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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 14, 1991






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 21 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000684. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING 21-13 THURSDAY', MARCH 14, 1991 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 21-12 IV ANNOUNCEMENTS V BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS V I . EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS VII. UNFININSHED BUSINESS A . Nomination of the Vacant Education Senate Seat. B . Nomination of the Vacant Science and Mathematics Senate Seat. 1. Jayson Landers C . Approval of Senate Bill #5. V I I I . NEW BUSINESS IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X . ADJOURNMENT POSTED IN: MSU 120, MSU case, BEH 1st floor, FDH 1st floor, WRI 1st floor. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 21-13 THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1991 4:00 pm MSU 201 VIII. NEW BUSINESS A . Approval of $5000.00 out of the 903 account for Springfest activities B . Approval of $3000.00 out of the 903 account for a KUNV lecture by Helen Caldecott for their tenth anniversary. C . Approval of $3000.00 out of the 903 account for the Springfest Carnival. D . Approval of $1073.00 out of the 905 account for a member of the Yellin' Rebel staff to attend the Tuscon and Seattle NCAA tournaments E . Approval of $600.00 out of the 900 account for KUNV Sports Reporter Jay Sapovitz to attend the Tuscon, Seattle, and Final Four NCAA tournaments. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X . ADJOURNMENT :bjb UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 OVERVIEW OF COPY CENTER WITHIN NEW CLASSROOM BUILDING CURRENT COPY CENTER SERVICES With the advancement of computer technology and our population explosion, faculty and students are demanding more black and white copying services. In anticipating this increased demand for services, a small, one-operator copy center was established in FDH in 1989. It has been used extensively by the faculty, with a few new features being offered, such as limited scantron service, poster service, and pick-up and delivery service. Student services are limited. The need for such a center has been evident. Total copies from 3/89 to 2/91 increased from 1.8 million to 3 million (60 percent). One indicator of its success has been a 215 percent increase in academic publishing. Academic Publishing Service (APS) provides students with a 37 to 50 percent reduction in cost compared with off-campus facilities. However, as the University population has continued to grow, it has become clear that a 10 X12 foot area (with limited hours and services, no self-service, and delays) is woefully inadequate for the needs of our faculty and students. PROPOSED COPY CENTER SERVICES The new center of 2,000 sq. ft. would offer full- and self-service with handicap access and operating hours from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. The facility would include: A Scantron Services • Academic Publishing Service (lock-up for tests) • Notary Public Service • Photo Copy Service • Poster Service A Cut & Paste Area • Tri-folder (tape, stapler, scissors, • Typewriter pencil sharpener, A Change Machine paper cutter) • 3-Hole Punch • Transparencies A Pick-up & Delivery A Spiral Binder A Velio Binder A Perfect Binding A Graduate Thesis Program The following services also could be offered when the center opens, if special funding is designated: • Computer Access Resume Program Labels • Color Copier • Lamination A Fax Service • Scanner A Laser Printer If special funding is not designated, the services listed above could be added as cost-recovery funds eventually become available. Proposal by Les Raschko Director, University News and Publications March 14,1991 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA SYSTEM • BUSINESS CENTER SOUTH PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Clark County Community College • University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Parkway • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 (702) 739-3521 • FAX (702) 739-3859 GENERAL REQUEST FORM NO. 936147 nATF 03/18/91:j omplete Suggested Vendor Address: (1) N a m e Stan Tyre11 f/s/o STAN RANKIN T. & MESHACK BAND Address: 1501 South Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89104 Social Security/ ID Number 560-79-4692 FAX: Telephone: 386-7022 For Business Office Use Only: Purchase Order Item Number _J2) Quantity /Unit (3) (4) i§L Complete Item Description Include model/stock/catalog/part number, manufacturer, size, etc. Estimated Cost (6) Unit Cost JZl Total Cost 1 . job INDEPENDENT SERVICE PROVIDER CONTRACT ENTERTAINMENT PERFORMANCE, two (2) 45-minute sets 1991 Springfest Friday, March 22, 1991 MSU Courtyard 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ^ ^ S E M E R GT^N C-Y -•f •. 