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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 1996



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    September 1996 - Vol. XV No. 11 Elul 5757 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Monty E. Willey Administrator Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Melissa Roth Program Director Dr. Eugene Kirshbaum 1935-1996 Dr. Eugene Kirshbaum, the founding President of Congregation Ner Tamid, passed away on Tuesday, August 6, 1996. Our Congregation and all that it represents began with Gene?s dream. In the early 1970?s, Gene and a few others started to discuss the possibility of a Reform Congregation in Las Vegas. It had been tried before and failed; many peo?ple in the community were quick to offer discouragement. This small group of peo?ple went ahead with their plan and, with a small item in the newspapers, prepared for a meeting to organize as a Reform Con?gregation. Under Gene?s leadership, the Con?gregation hosted an overflow crowd for our first High Holiday services at the Con?vention Center. Gene secured our first facility, the West Charleston Baptist Church, and the Religious School opened with 60 students appearing on the first day. Gene worked tirelessly throughout the planning and implementation stages of Ner Tamid. Often was the time that he cov?ered our financial shortfall and he was instrumental in major fund-raising cam?paigns. Gene was truly the force behind our initial success and development. He felt very privileged to be able to participate in the dedication of the Sanctuary and to offer the first toast at the Gala last Octo?ber. A veterinarian for over 35 years in Las Vegas, Gene served as President of the Ne?vada Board of Veterinary Examiners. He began the Dewey Animal Shelter The Eugene Kirshbaum Animal Foundation, which helps fund animal causes, was start?ed as a tribute to Gene several years ago by grateful clients. Gene had many friends who will miss his quick wit and intelligence. He had a wide variety of interests and a seemingly unending wealth of information at nis fingertips. Gene is survived by his wife, Edith, three children, Kelli Grock of Reno, Stacy Nadler of Los Angeles, and Steven Kirshbaum of Newport Beach, California, and stepdaughter, Rilo Weisner of Las Vegas, and four grandchildren. Our hearts go out to all of Gene?s family...he was truly a unique and wonderful man and the Congregation will dearly miss him. Rabbi?s Message...........................................2 High Holiday Schedule...............................2 President?s Message....................................3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist.......4 Administrator?s Message...........................4 Upcoming Programs...................................4 Religious Schools News............................5 Board Member Drofile.................................7 Yahrzeits..............................................................8 Yiskor....................................................................9 Auxiliaries & Committees....... ...............10 Anniversaries & Birthdays.....................12 Tributes............................................................13 Succot and Simchat Services..............14 ft " " ------- ^ (Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman September 6,1996 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood September 7,1996 Selichot Program 8:00 pm Selichot Service 9:00 pm September 20,1996 Dr. Stephen Kollins - Speaker 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood September 27,1996 Sukkot Daily Dinner 6:30 pm Sukkot Family Services 7:30 pm September 28,1996 Sukkot Morning Services 10:00 am C ?b cl Special rf)liioi' TJo (Belong. How?s About a Havurah? CNT?s Havurah program is gearing up for a wonderful new year. A Havurah is a group of people who come together to share similar interests while sup?porting the Temple community. Interested people are combined into groups of between six and nine couples (12 - 18 individu?als) based upon information re?ceived from the Havurah Profile Sheet. In many cases, individu?als will form a group from exist?ing acquaintances and notify the Havurah Chairperson. This year, Sue and Steve Joseph will be the (continued next page)(Hauurah continued) One of the most fascinating aspects of the Hebrew language is its ability to convey an array of meanings in a single word. As the lashon kodesh -the holy tongue, Hebrew has always been viewed as the language of G-d, and hence every word can con?vey many