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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-433


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. JANUARY 29th, 1936 Minutes of a recessed and adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on Wednesday the 89th day of January, 1936 at the hour of one thirty o'clock Roll call showed the following present Mayor Arnett, Commissioners Down, and Marble, City Attorney and City Clerk. Absent Commissioners Ward and Farnsworth. At this time the Clerk read to the Board a letter from R.R. Russell, Director of Publicity for the Las Vegas Nevada Chamber of Commerce outlining the proposed publicity programme of the said Chamber of Commerce and asking the City to contribute the sum of $4,000.00 per year towards such programme. On motion of Commissioner Down seconded by Commissioner Marble it was moved and carried that the letter be place on file with the Clerk and no action be taken until after a budget meeting of the Board of Commissioners had been held. Vote was Commissioners Down and Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. The Clerk at the direction of the Mayor read the following letter to the Board. Las Vegas, Nevada, January 28th, 1936. To the Mayor and City Commissioners, Dear Sirs; I am at this time handing in my resignation as police and fire commissioners for the City of Las Vegas. Yours Respectfully, M.E. Ward. On motion of Commissioner Down seconded by Commissioner Marble it was moved and carried that said resignation be laid over for consideration at the regular meeting of the Board to be held Tuesday the 4th day of February, 1936, at the hour of seven o'clock P.M. Vote was as follows Commissioners Down, and Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. The following telegram from Pat McCarran, Senator was read to the Board and ordered filed. Washington, D.C. Jan. 29, 1936 Hon. L.L. Arnett, Mayor. Doing everything in my power to reconcile all differences in order to get department commerce to approve municipal airport stop appreciate information contained your wire Will keep you advised. Pat McCarran. On motion of Commissioner Marble seconded by Commissioner Down it was moved and carried that a letter presented to the Board at this time from Fanny Soss proprietor of the Fremont Hotel be placed on file. Said letter requested that the Board of Commissioners take necessary steps to close the bowling alley at the Recreation Center at the hour of twelve o'clock mid­night. Vote was as follows Commissioners Down, Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed and adjourned until Monday the 3rd day of February at the hour of seven thirty o'clock P.M.