From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
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man001879. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Theta Omega Chapter January 6,2001 Hodeqos Report Soror Ethel ArchibaldHostesses Our thanks to: Soror Shawnae Lacy Soror Shimice Vallano Soror Ina Dorman We appreciate all you do.January Executive Board MeetingHostess: Kaweeda Adams Place: North Area Service Center Hidden Canyon Plaza 3925 Martin Luther King Blvd., Suite 112North Las Vegas, Nevada 89031 Date: January 17,2001 Time: 6:00 p.m.Birthdays1/6 Soror Tina Rimmey1/15 Soror Annette CraigheadAnniversaries1/26 Carolyn and Herschel ParksGet Well WishesSoror Annette Craighead underwent sinus surgery on December 29,2000. Soror Craighead planned to be with us today and we wish her continued good health.HappySympathyPrayers and condolences are extended to Soror SiMone Tyree (Kappa Xi) for the passing of her grandfather, Mr. James Tyree in December. Our prayers are with Soror SiMone and her family at this time.Announcements1. Secret Sorors will be selected. Forms are available today to complete if you wish to participate. Be advise that if you complete a form to have your name selected, you must be prepared to participate by being and secret soror throughout the year.2. Please complete and submit the prepared form for the Thelma Tyree Award.3. There are prizes available for raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Good luck to you all4. Theta Theta Omega thanks all sorors for the early arrival so that our group pictures could be made today.“few things help an individual more than to place, responsibility upon him, and to let him fcnow that you trust him."‘Boofcg.r‘1. ‘Washington
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, foe.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
February 10,2001
Hodeqos Report
Soror Ethel Archibald
Our thanks to:
Bertha Pendleton
Virginia fogram
We appreciate all you do for us.
February Executive Board Meeting
Hostess: Billie Rayford
Place: North Area Service Center
Hidden Canyon Plaza
3925 Martin Luther King Blvd.,
Suite 112
Date: February 21, 2001
New Time: 6:30 p.m.
Soror Pamela Sands 2/4
Soror Donnyss Rucker 2/13
Ssoror Terri Polite 2/21
Soror Sharon Savage 2/21
Soror Rosalyn Guy 2/26
Soror Tamika Bailey 2/28
Soror Lea Alves 2/28
Soror Bema Rhodes-Ford
Transfer from Alpha Sigma Omega
Columbus, Ohio
2607 Summerview PL
Henderson, Nevada 89014
(702) 837-0696
Birthday 08/08
Anniversary 01/01
Honey Do: Aaron
Former chapter member Soror Wylene
Johnson is ill and in need of cheering up.
A get well card was sent to her from
Theta Theta Omega. Your words of
encouragement may be sent to Soror
Johnson's address:
5430 Silverheart Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 6’9142
Soror Annette Craighead is still
recovering from the sinus surgery she
underwent in December. Keep her in your
Soror Shirley Carroll lost her father-inlaw
in a fatal auto accident January 16,
2001. Services were on January 20. Our
deepest sympathy and prayers are
extended to the Carroll Family at this
difficult time.
New Soror in Town
A soror just moved into town...
Rosalind Williams
8450 W. Charleston Apt 1087
Las Vegas, NV 89117
(702) 302-1283
Let us extend ourselves to welcome her
to us.
Missing Items
Sorors I will need all the missing birth
dates and anniversaries from the sorors
who did not complete the directory (Tab
#5). Please check the roster to see if
your information is missing. Then send
that information so I can acknowledge
the dates.
Sisterly Relations
Remember random acts of kindness
when it's least expected. Enjoy your
sorors by doing the unexpected. Will you
be the giver or wait to be a recipient?
Don't forget your secret soror. Enjoy!
Happy Valentine's Day
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
-4F7 March 3.2001
Hodegos Report Soror Ethel Archibald
Our thanks to:
Soror Pamela Thompson-Riley
Soror Ouida Brown
Thank you so much!
April Hostesses
Sorors: McNeil Jacki Brown, Adams, and
March Executive Board Meeting
Hostess: Soror Annette Craighead
April Hostess: Soror Jacki Brown
Place: North Area Service Center
Soror Margret Crawford 3/11
Soror Helen Jenkins 3/21
Soror Diane Stith 3/23
Soror Patti Hester 3/2#
Soror Amanda McWilliams and Honey Do
Derick 3/27
Allanah Nicole McCann was bom
Thursday, February IS, 2001 to Patrick
and Soror Rosily n Russ-McCann
Congratulations to the McCann family.
Soror Billie Rayford has news of a
tragedy that occurred on Thursday, Feb.