levels of meaning. This is especially true of the He?brew word for ?repentance," tshuvah, which has three lev?els. The first level is simply ?to repent.? To seek forgiveness of others and to resolve, not to repeat ones transgression. The other levels of meaning, how?ever, explain how this process is to occur. At the heart of its meaning is the notion of re- J turn.? Tshuvah also implies that one must return?to oneself, to ones G-d and to the basic rela?tionships that establish our own humanity. In other words, Tshuvah can not take place in a vacuum. It is a process of refining relations and defining relationships. It is a dynamic process that expects growth and introspection. Without these most basic elements, true repen?tance cannot take place. Final?ly, tshuvah also means ?an answer.? True forgiveness en?courages us to search for an?swers. We ask ourselves, ?Why did we do this?? ?Why didn?t we respond with greater com- (continued on page 4) High Holiday Schedule SELICHOT The Search of Self: Program Service Pathways Towards "Neshama" Saturday Saturday ROSH HASHANA Evening Service Friday Morning Service Saturday Youth Service (Ages 5-11) Saturday Toddler?s Service* (Under 5) Saturday YOM KIPPUR Kol Nidre Sunday Morning Service Monday Youth Service (Ages 5-11) Monday Toddler?s Service* (Under 5) Monday Healing Service - "Service of Renewal" Monday Afternoon Service Monday Yiskor Service Monday Concluding Service Monday 9/7 8PM 9/7 9PM 9/13 7:30PM 9/14 10AM 9/14 10AM Beit Tefillah 9/14 11AM Multi- Purpose Room 9/22 7:30PM 9/23 10 AM 9/23 10AM Beit Tefillah 9/23 11AM Multi- Purpose Room 9/23 2:30PM Beit Tefillah 9/23 3PM 9/23 5PM 9/23 6PM *Babysitting available for ages 2 1/2 and up on Ip Tickets required for entrance and are not transferable co-chairs of the subcommittee with Sharna and Stewart menfeld and Loretta and^R Hollander assisting with pro?gram development. The com?mittee will act as facilitators to actively assist in organizing new Havurot (more than one Ha- vurah) and providing a frame?work for group participation. Havurot, once established, work independently to set a schedule of activities. The committee has plans to develop a Havurah liai?son program to keep all havurot informed. On Sunday, September 29, 1996, the Havurot are holding a joint Pot-Luck Dinner in the social hall of the Temple to kick off this year?s program. Over the last year, individual Ha?vurah activities included Break?ing the Fast, a game night bringing together two Havurot, many interesting excursions to new restaurants or Las Veoas shows, and one adventu^K group traveled to the Shalres- pearean festival in Cedar City, Utah. The possibilities for ac?tivities are unlimited, and all new ideas are welcomed. During Au?gust, flyers were mailed to all temple members inviting them to express their interest in the Havurah program by returning the profile sheet included with the notice. If you did not re?ceive a flyer, or would like an?other one, please contact the Temple office at 733-6292 or Sue and Steve Joseph at 656- 9933. Anyone interested in the Havurah program who is not yet in a group is welcome to attend the Havurah Pot Luck on Sep?tember 29. We do request that everyone attending RSVP to the Temple office by Friday, Sep?tember 20, 1996. September 1996 Temple Board Members MRb Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Jacky Rosen VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Corporate Secretary Sylvia Beller Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Ruth Urban Trustee David Mendelson Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President ^?uchael Cherry Past President ^^gene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio *Deceased m.B. Dcilitz Religious School PHRenT-S?enT ORienTHTion September 8,1996 9:15 am in the ITlain Sanctuary ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT I am looking forward to the High Holy Days. This is not due to any "celebration" that will occur. In fact, the traditional view of the period from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kip- pur is not of celebration but of reflection and evaluation. My reason for anticipation is that the best quality of our Congregation comes through loud & clear during this pe?riod. Those of you who are new to our temple, and there are many of you, will be able to see first hand the warmth and friend?ship that truly exists among our member?ship. Many years ago, the Board of Trustees established a policy of first come-first served seating for the High Holy Days. If you want a good seat, get there