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    $o Tel. WOrthJ2r3797 AMERICAN Press Clipping Service Inc. 119ip|tssau Street N&|gprk City ^rommiii& W(^dMl%(^8m ?½e^YiSa?iJ N. Y. RTHE ORIGINAL omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19* St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 This Clipping From VARIETY NEW YORK, N. Y. TV Toppers (Buttons, Berle, Tallu) H Among Date Me With Vegas' Elite New York?╟÷Day&ty Day Fmm^ Post to Pillow Just wheil Hollywood folks were BeglrW ning to figure Joanne Drue was com-, ing aloni;fine and*fbu1*i#easurhig the usual bathing suit brigade in many i dimensions, the doll b^fes -Over so far to be different that she's )j?OW in perfect i position for a kick in-the pants. In upcoming Screenland, Joanne blurts that gals" who haven't Kissed Montgomery Clift j haven't missed a thing. .'I'd rather be kissed by a married man." Now, when the j public finishes paddy whacking her for | promoting juvenile delinquency, all Dru. has to do to become high priestess of | Hollywood foot-swallowers is get named correspondent in anybody's triangle, f^if i And, as Guy Lombardo notes, out there they change partners faster than in square dances. . . . Vaughn Monroe \0l stay on as m.c. of Camel music for CBS, althougJ I the Sauter-Finegan boys replace Monro*' | disbanded crew on that time in the fall iraP?? ?╟≤ I:^a Ray button's aetor-husband, ; Bandy Brook, is listening to her music ?╟≤ from an LA hospital bunk. . . -,r JflSL .$4 ijtesujfcjfc one witness they won't taipin^ ?√ß*^^case. The accident occurred, the comic | swears, when a drunk saw two lampposts ?╟÷and leaned against the wrong one. s By FRANK FARRELL. around the Lambs Club of late that he has been asked to tear up his card and take his bar business elsewhere. . . . The singing BarrJ- Sisters, who follow Fran Warren into the Club Elegante, have just applied long division to their dressmaker's addition with startling results. Their new gowns cost $62.50 per ounce. ... A swank upstate private school is offering to- summer-tutor June-flunker? with: "See us if you can't do a thing with your heir." Peg Lynch, creator of NBC's "Ethel & Albert" TV series, ^rites it, wardrobes and rehearses ra| and finally acts in it with Alan Bunce. All of which chews up^some 70 hours, per week. The other day she drew the usual reward for earnest toil when a model who babbles commercials disdainfully inquired: "Is this the only show you do all week? Chicago's Sarah Siddons Society names Helen Hayesi Nancy Kelly, Judith Anderson, Joan Blondell, Carol Bruce and 30 other leading ladies on its annual ballots for the Reason's vbest rH^eatrical performance in Chicago." The^Sotel Ambassador's Jimmy Hart is setting up the first annual statuette as Windy City's answer to Hollywood Oscars and Manhattan's Drama Critics Circle awards. ... A gaunt character actor has become such a character ?╟÷ Don DeFore is glad they've filmed episodes of the Ozzie & Harriet TV series well in advance. For while he's here for other videfe spots, Don's wife and their brood of fojjgi can see "the ;';lj;^^^^l man" at home week anyhow. . . . The pretty cowgal glued to bill- boarjJ^jflB^wild west- who's [pc^ntinil^to Las irbing no rush two for^ gift^i&rking. /t h City clkmciL^najor- ity leacreKf^iaugh- ^^^ ter Catherine is slated for graduation from St. Angela's Hall and his wife Helen gets installed as, president of that academy's auxiliary. .". . Stanley Melba won't have time to miss a beat this weekend. The Pierre's Cotillion Room closes Sunday night, but Stan and band start tooting in Westchester Country Club the following evening. . . . Maybe amour shouldn't change with the seasons, but for months to come those lovable three little words will sound more like: "Vacation with pay." Madeleine's bartender is saving something to try on a day off when it's raining and he doesn't have to worry about folding on a thick rug. A joker wanders up to his brass rail every couple of days to order a Yucca Plat and the results are Frank Farrell nuclear fissionlike. 