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    at such an election the proposition to incur such a bonded indebt­edness shall have been defeated, after said date either the First Parties or the District may at any time terminate this agreement by giving written notice of such termination to the other party, and after the giving of said notice this agreement shall be of no force or effect. If this agreement shall not have been terminated as hereinbefore provided in this paragraph, and if the District shall have held an election and shall have been authorized at said election to issue bonds for the purchase of the property herein mentioned and the creation of said Relocation Fund, but shall have failed to sell said bonds by December 31, 1953, then at any time after December 31> 1953> this agreement may be term­inated either by the First parties or by the District after having given the other party hereto not less than ninety (90) calendar days' notiee of intention to terminate. When, prior to the time this agreement' shall have term­inated as hereinabove provided, the District shall have sold and received the proceeds of duly authorized bonds sufficient in amount to enable the District to pay the purchase price herein provided and to make the deposit for the Relocation Fund required by Section 5, the obligation of First Parties to sell the proper­ties referred to in Section 1 hereof, and of the District to pur­chase the same for the purchase price herein provided, shall be­come fixed and unconditional; and any notice theretofore given by any party hereto of intention to terminate this agreement shall be of no force and effect. Section 15. Provided that this agreement has not been terminated "pursuant to the provisions of Section 14 hereof, each of the parties hereto agree that in completing said escrow, or at any time after the close of said escrow and upon written request of any other party to this agreement, the party upon whom said request is made will do any acts and will assign and transfer or execute and deliver any instruments reasonably necessary to fully and completely carry out the purposes and provisions of this agree­ment in accordance with the intention of the parties hereto. Section 16. None of the parties hereto shall be consid­ered in default in respect to any obligation.if prevented from fulfilling such obligation by reason of uncontrollable forces, the term ’’uncontrollable forces" being deemed for the purposes of this agreement to mean any cause beyond the control of the party affected, including but not limited to flood, earthquake, storm, lightning, fire, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, labor disturbance, sabotage and restraint by court or public authority, 30.