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uac000136. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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C O N S T I T U T I O N i Inter-Greek Council University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada PREAMBLE We, the combined social fraternities and sororities on the campus of University of Nevada, Las Vegas believe that a well organized fraternity system can provide a strong and pos-itive contribution to the educational functions at this univer sityv We also believe that through close cooperation between ourselves and the university, we can engender a soirit of good will to the mutual benefit of all. We therefore, establish this constitution for the exercise of a responsible self-gov-ernment of our affairs within the student body. ARTICLE I Name and Purpose Section I - Name The name of this organization shall be the Inter-Greek Council of University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (I.G.C.) Section II - Purpose The purpose of IGC shnll be to promote and coordinate the interests and activities of the sororities and fraternities that are members of this Inter-Greek Council. ARTICLE II • Authority and Responsibility Section I - Scope of Authority (a) The Inter-Greek Council is the officially reco.°m£ed student organization for communication, policy recommendation, and legislation on general administration matters between the university administration and the fraternities and sororities. (t>) Only those fraternities and sororities which are mem-bers in good standing of "the Inter-Greek Council shall be al-lowed to participate in the or/ranired fraternity and sorority programs conducted under the auspices of the Inter-Greek Council. (c) The IGC has the authority to discipline member or-ganization through the due process in accordance with the provisions of the by-laws of these articles. Section II - Responsibility (a) Ultimate responsibility for all phases of University activity rests with the Board of Regents and the school admin-istration. As a part of the University, therefore, the fra-ternity and sorority system is responsible to the Dean of Student's Office. (b) The Inter-Greek Council.has the rcsponsibliity for establishing promoting, and maintaining hifch standards of con-duct and perform.-nee through its program of inter-greek ac-tivities. Self-regul.-j tion and self-discipline are essential parts of this living experience and are to be exercised by all member fraternities and sororities to the end that the fullest possible individual and frroup development will result. ARTICLE III Membership Section I - Membership Membership in this IGC shall consist of all the men's and women's active social organizations (fraternities and sorories) recognized by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, which have beeji accepted by joint affirmative action of the Inter-Greek Council (by two-thirds majority vote) and the college admini-stration. Section II - Representation (a) Each fraternity and sorority shall be represented by two (2) active members. (.b) Each representative shall haveone votein the Council. (c) The fraternity or sororitv which holds the office of President shall elect an additional chapter delegate. Section III - Loss of "Membership (a) A fraternity or sorority will forfeit its membership in'the IGC through its becoming an inactive chapter. (b) A fraternity or sorority may forfeit its active mem-bership in the 'IGC through disciplinary action by the Council or by the University as provided elsewhere in these articles and by-laws. ARTICLE IV Officers and Advisors Section I - Officers K The officers of this Council shall be President, Adminis-trative Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Section II - President The duties of the President shall be: (a) To preside at meetings of the Inter-Greek Council and the Executive Committee of same. (b) To call such special meetings as are needed. (c) To appoint committee chr.irmen and members as necessary with the concurrence of the Exectuive Committee. (d) To represent the Inter-Greek Council at campus meeting and at Inter-colle^iate conferences, or appoint representatives with concurrence of t;ie IGC, to serve in his place. (e) To assume general responsiblitv for the functioning of the Council, its agencies and committees, including the en-forcement of the provisions of'the Consititution, the by-laws, and other Council reflations. . . . Section III - Administra.tive Vice-President The duties of the Administrative Vice-President shall ber (a) To discharge the duties of the President in event of the President's absence, resignation or forfeiture of office. (b) To perform such duties as assifmed by the President. (c) To be an ex-offico member of all committees. (d) To serve as parliamentarian for the IGC and committees Section IV - Secretary The duties of the Secretary are: (a) To record the minutes of the Inter-Greek Council and of the Exectuvie Committee meetings. (b) To maintain a file of all inter-Greek Council pro-ceedings and correspondance. (c) To prepare and he responsible for such correspondance as may be directed by the officers or Council. Section V - Treasurer The duties .of theTreasurer are: (a) To handle all financial matters of the council in-cluding preparation of annual budget. ,(b) To serve on Exectuvie Committee. Section VI - Advisor (s) The duties of the Advisor (s) are: (a) To serve in an advisory capacity to the Inter-Greek Council. • (b) To help coordinate the activites of the Inter-Greek Council with those of the University and the Dean of Students' Office. (d) To assist in providing continuity in the activities of the IGC. (d) To serve as Advisor to committees and sub-committees as appropriate. Section VII - Executive Committee (a) The Executive Committee shall consist of elected offi-cers of the IGC and the IGC advisor (s). (b) It( shall meet v/hen determined necessary by the President or by any of the Executives officers. ARTICLE V Meetings Section I - Regular Meetings Regular meetin<~sof this Council normally shall be held once each week during the academic year. Section II - Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by the President or Advisor fit • his discretion or upon written request of two member organ- i • izations. Section III - Postponement Meetings may be postponed by vote of the Executive Committee. Section IV - Quorum e A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the IGC represent-atives. Section V - Rules of Order All meetings shall be governed bv 1he principles of Roberts Rules of Order when most expedient. . ARTICLE VI ' Finances Section I - Financial Support Financial support of "this Council shall be provided by dues assessed the member fraternities and sororities in accordance with the provision of the by-laws, by gifts, grants, and by other funds that are procured from time to time through action of the Council and in accor3ance with "the by-laws, and by fine-: which may be assessed for non-attendence or for disciplinary reasons. Section II - Expenses (a) Extraordinary expenses of the IGC shall be born by the member organizations. - • (b) Such expenditures shall be approved by the IOC by two-thirds majority vote of the representatives present and voting. ARTICLE VII . Discipline Disciplinary action may be taken by the IGC against any of its member fraternities or sororities by means of fines, suspension, or other means in accordance with the provisions in the by-laws. ARTICLE VIII Amendments Section I - Voting This Constitution may be amended-by majority vote of two-thirds of the representatives .present and voting. Section II - Presentation Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be typed and presented at least one meeting prior to the meeting at Y/hich the vote is taken. Section III - Proposal Amendments may be proposedby any representative of a member fraternity or sorority. ARTICLE IX By-laws The Int6r-Greek Council shall have the power to establish such by-lav/s as are deemed necessary in carrying out this Con-stitution but shall not conflict with said Constitution. ARTICLE X Ratification This Constitution shr.ll superceede all previous consti-tuions of the Inter-Greek Council at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and shall become effective upon two-thirds vote of the members of the Inter-Greek Council.