early. The result through the years is that everyone arrives early and there is plenty of time to kibitz. It?s quite an event before the event. Many new members have commented on the closeness of our membership and the good feeling they had after attending our High Holy Day ser?vices. I am sure this year will provide more of the same. Another tradition at Congregation Ner Tamid is our Kol Nidre Campaign. Although you have already received correspondence from our Kol Nidre Chairman, Jerry Gordon and myself, I believe it is important for every?one to understand the importance of this annual fundraising function. The Kol Nidre Campaign is far and away THE MOST IM?PORTANT FUND-RAISER OF THE YEAR. Over TWENTY PERCENT of the Temple?s an?nual budget is raised by the campaign. We are proud of the generosity of our con?gregants in past years and have always count?ed on and received their continued support each and every year. Making a Kol Nidre pledge is entirely voluntary. The previous success of our campaigns is clearly a message of support by our members. On the other hand, there are many members and especial?ly new members who have never participat?ed by making a pledge. I can only assume that our newest members do not understand the importance of this campaign to our Tem?ple. For those of you who have not previ?ously participated, I can only ask this: If you like what your Temple is doing, if you want to see us expand our programming, continue to improve our religious school and youth programs, expand our services to our auxiliaries and to the Jewish com?munity of Las Vegas, then PLEASE SEND IN A PLEDGE, even, if necessary, for a mini?mum amount. We would surely be proud if the overwhelming majority of our mem?bership participated in the Kol Nidre Cam?paign. I must raise another matter to make our position clear to our membership. In recent months, there has been some tur?moil at other Temples in the valley. We are concerned by these events and truly be?lieve and hope that all problems will be worked out for all involved. We are proud of the growth that our Temple is experi?encing, but do not wish this growth to be at the expense of other congregations. While we certainly welcome any new mem?ber families, there is no joy in gaining mem?bership because of troubles at another congregation. We want our new members to join for the right reasons, because of what they have heard about Congregation Ner Tamid or about Reform Judaism and not because of trouble elsewhere. In fact, I intend to work with the other Temple presidents to stimulate a city-wide mem?bership campaign for all temples. The Jew?ish Federation of Las Vegas has just completed a city-wide survey which shows a disturbing lack of affiliation by Jews in our city. These previously unaffiliated Jews should be where our new membership comes from. At this time, when things are good at CNT, we must not forget our past struggle and must support our neighbor congregations whenever we can be of help. Let me be the first to wish you all L?Shana Tova, A Good Year. 1 look for?ward to the upcoming Days of Awe. Bob A A3 A September 1996 cA. Special rf)la('e (7o AielomjSince returning to work in July I?ve been finalizing some of the plans for the upcoming year?s music programs. I am very pleased to say that the calendar is filling up with many exciting projects! Over the last five years I have had the wonderful oppor?tunity to bring in special performers, but this year will surely stand out. One of the most successful Music Sea?son Sabbath?s we?ve had was Jose Bowen?s Jazz Service this past year, which featured our Adult Choir and a six piece Jazz band. I heard comments and praise for weeks af?ter this service and many of you asked me to do it again. Through the generosity of one of our congregants, Alan Kerner, I am thrilled to be able to bring this Service back to the Congregation by popular demand. I am even more thrilled to announce that the composer, Jose Bowen, will be coming in all the way from England to conduct, play the piano and deliver a sermon. This incredible Service will take place on Friday night, November 22. As if this wasn?t enough, we have another famous compos?er coming in for our Jewish Music Season Sabbath in February! Founding Music Director of The Israel Pops Orchestra, Michael Isaacson, will be joining us for a beautiful Shabbat Service on February 21. This Service will feature my?self, our Adult Choir and a five piece wind ensemble. Dr. Isaacson has had an extraor?dinary career as a composer, conductor, and educator. With over 150 compositions