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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 1992



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    May 1992 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Cal Lewis, President Nisan - Iyar 5752 Cynthia Wood, Acting Administrator Jeanne Schomaker, Principal Deborah Stadt, Editor Julie Gruber, Preschool Director Schedule of Services May 1, 1992 NTTY Creative Service Services at 8:00 p.m. Services conducted by: NTTY Oneg Sponsored by: NTTY May 8, 1992 Sisterhood Sabbath Services at 8:00 p.m. Services conducted by Sisterhood Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood May 15, 1992 Family Service Honoring the Religious School Staff Services at 7:30 p.m. Services conducted by: Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by: Sisterhood May 22, 1992 Social Action Shabbat Services at 8:00 p.m. Services conducted by: Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by: Social Action Committee May 29, 1992 Shabbat Services Services at 8:00 p.m. Services conducted by: Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by: Sisterhood Special Services at CNT The month of May symbolizes many things. Spring, the beginning of a summer of "freedom", freshness and light. This May at Congregation Ner Tamid we have many special occasions, commemorated by special services. NTTY Creative Service The first Shabbat of May is the NTTY creative service. The youth group NTTY will present a service dealing with religious tolerance. NTTY, under the guidance of Alan Hirsh, has been participating in a program of comparative observance. They have gone to services at a Mormon church, a Methodist church, a Catholic church and a Lutheran church. As they have observed these services, differences and similarities have become apparent. They will share these observances with us on Friday, May 1, at 8:00 p.m. in the CNT Sanctuary. Sisterhood Sabbath May 8 will be the date of the Sisterhood Sabbath. Sisterhood is a vital, integral part of our Congregational community, with interests ranging from the youth of our Temple to the various social action interests they pursue. They will share with us their view of Sisterhood and the Women of Reform Judaism at a special Shabbat where Sisterhood members will participate in the service. Come celebrate Shabbat with our CNT community and Sisterhood on Friday, May 8 at 8:00 p.m. Con?t pg. 4........... In Memoriam We record with great sorrow the passing of Norman Roth Beloved Husband of Doris Roth Sylvia Herzog Beloved Sister of Jeanette Schwartz Yahrzeits May 1 Meyer Itzkowitz Ida Starr May 8 Pauline Rosenblum Dora Nathanson Nathaniel Chaiken Hiram Lewis Mae Liebert Sarah Shachter Max Waxier Jennie Gerstler Esther Coira May 15 Lucille Goldstein Issadore Wexler Hannah Nirke Rose Kogon Herman Wishnak Sarah Pitcher Emanuel Wender Sidney Warren Leonard Winograd Shirley Richardson Samuel Bierman Louis Giordana Hannah Silverstein Saul Miller Sidney May John S. Eskeles May 22 Jacob Newman Celia Zimmerman Frieda Zabinofsky Harry Nathanson Isaac Hirshom Augusta Sternberg Abraham Goldstein Max Benish George Asch Robert Worth May 29 Jack Davidson Brian Fox Frieda Zabinofsky Gussie Wender Helen Nass Trade Hirshom Samuel Bossak David Eisenberg Florence Bader Andrew Jackson 1 Rabbi?s Message "I love Las Vegas, man. It?s a great town. I mean where else can you drink 24 hours a day?" These were among the last words spoken by comedian Sam Kinison who died almost instantly on April 10th due to a head on collision with a drunken teenager. Sam Kinison-whose offbeat, often outrageous and loud humour made him a hero to many young people died needlessly and uselessly. Don?t get me wrong, I was not a fan, nor enthralled with his kind of humour. In fact it irritated me. A part of me felt that comedians of his ilk who have made light of such subjects as drugs and alcohol abuse have helped to create an environment of acceptability for their abuse. Thus when I heard him speak the above words in an interview broadcast posthumously, I could not help but feel the sad irony and down right tragedy of a man who died at the height of his career, having been married only days before. I thought maybe his death will cause others to wake up to the danger of substance abuse of any kind. For a generation that has taken great pride in being health conscious, and environment conscious, there can be no question that drugs have found their way into this generation?s lifestyle. Our society has done too little, too late to stop the widespread growth of drug abuse. Take for example the fact that the "war on drugs" has barely made it into the debate of this year?s presidential campaign. One candidate is mocked because he claimed that he tried pot but he didn?t inhale. Another is accused of allowing his residence for illegal drug parties-but he himself denies that he was present, nor did he allow such things to occur. What is seriously lacking is a genuine discussion of what any of the candidates intend to do to help eliminate drugs and what they intend to do to attack the root causes of drug abuse. Telling kids to "just say no" is simply not enough. See Message - pg 4... Message con?t. Bat Mitzvah of Lindsey Ober My name is Lindsey Ober. I am a