2S in Tyler, TX. The nephew of her late
grandfather was in an auto
accident with his family where this
daughter was killed, his wife is in
serious condition and he is undergoing
several surgeries from his injuries. Billie
and family are awaiting further news.
Our sympathy and prayers are extended
to the Rayford family.
Welcome Sorors
We've reclaimed Soror Petsye Powell-
Huyghue as of February 10,2001.
Soror Shawna McNair transferring from
Kappa Xi to Theta Theta Omega.
We look forward to having you with us.
Welcome aboard!
Theta Theta Omega sorors continue to
blaze new trails.
Congratulations to:
Soror Lisa McNeil on her
counselor appointment at Monaco Middle
School Sood luck next fall!
Soror Dorothy Johnson for
getting Supreme Basilus Norma Solomon
White to be the keynote speaker for the
NBLIC (National Black Leadership on
Cancer) Conference Forum IH in April
along with Diana Shipley, Far Western
Regional Director. You are awesome!
Many thanks to Soror Terri Polite for
organizing officers and the
Hospitality Committee members to a
wonderful spa day at the Las Vegas
Hilton, February 19,2001 with lunch
at Cozymel's afterwards. We will plan
other activities for the sorority and
will make the announcements for
interested sorors to join us.
Congratulations to Regional Director
appointments for 200-2001
Leadership Task Force: Soror Jackie Hall
Constitution: Soror Carolyn Parks
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.Theta Theta Omega Chapter March 3,2001Hodegos Report Soror Ethel ArchibaldNominating Committee: Soror Marion BumsStandards: Soror Quin Rivers Boule Hospitality: Soror Billie RayfordHoney Do Thomas Brown, husband of Soror Ouida Brown, is being honored in Dallas, TX this weekend as the Alcorn State University Alumnus of the year,Soror Donnyss Rucker is in Atlanta, GA this weekend attending the membership process for legacy candidate Aithyni Rucker. The process concludes on Sunday, March W 4th for Mu Pi Chapter at Spelman CollegeSoror Ethel Archibald's niece, Tamara Carrington, is a legacy candidate for the intake process this weekend at Alabama A&M University for Gamma MU Chapter that will conclude on Sunday as wellHoney Do Allen Hancock, husband of Soror Darlene Hancock was in the hospital this week He is now home and doing well We wish him a speedy recovery.Soror Dawn Bames has been home for the last four days with the flu. She hopes to be at sorority meeting today. We wish her a swift recovery.Soror Helen Cotton, mother of Soror Donnyss Rucker, is recovering from another stroke. She is presently in rehab in the facility across -from Valley Hospital Keep her in your prayers.Kudos to Soror Annette Craighead for launching the Theta Theta Omega website. Thank you Soror! You keep us on the move.Our directory is missing birthdays and anniversary dates for many of the members. Please contact me with the missing information so I may complete the monthly acknowledgments. Updates will appear in the Tea Rose Talk Make changes in your notebook as they are published. There will be no reprints of the directory.Sisterly RelationsYour secret soror name is ready for pick up today.1 You may still get a secret soror. See me if you want to participate. What a privilege it is to uplift a special person!^g|Happi|St. Patrick's Day!
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
April 7,2001
Hodegos Report Soror Ethel Archibald
Our thanks to:
Sorors Lisa McNeil, Jacki Brown,
Kaweeda Adams, and Jackie Hall.
Thank you so much! We appreciate all you
May Hostesses
Sorors Dorothy Earle, Clair Hart, Gwendolyn
Gates - Bartlett, Josie Gaines, and Darlene
April Executive Board Meeting
Hostess: Soror Jacki Brown
May Hostess: Soror Lavonne Lewis
Place: TBA
Soror Shimice Vallano 4/2
Soror Dawn Barnes _4/ll
Soror Clair Hart _4/13
Soror Lillian Gates_4/17
Soror Thais Baccus 4/20
Happy Birthday Sorors!
We would like to extend our sincere
sympathy to Soror Betty Bell for the loss of
her cousin recently. A card was sent to Soror
Bell •from Theta Theta Omega.
Soror Barbara LaBron, a former chapter
member, lost her mother March 12 in Virginia.
A sympathy card was sent to Soror Barbara
on behalf of Theta Theta Omega. For sorors
who wish to send a personal note may do so
P. 0. Box 2323
Staunton, VA 24402
A courtesy basket was sent to Soror Rosalind
Griffin at the MGM Grand Hotel on behalf of
Theta Theta Omega to say welcome to Las
Vegas. She was an inspiring guest speaker
for the Founder's Day Luncheon.
Congratulations to the Founders' day
Committee for another job well done.
