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I agree.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 113 §« You understand that that would tain sene period of tin*, would it not? A« Too, X heard tin testimony on that. Q. Haws you wade a study of any other methods of augmont- ing your systesi until snob a plan could ho put into effect? A. fee, we continually study these things. Q. When was the last study you made? A. Xt*s a continuous thing; ws are always studying. Q. Hare you wade a study whether or not there were additional waters available to augment your system with at this timet A. Oh, yes. f* Whet was the result ef the study? A* 1 think we expressed it. In our opinion, we don’t think we can get additional water from this underground source. Q, We talked about additional wellsg can you answer that? Doss that apply to wells already In existence that haws a high capacity flow? A. Again you are running into technical matters. 1 prefer that you ask the questions of our toohnleal men who will be on the stand in a few moments. Q. Hr. Reinhardt, in any of your meetings with the City Commission, did you over Indicate to the City that you didn’t feel It was feasible to bring water in from lake Head? A* Iever. Q, And. when the restrictions were imposed in the summer of 1950, did you believe that those restrictions were adequate? A. Oh, no. X think the evidence today has indicated very