pub?lished, including, instrumental, vocal, acred and educational works, he is a frequent lec?turer in the field of Jewish music. Once again, Dr. Steve Kollins is hosting our Jew?ish Music Season Celebration and making it possible for our Congregation to have the most exciting music programming around! As you can see, I?ve been very busy! Please mark both of these dates on your calendars and let all of your friends and fam?ily know of these upcoming Services. Mu?sic is a very powerful form of prayer and we are so lucky to be able to host such out?standing artists. Don?t miss out! (Bella 6RCAT Programs < A Heaol L?shana Tova, I?m looking forward to the new year in my position as Program Direc?tor. Rabbi and I are working on many exciting programs for the congregation as well as the community. Our first program will be a marriage workshop led by Dr. Sandra Ziskrout for recently engaged and newly married couples. A second program is a long awaited be?reavement group which will be led by Dr. Marv. A. Glovinsky. I have been working with many of the committees, staff and lay people to plan some great events for the upcom?ing year. We are offering many adult education classes this semester, Conver?sion, Continuing Education, Adult B?nai Mitzvah, Torah Study, and Second Sun?days. Outreach has four programs this year - Shabbat Social, December dilem?ma, Shabbat dinner & service and Pass- over experience. Our singles group, JSN is working on a Shabaton planned for President's Day weekend involving foura other cities who will come to Las Vegas" The Campership Program will be off to a great start again this year. I am look?ing forward to working with my co?chairs Gail Husney and Maxine Gratz. I have been working with Bella and help?ing our new mom by studying with a few of the B?nai Mitzvah students. (continued on page 10) (Rabbi???s Message - continued from page 2) passion or empathy to those we care about?? ?Why have I spent so much time comparing myself to others, rather than spending the time on self improvement?? The questions go on and on. But tshuvah?forgiveness of self, being the first step, helps us find answers. Answers that allow us to ultimately return to our G-d and the core values of Judaism. And for us, that is what true repen?tance is all about. May this New Year be for you and yours a sweet one, filled with the joy of family love, and the peace that forgiveness brings. L?shana Tova! ROM THE ADMINISTRATOR?S DESK On behalf of the staff, I would like to wish the members of Congregation Ner Tamid a Happy New Year. While the staff is new, their performance as a team is solid. They have displayed the cohesiveness of a group of people that have been working together for a lot longer than we have. 1 appreciate your patience and understanding when our response time is a little slower than ususal. We are working very diligently to serve your needs. Please continue to work with us. 1Monty A A4 A Congregation Ner Tamid ?Rabbi SanfordRUqefrad September 1996 And the School Bells Ring! June, July, August are gone. September is here! The heat is not gone but the days of lounging at the pool, fun at camp, and family vacations are over. Secular school has begun, religious school, and the High Holy Holidays are upon us. Our teachers are ready, our classes are organized, and most of Our students have pre-registered. If you have not yet registered please do so as soon as possible, avoid the rush on the first day of school, September 8th. Those who are current with their dues and who have not yet registered may do so between 8:30 AM and 9:15 AM. At 9:15 AM we begin our family orien?tation and family education program which will con?clude at 12:15 PM. I hope your summer was wonderful, full of fun and good memories. My summer was busy and fun. David and I sent our sons Ron & Joel off to college which was one of the major experiences of parenthood. Our family traveled across the coun?try to visit colleges and relatives. While we were in New York we tried to see an Off Broadway show called "A Bagel doesn?t make you Jewish." This title reminds me of Bagels, Latkas, Chicken Soup and Jven Matzah don?t make you Jewish. Religious school doesn?t make you Jewish ei?ther but it will help you to understand the Joy of Living Jewishly. The M B. Dalitz Religious school staff and I hope to offer the children of CNT the opportunity to live, learn and love being Jewish. Sincerely, Jackie {f(ee/(gp Religious School Schedule Fees School Hours Grade Tuition Grades K-8 K $195 9:15-12:15 1 $195 Sundays 2 $200 3 $200 Grades 4-7 4 $275 4:30-6:00 