seventh grader at Brinley Junior High. My interests include swimming,volleyball, bike riding, shopping with my friends and skiing. One of my hobbies is collecting glass figures. The hours I have put into this hobby are many. I hope that my Bat Mitzvah will be a great success and I hope that you can attend this celebration on May 23. Bar Mitzvah of Joey Unger ^ My name is Joey Unger and I?m an Honor Roll student at Woodbury Jr. High. I enjoy playing street hockey and I am on a hockey team at the Santa Fe Ice Arena. My Bar Mitzvah is on Saturday, May 2 at 10:00 a.m. I hope to see you there. President9s Message Spring is definitely upon us, and with spring comes graduations, confirmations and more weddings than usual. Year round we recognize birthdays, anniversaries, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, but springtime is a time for renewal. Celebrate all of the mitzvahs by purchasing a plaque on our "Chai" monument and all of us benefit. Another very important fundraiser is upon us. The Goods and Services Auction is Saturday, May 9 at 7:00 p.m. Please plan fl attend, and I promise you a very good time. ^ You might be wondering why I started my column with a plea for funds. Jeanne Schomaker must take all of the blame - she tells me there will be almost 250 (you read correctly!) children in our religious school next year. The calendar is showing over 30 B?nai Mitzvahs. We have sustained phenomenal growth and our facility must be able to meet the needs of our congregation. Some expansion must be seriously considered. Let me make a few comments about last month?s activities. Those who attended the David Syme concert had a real treat. He is a very talented fellow, and presented a very nice program. Special thanks to Phyllis Mark for her organization of the Passover Seder. She did a superb job as usual. I hope everyone had a wonderful Passover. Your Temple family is very active with a wide variety of diverse activities. Read your bulletin carefully and find something that interests you. Your participation enriches you and all of us - if you have ideas for other activities, be sure to let us know. Also let me mention our advertisers in the bulletin. We need to patronize them and let them know that we appreciate their support. I hope to see you at all the May activities. Have a good month - Happy Spring. Cal 2 Introduction To Judaism and Hebrew Offered at CNT This Summer Have you ever wanted to learn a little bit more about your religion? Have you ever sat in services wishing that you could follow along, but alas, you did not know Hebrew? Now is your chance to learn in a relaxed, but structured environment. Congregation Ner Tamid will once again offer its popular 10 week "Introduction to Judaism" class on Sunday mornings beginning June 14th from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Immediately following this class will be a beginning Hebrew class for adults from 10:45 to 12:00 noon. Both classes will be taught by Mrs. Alma Covitz. Mrs. Covitz has taught both courses for the past ten years in synagogues both in the midwest and the east. She has taught religious school and B?nai Mitzvah students as well. She is a fabulous teacher and you will not want to miss this opportunity to learn more about Judaism. This course is open to the entire community and costs $30.00 for CNT members, and $40.00 for non-members. This fee is for each class. In addition, students are expected to purchase appropriate textbooks for use during the class. Class registration is now open. Please call Debbie at the CNT office, 733-6292, to register. Space is limited to 30 students. Tot Shabbat Mark your calendars for the last Tot Shabbat this year. On Saturday, May 9 at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary we will hold our last Tot Shabbat before the High Holidays. This is a shabbat morning program designed for children 2-6 years of age and their siblings. Rabbi Akselrad conducts a service, especially abbreviated, for younger children. Following services, the children will participate in an exciting arts and crafts project, with a light lunch to complete the morning. Special thanks to Bette Stahl and her committee for doing such a wonderful job. Place: Temple Sanctuary Time: 10:00 a.m. Date: May 9, 1992 RSVP: Temple Office 733-6292 A Special Thank You Our Executive Director, Ruth Fite, is leaving us to pursue other business ventures on May 1st. Ruth has been with us for 4 years, and throughout that time has given her best to our congregation. We will miss her very much, and would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work and dedication. Thank you, Ruth, from the entire membership of Congregation Ner Tamid! Las Vegas Hebrew High School On March 27, 1992, I attended my first meeting on behalf of our congregation as a new LVHH Board Member representing Ner Tamid. It was truly a pleasure to meet everyone associated with this very important lifetime project, educating our children on Jewish life. Not only is it a mitzvah, it?s vital that we as parents see to it that our children have a balance between religion, secular education, sports and fun! LVHH allows our teens to meet teens from other congregations. We at LVHH are committed to producing Jewish adults who will live