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The Shofar newsletter of Temple Beth Am, December 2000



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    The H o u s e of the P e o p l e TheShofar Monthly NewsletteL9r0a o0sf 1 VT Heegim7lal0pps2l,oe -iN 2nB5Vtee4 t 8-Rh59 o11Aa13md04 Volume 10, Issue 12 December 2000 COMING EVENTS Channukah Menorah Lighting Suncoast Resort 7:00 pm Congregational Meeting and Election Monday Jan. 22nd 7:00 pm EVERY WEEK Shabbat Services Friday 7:30 pm Torah Study Saturday 9:30 am Followed by Traditional Shabbat service at 10:30 am Building Begins First we raised some money. Then the plans were drawn. Then we raised some money. Next the land was graded. Then we raised some money. Now we have our permit and our building loan. And we are still raising more needed dollars. Now our permit and construction sign are posted, the construction trailer is up and footings for the foundation and construction of the first phase of the new Temple Beth Am Cam-pus is underway. Become a part of our community project. Call the Temple office today, pledge your assistance; watch the new facilities rise out of the desert sands. We are ready to build. This sign, visible from Hillpointe, sits atop our graded property where the first phase buildings will soon be constructed. We plan to have the ex-panded Growth and Leaning Center open when the new school term begins. And to celebrate Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur in our own new facilities in 2001. Inside this Issue The G-d of our Ancestors Rabbi Mel Hecht 2 Congregational Meeting January 22nd 4 Temple Events Calendar S Religious School Events 6 Birthdays & Anniversaries 7 Sistergrans 8c Bricks 8 Sincha's Torah Stories The Visit that Heals 10 Yartzeits II Ortegs 16 2 THE SHOFAR December 2000 Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL,DD Spiritual Leader Rebbetzen Micki D. Hecht Temple Beth Am Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arleen Turok President Larry Steckler First VP Mort Friedlander Second VP Carin Bachant Treasurer Julie Pearlman Recording Secretary Linda York Corresponding Secretary TRUSTEES Steve Aizenberg Gary Bordman Craig Friedberg Becky Grill Geri Lynn Grossan Hazel Gold Dr. Steve Konowalow Mark Rich Allison Berman Education Director Amy Stein...Sisterhood Representative Stuart Stein Brotherhood President THE SHOFAR Larry and Lorraine Steckler, Editors Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat, Friday at 7:00pm Shabbat, Friday at 7:30pm Child Care Provided Saturday Services Torah Study, 9:30am Services, 10:30am The G-d of Our Ancestors: Connecting the Generations Rabbinic Reflections By Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL, DD There is a joke currently making the rounds of the Internet. It provides a short definition of a Jewish Holiday: "We were persecuted, G-d saved us, let's eat!" That's one of the best definitions I've ever heard. For it contains the essence of what Hu-man Relationship, and relationship with a Supreme Being, is all about. It is primordial, in the sense that human beings would gather the clan together, relive shared experiences, make an offering to their deity and partake of a communal meal. Every culture and tradition has a variation of this basic theme of relationship to ourselves and to the universe of which we are part. Jewish Mystics tell us that everything is interconnected: "I am the Universe, the Universe is Me;" everything that was, is, and will continue to be. Even the Hebrew language itself has no specific past, present or future tense. In Scripture, the future tense is used to express actions that took place millennia ago. There was a time when Scripture was written with no spaces or punctuation separat-ing letters, words, chapters or books. There is also a major conjunc-tive letter, the vav (usually translated as "and" that connects previ-ous actions to current ones. The very essence of Jewish Tradition speaks in terms of "continuity," of being linked with what has gone before. This