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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, October 1994



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    Cci?gregaticp Ner Tarpid Tan t The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas Tishri - Cheshvan 5755 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Leah Kamer Preschool Director Gerald Gordon President Monty E. Willey Administrator Rebecca Herren Bulletin Editor WorsAip Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Cantorial Soloist, Bella Feldman October 1, 1994 Shabbat Services - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Jason Smylie Kiddush Sponsored by The Smylie Family October 7, 1994 Shabbat Service - 7:30 PM Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood October 8, 1994 Shabbat Services - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Unger Kiddush Sponsored by The Unger Family October 14, 1994 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Bar Mitzvah of Ben Newman Oneg Sponsored by The Newman Family October 15, 1994 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of J.A. Arnold Kiddush Sponsored by Marge Neadell October 21, 1994 Shabbat Family Dinner - Grade 5 - 6:00 pm Family Service - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by 5111 Grade Parents October 22, 1994 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Jamie Greenspun Kiddush Sponsored by The Greenspun Family October 28, 1994 Shabbat Service - 7:30pm Bar Mitzvah of Shawn Scott Oneg Sponsored by The Scott Family tf Interpretive Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired are the 2nd Friday of each month. tf Baby-sitting every Friday night getting to know people in our congregation can be made easier by joining a havurah. A havurah is a group of couples, families, and/or individuals who commit to meeting on a regular basis. It?s a terrific way to become ac?quainted with other congregants, to support and participate in Temple functions. Havurahs are open to Temple members only. Last October, Congregation Ner Tamid held its First Annual All-Havurah Pot Luck Get To?gether. Over one hundred people came to share fabulous food and lots of laughter with old and new friends. Many new havurahs were formed that night and will con?tinue to form. I \ S IIIE T II I S Editio \ Rabbi?s Message 2 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 2 President?s Message 3 From the Administrator?s Desk 3 Kids Corner Preschool 4 Religious School News 5 Bar Mitzvah 8 Yahrzeits 9 Auxiliaries & Committees 12 Community News 14 Anniversaries & Birthdays 16 Tributes 17 Please join us for the Second Annual All-Havurah Pot Luck Get Together on October 9th at 6:30 pm at Congregation Ner Tamid. The evening is planned for those interested in joining a havurah, those interested in changing from their present ha?vurah, or those who are in estab?lished havurahs. Havurah applications can be picked up from the Temple Of?fice. If you had sent us an appli?cation last year, but were not placed, please be sure to come to our Pot Luck Dinner. There are now openings in some established havurahs and many new ones will be established on October 9th. The input received indicates that the main purpose of those who join a havurah is a social one and that?s fine, but who can bet?ter choose your friends than you! We?d really appreciate an R.S.V.P. to properly set up the evening and let you know what to bring for the Pot Luck Dinner. It is helpful for a liaison from each of the established havurahs to R.S.V.P. as well. To R.S.V.P. or have any ques?tions answered, please contact Rona Mendelson at 458-1536.message from abbi "People A>re OWore important" C^Sachus. That?s what we hope our children give us. And sometimes they do simply by showing us that in some small way they have indeed been listening and learning to the simple lessons we?ve given them. This past Shabbat I decided to reinforce the lesson of Tzedakah. I had a discussion with my daughter about how each week I would like her to decide to give a part of her allowance to Tzedakah. It would be up to her to decide exactly how much, but I suggested that she might keep 1/3 of her allowance, save 1/3 and give 1/3 to Tzedakah. We talked about the importance of giving to others. In the past we have collected cans for the poor or given away clothing to the needy, but this was the first time I had ever asked her to give up her hard earned money herself. After our dis?cussion, I asked her, ?Now tell me how much do you want to give this week to Tzedakah?" She took out her entire allowance and said, "all of it!? I was a little taken aback and I said to her, "Now, are you sure? If you give this money up