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    EVANSVILLE, IND. COURIER Circ. D. 58.153 -, g 0EC24J95? Pic Mr*"* Pdlance Buys toxingYarn To Star Self By HEDDA HOPPER HDLLMDOD, Dec. 23 ?╟÷Jack Palance, ^formerly a" professional pugilist, Jpas long wanted to do *'The Jack DempseyfrStory" ?╟÷ the screen,, but ' Jl'-j*->' has about given u|^|iopes of its ever ^eing legally cleared. So he bought a prize fight yarn of his own, titled "Knockdown." It concerns a fightr s o devastating and ruthless in the- ring that he ?║ becomes the | naSli hated fig- tr^ft in the HOPPER sports world. Finally he's knocked .. e?╜?·Hhimself and learns humanity in fighting his way back to the top. Jack will offer both himself and the story to Paramount for production ... Jean Peters was heartbroken when she was yanked from he$ planned touivof Korea tq do "Blueprint for Mulder." She'd worked like a beaver preparing her wardrobe. One of the items consisted of a parka with a wool cloth exterior and lined with silven fox fur. She had cut up one Ofl her own blankets to make the middle lining. Jean had also bought a seal coat, and had an old one, originally purchased from her landlady, refurbished for the] trip. She. so wanted to make the I trip that she offered to go off salary during her absence; but the studio expects her to report for work Friday. However, she's been promised permission fo"go~on the next tour to Korea. ZSAZSA GABOR IS KILLING i rumors that she and Colette Mar. chand feuded while making "Moulin Rouge" by tossing a cocktail party for her upon her arrival here : for the premiere of the picture. ?√ß Zsazsa's accompanying George j Sanders as far as New York. He leaves for Europe Saturday. She'll remain in the big city for a cou- i pie of weeks to do television shows ... . Alan Ladd won1 get started on his next picture abroad, "The ' White Mantle," until March. Part of the film will be shot in the Wet- tel sea north of Denmark ... When Joanne Gilbert was held over iher scheduled thpae^ for her night club appearance in Las Vegas,' her ever loving father, Ray, flew' down and wrote her a new song abbut a clown gone to pot. ! THE SANDS HOTEL, ;oj the mosf Deaffl!ul'"fhg.Las; opened with an enormous ' and a contingent of filmites were I on hand to help out. Proof thatl f. there are no people like show people f came when Danny Thomas, who I was to headline the floor show, got I laryngitis and couldn't do it. His | cronies took over and did a show | that would have cost thousands ofj I dollars; but for Danny they went] on for free. Jane Powell, Denisd Darcel, and Frankie Laine wowed the packed audience with their singing. Jimmy Durante banged 'the piano while his pal, Eddie Jackj son, did aksjng4n% ^4-The Rife? brothers followed wfiljHa zany ac IM their own brand. Danny though] !his throat trouble was due to thd Ifact that he recordedjfegjx numbed (from "The Jazz Singer" in ona jjday. .jiinW Terry Moore broughf | along a rafppf clothing, becausd (she interned going ??n to Nev| ; York forf'the prermere of "Corrn Back, Little ,$heba,"' but she had 'to returra^^fpllywood to test foa "The Moon^xBlue." While herd she was alsopferviewed-by Staw ley Krarfe^OT^jjftiat part oppoj site MarlonJB^andjo gin "The Cy{ \ clists Rai?½v^i^?║v'!'