used Light Bulbs (Used in place of glass for wedding ceremony) Men's Club Sisterhood's Pre-Election Pizza/Bingo Party B I N G O ' J j V f W ' m i i T sj&r * ? ? m- 001 Entertainment books are now Youn a*v""os STAn r ToDAV' on sale. Sample copies are available on the informational table and in the office. Still only $30 and can be used immediately. See any sisterhood member, Fern Kosh, Jennifer Ohriner or Helen in the office. Want to send an Entertainment book as a gift to an out of town relative or friend? Shipping is free and a gift card will be sent. Prices vary according to location. Associate membership cards {good for fine dining plus other items} Now available for $14.99. Many people helped organize this informative event including Linda Janovitch, who decorated our Temple with patriotic flair; Jennifer Ohriner, who did her typical superlative job in serving us some great Where: Paradise food to nosh on; and Rhoda Gogatz who, with her phone tree committee, made sure that our congregants knew about the event. Resorts at Decatur Thanks to all who attended. Now, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! and Reno Time: 10 A.M. Q o n Sunday, November 5 at 5:30 P.M., Sisterhood will offer a welcome break from the 2000 campaign with a Pre-election Pizza/Bingo Party. The charge is $10 per person. We encourage everyone to come and join in on the fun. Potential Sisterhood members are welcome to get to know the women of AAE and find out just why they are all members. The next Men's Club meeting: When: Nov. 12th Sisterhood Donations The following people have made generous donations in memory of Pauline Cohen Donna Ollins Linda & Steve Janovitch Fern & Sammy Kosh KolAri El The Lion's Voice Mishaberach List o ur Mishaberach List that is included in our publications, including the Shabbat Sen/ices Handout, serves a very useful purpose. It informs the congregation of the individuals who are ill and in need of healing. We join together each Shabbat and pray that G-d will give them the strength necessary to achieve wellness. In an effort to ensure a current Mishaberach List, here is a review our Mishaberach List maintenance policy: 1. To have an individual included on our Mishaberach List, please call the Synagogue office. You can even leave a message after hours. Your request must be directed to the office to ensure inclusion. All requests that are received before 9 AM Friday will be included on that Shabbat. Requests received after 9 AM Friday, will be included on the following Shabbat. Remember, you can also include your individual's name at Shabbat Services for that evening. Rabbi will ask for these names prior to the Mishaberach Prayer. Although, if you want that individual to be listed in our publications, you will need to inform the Synagogue Office. 2. Please call the Synagogue Office when your individual no longer needs our prayers. 3. We will purge all names on the Mishaberach List on the first Monday of the month. If you require continuation of your individual's name, you will need to again call the Synagogue Office for inclusion. The Mishaberach List is a reminder for all of us to include those listed in our prayers for wellness. It is also an opportunity for those listed, to help in the wellness of our Synagogue through contribution. Sincerely, Steven "the Data Guy" Janovitch E-mail List I s n ' t technology great? Well, I'm not sure that it is all great, although the advent of electronic mail does increase our ability to communicate. Much of what we do at Adat An El requires effective communication. So we should probably use all the methods that are available to us to achieve that goal. We have our Adat Ari El Hotline reachable at 702-390-8142, our Kol Ari El Monthly Newsletter, our Web Page at www.adatariel. com, periodic individual mailings, community papers such as the articles we submit for publication in The Reporter and The Israelite, and phone calls made by our Phone Tree Committee. Adat Ari El also incorporates e-mail as yet another method of communicating information. Many of you have access to e-mail as a resource for communication and we would like to include you in that format. Regarding security, Adat Ari El will only use our list for the purpose of communicating issues that are relevant to our Jewish Community. If you would like to be included in our e-mail list, please call the Synagogue Office or you can e-mail the office at Please tell us your e-mail address and your name. Sincerely, Steven "the Data Guy" Janovitch Page II The following is a reprint of Steven Janovitch's Kol Nidre Appeal o, nee again we stand on the threshold of a new year, and the sound of the Shofar signals the High Holy Days. It is a wake-up call to remind us that in order for our lives to have any meaning, there must be a spiritual side to our existence. Our synagogue is the spiritual center of our lives. All year long, dedicated officers and members give generously of their time and expertise to keep the many functions of our shul running smoothly. But volunteerism alone cannot cover the many expenses needed each day. Each and every member must contribute his individual share, and know he is helping sustain our synagogue. So, at this holiest time of the year, we must digress from our