1,1 is CASH WITH ORDER * $400.00 QUOTE: Stan Tyrell Deliver to Address: Ent.&Prog. Drnan&atinn* UNLV fVnartmpnt* 5 t U « 6 0 V t « 03/18/91 : j T0TAL $400.00 Namfl. Liza Gripentrog, E&P Director,-Stu. Gov Joyce Garcia, Mgt. Asst., Stu. Govt. Riiilrling- MSU pnnnr 120 -fei^hnnP- *3477 Strprt- City State- 7IP- (9) Note: In all cases of payment for personal services or other payments subject • • to reporting for income tax purposes, the payee's Social Security or Employer Identification number must be entered on this form before payment can be made. WHEN IN DOUBT, SHOW THE NUMBER! 7IP-For Business Office Use Only: >—| Request For Check r— Request For Check , U T/C30 U T/C31 LJ Request For Check T / C 4 3 ORIGINAL (10) Accounting Information: (11) Approvals "*•:-' Account(s) Charged: D e p t C h a i r ^ ^ _ _ ^ ' & FY Area Fund Dept Proj Object Amount j -rm, r. r Dean> Admin. Ofcr: V • 1 2 4 5 7 4 1 2 0 9 0 3 3 1 1 8 $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 Controller: Purchasing: (12) Special Instructions: PLS CALL X 3 4 7 7 LIZA/JOYCE WHEN CHECK IS REAC PURCHASING CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES SENATE MEETING 21-13 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14,1991 4:00 pm MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Gina B. Polovina called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Senator Adair Senator Barkhuff Senator Benneman Senator Bunin Senator Cudlip Senator Field Senator Finmark Senator Jensen Senator Kostman Senator Lee Senator Love Senator Maultsby Senator Ortega Senator Ricci Senator Roth Senator Young [late] Senator Tomory Senator Romero Senator Fisher Chair Benneman Director Rosenberg [excused] Acting Director Kershaw Director Gripentrog Director Kennedy Director Reed Chair Gonzalez Chair Tomory Acting Director Ricci Director Menez A s s t . Director deHondol Chair Bunin Editor Brady KUNV Manager Rosenthal III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 21-12 Motion to approve by Senator Kostman. Revisions: Senator Ricci stated that in Open Discussion, she stated that the cart was NOT denied, and that only the per-son in question who abused the cart priviledges is not allowed to use it. Motion carried by voice vote, with Senators Barkhuff, Fisher, Adair and Tomory abstaining. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING 21-13 2 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS PRESIDENT BUNIN read a letter from a student concerning basketball ticket dis-tribution policies from an other university, and stated that it is interesting to find that the basketball ticket controversy that is raging here is also raging elsewhere. He stated that he will be leaving early from the meeting due to the fact that he has to go get ready for his play. He invited everyone to attend the play, stating that the plot is set in the same era as the new movie out starring Robert DeNiro. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN stated that he had an Ad Hoc Independence committee meeting with the Yellin' Rebel, and that the plans for their indepen-dence are coming along well. SENATE PRESIDENT POLOVINA stated that Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman, Director Kennedy, and she was in Carson City on Wednesday to lobby, and that Director Kennedy and she are going back to Carson on Monday, the 25th of March, for three days during Spring Break. She stated that last night the Sub-Com-mittee for Ways and Means of Higher Education met at the university, and that there was testimony taken from "student representatives." However, she stated that no members of Student Government were contacted to attend the meeting but that student ambassadors were there to speak for the students. She stated that there are some very hard feelings concerning the fact that Student Government was excluded. She stated that she has spoken to President Maxson and that there was a "communication lapse" that caused the problem, and that she was assured that it will not happen again. She stated that she received a letter inviting members of Student Government to attend a seminar on parlimentary proceedures, and that the fees will be waived for any members of Student Government who wished to attend. She stated that if there are any interested parties, to let her know during Open Discussion. She yielded the floor to Les Raschko, Director of University News and Publications. LES RASCHKO stated that he would like to get information from Student Govern-ment concerning the possibility of getting 2000 square feet in the building that is being planned for more classrooms in order to have a larger, more comprehensive student copy center. He stated that he is not asking for any funding, but that he would like input