5 $275 Tuesdays 6 $265 7 $265 Grade 9 8 $200 5:30-7:00 Confirmation $200 Mondays A Continuing Education course will be taught by Eileen Kollins and is structured for adults who already have a basic knowledge of Judaism and Hebrew. There will be discussions of the Sabbath service format and its signifiance. Other texts and Jewish concepts will be studied and discussed. Other topics to be included are the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Israel and the Holocaust. In addition, there will be an emphasis on improving Hebrew fluency, especially as it pertains to the prayerbook. Please join us at the Temple this fall for one of our adult educational classes. We will be offering courses in Hebrew, Judaic studies, conversion, Adult B?nai Mitzvah to name a few. Please call our office or Melissa Roth at 733-6292 for more information. Tot Shabbat is a special Shabbat religious pro?gram geared especially for tiny tots, 3-6 years of age and their siblings. Bella Feldman will con?duct a wonderfully exciting experience. Mark your calendars now. Return the form below or come by the Temple office to make your reser?vation. Give your children a fun-filled and mean?ingful Shabbat. NAME_________________________ ADDRESS __________________ PHONE TINY TOT NAME September 1996 cA Special '~Jo ?JlelonqCongregation Ner Tamid will be starting a Bereavement Group on Wednesdays, October 30 - December 11 from 7:30 - 8:45 PM. Dr. Marv Glovinsky, who will lead the group, is a clinical psychologist in private practice here in Las Vegas. Dr. Glovinsky is on the staff of various local hospitals and has recently been appointed by Governor Miller as the chairman of the Nevada Mental Health Commission. He is also one of the founding members of Congregation Ner Tamid. The Bereavement Group will be open to ten people, members and non-members, and there is no fee for the class. If you are interested or want more information, please call the Temple office at 733-6292. The Singles Scene! Jewish Singles Nelwork is a group where singles can get together and enjoy programs and events once a month. The group ranges from age 21 to 45. For more information, call Rochelle Goldstein at 227-8568. H15J1 Youth Services The High Holiday Youth Services will be geared for ages 5 thru 11. Services will be conducted by Me?lissa Roth and Danny Gross in the Beit Tefillah on Rosh Hashanah and Yorn Kippur morning at 10:00 am. Following the one hour service, the children will be broken up into age groups to do craft projects that pertain to the holidays. Each class?s crafts will be lead by a teach?er and student aide. Parents are to pick up their chil?dren after the adult service is over. In the Beit Tefillah, there will be a list posted by grade and classroom so that parents can locate their children. Children are encouraged to par?ticipate in these services. A few English reading parts are given out for each service. If your child is interested in participating, or you have any questions, please call Me?lissa Roth at 733-6292. I SOS/ Support Our Scfioo[ On October 13, there will be a parking lot sale. We have no place to store items to sell during the hol?idays. Please keep them at your home. Labels will be provided so you can price your donations and tax forms will be available. Items can be brought to the school Saturday evening, October 12, or be?fore school on October 13. Your support will help pro?vide special programs for our students. Thank you, Jacfqe (J[eel<pp A A 6 A Toddler Day Care Program for High Holidays During High Holidays the year, we will be offering a morning-only Day Care Program for children, ages 2 1/2 thru 3. The day will begin at 10:00am in Room 6. The children will have free play followed by a toddler service at 11:00am lead by Jackie Fleekop. The children will have snack and storytime along with age appropri?ate crafts. The Day Care Program will be lead by some of our experienced congregants and student aids. Parents will be asked to sign their child in and out this year. For the safety of your children, we ask your cooperation in making this system work. There will be baby-sitting (no Day Care Program) offered on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur evening services as well as Yom Kippur afternoon. m Congregation Ner Tamid September 1996 w Board Member Profile 'Vke-Prejident, Drew Levy In keeping with our President, Bob Un?ger?s theme of the "CNT FAMILY', it is my turn to tell our congregation a little some?thing about my family and myself I was born in Las Vegas (over 39 years ago) and have lived