today it will take you longer to buy those toys you?ve been saving up for.? ^J^would like to extend a special THANK YOU to all of our Adult Choir members for enhancing our High Holiday services with their wonderful music. I appreciate all of their hard work and support of our music pro?gram. I hope you all noticed our brand new robes which were purchased with the proceeds from our ?Buffet of Jewish Music? concert series. Adult Choir rehearsals will resume on Thursday, October 20 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the Sanctuary. I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging new year for our choir and encourage anyone who likes to sing to join usl If you have any questions about the choir please feel free to call me at the Temple. Our Junior Choir has come back together and did an outstanding job leading us in song at our Simchat Torah Family Service! This year we will be learning a lot of fun, new music to make some of our most joyous holi?days even more exciting! If you came to Sukkot services you may have noticed some melodies that you never heard before. What you were listening to was actual ?nusach? or traditional cantorial chant for Sukkot. Almost every festival has it?s own ?nusach? that is carried throughout the service. As part of my studies with Cantor Sharlin I will be learning all of the various melo?dies to enhance our services. Shalom, Bella Without a blink of an eye she re?sponded, ?But Daddy, people are more important than toys." People are more important than toys! What could I say? It was all I could do to hold back a tear of pride. Now there may be some who would say, "Rabbi, she?s young yet. She doesn?t really know what toys cost and the true value of money.? To which I would respond, ?No, I think she has learned the value of money very well.? Nachus. The joy of knowing that a cherished value has been passed on. What could be a better New Year gift than this? B?Shalom, Rabbi SANCTUARY FUND GOAL 1.8 million 1.8 HELP US MEET OUR GOAL! mil. 2 T S p e c ia l SPJace SJo D S e/o n y $ C ongregation N er T amid $ message At first blush one would conclude that a two year term as Congrega?tional President is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Two years of meetings and telephone calls, re?cruiting Congregants as "volunteers" for innumerable and demanding ac?tivities, programs and religious events, attendance at services and events, bulletin articles and being the recipient of Congregants? com?pliments, suggestions and criticisms (with criticisms far outweighing the latter two). Well, after completing more than one-half of my term, I must confess that "it ain?t necessar?ily so." The thought that this is a thank?less job is prevalent among Congregants. It is cyclical in the sense that as the High Holidays ap?proach more and more Congregants come up to me and state to the ef?fect ?How do you do it? I could not and would not be President.? Well, I?ll let you in on a little secret. The best time to be Congregational President is at the High Holidays. I have a reserved seat for every ser?vice. My chair is very comfortable. I have my own air-conditioning unit located on the stage so I am at least 10? cooler than the rest of you. I have a view of the entire room and watch as late arrivals attempt to find adjoining seats and avoid the tent. Most of all, it is a wonderful feeling to join with you in prayer and reflection. So, don?t harbor any sympathet?ic thoughts for those individuals who preceded me as President or for those who will succeed me as President. And a special note to the person (a past-President, no less) who recruited me for this position: thank you. Jerry Gordon ~xzr IVIy first month back was very rewarding. The overwhelming ?welcome back? from congregants and the staff was deeply appreciat?ed. It is indeed good to be back. While this could have been a trying time to return - due to events surrounding the High Holi?days - it was made easier by the preparation already accomplished prior to my return. Thanks to Cal Lewis, Ron Worth and many others for their hard work on this years? Kol Nidre Campaign; their efforts and yours are truly appreciated. you may have had during this High Holiday period. The maintenance, office staff, and numerous volun?teers, have been working very hard to ensure that you were treated fair?ly and were made comfortable dur?ing this hectic period. Please thank them and feel free to give me your comments on any issue that may concern you; the only way to cor?rect any problem areas is for me to be aware of them. Again, it is great to be back and to be a part of this family as it con?tinues to grow. I appreciate your patience and understanding with any