'Consists of a headache fizz tablet in a goblet of champagne and?╟÷?√ß stand back, Mac. Film heiress Gloria Balaban's tragic .demise this week was a source of inconsolable shock to her legion of friends. She was so young and pretty. She was rich, I ; well-educated, a-social charmer, yet if / ^anything, democratic to .a fault. Her laugh was as gay as her sense of humor. She loved life, people and was trjtiled by, a L "battalion of Beaux; <r*T .""We all thought r Gloria was spoofing months ago when she/ | casually remarked, and frequently repeated) ; since, that she would be married on June! (9. To whom, she never specified. That, 'was the night she took sleeping tablets and passed away in Lenox.Hill Hospital. Comic Jack Benny, who doesn't like getting separated from money, will hay?? something to howl about July 4th. On] Monday following the holidays he andi Mary Livingston are court-calendared ill -Los Angeles to fight a U.S. t^X'claim. ,^|?j|f TV doll Peggy O'Hara and I shared guffaws on Retail Week's golden busridej j ; wondering what ever happened to somi missing photos. Months ago at a wingdinj in Macy's an eager-beaver CBS lensmai requested us to withdraw from the merrif ment and pose together. After snapping a half-dozen shots the Channel 2 camera^ J man asked our identities for caption puii 1 poses. Looked like a gent shot from am bush when Peggy gave her occupation a "Miss Channel 7," screen _ queen of tlj rival video net. Gene Sultan* 15-year-old batboy for tlj Giants who stages monthly shows JfpjiU ? underprivileged borough kids in Brooklw i jiNavy Yard, was Gus Steiner as a bus I : Broadway body in "As the Girls Go," "A j * My Sons" and "Season in the Sun." . .1 | Henry Street Settlement heads for tlj hills today. Goes bucolic for its annus benefit jamboree and dinner-dance o '<?√ß Echo Hill Farm, its summer camp j Westchester. WORLD-TELEGRAM AND SUN SATURDAY MAQAZIi Las Veg4??^teries are fattening up on vacg|ioning television head- liners. Thf^gainbling beltis profit' ing from the disappear^il'ee' * "- summer TV spectrffinlg'"*???√ß~- grams as Red Buttons, 'JBfflfc Show of Shows.^TitLl Sta] " * For example, Jack B^Trafter, Sands Hotel operator, W in/New York picking up whatjrctragtions ing made ava| Riviera, N. J?· cfpei buying for thefSaha^*|g"?u^ilarly shopping around for teevee top* I pers. Hal Braudis, .of the Thunderbird, and Abe Schiller, of the Flamingo, are also expected to tap tele shows for the hotels. ^t%te^t to be bought is Red But- t*msvwho goes into the Sands July 29. He follows Milton Berle ("Texaco Star TJtj^^^.'jnto that spot. Buttons is getting $10,000. That hotel has also pacted Tallulah.} Bankhead for next Veeefc. I The Sahara ha&.bought Marguerite Piazza ("Show of Shows") to open July 28. The Desert Inn hag pactied Betty Huttpn July 7 top, four weeks to^o$?·set;:|thf( teeveel headliners that the competition has! booked for that period. a Television personalities are now urging agents to go after Vegas) bookings. Aside frorti the money involved ?╟÷ a considerable factor since the gaming spots pay th?╜ highest coin-?╟÷is the~ "prestige. The personalities who make very infrequent personal appearances want to be up there on the list of th^ top names in show business who j play these cafes. ! Another factor that's making sjfl easier for Vegas cafes to booty i eastern tele personalities is its I proximity to Hollywood. Even if a1 performer doesn't go to the Coastj i while in the area, he'll be abl?