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    || $10• 'V r. quarter; beauty parlor, I $10 pdlL quarter; -finance com-ipany,'$? b per annum; gasoline distribution, $30 per quarter; “ (18) For each hotel, lodging House, apartment house, rooming house, auto court or tourist camp I as defined hereunder, $5.00 Per,| j quarter f o r ' from four to eight] guest rooms; from eight to eigh- ! teen guest rooms, $10.00 per quarter; from eighteen' to . thirty guest rooms, $20,000 per quar­ter; from thirty -to fifty guest rooms, $30.00 per quarter; from fift y to' eighty guest rooms, $40.00 per quarter; above eighty guest booms, $50.00 per quarter.” I M A Y O R M A R B L E stated that ; answers to the questionnaire dis- j tributed b y-th e joint-comm ittee s from organizations in the city in- . forested in the licensing ordin- : ance had; been studied by the | . board and that he was of the j ; opinion, that every' point had been ] covered; except'objections to an­n u a l -licenses fo r carpenters and contractor®, plumbers and elec-tricians. He. stated that men in; these businesses had requested1! ,? annual rather - than quarterly li- I [censes. . The mayor said that a meeting1 might be called .in the near future; to. discuss the advisability of quar­terly, rather than annual licenses for these businesses. M U R R A Y W O L L M A N , chair-man of the publicity,. committee [of the chamber o f commerce, ap­peared at the board meeting this ? morning and conferred with the : city officials regarding the possi- ; -bility' of providing - a publicity fund to advertise the city, thru proposed legislation at the next ? session of the legislature. ; The board members expressed Vtheir willingness for Such a fund to be set aside, “ providing legis­lation can be passed w hereby the ' city w ill be given a fixed sum • each year, from the tax rate,” as stated by Finance Commissioner Joe Ronnow.