applies not only to "generational relationship" but to our relationship with G-d as well. One of our major prayer formulations addresses both aspects: "Blessed are You, 0 Lord, OUR G-d. G-d pf Abraham, G-d of Isaac, G-d of Jacob...." The rabbis tell us that we cannot fully under-stand the G-d Who had a special relationship with "previous family members" until we have let G-d into our own lives. Life, for the Jew, cannot be whole without both dimensions. And so, we name our children after loved ones who have passed away. We gather the clan to celebrate the naming, circumcision, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, marriage, anniversary and death of loved ones. We attend memorial (ylzkor) services several times yearly; we say the mourners prayer (kaddish) on the anniversary (yahrzeit) of the death of a loved one. We contribute in the name, honor or memory of revered family members At festival and Holy Day time, we gather in families, and some-times collectively, to celebrate past experiences. The prayer shawl [tallit), skullcap (kippah), prayer book (sidur), phylacteries {tefillin: leather prayer articles), Bible (Chumash), of a father, grandfather, greatgrandfather are given to the next generation as sacred articles of "connection." And in all these experiences, G-d, our ancestors and ourselves are all intimately intertwined. I have some very fond memories of my own childhood and early adulthood that are permeated with everything mentioned thus far. I remember living in a four-unit apartment building, each unit occupied by aunts, uncles, cousins, Bubbles and Zaydes. We bought houses together. We formed a family club that planned holiday, picnic and other celebrations. We gave tzedekah (charity) as a fam-ily group. There was no need for reunions because every major holiday and family celebration was a reunion. For the most part, however, this formulation of intergenerational familial and spiritual relationship does not exist any more?except for those areas of our Nation that have been left relatively un-touched by the vast changes that have taken place. For the rest of us, high mobility, divorce, in-termarriage across cultural and religious bounda-ries, technological development outpacing our ability to adapt ethically, morally and spiritually have all combined to decimate extended (intergenerational) families. Instead of connection, there is disconnection; instead of the Past inform-ing the Present, there is an ever growing "Amnesia of the Spirit." Grandparents and parents have either left an-cestral communities for the Sun Belts and Sun Cit-ies of our Nation, or are placed in assisted-living facilities or group homes for the elderly. There is an ever-increasing number of the elderly no longer being cared for across generational lines. We're reading bumper stickers on motor homes that pro-claim. "We're spending our children's inheri-tance." The Jewish Mystics were right: Everything is in-terconnected. No civilization, culture, tradition or family can survive when disconnected from its roots. If the "old ways" of manifesting connection are no longer viable, we must look for new ways to express the same basic Universal Truths. There is much to build upon from the Wisdom of Ages Past; and there is much that is new that can be applied in meaningful ways. Rights of passage, commemoration, and holidays remain a part of "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 3 our never-ending cycle of life. If extended family is unavailable, then let us create "surrogate fami-lies" such as in the Chavurah Movement with Ju-daism where individuals and couples come to-gether around common interests. The purpose be-comes defined through the needs and evolution of the group. They study, celebrate and socialize to-gether. Furthermore, I urge you to become a Seeker; visit various churches, stakes synagogues, mosques or temples. Be careful of cults. Their pur-pose is to disconnect, not to connect; for they seek to isolate and control rather than to bring their followers into harmony with the rest of the world. And certainly, the Internet has become our Pride and our Passion. There is so much dialogue going on. People are able to reach across cyber-space to form new friendships, to learn, to literally participate in the "global village" that our world has become. But the Internet also can and is be-ing used to spread hatred, prejudice and to pan-der to the worst inclinations within human beings. So much of it is misinformation and distortions of truth. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to know what to believe. Like fire, so much of human rela-tionship can enlighten and enhance or it can burn or destroy. In our own congregation, we have been sensi-tive of the need to build community from a world of strangers, to talk and act in terms of a Congre-gational Family, and to be involved in the con-cerns that affect the entire community, not just our own. Even before we build our temple, we are building an expanded Growth and Learning Cen-ter, a Celebration Garden and Banquet Facility and a Senior Adult Day Care. We will literally be providing services across generational lines and are making all this available to the entire Las Ve-gas community. The idea is as old as Judaism itself: to intercon-nect, to provide continuity between the genera-tions; and to provide for a future that is partially built upon what we, the Future's Ancestor's, have provided. May the G-d of our Ancestors become ours once againl B 'Shalom, Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL, DO 4 THE SHOFAR December 2000 Annual Congregational Meeting Monday?January 22th ? 7:00 pm The annual congregational meeting of Temple Beth Am will be held at the temple at 7:00 pm on Monday, Janu-ary 22nd. As a temple member your attendance is ex-tremely important. Family memberships are entitled to two votes and single members are entitled to one vote on all matters. If you are unable to attend, complete the ballot you have received in the mail, have your signature notarized and return it to the temple office no later the day of the meeting. The agenda will include the election of officers and trustees, a vote on changes to the Bylaws, and a briefing on the status of our construction program. Here is a complete list of of those who have been nominated for office: President Larry Steckler, EHF/CET (Currently serving as First Vice President for the past three years.) First Vice President Brian Grill (Architect and advisor on construction. His original design is the basis of our current project.) Second Vice President Dr. Stephen Konowalow, PHD. (Trustee for the past two years.) Treasurer Carin Bachant, CPA (Treasurer for the past three years.) Recording Secretary Julie Pearlman (Recording Secretary for the past two years.) Corresponding Secretary Margaret Present (New to the board. Very active congregation member for the past year.) Trustee (2 Years) Craig Friedberg (Trustee for the past two years.) Linda York (Corresponding Secretary for the past two years.) Trustees With Terms Remaining Gary Bordman Hazel Gold Geri Lynn Grossan Mark Rich Appointed Trustees Allison Berman Education Director Amy Stein Sisterhood Representative Stuart Stein Brotherhood Representative Building Committee Arleen Turok Chairperson Jay Chabrow Brian Grill Ray Gold Membership Committee Hazel Gold Dr. Stephen Konowalow Finance Committee Carin Bachant Promotion & Publicity Committee Marge Present Proposed Amendments to Bylaws 1. Shall Article V, Section 2, be amended to add the words shown in bold type: Section 2. Action concerning the pur-chase, sale, lease, or encumbrance of real estate on behalf of the Corporation re-quires a majority vote of a quorum of the Board. Expenditures of general operat-ing expensed in excess of $10,000 re-quires a majority vote of a quorum of the Board. The Board may remove any employee with or without cause, except as stated in Article X. 2. Shall Article V, Section 1, be amended to add the words shown in bold type: Section 1, The administration of the Tem-ple is vested in a Board