Theta Theta Omega continues to blaze new
trails. Congratulations to Soror Lynette
Boggs McDonald on her landslide victory at
the polls on April 3rd.
Congratulations to Soror Kaweeda Adams for
being selected by our Regional Director,
Diana Shipley, to present at the regional
conference. Soror Adams will present
Saturday, June 9, at 10:30 a.m. on 'How to
Communicate in the Leadership Role". Kudos
to you Soror!
Sisterly Relations
Sorors, please give me a call to update the
roster if there are missing items at your
entry. I would like to remember everyone
this year.
Did you remember your secret soror today'?
Need ideas on how to make her feel special?
• A card in the mail to say hello
• A bag of treats for her desk
• A gift certificate for anything
The raffle this month will be held after the
Be sure to pick up your birthday gifts, last
month's anniversary and baby gift at the end
of today's meeting.
Have a wonderful Spring Break
Submitted by Soror Ethel Archibald
Happy Easter!
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
May 5, 2001
Hodegos Report
Our thanks to:
Sorors Dorothy Earle, Clair Hart,
Gwendolyn Gates-Bartlett, Josie Gaines
and Darlene Hancock.
Thank you so much! We appreciate what
you do for us.
June Hostesses:
Sorors Dorothy Johnson and Rosilyn
Mag Executive Board Meeting
Hostess: Soror Lavonne Lewis
June: No Executive Board Meeting
Soror Irma Brooks 5/5
Soror France Holland 5/7
Soror Rosilyn Russ McCann 5/8
Soror Jacqueline Brown 5/20
Soror Jamie Hawkins 5/26
Soror Ina Dorman 5/28
Happy Birthday Sorors!
5/1 Lisa and James McNeil
5/4 Marian and Pitt Bums
5/10 Lea and Don Alves
5/10 Darlene and Allen Hancock
5/15 Billie and Lee Rayford
5/21 Pamela and Craig Sands
May you have many happy returns!
Soror Jacquelyn Sweetner Caffey joins
Theta Theta Omega from Alpha Rho
Omega, Detroit, Michigan. We extend a
hearty welcome Soror Caffey!
Sisterly Relations
Mother’s Day is May 13th. Remember all
the special women in your life.
Please Remember Your Secret Soror!
I would like to ask that you take your
packages with you if your secret
soror is absent today. You would
want the gift to be given to the right
Submitted by: Soror Ethel Archibald
Happy Mother's Day, May 13, 2001
Memorial Day observed, May 28, 2001
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
June 2, 2001
Hodegos Report
Our thanks to:
Sorors Dorothy Johnson, Rosilyn McCann,
Jackie Brown Harris, and Dawn Bams.
Thank you very much! We appreciate you
serving us.
There will be no general meetings July and
September Hostesses:
Sorors Rhoda Anderson, Tina Rimmey, Belisa
Brownlee, and Celese Rayford.
*July Executive Board Meeting/TBA
Hostess: Ouida Brown
*August Executive Board Meeting/TBA
Hostess: Sandra Stewart-Bass
6/2# Harold and Ethel Archibald
Many happy returns!
Welcome Danielle Renee Vallano. Soror
Shimice and Honey-Do Bill announce the
birth of their daughter on May 8, 2001 at
7:46 a.m. The proud grandparents are Soror
Ina and Honey-Do Dwight Dorman.
July Birthdays
Diane Pollard 7/17
Tanya Flanagan 7/20
Josie Gaines 7/22
Ouida Brown 7/23
Gloria Washington 7/30
Sandra Stewart-Bass 7/31
Happy pre-birthday Sorors!
June Birthdays:
Soror Cassandra Barnes
Soror Lois Ice
Soror Amanda McWilliams
Soror Darlene Hancock
Soror Quin Rivers
Soror Rhoda Anderson
Soror Sami Randolph
Soror Constance Burell
Soror Lois Bolden
Happy Birthday Sorors!
6/8 Dwight and Ina Dorman
6/11 Eric and Kaweeda Adams
6/14 Thomas and Ouida Brown
6/14 John and Lillian Gates
6/14 Thomas and Jacgulyn Shropshire
6/18 William and Shimice Vallano
6/19 Patrick and Rosilyn McCann
6/25 Jim and Clair Hart
6/25 Bill and Wilhemina Lee
6/26 Hughie and Greta Mills
August birthdays and anniversaries will be
announced at the September monthly
Sisterly Relations:
Sorors, Please remember your secret soror.
It gives the appearance that we have not
paired sorors correctly. I get the questions
all the time of why a soror is being ignored'?
Do I have a secret soror?
For the summer months, the postal service is
alive and well. Use doorstep drop-off, or get
a friend to deliver your remembrances.