problem Monty E. Willey Temple Board Members Jerry Gordon President Alan Mann VP Administration Stephen Joseph VP Ways <Sd Means Lois Doctors VP Membership Eileen Kollins VP Religious Activities Phiup Goldstein VP Education Debbie Levy VP Social Jack Nitzkin Treasurer Janis Rounds Recording Secretary David Stahl Trustee Nadine Cracraft Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jerry Pous Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee David Gross Sanctuary Maxine Gratz Sisterhood Scott Dockswell Brotherhood Ronae Fink Golden Chai Libby Goldstein NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Koluns Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio thank you toda raba _c CNT thanks the o _Q Adult Choir members: O Frances Klamian _c O ?Q Bonni Casale Barbara Feldman-Bella-Flores O Christy Molasky D Dee Ann Emmer o Barbara Rosenberg s/ Maxine Molinsky c Florence Ellison o Sabra Lessnick * Marty Fessler Bernie Welan Art Gellin Shirley Gellin Sheldon Rosenberg Michael Mehr thank you toda ra ba tLuJc, you, $ C ongregation N er T amid 3 1 (S p ecia lO /a ce Oo 03elo n g 3 -tRanfe you toda raba thank you todah rabahKid?s It?s September and CNT preschool is again in session. We have new children that are adorable and we are delighted to have them with us. Our program will include the ?building blocks? of Judaism to give each child his first taste of our culture and belief system. We began shortly after the start of school to celebrate Rosh Hashanah which we did with our ?honorary grandpareyits? Ronae and Joe Fink. They visited and shared with us their yummy cookies and did a holiday story to the delight of all. We have Yom Kippur next and we will have each child tell us a prayer that we will turn into a collection for the children to take home. Those are some of the things we?ve done, but we have an agenda that goes way beyond holiday celebrations. Meet CNT?s New Preschool Director Leah Kamer has been ap?pointed by the Board of Direc?tors as Congregation Ner Tamid?s new Preschool Direc?tor after the departure of Dotty Gross who is moving to Atlanta, Georgia. Leah was born in Chicago, moved to Tucson, Ari- zonia when she was nine and has been a resident of Las Vegas since 1991. She has a BA from the University of Arizonia in Social and Behavioral Science. In 1992, she became certified to substitute teach in the state of Nevada. This is Leah?s third year teaching at CNT and re?marks, ?it is a unique opportunity to work with chil?dren while they are very young and enhance their feelings of security in a school setting.? Self-esteem as well as a love of knowledge, are priorities at CNT on a regular basis. Leah is married to Don Kamer (a golfer), and has a grown daughter, Stephany, who has recently moved to Las Vegas. Mazel Tov to Leah on her new position. 4 5 ! SpecialCPIace Uo 33e/onp CNT preschool focuses on a feeling of security and comfort for each child who will leave mom?s side for the first time. We provide a home away from home with much love and personal care. The older child will experience a pre-K program that will be an introduction into the reading and writing they will soon face. CNT?s program encompasses all the needs of the 3-5 year olds and we seek support to enlarge our enrollement. Last, but certainly not least, is our new addi?tion, Helene Rabin. She is a wonderful Temple pre?school teacher who has recently moved here from California. CNT welcomes her with open arms. Please come in and meet us and see our school ? we are very proud of CNT Preschool. L?shanah Tovah, Leah Kamer Helene Rabin Corner ^ % y/y/ e will be holding our Campership Committee Meeting on Sunday, October 9th at 9:30 am - 10:00 am in the Social Hall of the Temple. I will be giving out all of the scholarship in?formation at this time. We have many things ^ ^ #1.1 planned for fund-rais- / ' T Vv ers? a fashion show, bake sale and partici?pation in the Channukah Bazaar. Scholarships will be awarded in February, so please support this program to send our children to Jewish Camps. Thank you, ^ Melissa Glovinsky? Campership Chairperson $ C ongregation N er T amid ? School 'Heart by Jackie Fleekop *7\ne holidays have passed and we have all been reminded of our responsibili?ties as Jews to G-d; ourselves, commu?nity (CNT), and the future. The M. B. Dalitz Religious School is the first of many steps towards preserving the fu?ture of Judaism. Responsibility is not always easy; it may mean inconve?nience, dedication and commitment. We do not have a choice as to educate our children secularly or not, it?s man?dated by a social structure. Religious education is also mandated by Torah. We can choose our degree of obser?vance of congregation involvement