of Trustees com-posed of nine (9) Elected Trustees, six (6) Elected Officers and for a period of one year, the Immediate Past President of the congregation (the Executive Commit-tee) and two (2) appointed Associate Trus-tees. o Temple Beth Am 2000 December 5761 o Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm 2 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 3 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:00am B'Nai Mitzvah 10:00am 4 5 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm 6 Temple Board Meeting 6:30pm All Congregants Invited 7 8 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm 9 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 10 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:00am B'Nai Mitzvah 10:00am 11 12 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm 13 14 15 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm 16 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 17 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:00am B'Nai Mitzvah 10:00am 18 19 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm 20 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 21 First Chanukah Light 22 Menorah Lighting and Shabbat Service Suncoast Resort 7pm 23 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 24 25 26 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm 27 28 29 Tot Shabbat 7pm Torah Service 7:30pm 30 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 31 New Years Eve 1 New Years Eve 3 a n u a r y 2 3 4 5 Tot Shabbat 7pm Torah Service 7:30pm 6 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 6 THE SHOFAR December 2000 Religious School Events Dec. 10 ? Religious School ? Chanukah Dec. 15 ? Winter Break Begins Dec. 21 ? First Night of Chanukah Dec. 22 ? Menorah Lighting at the Suncoast Resort? 7:00 PM 2001 Jan. 7 ? Religious School Resumes Feb. 4 ? Tu B'Shevat Feb. 18 ? Purim Festival ? Hills Park Mar. 23 ? Teacher Appreciation ? Growth and Learning?AM Mar. 23 ? Teacher Appreciation ? TBA Religious School ? PM May 20 ? 2001 Final Ceremonies May 25 ? Confirmation Advertising in The Shofar It Works! When you have something special to kvell about, or just want to say Happy Birthday or express your thanks or good wishes, call Roz Ring at 656-7003 to order a Sistergram. If you sell real estate, cosmetics, wash windows, steam-clean carpets, build walls, maintain landscap-ing or offer any other business service, consider a business card ad in the next issue of The Shofar. Advertising here is effective and inexpensive. If you have a question about rates, advertising materi-als or any other advertising information; please call Lorraine or Larry Steckler at 240-0183. If you would like to help solicit advertising for our monthly newsletter, let us know so we can give you the tools you need. Don't forget the stores you shop in every week are all potential advertisers. If you need some extra copies to drop off along with an advertising rate sheet, let us know and we will get them to you. Happy Chanukah The Albert Ring family wishes to extend to all the members of the Temple Beth Am fam-ily our best wishes for continued good health, hope for peace and a Happy Chanukah. The Ring Family Roz and A! Happy Chanukah to all of our friends and fellow members of Temple Beth Am at this very joyous time of the year. We wish you a healthy and happy holiday season, and a prosperous New Year. The Steckler Family Lorraine & Larry Have a happy and health holiday season. All of us send our very best wishes for a won-derful New Year to follow a bright Chanukah. The Entire Turok Family It is a wonderful time to celebrate as we light the candles of the Menorah. The Gold family wishes the Temple Beth Am family the very best of health as we enter this holiday season and look forward to the New Year. The Gold Family Hazel and Ray "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 7 Happy Birthday Nancy Weinstein Dec. 3 Ariana Miner (15th Birthday) Dec. 3 Nathan Besman (7th Birthday) Dec. 3 Cathy Mahon-Borda Dec. 4 Michael