here all of my life, except for the 4.5 years I spent in Arizona experiencing college life. This is where I met my future wife Debbie, who was living with her family around the corner from the house I shared with a rock-n-roll band. We met at the neighborhood park where my roommates and I would go regularly to play basketball. She made a basket from half-court and the rest is history. In need of a good paying job I moved back to Las Vegas first, and then Debbie followed me shortly thereaf?ter. While I went to work for my father?s real estate company, in the property management division, Debbie went to school at UNLV in pursuit of an accounting degree. We were married June 1, 1980 and have been happily married for over sixteen years. Just as Debbie as finishing up her college work, our first aughter, Sarah Ilene, was born. Sarah will "be a freshman this year at the International Studies and Performing Arts, in the visual arts program. This will be Sarah?s first venture into the public school system after spending all her school years in private schools. Art is something she really enjoys and has some tal?ent for, so this magnate school is the perfect way for her to pursue it. She also enjoys sing?ing and music and all the teenage girl stuff!! Our second daughter Jenna Lynn was born just over three years later and will be starting the sixth grade at the Meadows School this fall. She is the athlete of the family, enjoying golf and most other sports. She is even going to try out for the sixth and seventh grade foot?ball team at her school. Jenna also enjoys art and spends a lot of time at Debbie?s art school. After spending ten years in the property management business, I sold my interest in the company to my partner and joined my fa?ther at his commercial real estate brokerage company. Our company, Levy Realty, special?izes in all aspect of sales and development of commercial real estate. Along with the bro?kerage side of the company we have devel?oped and own a number of properties which are my responsibility to manage on a daily basis (due to my previous experience). Debbie used her years of accounting ex?perience to join with a partner and start an art school named Art Classes for Kids. In her pur?suit of a good art instructor for our girls, she met her partner, a trained artist who teaches art to kids. Their relationship grew into what they have now, a full time business of teach?ing art to kids of all ages and holding art camps in the summer. They also can do birthday parties with art as the theme. My grandparents moved to Las Vegas in 1943, from Los Angeles, California. They were in the grocery store business. My grandfa?ther?s first store was downtown on Fremont Street; he expanded onto Casino Center with the Market Spot before eventually moving up to West Charleston with his store named Pan?orama Market. My first job was bagging gro?ceries for his customers, making sure not to crush the bread. My grandparents were very civic minded, giving a lot of their time to the community, not only the Jewish community, but the whole community'. My grandfather was a city commissioner in the early 60?s and spent many years on the Las Vegas Housing Authority Board. My grandparents were found?ing members of Temple Beth Shalom, which was the only temple I knew growing up here in Las Vegas. As TBS was the only Temple in town then, it is where I went to religious school, Hebrew school and where I was a Bar Mitzvah. It is also where Debbie and I were married and were members for many years. Having grown up at Temple Beth Shalom, it was very hard to leave there and join Congregation Ner Ta?mid. But, we finally decided that in the best interest of our family, a change was needed. We have never regretted joining CNT and the "CNT Family". Being involved at the temple has been a family affair, as Debbie has served on the board and helped plan a number of functions, from socials to fund raisers. My time on the board of directors has been very enjoy?able so far and will only get better as I em?bark on the duties of Administrative Vice President. We are truly one big "family" all working towards the same goals. I truly want to help CNT continue moving forward and re?main: A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG. ?Dre.w Conversion Classes Classes for individuals in?terested in converting to Ju?daism will be offered: Monday evenings from 7:15-8:15 pm in the Temple library beginning September 9th. The class will be taught by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Eileen Kollins. Together, the class will cover... the fundamentals of Judaism, - Jewish history, Jewish holidays, and lifecycle events In addition, students will learn basic Hebrew skills and general knowledge for the weekly Torah portion. Individuals interested in registering for this class must contact Rabbi Aksel?rad at 733-6292. A nominal fee of $50.00 per semester plus books will be required. Mark Your Calendars Dr Stephen Rollins, past president of CNT will speak about the World Union for Progressive Judaism at Shabbat Services on September 20 Dr Rollins is a member of the North American Board for the World Union for Progressive Judaism September 1996 </L (Special fjf)laee (Jo (Belong. 