|i.iially winged to New York Monday night. . . j g Denise D^B^j^i^"|iead fulled plans. She 'ffipgffi&wh radio with Bob Hope, Sna::^pFRobert Tay-i, lor in "Westw$iMne Women" this! month. Then she will start a series of night club appearances,', opening at the Jung hotel in New! Orleans. She's cooking up a TV show of her own, and may go toj France for a picture. Must say that Denise cuts a mighty fetching figure on the stage. slightest idea who will play himself. But that casting shouldn t. be hard, as Jimmy's one of the most impersonated of comedians Asked>#?sula Theiss when she and Bob Taylor were going to get mamed.e^|?"G,re not even thinking about HpPfne laughed . . .Jack Beutel,g$ith three pictures on the fire, is-planning a TV series based on Bill?' the Kid. Remember it was tfcTpart of the Kid in "The Outlaw"lPiat brought Jack fame. ..M, Spike Jones explained the reason'he was starting a chain of super markets was that h l s wife, Helen Greco, has 11 brothers and sisters in the business. Two of the brothers will manage the first one in LaCrescenta. Said Spike, "I aim to keep buying stores until I run out,of in-laws to handle them." JUL J JUL Lens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Huntington Park, Cal. Signal (Cir. 15,812) DEC 3 0 1952 ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 lARRrSuSCuL,cPP,N^REAU 165 Church Street - New Ya.I INDIANAPOLIS, IND TIMES / Cl>c. D. 96,161 4*4Ptrt*f"*^Mt#W*4AAi^^ ?╜_. leyL S PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Cal. Reporter (Cir. 6,582) OEC 2 91952 ^fhomas' Mother ~0fef* MF|. M/Mjgarat Jacobs, 66, mother of Pinny Tap mas, died Saturday at her horrWin loleddr Thomas, appearing at the Sands Totel in Las Vegas, trained out immediately to attend the funeral tomop-ow in Toledo. U***j Nicky Hilton Iwas sellings I Christmas trees on the vacant j lot next to Robinsons in BeverlyiS His father, Conrad, will build ?╜| hotel on the site. . . . Zsa Zsa*'1 ICabor raised the devi^aytid..,his . ''?√ß?√ß brother when she found herself | completely omitted in the trailer 'heralding "Moulin, Rouge" at the [ Fox Wilshire. But it was too | late to do anyt]a?║ig about it.... I Mimic Arthur ||l|ke walked out [of the "gar O^Jusic" when a heckler-was Tgpt ejected. "With the parting shot to the boss?╟÷ "If you'd rather have him than Ime, okeh." . . . Elia Wallach is in and Frank Sinatra out of "From Here to Eternity." Wallach is the handsome guy from "Rose Tattoo." . # . * #e I The reason Dana Andrews can- [celed his lb months' tax exemp- i tion abroad was because his pals told him^t was unpatriotic.... And Jose.:Ferrer ^iias^work to keep him. busy in' Europe for more than ,18 months.'but likes it here better. He has a home in Ossining,; an apartment in New [York and he'd rather not relinquish. Besides, home "is where | the h e a r t ?╟÷ and; - Rosemary ClooneyJI^ ?√ß' '-' fffifCj* ' *" Wb The ' ifo q 16,r pld Preston Sturges;stp expect; twins. . . . And Preston gives birth to "Road to Rome" Monday at the. i Players Theater?╟÷-his most am- bious production to date. . . . Arlene Dahl was very obviously not wearing a ;bra when the camera panned oyer her shoul- i der on her last TV appearance. i. . . And Denise Darcel and Byron Palmer are driving back from the g??^?? w"f??1 ?Σ≤ -Las r Vegas. It's eight hours but more fun than flying. . SheiM Cmfam in HOLLYWOOD, <????flft^rft1ffi^MPfrrf%f'nftWa D?·??!952 It Happened Last Night By Earl Wilmn New Las Vegas Hotel Lets Earl Have Fun \ will stay three weeks only when he flies in ^.mid-January with two completed sequences in "In- vho pre4ict^c^^s^tt^^^iEincy Olson returns here1 Jan. :'?╜na|ter an eight months' saDblraCal with mate Alan .Lernej- in^tM^^ist. ... If they're stj^^jyjihgh|$jekey Awards this year, i nominate Barbara Pay ton and Sonny Tufts for the oddest casting of the year?╟÷they play an average middle-class couple in "Run for (the Hills'.';' ||isi:Yvonne de Carlo' talking a picture with Jimmie Woolf at Jack's at the beach. ROSEMARY CLOONEY . . . home is where thp heart is. vitation to the Dance." . . . The Millard Mitchells sell the little home in the West and took back to Gotham. s^y&&M * * * Shelley Winters paused in her mis'ries to visit a crystal-gazer I RTHE ORIGINAL omeikF PRES^CiyPINGS ?╟÷ 220 W. 19th St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHl|sea 3-8360 Thii^Uipp^^From ARKAMSIt'l&Y, KAN. TRAVELER ?