Kanarek (5th Birthday) Dec. 5 Mrs. Arleen Turok Dec. 6 Bruce Krangel Dec. 7 Mrs. Allison Berman Dec. 7 Ms. Susan Robinson Dec. 9 Michelle Lewis Dec. 11 Brandon Winer (14th Birthday) Dec. 12 Richard L. Schneider Dec. 13 Albert Zukermandel Dec. 14 Thomas Kanarek (14th Birthday) Dec. 14 Ross Nathaniel Greene (10th Birthday) Dec. 14 Mr. Morton Friedlander Dec. 14 Mr. Arthur Cohen Dec. 15 Mrs. Helene Nevins-Behring Dec. 16 Mrs. Gail Harrison Dec. 19 Mrs. Sandra Starr Dec. 19 Mr. Herb Tobman Dec. 20 Robyn Cuccia Dec. 22 Eric Schweitzer Dec. 23 Mark Starr (10th Birthday) Dec. 24 Mrs. Roselyn Ring Dec. 24 Rosalie Berliner Dec. 28 Happy Anniversary to: Jacqueline & William Arager 2nd Anniv Dec. 5 Mr. Max German 48th Anniv Dec. 7 Rabbi & Rebbetzen Hecht 18th Anniv Dec. 12 Holly & Robert O'Brien 13th Anniv Dec. 19 Allison & Les Berman 25th Anniv Dec. 21 Susan & Stephen Stein 35th Anniv Dec. 23 Eric Schweitzer 11th Anniv Dec. 23 Arleen & Darryl Turok 24th Anniv Dec. 26 Linda & James Nordgren 29th Anniv Dec. 26 Marlene & Maurie Jones 49th Anniv Dec. 30 Shabbat Services At is a wonderful time of the year. The sun shines, but the temperature has cooled down a bit. The kids are back in school and vacation trips are memories, photographs and videotape. But don't forget, services are still held every Friday evening at 7:30 pm. So come and join us. To-gether we can celebrate the joy of each and every Shabbat. You might also consider coming by on Saturday morning for Torah Study at 9:30 am. A little snack, a cup of fresh-brewed coffee, and Rabbi Hecht to lead us through a discussion of the parsha of the week. Following Torah study, at 10:30 am, a conven-tional Shabbat service is held. Looking Ahead DECEMBER Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited Chanukah Party at the Suncoast Resort 7:00 pm on Friday December 22nd, JANUARY Congregational Meeting? January 22nd Come and vote for your officers and board FEBRUARY Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited Renewal of Vows Dinner Party 8 THE SHOFAR December 2000 Sistergrams by Roz Ring?656-7003 To: Marge Present From: Anne & Art Cohen We wish you a very happy birthday. Enjoy your special day. To: Marge Present From: Roz & A1 Ring It's Maze 1 Tov on your birthday. Good health always. Bricks by Roz Ring?656-7003 To: Lorraine & Larry Steckler From: Sisterhood Congratulations and good luck on the opening of your new store, Mail Boxes Etc. To: Rebbetzen From: Lorraine & Larry Steckler May it only hurt for a little while. See you back at services soon. Get well in a hurry. Every one e Invited You, your family and your neighbors are cordially invited to be the Guests of Temple Beth Am & the 5uncoast Resort at the Menorah Candle Lighting Ceremony that will celebrate the beginning of the Jewish Festival of Chanukah. The event will be held at the 5uncoast Resort on Friday evening, December 22nd at 7:00 pm. After the ceremony you are invited to join the Temple Beth Am congregation and the entire Jewish Community of the City of Las Vegas for a traditional feast of potato latkes. Flease R5VF to the Temple Beth Am office 702-254-5110 "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 9 What Would You Like to Do? A short survey about member activities. When the Temple, Sisterhood or Brotherhood plan activities, the number of congregants at-tending is often disappointing. A lot of time and effort goes into planning each event. We want these activities to interest congregants and to be the kinds of outings that you will want to attend. The short survey that follows is designed to give us a better idea of your needs and interests. Please take a few minutes to complete it, and drop it off at the Temple office. You can also fax it to 000-0000 or drop it in the mail. Let's start with a series of ideas. Please rate each one on a scale of 10. If it is a really great idea?an event you would attend?give it a 10; if it is a terrible idea, give it a 1. If it sits some-where in the middle, give it an appropriate rat-ing. 1. DinnerParty Dine and Dance