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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. R.-E. Wells, #3. March 19, 1909. should on ly he o f a temporary nature and that when the shops are fin is h e d that th e system he femodeled and made e f fe c t iv e . In th is connection I have to advise th at I have th is morning received from Superintendent Cullen a Form 30 asking fo r au th ority to in s t a ll A ir Compressors arid A ir R eservoirs and lin e s at O tis and Vegas. In view o f the fa c t th at we w i l l put la rge Compressors in the Vegas Shops I do not deem i t advisable to in s t a ll the plan t covered hy the Form 30 at th at poin t at th is tim e. Yours tr u ly , SGT-Z. Enc.