7 ^ September 6, 1996 Sylvia Rubin Jennie Cavadlo Gabriel Stein Milton Friedman Solomon Figelski Nathan Barg Sam Zimmerman September 13, 1996 Barbara Ankenbauer Seymour Edlis Simon Prezant Phyllis Grossman Viola Schultz Aaron Cohen Helene Michelle Gorbena Murray Com Winifred Roth Harry Zabinofsky Sam Klein Morris ?Mike? Michelson Miriam Siegel September 20, 1996 Sadie Fox Milton Grant Hildegard Walrauch Frank Akselrad Mildred Wilner Lawrence Sasso Janet Abrams Jack Kalesh David Podolin Charlotte Ziarko Sara Weissman Leonard Meritz September, 27, 1996 Lawrence Lewin Annie Cohn Solomon Adler Barnett Bader Harry Diwald Anna Schnoll Nathan Brandon Shields Mae Kaplan Handler Ben Weinberg Leonard Winter Morris Li pshaw Pepie Molasky Eileen Stem Herman Sternberg Martin Kishner A ----------------------- J)o ^ou have a Jamity member or a friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen in the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. SCM? | Use SCRIP for your SloCiday food Purchases It?s the easiest way to support your Temple with no extra cost to you... For each $100 purchase of SCRIP, you will receive a $2.50 credit toward your Temple dues (up to $100 re?duction on purchase of limit of $4,000 in SCRIP). SCRIP can be purchased in the Tem?ple office during work hours, through the mail, and at Sun?day school during the school year. You can purchase SCRIP through the mail, just send the coupon below: (?------------ I Name:_______________________I I I I Address:_____________________| City&State:________________ Zip:______________________ Phone:____________________ Store (Albertson's, Smiths, or Vons): 5's, 10's, or 20's: Total Amount:_______________ I V_______________________J Any questions, contact Allan Nathanson at 796-8391 Congregation Ner Tamid September 1996 Outreach V Outreach is a national program designed to welcome in?ter-faith families, those newly converted and those study?ing for conversion into Synagogue life. Outreach offers programs through the year that are designed to provide a forum for discussion of important issues in a sensitive way. In addition, Outreach provides programs to teach specific skills in celebrating Jewish holidays and lifecycle events. Mark your calendars now for this year?s upcoming events: 9 Sunday October 13,1996 at 6:30pm Shabbat Social Coffee - Bella will lead a Shabbat orientation at Christi Ober?s House. $ Sunday December 8,1996 at 6:30pm, at the Temple - December Dilemma $ Friday March 14,1997 at 6:00pm, we will have a Shabbat dinner at the Temple, followed by services $ Sunday April 13,1997 at 6:30pm at the Temple, Eileen Kollins will lead a Passover experience Outreach is open to the entire community regardless of affilation. For more information, contact Christi Ober at 363-8509 or Susan Mehr at 434-5649. YISKOR YOM KIPPUR 1996/5757 Trudy Aaron Fannie Berger A. Sam Bloom Diana Brethrick Harry Bycel Earl Burkons Miriam Burkons Mildred Cohen Sylvia Eliasberg Don Eisner Hazel Ewan Dina Foosaner Max Friedman Anna Gabelman William Gabelman Arthur Gellin Samuel Gerber Harry Ginsberg Vivian Gold Mary Goldsmith Arnold Greenfield Claire Greenfield Philip Herman Don Kamer Aaron Katzman Eugene Kirshbaum Phil Light Mollie Lowey Helen Marikos Stephen Newmark Goldy Ostrow Lee Pearson Mimi Platt Michael Roth Ted Sakol Sylvia Sancier Manny Schwartz Benjamin Seideman Sarah Sendrow Aaron Seltzer Lillian Shapiro Richard Shields Joey Skillbred Annette Weinstein Alice White Henry Wolf Si<ite>i4ood Qiit S&ofr Congregation Ner Tamid is a special place to belong... And a special place for chil?dren with special educational needs. October 1996, through the support of the Jewish Fed?eration of Las Vegas and Con?gregation Ner Tamid, will mark the beginning of a pro?gram to educate some remark?able Jewish children. There is no fee for this program. You do not need to be a mem?ber of any congregation in Las Vegas. If you know o