an Evening Away Probable cost $100 per Couple 2. Bagel & Lox Breakfast Probable cost $7 person 3. Bagel & Lox Breakfast With speaker Probable cost $7 person 4. Pancake Breakfast Probable cost $5 person 5. Pancake Breakfast w/speaker Probable cost $6 person 6. Bowling Party Probable cost $20 person 8. Renewal of Vows Dinner Dance Probable cost $125 couple 9. Chanukah Service Party Free 10. Seminar on Living Will Includes bagel breakfast Probable cost $5 person 11. Seminar on Living Trust Includes bagel & lox breakfast Probable cost $5 person 12. Trip to Holocaust Museum One Long Day ? Bus and Admission Probable cost $60 person 13. Hard Hat Tour Boulder Dam Bus and Tour $35 person 14. Wine Tasting Evening Probable cost $15 person 14. Golf Tournament Probable cost $100 person 15. Card Night Probable cost $5 person 16. Ski at Lee Canyon Probable Cost $75 person 17. Dinner Cruise on Lake Mead Probable cost $70 person 18. Write in your suggestions. 7. Man of Year Gala Probable cost $125 person 10 THE SHOFAR December 2000 Simcha's Torah Stories ? The Visit that Heals Parschas Vayera by Simcha Groffman ? Ohr Somayach International " C haim, It's time to get up. You don't want to be late for school." "Mom, I don't feel so good to-day." "Maybe you'll feel better if you get out of bed, Chaim." "Okay Mom. I'll try." "Well, Chaim, do you feel any bet-ter?" "No, Mom. My stomach hurts, I have a headache, and I feel achy." "You might have the flu, Chaim. Let me take your temperature." Chaim's mother brings the ther-mometer. "Yes, Chaim dear. Just as I sus-pected. You have 103? fever. No school for you, today. You get to stay home with Mommy all day today. We'll nurse you back to health." "Mom, being sick is no fun, but the best part is being with you all day." Chaim stays in bed, sleeping most of the morning. Shortly af-ter 3:00, the phone rings. "Chaim, it's for you." 'Thanks, Mom." "Chaim, are you okay? We missed you in school today." 'Thanks so much for calling, Avi. I'm sick in bed with the flu." "Refuah shelayma (have a com-plete recovery)." "Thanks, Avi." "Are you up to having a visitor?" "That would be wonderful, Avi." "Great. I'll be right over." Chaim splashes some water on his face and gets himself ready for Avi's visit. "Chaim, you look good." "Avi, it is so good to see you. It's no fun being sick." "Chaim, the pleasure is all mine. You've given me the opportunity to do a big mitzvah." "Is visiting sick people such a big mitzvah?" "It certainly is. G-d Himself per-formed this mitzvah." "Really? When?" "The very first verse in this week's parsha tells about Hashem's visit to Avraham Avinu. 'Hashem appeared to him in the plains of Mamre ..' (Bereshis 18:1). Avraham Avinu was ill, re-cuperating from his bris milah. Rashi explains that Hashem was mevaker choleh (visiting the sick)." "Wow." "Chaim, listen to what our sages say about the mitzvah of bikur cholim. The Mishna states that bikur cholim is one of the mitz-vos for which a person receives reward both in this world and the next. What is that re-ward? Hashem will guard him from the yetzer hara (evil inclination), protect him from suf-fering, bestow honor upon him, and give him beloved friends. Visiting a sick person re-moves 1/60 of his suffering. The visitor prolongs the person's life. There is no limit to the number of times that one can visit a sick person - even 100 times a day! The Shechina (Divine Pres-ence) rests above the head of a sick person." "Avi, I feel better already." "Our sages were so wise. They know us better than we know ourselves. Do you feel up to do-ing a little homework?" 