spiritual side and appeal to you for funds. It's a battle we wage between being a business and being Jewish. We cannot say to the electric company and the landlord that we cannot pay our bills because we are in the business of Judaism. The Kol Nidre appeal remains one of our most important fund raising sources. So this year, I was asked to deliver the Kol Nidre appeal. Well, I've never done anything like that before. I mean, standing in front of all of you and asking for money for our Synagogue. So I thought I would research the process. I am by no means an expert on Kol Nidre (Continued on page 11) KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page 9 del i*iou% Uhool few*. Check out the fun at this year's Sukkot Picnic o 'nee again, our annual Sukkot picnic was a great success. Lots of families turned out for this fall celebration. Rabbi told us about the significance of the holiday and how to pray in the Sukkah (see photo at left.) Aside from doing mitzvahs in the Sukkah, we ate lunch, played games and schmoozed with the other families there. Thanks to Chris Simon and the Religious School Committee for organizing the day, as well as Dr. Patricia Pierce and Mitch Aitman, for letting us once again use their home. Young Judaea Begins its Second Year at Adat Ari Ei ^ ^ oung Judaea, Adat Ari El's youth group, is the national youth group organization sponsored by Hadassah. There are local, regional and national events in which our children may participate. The program is for 3rd through 8th grades, and for high school students. The 3rd through 8th graders will meet on Sunday, November 12, following Religious School. Our plan is to try to break up this group into two groups if the numbers of 6th through 8th graders justifies it. Kol Ami, the senior high school program, will take a hike in Red Rock Canyon on Sunday, November 5 beginning at 1:00 p.m. A bus will depart from Adat Ari El at that time with Kol Ami students from the west side of town. I will be the attending rabbi for the event. A park ranger will lead the hike filled with interesting information about our natural habitat. I will bring a Jewish perspective to the hike. Please call our office if you would like to attend the event. There is no charge for the trip. Attention: THE NEXT RELIGIOUS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING IS NOVEMBER 5TH AT 10:30 A.M. WE WILL 8E PLANNING THIS YEAR'S RELIGIOUS SCHOOLCHANUKAH PARTY. SEE YOU THERE! Relisiows School OiahwUAVI VsiTtv\ i t ' s getting closer...Adat Ari El's Religious School Chanukah Party is happening on December 10th. Plans are in the works for this year's event, but you can bet it will be a lot of fun. Stay tuned fro more information. If you want to help plan this year's party, call the Synagogue office at 221-1230. CERTIFIED MOHEL LEROY BERNSTEIN, M.D. Ritual Circumcision nVn m a 796-7000 Certified by the Rnbbinic Council of Los Angeles JANE C. SCHWAGER B.A., M.A., M.L.S. Teacher/Tutor of ESL, English, Spanish, French (808)941-8224 C*) 5 9 ?> - C H l?> Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice Page 10 "jT NOVEMBER AND FUTURE EVENTS CALENDAR All Events are at the Synagogue Unless Otherwise Stated SHABBAT SERVICES ARE HELD EVERY FRIDAY EVENING AT 7:30 p.m. TORAH TOTS AT 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 1 Friday, November 3 Saturday, November 4 Wednesday, November 8 Sunday, November 12 Friday, November 17 Wednesday, November 22 Sunday, November 26 Sunday, December 2 Friday, December 8 Sunday, December 10 Friday, December 15 Saturday, December 16 Saturday, December 23 Sunday, December 31 Guide to Judaism Class Commences Special Shabbat Services Honoring Milly Cohen Oneg Shabbat Sponsored by AAE Board of Directors Monica Marder (Daughter of Marina Marder) Bat Mitzvah Guide to Judaism Class Men's Club Meeting Family Shabbat with Aleph/Gan Classes NCCJ Interfaith Thanksgiving Service LDS Las Vegas Stake Center No Religious School ? LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE ? Board of Directors Game Night Family Shabbat with Bet Class Religious School Chanukah Party Danielle Remer (Daughter of Sharon Remer) Bat Mitzvah Danielle Remer Bat Mitzvah AAE Chanukah Party Kids New Year's Eve Slumber Party Anyone now in Las Vegas that formerly lived in the Washington D.C. are, please contact Jack & Rochelle Silas at 800-763-6533 E-mail See our website at 7:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. Eliot M. Horowitz, M.D., FA.C.S., Ltd. Diplomate American Board of Urology Adult and Pediatric Urology Male Sexual Function 4275 Burnham. Suite #320 Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 (702) 735-3555 BY APPOINTMEJJT ONLY KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page II (Continued from page 8) appeals, in fact I was more ignorant than expert, although I felt a responsibility to speak to you through knowledge. So it was time to research KcH Nidre Appeals. Through my research, I looked in the library, on the internet, I even tried watching some of those late-night religious speakers on television. I found there were no books, no matches in search engines, and no relevance in gospel speakers. I concluded that, when it comes to a Kol Nidre appeal, there is no script to read, no guide to fo