active, involved, knowledgeable and contributing Jewish lives. For those of you who are new to our congregation, or those of you who may not know, LVHH was formed a year ago and is a co-sponsored educational organization between the Federation of Jewish Agencies and the Las Vegas Synagogues. Every temple is represented, and all the Rabbis, Cantors and other qualified Jewish instructors participate in our children?s religious education by teaching various classes. At the present time, the classes are held at Congregation Ner Tamid on Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., with an optional hour from 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. What a wonderful opportunity for our children to learn from our positive role models and meet other Jewish teens their age! If you are really interested in your child?s religious education, please take a moment to call me with your address and I will mail information to you regarding enrollment information for the next year as soon as it is available. Pre-enrollment for next year will begin in late summer, 1992. 1 would also like to invite everyone to attend this year?s Closing Ceremony/Graduation to be held at Temple Beth Sholom on Thursday, May 28 at 7:00 p.m. It will last about one hour. This will be a marvelous opportunity for you and your children to meet all the wonderful people involved with this important project. See LVH - page 13... 3 And lest we think that we in the Jewish community are immune from the problems of drugs, think again. Like most myths?there are no Jewish alcoholics, gamblers, criminals or poor?the notion that there are no Jewish substance abusers is simply that, a myth. And we as parents ignore the warning signs in our own children at our own peril. Have you noticed changes in your child?s personality, his/her choice of friends? Has he/she become more isolated, depressed, or withdrawn? Have you noticed changes in his/her sleep patterns or a dramatic change in appearance? Do you feel that your child has the will power to say "no" or has a tendency to follow the pack, no matter what the action? Sam Kinison made a fortune poking fun at people and their crazy indiosyncracies. He loved to joke about people driving around drunk and having a crazy good ole time. I never found the humour very funny. And I have a hunch, that had he lived, Sam would have decided to change his act one last time... Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Sbabbat Family Service Friday, May 15th 7:30 p.m. Honoring the Religious School Staff Special Services - Con?t Family Service Honoring the Religious School Staff Just as the school year ends, we pause to consider the dedication and hard work of the religious school faculty and principal. May 15th we will honor the entire religious school staff at a family service beginning at 7:30 p.m. The future of Reform Judaism is our children, and these hard working, dedicated individuals have committed themselves to the Jewish education of our "future Jews". Join Rabbi Akselrad and the Jr. Choir as we all show our appreciation for them. Social Action Shabbat Social Action is a great mitzvah. Tikkun olam, repairing the world, is the obligation of each and every Jew. Our Social Action Committee has spent the past year pursuing this mitzvah. On Friday, May 22nd they will present a special Shabbat with members of the committee participating in the service as well as a special guest speaker, Jim Spinello. As Shavuot approaches, two groups of dedicated students prepare for life-cycle events. These students have made a great commitment to Jewish studies, and have achieved their goals with their hard work. The Confirmation Class and the Adult B?nai Mitzvah classes have selected June 5th and June 12th, respectively, for their public statements of commitment to Judaism. Confirmation Class On June 5th, the Confirmation Class will celebrate their confirmation in a special service written and presented by the class. These teens have worked for a year preparing for this event, an affirmation of their Jewish identities. The service will begin at 7:30 p.m. and the class has invited the entire congregation. Please join us and show your support of these young adults? dedication and hard work. B ?nai Mitzvah The Adult B?nai Mitzvah class consists of five women. Together they have been pursuing Jewish knowledge and learning to read Hebrew. They ask that you come and celebrate with them on June 12th at 8:00 p.m. They will conduct the service and read from the Torah, each woman inteijecting her own insights into the pursuit of her Jewish self. May and June are truly special months at Congregation Ner Tamid. Join us and experience the true feeling of Shabbat, that of G-d, creation and family. Please join Rabbi Akselrad and the Jr. Choir for a special Family Shabbat Religious School Wish List 1. Letter quality printer 2. School supplies - paper, pencils, etc. 4 NTTY On April 9-12, NTTY traveled to El Paso, Texas for the last SWFTY event of the year, Spring Conclave. We discussed our Judaism, but also heard many speakers of other religions speak. It was very hard to say goodbye, especially to the seniors, because this was their last SWFTY event ever. In March & April NTTY took part in many programs relating to this