and of financial commitment, but WE MUST educate our children Jewishly! The ?we? I speak of are parents. We must project a positive attitude towards religious school and our duty as parents is to require our children to except this religious education as part of their lives. The fact that we had a larger than ever turnout for our parents? orientation is a sign to me as principal that parents at CNT care and are willing to get in?volved. Our Sisterhood served a de?lightful continental breakfast at our parent orientation. The CNT sisterhood as always can be counted on to add a touch of class to any occasion; thanks ladies. I am excited about this year?s pro?gram and staff and the students seem to be enjoying these past few weeks. Our staff will offer your children a cre?ative and well developed curriculum in 5755. We thank you for entrusting us with your children?s religious education and we recognize the awesome respon?sibility. Shalom, Jackie Fleekop If you need to reach the principal, your child or teacher during school hours, call 369-8633 / would like to thank everyone who helped make the High Holdiay Youth Success! Thank you for your time ? Melissa Glovinsky Bella Feldman Jackie Fleekop Billy Tiep Joy Willey Dave Rounds Michael Lamont Ryan Pretner Susan Beddia Service Direction Supplies & Support Songleader Activity Leader Leader Leader Leader lolie Alhadef Joel Fleekop Ron Fleekop Danny Gross Mike Giordano Aimee Worth Lindsey Bernay Kevin Spoor Aide / Setup Aide / Torah Reader Aide Aide Aide Aide / Setup Aide / Setup Cameraman Harmony Letizia Shawn Scott Jeremy Poster Jay Poster Abbie Spoor Robyn Schwartz Lucas Grower Service such a Aide Setup Setup Blowing Shofar Aide Aide Aide ~J1 S p e c ia l 0 Congregation N er Tamid d 'P la ce 3 o O le /o n j 5 Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad B'nai Mitzvah/Confirmation Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Abbie Beth Levy 1st Grade Ronald Weingard 3rd Grade This year Rabbi Akselrad will be teaching 2 classes. One will be a special ?Rabbi?s Class? for B?nai Mitzvah students on Sunday morn?ings. This class will focus on the meaning of prayers, an understand?ing of the Torah, and incite into what it means to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Rabbi will also be teach?ing 9th grade Confirmation class on Thursday evenings. This class will focus on Jewish current events and applying traditional Jewish values to modem day issues. This is the beginning of Jackie?s second year as Education Director at Congregation Ner Tamid. As al?ways, her first concern for the chil?dren is motivation, and her goal is still to enliven our school environ?ment to inspire the children to live Judaism in their everyday life. She envisions a school that establishes its students' self-esteem. We hope to see Jackie?s vision come true. Abbie has been promoted to the first grade. Abbie taught kindergar?ten last year. We are so happy to have her return to our staff again this year. I have been a public school teach?er from New York state since 1956 at the elementary level. I taught in Long Island Hebrew Schools for over 35 years and was a Hebrew School Principal for 3 years. I love classroom teaching and 1 look for?ward to my teaching affiliation with Congregation Ner Tamid. Bella Feldman is entering her third year as a staff member at Congre?gation Ner Tamid. Bella will not only be teaching music, but will also lead Tefila during Religious School. Bella conducts CNT?s Adult Choir and the Junior Choir. I?m happy to introduce myself as the new kindergarten teacher at CNT. I?m a single mom with 2 children and moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Las Vegas six weeks ago. Before Georgia, I lived in Flor?ida since 1977. While in Georgia, I taught gifted children and in Flor?ida I taught kindergarten and was an administrator of a preschool. I have a huge affinity for children and feel they have a wonderful, fresh outlook on life and I value their viewpoints tremendously. Anna is a student at UNLV and is very involved in her Jewish identi?ty. Anna teaches second grade and is energetic and creative. She is new to our staff and we are proud to have her in our family. This year, Reli is teaching fourth grade in the M.B. Dalitz Religious School. Reli is a student at UNLV and is very involved in the Jewish Student Union. She holds a dual citizenship from the United States and Israel which is something she is very proud of. We are very hap?py to have her on our staff again this year. Bella Feldman Music Anna Akiva 2nd Grade 4th Grade 6 S p e c ia l C P/ace SJo /J /e /o n p $ C ongregation N er T amid # Peter Dubowsky 5 th Grade Peter is an attorney here in Las