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[ Sunday, December 2, 1951 '< Sale of Vegas facilities Possible ? ? ? ? * ? it it • ? ? CRC Reports O'Neil Plan Seems Feasible Hope for additional water for the Las Vegas valley from Lake Mead was brightened yesterday when the southern Nevada en gineering committee of the Colorado river commission declared that the O’Neil plan, presented here several weeks ago, appeared to be entirely feasible. 1 The statement was made by ; Frank Strong, CRC member, who returned yesterday from a conference in Los Angeles w i t h Ralph O’Neil, father of the present plan to relieve the water shortage in the valley. The question of cost still remains to be determined^ and it is probable, the engineering committee says, the cost will not be any higher than the original plan presented to tap the pipe line at Henderson. O’Neil, at the conference, presented data to Strong which conclusively established the feasibility of increasing the capacity of the Basic pipeline to 51,000,000 gallons per day as far as the Manganese Ores property. The Basic plant lessees have agreed, if this is done, to contract the district to deliver 7 ,- 300.000. 000 gallons per year (figured on the basis of 2 0 ,000,000 | gallons per day) for a period of ten years with a minimum guarantee of 3,(350,000,000 gallons per year (figured on the basis of 10.0 00. 000 gallons per day) for thirty years. Under this plan, the district would tap the line at Manganese Ores with a pipeline .along the eastern edge of the vallejy to . ^Continued on Page j j. east C h a r l e s ton Boulevard, there to connect with the local water system. Directors of the water district have tentatively accepted this program and are prepared to proceed at once If the cost proves satisfactory. Strong said he expected these figures would be ready for the next meeting of t h e Colorado River Commission on December 17, and indications were that if they are within the bounds of the district’s program, the way can be cleared at that tim e for the entire plan to be put into effect as rapidly as the necessary steps can be taken. May Shasta Power Come to Aid ofVegas Possibility that power f r o m Shasta dam. in northern California might be made available, to help solve the pressing power problem in southern Nevada, is being explored by the Nevada Colorado river commission, Governor Charles H. Russell revealed this morning. Following a breakfast meeting with members of the commission’s southern Nevada committee, the governor said A. J. Shaver, electrical -engineer for the group, had been instructed to investigate the Shasta power situation with a view to the state’s making application for whatever may be available. Nevada would have top priority for all power now under contract to private utilities, and might conceivably pick up as much as 90,000 kilowatts in capacity or some 600,000,000 kilowatt hours per year. Delivery could be m a d e through an interchange agreement with Pacific ? Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison companies, whose facilities interlock throughout much, of central California, the governor pointed out. The commission, he said, has discussed the possibility of taking- delivery of this power, if available, near Reno and building a transmission line from there to southern Nevada picking up various communities en route, including the new Anaconda Copper company’s development at Yerington. Present contracts for Shasta power have some four years to run, it is understood. ? ? ? * City, District To Decide Who Will Buy System Just who will purchase the facilities of the Las Vegas Land and Water company—the city of Las Vegas or the Las Vegas valley water-district, is the question officials of both groups hope to settle when commissioners and district directors meet next Monday or Tuesday. Announcement that the facilities are up for possible sale came last night via attorney Calvin Cory, who relayed the feelings of Union Pacific and water company officials in the matter to a water committee of seven representing the city, Chamber of Commerce, Water District and Builders Exchange. Cory told the group last night that U.P General Solicitor E. E. Behnett and water company Managing D i r e c t o r William Reinhardt would be willing to come to Las Vegas to enter sale negotiations if they were convinced that a workable agreement could be attained. . eq pinoM joasu j saqjop | q q ) h a U M o u q p e t f I J I „ I n r m A r . ’PPnf Q — Q , Water District President Tom Campbell, who indicated his organization has in the past discussed the possibility of purchase with the water company, h a s priced the company facilities at $1.5 million. Queried after last night’s meeting as to whether he thought the city or the water district should buy out and operate water company facilities, Mayor C. D. Baker said only that he was interested in converting the water company into a publicly-owned utility as soon as possible. “I’m interested primarily in expediting this transfer as quickly. as possible,” said Mayor Baker. Last night’s meeting at t h e chamber of commerce office was attended also by Public Service Commission Chairman Robert; Allen.' Allen, whose Thursday n i g h t phone poll brought recision of the PSC interim order banning extension of water facilities to new installations put under construction after December 1, [once again urged parties concerned with the Vegas water question to press hard for con- (Continued on Page 2 )