theme. We also had exposure to how some religions work, by going to their Church services. Everyone was amazed by both the similarities and differences, and want to share what they have learned about religious tolerance with the congregation. NTTY elections are being held on May 3. The positions are: President, Executive Vice President, Religious Vice President, Social Action Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Later on, the positions of Editor, Member-at-large, and Historian will be chosen by the Executive Board. May the best NTTYite win! May 1 is the date for the NTTY creative cervice on Religious Tolerance. On May 17 17 the 8th graders are invited to a social being done by NTTY. This will be a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. Mitzvah Corp, a camp for under-privileged kids in Prescott, AZ, is June 6 - 10, and again from June 10 - 14. Thank you to all the congregants who helped make this possible. Only a few NTTYites will have the opportunity to be a counselor at this camp and help make a difference in these children?s lives. The first SWFTY event of the 1992-93 year will be SWFTY camp in August. Anyone from grades 9-12 will have the chance to spend a fun-filled week in the beautiful setting of Camp Charles Pearlstein, where they will make friends and learn about Judaism. It is a wonderful experience for any teenager in grades 9-12. Cub Scout News During the past months, Pack 145 has remained very active. In February we enjoyed our first Blue & Gold dinner, followed by a trip to Lee Canyon for some fun in the snow. March continued with an exciting Pinewood Derby. During this time we picked up some new recruits, and now have three dens. In April we planned an overnight trip to the Valley of Fire which was a great success. In May we plan an overnight trip to the Colorado River. Anyone interested in joining our pack, or participating in a leadership role should contact Bob Frankl at 454-9513 after 5 p.m. MTTY NTTY News We?re ending the year with a big "splash". We?re having a barbecue & swim party at Lindsey Bemay?s on Sunday, May 31. Have your parents drop you off at Lindsey?s house at 11 a.m. and pick you up at 3 p.m. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. You need to bring your own towel and a 2-liter bottle of soda of your choice. We?ll supply the food! You?ll need directions to Lindsey?s, so when you call to RSVP we will give them to you. Peter - 362A383 Sheryl - 873-7769 P.S. A special thank you to Donn Smylie and Doug Stadt for driving on our last outing. Thanks! ITTY BTTY NTTY News On Sunday, April 5, 18 ITTY BTTY NTTY members and 5 adults toured, visited with and fed the animals and birds at the recently expanded Southern Nevada Zoological Park. Our visit was under warm and sunny skies, and we once again stopped at our favorite Baskin-Robbins "watering hole" for ice cream. We want to thank the parents: Cindy Milmeister and Dr. Bill and Shirley Bossak for taking their time to drive and visit the park with us. Sharon & Paul Cohen Advisors NTTYly Yours, Aleza K. Goldsmith 5 Sisterhood Tributes From Rose Dunn to Roberta Price & Family, My sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother, Rae. From Joan & Leslie Dunn to Roberta Price & Family, Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother, Rae. From Steven & Bunny Dunn to Roberta Price & Family, Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother, Rae. From Wendy & Jeff Rosenfeld to Sophie Pisetsky in appreciation for all your help and support for Brian?s Bar Mitzvah. From Maxine, Steve & Andy Gratz to Marlene & Irwin Sherman, Mazel Tov on Lisa and Marilyn?s good news. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Mr. & Mrs. Alan Mann, Congratulations on the birth of your son. Sisterhood Gift Shop Check out our new merchandise! Don?t forget us for special orders! The gift shop is open by appointment. Please call Phyllis Lewis at 458-8119 or Mary Fox at 456-4452. The office staff can also open the gift shop for you during office hours. HHi Scrip Scrip raises money for Sisterhood painlessly. To purchase scrip for Lucky, Von?s, Albertson?s, or Smith?s - call Rita Malkin at 451-9412. Support the Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood. Sisterhood News I hope everyone had a happy Passover. Our progressive dinner, a gastronomical delight, was enjoyed by all attending. Many thanks to our hard-working vice presidents, Maxine Gratz and Marci Samoiloff. You are all cordially invited to attend Sisterhood Sabbath on Friday night, May 8th at 8:00 p.m. Sisterhood members will participate in the service, and the Oneg will be sponsored by Sisterhood. Remember, elections and a general meeting will be held on Thursday night, May 28th at 7:30 p.m. at the Temple. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the donor luncheon on May 31st. Your invitation will be in the mail. RSVP to Sandy Ziskrout at 892-0703. A warm welcome to all our new members. Shalom, Rita Malkin President, Sisterhood Brotherhood The Brotherhood will be holding elections at their next meeting on May 3 at 9:00 a.m. Please come and meet your new officers. Also to be addressed at the meeting will be the set-up and staffing of the Fireworks Booth. This is the major fundraising effort of the Brotherhood. Brotherhood only succeeds because of the dedication of it?s members. This past year has been a great one for Brotherhood, the up-coming year will be even better. Golden Chai Shalom! The last luncheon for Golden Chai was wonderful! The attendance was impressive considering the number of people out of town for Passover. We had a wonderful time, and I hope to see all of you at our next meeting on May 7th at 12:00 noon at Congregation Ner Tamid. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Shalom, Helen Zliser President, Golden Chai r a Auxilliarv Presidents Sisterhood: Rita Malkin 451-9412 Golden Chai: Helen Zliser 254-6678 Brotherhood: Roger Ewan 458-1031 6 Religious School News Preschool News f-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------\ The Parents of the Confirmation Class of 1992 Request the honor of your presence to help celebrate this important milestone in the Ufe of our Congregation. Friday Evening June 5, 1992 Service 7:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid Aaron Kenneth Cohen Michael Giordano Stephanie McKinnon Bran Neal Spoor Matthew David Stone William R. Tiep Robert Mark Worth Oneg Following Service Hosted by Parents of Confirmands Religious School News Just as this school year ends, another one begins! Registration forms have been mailed to all the current religious school students, along with tuition and book fee information. Please fill out the forms and return them as soon as possible. We anticipate new enrollments again this year, so space is at a premium. Remember, the discount cut off for early enrollment is May 31, so....Don?t Delay, Mail Today!!! The Model Seder was a great success, with Rabbi Akselrad, Alan Hirsh and the parents who helped doing a wonderful job. We are very fortunate to have such involved, enthusiastic parents. You show your commitment to your children?s Jewish education in everything you do for our school. Our last day of school is May 17, with the event of that day being the Maccabia. The Maccabia is a great event with games for all the students. The best team of M. B. Dalitz Religious School will have their team name inscribed forever on the Maccabia plaque which hangs in the principal?s office. The Maccabia begins at 10:00 a.m. and ends with a BBQ around lunch time. The Religious School office will be open during the Maccabia for registration, so if you didn?t get yours in yet, you?ll have one last chance at the early registration discount. Final report cards will be given out during the Maccabia to the parents. Please take time to review them and see how well all your children have done! Next year?s religious school committee is now being formed. If you are interested in being an integral part of the religious school, please contact either Jeanne at 733-6292 or Denise Schnitzer at 435-1617. Preschool News Shalom!!! Our preschool is really growing. We have 16 children and a few more ready to enroll. The last day of school will be June 12. If you have a preschooler, or know someone who does, tell them to enroll for September ASAP. It will be on a first come, first served basis. If you register before July 10, there will be no registration fee. Please call for any information you may need regarding preschool. The children are getting ready for graduation and they are really excited. We have seven students who will graduate in June. We are all happy for the children and their families. We plan to have a graduation party on the last day of school and everyone is welcome. We want to thank Cliff again for putting together our new playhouse. We would not have been able to build the house without the generous donation from the Sisterhood. Thank you Sisterhood!!! We also want to thank Leslie Simon, Marilyn Glovinsky and Melissa Glovinsky for their donations to the preschool. See you next month! Julie and Andrea. 7 May Birthdays Ida Aberman Joni Akselrad Dana Benedict Richard Berger Michael Berman Thomas Bigham Sidney Boruszak Janet Buchanan Sarah Buchanan Cara Buchanan Harry Bycel Joseph Chenin Paul Cohen Kimberly Cohen Mitchell Cohen Richard Cummins Alan Davidson David Diamond Michael Dias Mark Dolginoff Donald Eisner Michael Dias Harvey Eisner Jeffrey Fine Sylvia Frank Brian Frank! Matthew Fried Leesa Galatz Susan Gerecht Eric Glyman Amy Gold Ryan Goldhammer Sharon Gordon Nikos Gousdovas Zachary Grobstein Lori Harbach Susan Joseph Shayna Katz Douglas Kern Joshua Kern Mort Kirson Jeremy Kohnen Stephen Lehman Stephanie Lehmer Jala Levey Diane Lovelock Wendy Snider Malone Michael Marcuse Alan Miller Susan Moss Carol Naimon Lenora Newman Jack Nitzkin Michael Novick Harold Ober Lindsey Ober Lauren Ober Morton Orzen Anita Posin Rene Raynes Steven Reiser Scott Robbins Michael Rodgers x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::: ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x: x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::: ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x: ......................::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::: ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::&::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x;:x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x ^M?r:x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::^;:x9x::x::x::x::x::x::x::)#<::x::?w(::ivt::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:: Px::xWx::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::xijx::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:*::x::x:f*cx:#::x::x::xxxxx::x::x::x::x::x::x k::x::x::x::: ft:x::x::x::x: x::x::x::x::: __l:x::x::x::x: *Tix::x::x::x::: x::x::x::x:: ::x::x::x _ ;x::x::x::x::xf:::x:: ::x::x::x::x:*:x::x:: x::x::x::x ::x::_ ::x::x::xr ? x::x::x:^c^...................._....,............