Ve?gas. He was born in Long Island, New York and has moved here via Miami, Israel and Los Angeles. Pe?ter lived in Israel during his high school years. He attended boarding school in Jerusalem where the cur?riculum included rigorous academ?ics in the areas of Hebrew and Israeli History. He attended Flori?da International University in Mi?ami and Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles. Michael team teaches with Melis?sa Glovinsky. He is a History teacher at Thurman White Middle School and was voted National Middle School Teacher of 1994. Michael enjoys teaching and is very interactive in the manner he uses to reach his 6th and 7th grade stu?dents. We are very happy to have Mr. Michael Lamont as a return teacher for 5755. ot^Selobi Michael Lament 6th & 7th Judaic Melissa Glovinsky 6th &? 7th Hebrew Melissa has been involved with our Religious School since her teens. What can you say about someone who takes numerous hours to pre?pare lessons for her 6th and 7th grade Hebrew students. Someone whose smile can set the tone for a delightful day of learning. We are proud that someone of her intelli?gence and dedication is on the M.B. Dalitz staff. Avis is a longtime member of our congregation, a community activist and a teacher at UNLV. Avis tutors our beginning and fourth grade stu?dents. Avis Katz can take a student from a 0 to a 10 in a few weeks. We are happy she has decided to help us again this year. Avis Katz Tutor Hi, my name is Sandee Fleekop. I am a junior at UNLV studying Psy?chology. I am tutoring at Congre?gation Ner Tamid this semester because I plan to go to Israel in Jan?uary. I look forward to a great se?mester here at Ner Tamid. Sandee Fleekop Tutor Toni was bom in Cologne, Germa?ny. She attended school in London, England and Chicago, Illinois. She is married to Gil Frazin and has 3 children and 5 grandchildren. Toni lived in California for 36 years where she was active in Temple Shalom as President for one year and taught Israeli dancing and third-year Hebrew. Toni moved to Las Vegas in May of 1994 and hopes to become an active member of the Jewish community. Toni Frazin Tutor &? Israeli Dance The youth of CNT do not walk away after Bar/Bat Mitzvah. They take the greatest step forward as adults and that is to help a child. In this case, they help the teacher and student as aides in our Religious School to obtain a quality education. Many of these aides volunteer their time and effort on Sundays when they could be resting or studying. The best and the busiest person always finds time for a Miz- vot. We salute the "Teen Aides? of the M.B. Dalitz Religious School. To dak Rabah, Religious School Staff of CNT 71 S p e c <7 C ongregation N er Tamid V ia l T h e e 7o DTelong 7 Jason Smylie Bar Mitzvah - October 1 I attend Becker Middle School and am in the 8th grade. My in?terests are varied. I love to ski and snowboard during the winter and rollerblade, play basketball and swim during the summer. I enjoy listening to music and going to concerts. I play the clarinet in Varsity Band at school and also play the piano at home. On Oc?tober 1 I will have the honor of becoming a Bar Mitzvah. I feel very blessed to have many friends and relatives coming from all over the country to share this special moment in my life. I hope you can spend it with me, too. Hi! My name is Matt Unger. My Bar Mitzvah will be on October 8. I am very excited about it. I am in the 8th grade at Thurman White Middle School and my fa?vorite class is English. I am in?volved in many different after school activities; such as Knight Flight (a group of 6th, 7th and 8th graders who perform gymnas?tics at other schools). At home, I enjoy drawing, swimming, jump?ing on my trampoline, listening to music and hanging out with my friends. I hope to see you at my Bar Mitzvah, along with my friends and family. Matt Unger Bar Mitzvah - October 8 Ben Newman Bar Mitzvah - October 14 Hi! My name is Ben Newman and my Bar Mitzvah will be on October 14. I am in the 7th grade at Helen C. Cannon Middle School. My favorite sub?jects are science and math; and 1 hope to become an aeronautical engineer. My hobbies are collecting marvel cards, playing baseball and ping pong. Right now I am in training for my black belt in Karate. I have relatives coming from all over the country for my Bar Mitzvah and that means a lot to me. I hope to see a lot of you there, too. James Arnold Bar Mitzvah - October 15 Shalom! Friends and family call me J.A. I serve on the Junior Ad?visory Board for Homeless Kids. Baseball is my favorite sport along with bike riding, rollerblading and basketball. For relaxation I like to collect baseball cards. I am in the 7th grade at Becker Middle School; and