'Yes, sure Avi. Can we learn that Mishna about bikur cholim?" "With pleasure Chaim. You look 1/60 better already. We might even be privileged to see the Shechina here soon." "Amen." I i I I "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 11 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS Dec. 2 SGaenodrgy e& B lPuhstieliipn ..H. o.lFtzamthaner of Sandy Dec. 3 HLyanznel H&a rRraisy mNoimnda nG..o. ld. Niece Dec. 5 RDoasveid F rFierdieladnladn..d. .Mother Dec. 7 RWhiollniadma AM. a&nn Mesi.c.h a. e.lR Dho. nWdaei'ssb Feainth er Dec. 7 CSaelc e&li aM Moirttcohne lFl.r i.e. d.lManodthere r of Sal Dec. 9 SVuiozalentntee KKolrosuodn . .. .Mother of Suzanne Dec. 9 ALleeVxearnndee rW Witkiotkwo w Husband of LeVerne Dec. 10 Philip Goodman... .FHauthsbear nodf Loef sR &on nGie, offrey Gladys Dorfler, Ronni Goodman Dec. 12 STarruadPyi t&le rJ. oh..n .FGarreraetl lG ransmother Dec. 15 MCailrdinre d& FRroibederlat nBdaecrh ant AuntofCarin Dec. 21 BHeerrnmyacne &G .S Btarno sBelroowse..l.o w.F ather of Stan Dec. 21 Charles Greenspan.... Dec. 26 SHiamzmel ie& GRoalydm. .o. n.dF aGtholedr ofRaymong Dec. 29 RSaomchueelll eA &iz eSntebveer gA..i.z en.Ubenrcgl e of Stephen Dec. 30 GWlialldiyasm D Doorfrlfeler,r .R. o.Bnnroieth Gero-oind-mLaanw of Gladys Dec. 31 OTilfifvaenr yF Feiefiefre.r.. .Father Dec. 31 MEdayxt hReu bEedl wardFsa ther Dec. 31 ARlobneir t& T Raarrn dy TFaartrh er of Randy NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE ^ CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD, FACC, FACP BERGE J. DADOURIAN, MD. FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC |EFFREY B. GITLIN, MD SAMUEL E. GREEN. MD, FACC PATRICK C. HSU. MD S3u12it1e 5S1 2M aryland Pkwy U70s 2V'. e7g0a6s.- 7N1V5 08 0109 3150 N. TenSauyitae W46a0y Las V(e7g0a2s.) 2N3V3 -819010208 12 THE SHOFAR December 2000 Publicity For Special Family Events Community Briefs, Community Spotlight, Life Cycles Youth Beat, Obituary Below is a letter from the Jewish Reporter, a bi-weekly newspaper for the Jewish com-munity of Las Vegas. Copies of the paper are available in the lobby of Temple Beth Am. The Jewish Reporter is offering a won-derful opportunity to announce and notify the entire Las Vegas Jewish family of events in our lives. There are five forms in all, as listed at the top of this page. All are available at the Temple Office. Just stop in and ask for a copy of the one that you need. Fill it in and send it to the Jewish Reporter and get your event into the news. JEWISH ^"REPORTER LIFE CYCLES COLUMN (BIRTH OR B'NAI MITZVAH) MAZEL TOV! The Jewish ReporterwiU publish your simcha FREE OF CHARGE! Please mail or fax this form, or e-mail this information to: The Jewish Reporter 3909 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89119 Tel 702/732-0556 Fax: 702/732-3228 E-mail: JEWISH ^"REPORTER COMMUNITY BRIEFS COLUMN Get your special achievement, event, or business announcement published in the Jewish Reporter in our new and exciting Community Briefs Column. This column will appear in each issue and will report on the who's who and what's what in our Jewish community Complete the following form, include a photo, if possible, and mail, fax, or e-mail the information to: The Jewish Reporter 3909 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89119 ' Tel: 702/732-0556 Fax: 702/732-3228 E-mail: "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 13 To Touch Hands in Peace by Nachum Waldman Two Prayers for Peace for Israel Prayer for Peace ancestors' dreams, and now, teel. As we gather this evening, We are preoccupied by the Threat of a war which hovers, Like a dark storm cloud, over The Middle East. We pray for Israel, Both the mystic ideal of our And the living miracle, here Built of heart, muscle, and s May she endure and guard her soul, Surviving the relentless, age-old hatreds, The cynical concealment of diplomatic deceit, And the rumblings of war. May Israel continue to be the temple that magnetizes The loving eyes of Jews in all corners: The Jew in the land of affluence and relative peace Who forgets the glory and pain of his being, And the Jew in the land of oppression whose bloodiedfist Beats in anguish and pride Against the cage of his enslavement. May Israel yet embrace her homeless, her own, And bind the ingathered into one people. May those who yearn for a society built on human concern Find the vision of the prophets realized in her. May her readiness to defend Never diminish her search for peace. May we always