from the Senators concerning their constituents ideas about a larger copy center, as well as any suggestions that might improve upon the plan as outlined in the handout that he passed out to the Senate. V . BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS RULES AND ETHICS COMMITTEE — Chair Bunin spoke. PUBLICATIONS BOARD — Acting Director Ricci spoke. SHAC — Chair Tomory spoke and passed out handouts. ORGANIZATIONS BOARD — Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman spoke for Chair Engel. BY LAWS COMMITTEE — Chair Benneman spoke. JUDICIAL COUNCIL — Justice Quick spoke and answered questions. ELECTIONS BOARD — Acting Director Kershaw spoke, lectured, aid answered questions. Senator Bunin spoke concerning Elections Board. OSI — Director Reed spoke and answered questions. E & P — Director Grigpentrog spoke and answered questions. STUDENT SERVICES — Director Menez spoke. NSA — Director Kennedy spoke. SCSAC — Chair Gonzalez stated that there was no report. YELLIN' REBEL - Editor Brady spoke and answered questions. KUNV — KUNV Manager Rosenthal spoke. CSUN BUSINESS MANAGER — Sue Hobbs stated that there was no report, but spoke for Director Rosenberg concerning Appropriations. E & P — Director Gripentrog spoke. VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS There were no nominations. SENATE MEETING 21-13 3 VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Nomination of the Vacant Education Senate Seat. No action was taken at this time. B. Nomination of the Vacant Science and Mathematics Senate Seat. 1. Jayson Landers Senator Finmark nominated JOHN EPPERSON. No further action was taken at this time. C. Approval of Senate Bill #5. Motion was out of order at this time. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of $5000.00 out of the 903 account for Springfest Activities. Motion to approve by Sen. Field. There was discussion. Motion passed by voice vote. B. Approval of $3000.00 out of the 903 account for a KUNV lecture by Helen Caldecott for their tenth anniversary. Motion to approve by Sen. Barkhuff. There was discussion. Motion passed by voice vote. C. Approval of $3000.00 out of the 903 account for the Springfest Carnival. Motion to approve by Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Benneman. Motion carried by voice vote. D . Approval of $1073.00 out of the 905 account for a member of the Yellin' Rebel staff to attend the Tucson and Seattle NCAA tournaments. Motion to approve by Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Benneman. There was discussion. Motion carried by voice vote. E. Approval of $600.00 out of the 900 account for KUNV Sports Reporter Jay Sapovitz to attend the Tucson Seattle, and Final Four NCAA tournaments. Motion to approve by Sen. Field. Motion carried by voice vote. Motion to make an emergency motion by Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman. Motion carried by voice vote. Motion to approve a contract for Tommy Rocker to perform at Springfest on March 21, 1991 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. by Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman. There was discussion. Motion carried by voice vote. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR BUNIN stated that he hopes Springfest goes well. He stated that UNLV reporters tend to get the shaft a lot, and that it is wrong that SID gives one of the three tickets alloted to student reporters to a different reporter. He stated that a student photographer should be allowed to go as well, as the Yellin' Rebel is a working lab, and that a photographer should be allowed to experience the tournaments. He stated that if SID needs photographs, the Yellin' Rebel could provide them from their pictures. He informed all of the Senate to get their speeches in, as they are simple to do. SENATOR LEE had no comments. SENATOR KOSTMAN congratulated KUNV and Rob Rosenthal on the fundraiser. He congratulated the candidates going into the General Elections, and told Senate President Polovina to have a nice day. SENATOR FIELD had no comments. SENATOR RICCI had no comments. SENATOR ORTEGA had no comments. SENATOR ROMERO stated that he agrees completely with Sen. Bunin's comments. SENATOR ROTH had no comments. SENATOR MAULTSBY had no comments. SENATOR CUDLIP had no comments. SENATOR TOMQRY stated that he has submitted a budget for SHAC, and that it has previously been turned down twice, but hopefully the third time is the charm. SENATOR ADAIR had no comments. SENATE MEETING 21-13 4 IX. OPEN DISCUSSION, CONTINUED SENATOR JENSEN stated that he has been questioned by students about when the Senate meetings are during his speeches. He stated that he wanted to let the Senate know that a student from one of his classed attended the Senate meeting today. He stated that there are people who are interested in Student Govern-ment. SENATOR