╜ to talk to many Coast producers- ; and directors who go to the Nevada j glittery for short vacations and weekends. " . Button's 100G for 4 Hollywood, May 12. j Betty Hutton's long-awaited re- jturn to the nitery field in July for jher first cafe date since becoming la film name will be a four-week stand, at. a flat $100,000 at the jDesert Inn. She probably willJb# accompanied by-. The Skylarks- singing group which has been with iher in her validates, (current at IShubert, Chicago). j Miss Hutton's last nitery ap- jpearance was before the war when j she was vocalist With V|pjeent Lopez at Casa Manana, Ne?╜|||>rk. ?╟≤ Gale Storm's $22,5<MJ Hollywobflj||l# 12. j Gale Storm, star of 38pi radio and TV programs, "3V?║e Little Margie," will make herTnliery debut July 2 at the ^gi^erbird, Las Vegas. She'll' g^-^^00 perl frame for the threeAi^^^ttint. Singer currently .'?√ß&tjw0|t-ing together the act shell'.^p.wcase at the ThunderbirdVastd ^7 *our later in other''eafefc^vli^io-video show will be taped in advance to let her get away for the Las Vegas | date. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArcl*y/"|j&37l PR^ CLIPPII^pJREAU 165 Cjiurch Stfe^jjl^ew York Club Show'-I Is Taxing For Tallu NEW YORK, (UF)^Tallulah'j Bankhead appreciates "the ^$20,- '?√ß 000 a week?╟÷"after, all, I've al- I |days been ?╟≤ about one jump I ahead of the sheriff despite all j the money I've made >in my : llife"?╟÷but she doesn't fancy any j [more nightejjjlpiliiflteements. \ TalkiaggSi^ this igjtial ex-j ^^^^ Vegas, j after her 'sk^Ksful debut week^Hgagement atj . the Sands^FOtel, the noted j 'stag?·T^^p^d -she was both j frightened, great strain to uhder- \ something like this," she I said. "I doubt if T}1 be able to I simmer down until I get back i home to my country pla^e at Bedford,; N.^ Y.?? I 3appreciate'j the response the people^have been kind enough- to giVe me j and the help by the'"manage- i ment of the Sands, * but, I, just I.-: can't wait for it to be' o^r." 1 ?╟≤ A CHECK; with Miss |Jank- I head's management here^. the 1 William Morris office,^diseiosed m: t^at Her.success in Las Vegas 1 had resulted in night-club of- I iera frQQ^other ,place?║e,. bu^ Mj that no more dates hadj; been m set. Not every- pl|fcC& of course, w can afford'" a $?║O^0OO|^;Week I salary-if or one. performance bS^; ml cause billy in Neyada-"^teclubs I have the ^benefit! of|^Shuge f revenue from, gambling? 1 'Tfc sounds like alotoptnoney j for threEw6eks, do^|'t it," j the actress said, "but I^tually don't get much more out of it j than enough, to .. meet: running \ expenses,*:>t^isidering the tax \ bite, costs of bringing. & staff here with me, getting .special ' gowns for the? *%ifeag^|ent?╟÷ j $8,000 for the gowns allffle. It i reall^goes." ^Wf^ ?√ß MISS "BAN&ffiEAD^ vS) did | a TV show once.^a month for j NBC last season, isn^t'sure \ what the .tfeitwpfk.wilLdp^'with j her in the^lij^i rode<?·^t$rting | in the fal^^^H ,, ?╟≤'-^j^g , "There^ fr^l^spme w 'of | more sbow^^ffi f-the \ Splsical ! variety^ foipiaK ;jhat ^&ed,'' I she said,;"M#|j^it|;ds^^te. I'm not too keen;-on continuing : in^thS^t^W^'tebT'l wc^f^^ce to do a .filmed- series cafciialf- hour prograjM^^sed orf^^a- tion ^medj^^OSSibly symj& $he playfj?║g,: myisp^^-MbEra^^tat wou^^tem fro^a^m^ acwittes andjp|^Jy3|n^p|*' ?╟≤ "l|?t^fethft^-l^:e tha^!al?es af^^w-3^f p|fEntfing?╟÷yotS;|rai't L wai^^'. bothefc'Tunless ^^"e suref ; of getting a good air tf^ "may be .that'.'.it's just>too late now to getrguch [ pr^etot unde^ wa?╜Jn tbne for j the'riclipng ;^Kf^^wihtdr." REG^RDIH|.| jp)R desire never to >re night j club woi'k, she'-was reminded j that she had written in her re- ' cent autobiogr||h-3!f ?√ß' that shea never wanted^^tbt in a play| again. v*"-"':.