√ß1 LAS VEGAS.. Nev., Dec. 24?╟÷Here in what hks i become tne inost amazing part of America, a new high in hq^Jitality was attained when the new Sands Hotfei. gambling spot, held its opning. Us gents of the pres|Kwere presented with 25 silver dollars with w^ic^to go out and make a* fortune. Presumably we would fritter this money away gambling. And if the management thought the Earl Wilsons would squander money that way, it was right^.;'^^jj "We'll divide it; up 50-50," the Beautiful Wife said. "You take five dollars and I'll take 20." ?╓¬ 4 * A WILD RUMOR there'd be a slot machine in each hotel room had reached us. On your arrival, the bellboys would say, "Shall I show you to your slot machine, sir?" But Jack Entratter, ex- manager of the famous Copacabana in New York, now manager here, hasn't accomplished that yet. He also denied the assertion of comedian-Danny Thorn- | as, star of the opening j show, that a waiter was caught dealing slices of bread off the bottom of the loaf. W Here in the shade of some 90 slot machines, I beheld "Gambling Society." . l?·u?·';?, I saw Ray Ryan of Texas?╟÷supposed to be the fastest gambler in America; Nick the Greek from Hollywood, "Al Levy of San Francisco?╟÷and such plain folks as Jimmie Durante, Frankie Laine, the Ritz Brothers, Denise Darcel, Lorraine Cugat, Miss Terry Moore and Spike Jones. ?╓¬ ?╓¬> ?╓¬> BUT THERE was a great difference in these people. Miss Moore said she had lost $20. The report was that Ray Ryan nad lost $20,000?╟÷not a large sum to him. lliil*: The hotel's big bankroll man, Jakfe Freedman, Houston, said while running around in his Terry Moore SUNNY THOUGHT FOR WINTER DAYS?╟÷Joyce^ohnsbn didn't do ai^tjtunggspecial?╟÷didn?| win a trophy isn't "JHJpiss "Something-1 or-Other^; She's ;just a pretty girl, ,r^3dhggln th?╜>suh at a Las Vegas, NfV", resort hotel. V^hat seenpd) re'a^n'^lncmgh for~thi?║""* phOfSgFajgJRfc to take a picture with W^ich,Xj?·.'onee* the folks who ai^^^ttering through another roughgnorthern winter. Western outfit that "The House" had been "$200,- 000 loser" for a while opening night. "But we overcame it," he said, happily, ALL THE loose money in America seems to be here. And while you're tossing it to the house, a waitress says, "the house would like to buy a drink, sir-." A ^S^fe: "No, I must have atffblear head to lose my money with," I said. ~Ai$fsure enough, although inexperienced, I was seo^; losing as fast as the greatest expert. ?╟≤?╟≤'^I^k I quickly lost my-s3^ie of the $25 the management had given usf^li^f B. W., with her usual Irish luck, got most mffijj? back. We wound up with 23 bucks left from the ip^^aj^bbelieve that may entitle us to give* tesstJhj,1 because nobody we know has lost as little 'ks}t^ij^^: fact, in this ^Gambling Society" he^&y^'fe'-<, a little ashamed to have been so stingy with, pu?· losses. THE MTONIGHT EARL. IN K^Spe John, Roosevelts are planning a quiet trip toJlfassau to recovf? from tl^e election. . . . pfta; jHayworth did the Viennese Lantern with unideiSiifild young. man . . , Following her appeaa^lft^on the Jackie Gleason TVer, Saudrey Meadowll. was rushed to Flower Hospital for an allergy^Iwtack she got after eating Chinese food. M Danny Kaye signed Fran Warren to- appear with him at the Texas State Fair starting Christmas Day . . . Patrizia Mangano (Sylvana's sis) appears in the new Italian film, "Ring Around the Clock," opening next month. .fflfeh'* ?╓¬ ?╓¬ ?╓¬ WISH I'D SAID THAT: "Money doesn't talk anymore?╟÷it gasps"?╟÷Chlrlie Jones?╜^^^| EARL'S PEARLS: At Majors Cabin a female snarled, "Darling, you maKeSthat. hat look 10 years younger." P^^l 1 * ^'?╟≤' GRACE DOWNS tells of tie woman who stopped the airline hostess as she passed her seat and asked, "Will you please tell the pilot not to go faster than the speed of sound?╟÷we want to talk" . ?╟≤. That's Earl, brother.