Whatever you choose to do, remember it's
your responsibility to remember your secret
Sorors, enjoy your summer. Be safe until
were all together again!
Submitted by: Soror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
November 3, 2001
Hodegos Report: Soror Ethel Archibald
November Hostesses: Sisterly Relations:
Sorors Diane Stith, Stacey Hardy-Desmond,
Onida Brown, Kenyatta Johnson, Betty bell,
Jacquelyn Caffey, and Pamela Sands, Bit lit?
We appreciate and thank all of you for serving us
December Hostesses:
Sorors Lavonne Lewis, Willa White,
Wilhelmena Lee, and Lois Ice.
Executive Board Meetings:
A couple of sorors went see The Blue man
Group at the Luxor Hotel last month.
Spa Day generated no interest, therefore, I spent
the day at my regular place.
Mark your calendars for November 12. You are
all invited to my home for a “Jewelry” showing
for a friend who makes beaded items.
Refreshments will be served between 1-3 PM.
Please call me if you can come.
Please be aware of our single and senior sorors
who may be alone this holiday season. This
would be a good time to include them with your
family activities.
K. O. Knudson Middle School: 6:30 PM
November 21, 2001
Hostess: Soror Carolyn Parks
December 19,2001
Hostess: Soror Ethel Archibald
11/5 Soror Pendelita Toney
11/8 Soror Shirley Carroll
11/11 Soror Francis Perry
11/11 Soror LeVerne Kelly
11/16 Soror Barbara Kirkland
11/18 Soror Carolyn Parks
11/20 Soror Marian Bums
11/26 Soror Grace Mills
11/30 Soror Wilhelmina Lee
11/17 Soror Gloria and Thomas Washington
11/24 Soror Shirley and Leo Carroll
11/2*4 Sanrr JAdu Midget
Get Well Wishes:
Get well wishes are extended to Soror Billie
Rayford. She is in the Hospital at Mountain
View room 450. She was admitted on Monday
night. She will be released some time this
weekend. TTO will send a card and balloons to
her home this weekend to cheer her up and let
her know we wish her a speedy recovery.
• Soror Dorothy Johnson reminds us that there
is the EOB Health Fair today and that
NBLIC is participating.
• The Desert Chorale Chorus and Orchestra
presents “The Sounds of Christmas” with
Special guest “Expressions” from Chaparral
High School, December 10, 2001,7:30 PM,
Ham Hall, UNLV Campus. Come out and
enjoy the evening of holiday favorites. Free
• Secret sorors will be revealed at the
December meeting. Those who want to
continue Secret Soror, please turn in your
forms today so that I can have you matched
by the December monthly meeting.
Will the Real Soror Please Stand Up!
I moved to Las Vegas from Michigan 4 years
I am a former school principal.
I am now working in Las Vegas as a counselor.
I love theater (stage), tennis, reading, dancing,
and bridge.
I am a silver soror.
Who am I?
Submitted by: Soror Ethel Archibald
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
September 8,2001
Hodegos Report: Soror Ethel Archibald
October Hostesses
Sorors Terri Polite, Sandra Bass, Irma Brooks, Quin
Rivers, Patti Hester, Shirley Carroll, Thais Baccus, and
yours truly. Thank you sorors!
November Hostesses:
Stacy Hardy-Desmond and Diane Stith
We will need sorors who have not signed up to assist
with serving next month. Please give me your names
after the meeting.
Executive Board Meetings
K 0. Knudson Middle School: 6:30 p.m.
October 17,2001
Hostess: Terri Polite
November 21,2001
Hostess: Carolyn Parks
Soror Virginia Ingram 10/2
Soror Barbara Simms 10/10
Soror Wilisha Moore 10/18
Soror Stacey Hardy-Desmond 10/27
Soror Greta Mills 10/28
Soror Domini Calloway 10/28
Happy Birthday Sorors!
10/19 Soror Pamela and Cliff Riley
10/21 Soror Stacey and Paxil Desmond
10/22 Soror Josie and Albert Gaines
10 29 Soror Betty and Ed Bell
May you have many more happy years!
Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the Hardy-
Desmond family. Soror Stacey lost her infant son.
Soror Stacey has undergone medical treatment in San
Francisco. She is home now doing well I will keep
your informed of her progress. A telefloral
arrangement has been sent to her on behalf of TTO.
Soror Diana Shipley lost her niece recently. A card
from the chapter is being forwarded.
Alien Hancock, Honey Do of Soror Darlene Hancock,
has just returned home from the hospital this week.
Soror Darlene is in Wisconsin helping to care for her
very ill granddaughter.