_ _ .............. ........................................................ ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::>^^^/::x::x::x::x^^i?r.:x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x.... x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::xT?x::x::x::x::x::x7Tx::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:: ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:: ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:: ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::: ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x: x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::: NTTY in Israel! Three of our NTTY members are currently in Israel, probably a first for Congregation Ner Tamid. David Glovinsky, a senior at Clark High School, and Jennifer Gross, a senior at Valley High School, are two of the four Las Vegas teenagers selected to participate in the "March of Living", a program for Jewish students from all over the world. They were in Poland for one week, including an observance of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Then they travelled to Israel, where they currently are, in order to celebrate Yom Ha?Atzmaot with 5,000 other teenagers. Lisa Kollins, a senior at Bonanza High School, is a participant in the Alexander Muss High School in Israel. She will be studying with students from all over the world, attending classes and seeing the country in depth. She is based in a dormitory near Tel Aviv. Coincidentally, Alan Mann, our Ner Tamid Religious Vice President, participated in this same program when he was a senior in high school. Au Pair/ Nanny Needed - Temple member needs a live-out nanny/au pair to care for a new-born. Need own transportation and references. Salary DOE. Please call Debra Cohen - 361-2685. Bradley Rosenberg Jeffrey Rosenfeld Wendy Rosenfeld David Rounds Lawrence Sasso Arlyse Scheinbaum Linda Schnitzer David Schomaker Lynn Schuchmann Justin Shiroff Frederic Siegel Shawn Silber Bradley Charles Silverstein Stacey Drucker Sneed Joseph Speizer Nina Tiep Carol Treat Daniel Unger Elizabeth Waters Robert Worth Jodi Zachary Jack Zimler 8 Congregational Survey Results MEMO: r Over forty congregational families took the time and effort to fill out our Congregational Survey. The results are interesting and enable us all to feel pleased with the progress we have made. As in all surveys, the results were not unanimous, but there was clearly a feeling of contentment among the congregants who responded. The vast majority of those who returned our survey listed their favorite things about Ner Tamid membership as the warmth of our congregation, its family feeling, and our Rabbi. Many people also expressed an appreciation of our auxiliaries, activities and the comfortable attitude at Shabbat services. A few did complain about a lack of decorum at certain services, and many mentioned that there should be an appropriate dress code, especially when one participates in the service. We do request ties and jackets for men, and a skirt or dress for women if they are to be present on the bima. There was an outpouring of enthusiasm for our choir, and for Bella Feldman as soloist. Most congregants find the mix of Hebrew and English in the services appropriate. Several requested that services begin on time, rather than a few minutes late. People requested a variety of different kinds of sermons and adult education classes; that list has been passed on to the Rabbi for his consideration. Almost without exception our congregants felt that the office staff was courteous and efficient. Those responding liked the variety of Temple activities, although suggestions were made to others. All of your ideas will be considered and, hopefully, some will be acted upon in the not too distant future. Receiving high praise were our religious school, our principal and our staff. A few parents mentioned concerns about classroom facilities, class sizes, and discipline. All of these matters will be addressed. Those who belong to and participate in our auxiliaries enjoy them. A few people felt that there was not enough "outreach" for those who wanted to join, but were reluctant. If you fall in that category, please call either the Sisterhood, Brotherhood or Golden Chai presidents or the Temple office and leave your name and phone number. Someone will contact you. For the most part, people are in agreement that we are outgrowing our facility. In regard to funding a sanctuary, there was a wide variation of responses, ranging from the need for a mandatory assessment to membership resignation if such an assessment is made. Some felt there were more pressing concerns for our budget, such as prayerbooks for the High Holidays, more classrooms, maintenance of the current facility, an