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I agree.Mr. Wm. Reinhardt: Omaha - February 21, 19^9 199 W M . R. MAR 2 *49 Referring to your le tte r to Mr. Ashby of January 27th, f i l e 1-733^» with reference to the Las Vegas Valley Water D istrict taking over our water-bearing lands and water distribu tin g system in the City of Las Vegas. Our position in any discussions should be as fo llo w s: iJ j that our properties are not fo r sale and that while we are probably not in position to block the ultimate acquisition of our water properties by the D istrict and w ill not therefore actively re s is t any action taken by the D istrict looking to the acqu isition thereof, we are not in position to negotiate fo r their sale; 2. that we w ill retain a ll o f our properties u n til forced to s e ll; that we decline to d isclose the values at which our properties are carried in our accounts and that any acquisition by the D istrict should be based on physical inven-^ tory at current value. A. STODDJ 1049