Soror Mariann Lewis, daughter of Soror Lavonne
Lewis, who is being released from the hospital today.
Set well cards were sent to all of the families.
We wish them all good health and a speedy recovery.
Directory updates
All updates were mailed to the membership;
September 25* with the new sorors and e-mail
changes. I have two late breaking changes. Soror
Wilhelmina Lee, e-mail her at willi 8017@aol. com.
Soror Sharon J. Walton, e-mail her at
Sisterly Relations
A Girl's Night Dinner/Movie Night scheduled for
September 29* at Sam's Town Century Theater and
the Firelight Buffet was great fun. The fellowship and
sisterly bonding was refreshing. I sincerely hope
those in attendance had a good time!
The next scheduled event is for The Blue Man Group
show at the Luxor. A two for one offer this month for
locals. The price of the tickets are $S2.50. A signup
sheet is circulating for interested sorors. October 26,
Nevada Day or October 31, Halloween.
Will the Real Soror Please Stand Up
I am a Silver Soror, a golden in 2004.
I am learning to use my computer and enjoying the
free AOL games.
I am retired after a lengthy employment in education.
I am very affected by music and also enjoy some craft
activities and creating different table settings and
I am, basically, family centered, God fearing, and
sorority connected.
I am or (better still) was a collector of "All God's
Children Figurines." Dishes, dishes, and more dishes
and other items connected with "dining in."
Who am I ?_________ _ ____________________
Get well Wishes
Soror Ouida Brown's Honey Do Thomas is
recuperating from surgery.
Did you remember your secret soror?AnnouncementsSoror Greta Mills and her Honey Do Hughie Flew to Columbus, OH last week This weekend, they are rah- rahing for West Virginia State College for their annual homecoming this month. We wish them a safe return.Secret Soror forms for 2002 are available today. Please complete and return to Soror Ethel by the November monthly meeting. I can complete the assignments by the December meeting. You will be able to start remembering your special person in January.Welcome New Sorors!Please stand and be introduced to the body:Soror Verlia Davis HoggardSoror LeVerne Wallace KellySoror Kenyatta Neal-JohnsonSoror Winnie Faye PettisSoror Yolanda TurnerSoror Tonia Holmes SuttonWelcome to Theta Theta Omega!Visiting SororsSoror Yvonne Walker,Principal, H.P. Fitzgerald Elementary SchoolSoror Grace B. Strauther,Alpha Gamma Omega,Los Angeles, CA20°* Far Western Regional DirectorSorors^ enjoy the fellowship after the meeting and please come again.Submitted by: Soror Ethel Archibald2
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Theta Theta Omega Chapter
December 1,2001
Hodegos Report: Soror Ethel Archibald
December Hostesses
Sorors Lavonne Lewis, Wills White,
Wilhelmina Lee, and Lois Ice.
Thank you so much! We appreciate what
you do for us.
January Hostesses:
Sorors Donnyss Rucker, and Debra Lopez
December Executive Board Meeting
December 19,2001, 6:30 PM
KO. Knudson Middle School
Hostess: Soror Ethel Archibald
January Executive Board Meeting
January 16,2002,6:30 PM
KO. Knudson Middle School
Hostess: Ethel Archibald
12/1 Soror Beverly Winston
12/10 Soror Janet Rhoden
12/13 Soror Pamela Thompson-Riley
12/14 Soror Jacquelyn Brown-Harris
12/17 Soror Kaweeda Adams
12/19 Soror Edna States
12/31 Soror Lisa McNeil
Happy Birthday Sorors!
12/13 Robert and Soror Dorothy Earle
12/24 David and Soror Frances Perry
12/29 Howard and Soror Rose Coker
May you have many more happy years
Soror Terri Polite lost her aunt while
visiting over the Thanksgiving holidays
in Florida. Funeral services are today.
Theta Theta Omega extends sympathies
and prayers to her family.
On the Mend
A card was sent to Soror Barbara Lebron
while she is recuperating from Kidney
surgery in Chicago. We wish Soror
Barbara a speedy recovery.
Soror Linneite Monroe has been ill and a
card was sent to her from the chapter.
Soror Billie Rayford and Soror Jackie
Brown-Harris are back with us after a
brief illness and we say, welcome back
Sisterly Relations
Secret Sorors are to be revealed today.
Please give your gift to your soror after
the meeting to let your special soror
know who you are.
I will distribute the envelopes of the new
Secret Sorors 2002 after today's
I am going to be a granny soon.
I teach Adjunct at Nova University.
I want to write a book
I have worked in education for 26 years
as a teacher, counselor and
I was a winner on the Price is Right!
Who am I?
Submitted by: Soror Ethel Archibald