am enjoying making new friends. I?ve been at?tending religious school at CNT for 6 years. My Bar Mitzvah will be October 1 5 and I look forward to having the congregation join me, my family and friends for this special tradition. Hi! My name is Shawn Scott and I attend 7th grade at Burkholder Middle School in Henderson. I would enjoy your company along with my family and friends on October 28 when I will become a Bar Mitzvah. This is a great hon?or and I hope that you can be a part of it. I?ve been attending ser?vices all the time since kindergar?ten. Peace in Israel is the theme of my Bar Mitzvah. Bar Mitzvah - October 28 8 31 Special SPIace Uo 33e/onj $ C ongregation N e r T amid ? OcXcU* 7 Ruth Weingardt Edward Freeman Joseph Berent Gerald Persion Doris Lee Rose Rubin Edward Sanoff Teri Seltzer OdeltA Jack Hepler Abraham Livenston Rebecca Markowitz Isadore Rubinson Edward Mintz Harriet Myers Ned Bortman Louis Frank Ben Millman Howard Weidenfeld Doris Soren 0<AcIm 21 Annie Lader Isadore Zuck Louis Goldberg Sylvia Kramer Arnold Nathanson Sol Stillman L Nathan Barg beloved uncle of Michael Cherry Helen Cowan beloved aunt of Cal Lewis Vera Cuneo beloved aunt of Gloria Fine Ida Blumenfeld Morris Alper Philip Toff el Sylvia Slocum Frieda Levy Fred Bradfield Larry Miller Tillie Bycel Charles Amsterdam Molly Seltzer 0<XcIm 2? Benedict Kimelman Henry Gutman Max Spann Martin Michael Moish Goldberg Ada Kaplan Lena Portville Hyman Levine Nathan Ellis Abraham Grossman Anna Paiewsky Juliet Mark William Moses Morris Rabin Warren Wachs Dorothy Roogow Esther Levy Richard Ewan \JCo l More Appeal 1994 Bronze Joan & Leslie Dunn .9%WTER Hortense Alper 0OUBLE (jHAI Daryl Alterwitz & Teri Shoofey Morton & Elinore Livenston Steven Mack Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg Ghai Neil & Sylvia Beller Sara Beth Cutter Don & Lill Eisner Harry & Lisa Fagel Melvin & Helen Krauss Mark & Deanna Levin Michael Mehr & Susan Beddia Sam & Claire Prezant Michael & Mary Zone cShofar Denise & Jordana Alderette Sylvia Bilofsky A1 & Ellen Bimbaum Louis Bradfield cShOFAR, continued Will & Suzann Denton- Pratt Roger & Sandy Ewan Steven & Sandi Fried Cecilia Friedman Alfred & Arlyne Gerstler Michael & Doreen Gust Eugene & Dorothy Henkin Dr. Jack & Bernice Hirsh Barry Horowitz Alvin Kleinman David & Christi Obcr Marvin & Roberta Price Nathaniel & May Raichelle Dr. Fred & Arlene Toffe! Dr. David & Jacqueline Wikler cSHOFAR, continued Judge Gilbert Yarchever Lee & Debra Zechter Sandra Ziskrout Friend Stan Barbanell Thomas & Merrie Bigham Max Blumenfeld Jerry Cohen Jodie Cohen Ted & Maria Comfort Alma Covitz Sophie Doctors Scott & Patricia Dockswell Bob & Toni Frank Bob & Lori Frankl J?RIEND, continued William & Sally Feldman Moe & Helen Ginsberg Solomon & Lilyan Goldberg Mildred Gordon Ray & Sharon Gordon & Family Martin & Ronnie Grower Dolly Gust Mitzy Ilalpern Isadore Hazan Matt Herren Rubert & Rochelle Kennard, Jr. Alfred & Joyce Karchem Edythe Katz Harold & Selma Katz continued cm Page 15 The above names are additional contributors to Kol Nidre that were made after the book had been published. b C ongregation N er T amid b 71 S p e c ia l TP/ace Jo O Je/o n j 9 1 ST ANNUAL CNT OPEN GOLF CLASSIC ROYAL KENFIELD GOLF COURSE ALL YOU CAN EAT BARBEQUE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1994 FOUR MAN SCRAMBLE ? SHOT GUN START NOON CHECK-IN ? 1:00 PM TEE OFF SPONSER A TEAM ? SPONSER A HOLE ? SPONSER BOTH!!! GAMES OF SKILL ? CLOSEST TO THE HOLE ? MULLIGANS AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION CALL STEPHEN JOSEPH ? 656-9963 VOICE MAIL ? 593-2565 10 5? S p e c ia lC P /a c e Do 3 3 eIo n a $ C ongregation N erT amid $ Are You Interested In Conversion or Know Someone Who Is? Rabbi Akselrad will having CNT?s conversion classes beginning October 13th at 8:00 PM in the library at Congregation Ner Tamid. The current schedule is: October 13 October 20 November 3 November 10 More dates are being scheduled. If you would like more infor?mation please contact Judy at our Temple office - 733-6292. Mark Your Calendar For the ?New Member Coffee' get together being held on Octo?ber 16, 1994 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 PM. For location and more information call Lois Doctors at 456-0915. TO; The ?Torah Group Study? class V-Oj ? will resume on Tuesday ^ -f) & 1- October 11th at noon. The group meets every other Tuesday in Rabbi Akselrad?s study. Bring along a sack lunch and be part of the Torah discussion. For those who are interested in studying Torah and learning how Torah relates to life today, is welcome to join. Call Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292 or Katherine Scott at 564-0903. EVOLUTION Birth of a Mitzvahll First came the ?Oscar,? then came the ?Tony,? then the ?Emmy.? Now is the time of the Kugel Queen for 1994. Will it be you?! Enter Today ? Become ?Ms. Noodle Kugel 199V Name:____________________________________ Address:___________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ or call Fran Sanoff at 457-0876 or Shirley Gellin at 457-6320 All High Holiday Services were video taped and are available at a nominal fee. For more information about acquiring one of these memorable tapes, call Monty Willey, Temple Administrator, at 733-6292. 