dare to hope That in our day the antagonisms will end, That all the displaced, Arab and Jew, will be rooted again, That within Israel and across her borders All G-d's children will touch hands in peace. We grieve for the loss of life Of both Arabs and Jews, for The senseless destruction, For the willful acts of those Who would rather see war Than find peace. We grieve for those young Israeli men and women who must use force, Who must confront children with Rocks in their hands, youngsters Who are encouraged to lay their Lives down as martyrs by misguided Leaders and cruel mothers, and boys And girls who are taught from the time They can walk that their neighbor is their enemy. We could easily cast blame on others at this Time of unrest. But what would that do? We know that there are those who hate peace On both sides, in both nations; there are those Who refuse to see their neighbors as human Beings. And we know that all too often it Takes the act of a single individual to destroy Hope, and to murder understanding. As we pray for a peace which will not Jeopardize the security of the land of Israel, We pray for a peace that will be based on Justice for all who live in the Middle East. We fervently recite the words of Psalm 27 Asking G-d to protect us from those who Rise up against us and asking that we be Guided in the right path. I 'ma 'an shorirai? For the sake of my enemies and for the sake Of our own people. 14 THE SHOFAR December 2000 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS In the November issue o/The Shofar, the Yartzeits for that month did not appear. Instead, by error, the October Yartzeits were repeated. The editors regret their error and for that reason have printed the November Yartzeits in this issue. Nov. 1 Sidney Siboni... .Father ofHuguette Arthur Adams Nov. 3 Ruth Greens tein... .Wife of Morris Morris Greenstein, Barbara & Jeffrey Klein Nov. 4 Stan Power... .Grandfather of Julie & Jeremy Cindy & Coe Power Nov. 7 Stanley Hailpern... JSrother of Ben Arvajune & Ben Hailpern Nov. 7 Bernice Nathan... .Sister of Hyman Helen & Hyman Forkos Nov. 8 Lillian Feinhandler... .Mother ofMyrna Myrna c=? Allan Bird Nov. 9 Anita Krantz... .Mother of Tiara Dara & Lawrence Epstein Nov. 11 Marvin Cohen... Father to Lori Krangel Lori & Bruce Krangel Nov. 13 Ruth Goldstein... .Grandmother Trudy & John Farrell Nov. 15 Lor ell Feifer... Mother Tiffany Feifer Nov. 16 Mary Arager... .Mother Jacqueline & William Arager Nov. 16 Ethel SeaL .. .Mother of Judith Judith & Maximilian B. Bryer Nov. 16 Abraham Shapiro... .Grandfather of Susan Susan Robinson Nov. 17 Henry Levoff... .Husband of Esther Esther Levoff Nov. 18 Bengmin Soltz... Father of Josephine Stanley Weinberger Nov. 19 Harriet Lyons... Mother Debra & Sanford Spiro Nov. 20 Irene Sacks Sister of Toby Toby Cohen Nov. 21 Miriam L. Lips tein... Mother ofBernyce Bernyce & Stan Broselow Nov. 22 Sam Holtzman... .Father of Philip Sandy & Philip Holtzman Nov. 22 Anne Master... Mother Frank Master Nov. 23 Rose Levine... .Grandmother of Holly Holly & Robert O'Brien Nov. 25 Abraham Bibicoff... Father of Martin Rhoda & Martin Bibicoff Nov. 25 Marion Layton... .Sister-in-law of Esther Esther Levoff Nov. 27 Adeline Holtzman... .Mother of Philip Sandy & Philip Holtzman Nov. 27 Herbert Schweitzer... Father Eric Schweitzer Nov. 28 Louis Hirsch... .Father of Amy Amy & Stuart Stein Nov. 29 Sam Adams... .Father of Arthur Arthur Adams Nov. 30 Jack Ring... .Brother ofAI Roselyn & Al Ring Please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in "The Shofar" C R E A T I V E memories Kellie Mizel Sanciangco CREATIVE MEMORIES CONSULTANT 2232 Scarlet Rose Drive Las Vegas, N V 89134 702-242-2708 ? E-Mail: Home Classes & Workshops ? Photo-safe Albums & Supplies Group Presentations ? Business Opportunities EMBE MAIL BOXES ETC.? MAKING BUSINESS EASIER? WORLDWIDE. Rio Vista Plaza 7065 W. Ann Rd #130 (East of 95) Cof^t ifx tftllo L+vuf LovuJiht $UckU\ j m SI * A N IS H j t L U 1. R ? A L T V "Excmiw vouz expeamw Call for a free no obligation Ed Weisel,