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I agree.STARDUST HOTEL Press, Radio & TV Guest Lust I960 Tournament of Champions Name Badge No. Arrival A.xx xX .s??ci exon Press Card (For Meals at D.I. only) Bud Tucker 185 May 4 San Gabriel Valley Newspapers 2C6 A1 Warden & Mrs. 186 May $5 Ogden Standard-Examiner 207-208 Nels Cullenward & Mrs. 198 May 3 S.F. News & Call-Bulletin 220-221 Joe St. Amant 202 May 3 United Press International 245 Dick Hyland 203 May 3 Los Angeles Times 246 Larry Sharkey 201 May 4 Los Angeles Times 243 Pete Keken ) 222 May 5 Valley Times 247 Claude Newman) 223 May 5 Valley Times 248 f^AjUL h^jLjlJL V^L77,f P'fAf 22? kkf?ǣ/ p-s~d / J--TO