3 S p ecia lC C ongregation N er Tamid $ P /ace 3 o 33e/on<j 11 AUXILIARIES & Qolden 0IAI "What is a Day in a person?s life? Isn?t it the most precious treasure that can be given us? ? Morris Goldstein We begin this October 1994 or 5755 with each day a new challenge. Every day is a time to turn over a new leaf; every day we can start to learn, begin to live and commence to love. Days are opportunities that G-d gives us to reopen our lives to the possibilities of what we may still be?come. Bahya Ibn Pakudah said ?Days are scrolls; write on them what you want to be remembered." Welcome back to Golden Chai - Brunch is at 11:30 am on the first and third Thursday?s of each month - Join us!!! Calendar Music - Dancers &. Singers October 6 Ex-Governor Mike O?Callahan October 20 Trip to Mesquite November 17 (no Social Hall meeting) Channukah Lunch December 1 Remember, yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, today is the only cash you have; spend it wisely. Shalom, Ronae Jewish Similes Network & V'|M?omim| Events ? Family Picnic Sunday, October 16. Time and location TBA. ? Zion Getaway Sunday, October 23 at 8:00 am. Join JSN for a fun-filled trip to Zion National Park, Utah. More details in the October bulletin. ? Halloween Party Saturday, October 29 at 7:00 pm til ???. Location TBA. For further information, either contact Jay Poster at 247-8715 or the JSN Hotline at 897-7990. . 12 5 1 S p e c ia l CP/ace ZJo SP elonp Outreach The committee is working on the results from the in?formational questionnaire that was sent to all congregants. If you have not already sent back your ques?tionnaire, please feel free to drop it in the mail or by the office. The questionnaire will be used to develop addition?al programming which re?flects congregational needs. On November 20 the Out?reach Program will center on the holiday dilemma of the Channukah and Christmas seasons. If you are interested in finding out more about Out?reach, please contact either Nadine Cracraft at 254-2862 or Sue Joseph at 656-9963. Social Action Committee The Social Action Committee is pleased to report that dur?ing the High Holiday period we have had the most success?ful canned food drive since we have begun this annual event. Bags were handed out to the congregants at Erev Rosh Hashanah services. More than 2,000pounds were returned. These were passed on to the Jewish Family Service and the Weekend Emergency Assistance Program. The Jewish Fam?ily Service provided the names of the homes and numbers of Jews to our committee. In addition, for the first time our Committee prepared at the home of Natalie and Gil Shaw Rosh Hashanah gift bags that were distributed to Jewish res?idents of three local convalescent hospitals. The bags included a miniature challah, fruit, juice, and a holiday card. Make sure that if you have a youngster who is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two and living out of town that you submit in writing by October 28th the following information: Name, address, birthday, and whether or not they will be home for Thanksgiving. This year the beginning of Channukah falls during the Thanksgiving weekend. This makes a difference for our gift distribution at the holiday. We are repeating the Annual Channukah Bazaar Blood Drive. Joe Fink will be in charge once more. Please contact Joe at 454-8929 if you are able to donate blood during the Bazaar. It will be collected both by appointment and on a drop-in basis. Save the date of January 29th for a new Mitzvah Day Project. We will be doing a variety of activities both in the temple and out in the community. Examples are volunteer?ing at a shelter, visiting Jewish residents of convalescent hos?pitals, doing a cleanup project at Red Rock Canyon, sorting clothing from a clothing drive, etc. More information will follow. If you are interested in serving on a temple-wide Mitzvah Day Committee, please call the Temple and leave your name. $ C ongregation N er T amid 0 SISTERHOOD ?7 Ain?t It Good To Know You \"
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    jhp000721 jhp000721-011 The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 1994"