LOVE congratulated KUNV concerning their 10 year anniversary. She offered her assistance to Liza Gripentrog for Springfest. SENATOR FISHER stated that he would like ByLaw 25 reinstated, as he feels that there is very little motivation to make the board legal at this time. He stated that the Judicial Council should shove Senator Kostman into a phonebooth and have "CSUNMAN" attend the meeting, as he has a feeling that there will be a need for a superhuman at the meeting. He stated that it is cold. SENATOR FINMARK stated that it is very cold. She wished good luck to the Judicial Council, and stated that they should bring a bat because feels that all hell will break loose. She stated that Senator Kostman needs to do the "Pterydactyl Shuffle," and that he even has his hat here. She congratulated KUNV. SENATOR BARKHUFF had no comments. SENATOR YOUNG had no comments. FROM THE EXECUTIVES: SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN stated that he would like to yield the floor to Director Kennedy. MIKE KENNEDY, NSA DIRECTOR stated that on Monday there was a meeting with Pres. Maxson for the President's Student Advisory Council, and that the number one item on the agenda was the legislature. He stated that nothing was said about the Sub-Committee on Ways and Means meeting at the university on Wednesday. On Tuesday, he stated that Senate President Polovina, Senate President Pro Tempore Benneman and he were at Carson City, and were informed about the meeting there. He stated that he attended the meeting on Wednesday night, and three students were introduced as representatives and gave testimony to the legislature. He stated that he has never seen any of the students who testified, and that they were definitely not members of Student Government. He stated that Student Government are the representatives of the students, and that the university had every opportunity to inform us of the meeting. He stated that he is going to find out why we weren't asked to testify, and that a lot of the Sub-Committee members know him personally, and wanted to know why Student Government had no representation there. He stated that he feels that it is a slap in the face to Student Government, and that it is a serious problem that communication could breakdown. He stated that he finds such a "communications breakdown" difficult to believe, and that there is one angry NSA Director of campus. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN yielded the floor to William Holt. WILLIAM HOLT moved to make an emergency motion to give the Yellin' Rebel their independence. POINT OF INFORMATION by Senator Bunin that the motion is out of order, and that even if it was not, if independence was given at this time, the Yellin' Rebel would be left without any funding or equipment. POINT OF INFORMATION by Senate President Polovina that only a Senator can make an emergency motion. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN stated that the Ad Hoc committee is in the process of drafting up a resolution to make the Yellin' Rebel independent, and that it is definitely not ready to become independent yet. He stated that as far as the Elections Board rules are concerned, when he ran for the Senate, he accumulated $21.00 in fines. He stated that he read the rules, SENATE MEETING 21-13 5 IX. OPEN DISCUSSION, CONTINUED he knew the rules, and it was his fault that he violated them. He stated that it is every candidate's responsibility to read and follow the rules. He stated that a lot of the Elections Board members have been harrassed, and that they should stand their ground, they made the decision with a lot of information behind it. He stated that he is looking forward to Tommy Rocker. SENATE PRESIDENT POLOVINA requested the names of interested parties for the parlimentary proceedures seminar. [Senators Kostman, Ortega, Romero, Fisher, Barkhuff, Benneman, Lee, and Young showed interest.] She stated that she has some extra brochures for interested Senators. She stated that she will be unable to attend the J.C. meeting, as she will be attending the Georgetown game. She stated that she sincerely echoes Justice Quick.'s remarks. She stated that it was not a good idea to bring a slurpee to the meeting, as it is freezing in the room. She stated that there will be no meeting the week of Spring Break. She stated that everyone should assist Liza Gripentrog for Springfest, and to get the word out about the activities. She stated that she also echoes the remarks made by Director Kennedy, and that hopefully it won't happen again. She stated that Student Government made articles in both the SUN and the RJ. She stated that we are on page 3A of of the SUN and page 12B of the RJ. X. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Gina B. Polovina adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m.