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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, May 2005



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    2?President's Message/Executive Director's Message Shalom By Jeff Zucker, President Picking the title for this, my last President's message, wasn't hard. The choice was obvious. One word suffices for taking leave. However, as I thought about it, I realized the serendipity of the choice. For a while the word Shalom is simple, its meaning is not. It means goodbye, but I surely hope not farewell. It is also the word for hello, the start of something new. Indeed, in a single word there is recognition that what we sometimes think of as ending really are just transitions, the start of a new phase of our lives. I hope that will be my case, as I intend to continue to be an active member of our congregation, continuing our efforts to strengthen and spread Jewish identification in Las Vegas. Collectively, the word embodies the principle of L'Dor V' Dor, one of the key elements of our people's ethos. Nothing really ends. As one generation passes, its beliefs and culture are passed on to the next. This is true not only on a national basis, but also within the confines of our own Temple. We have benefited from the labor and contributions of previous generations. We now have the opportunity to make the same effort for those who will succeed us and, I am happy to say, we have every reason to believe we will succeed and that the Jewish community in Las Vegas, of which Temple Beth Sholom is no small part, will continue to grow in size and commitment. As I look forward to joining my fellow congregants in a new role, but with the same purpose, there is only one word I have to say - but it says it all - Shalom. An A-MAY-zing Month of May By Laura Sussman, Executive Director As our fiscal and program year at Temple Beth Sholom comes to an end, our programming is in full gear. In this month's Bulletin you'll find information about a number of very special programs for TBS members and the entire community. On Wednesday, May 4, TBS is hosting the Community-Wide Yom Hashoah Service. This service is sponsored by the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada and area congregations and is dedicated to the Six Million Jews who died, and the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi Concentration Camps. Friday, May 6, will be a special Shabbat service. Congresswoman Berkley will be here to speak about her recent trip to Auschwitz. On Wednesday, May 11, TBS and the Board of Rabbis will be sponsoring a Yom Hazikaron Service. Members of the Israel Defense Forces Musical Ensemble will take part in this special service, which honors Israel's fallen soldiers. The following evening, Thursday, May 12, TBS will host a special Yom Ha'Atzmaut Concert with the IDF Musical Ensemble. Tickets are now on sale in the TBS office for $18, all of the proceeds go to the Friends of Israel Defense Forces. Sunday, May 15, is the Temple's major fundraiser, Quince de Mayo; This is a special opportunity for all of us to honor Rabbi and Liz Goodman. Non-stop entertainment for this Fiesta will be provided by the internationally acclaimed Chez Zam Entertainment Group. Dancing shoes are a must! Tickets are on sale in the TBS office! Find out everything you want to know about the operations of Temple Beth Sholom at our Annual Meeting on Monday, May 23. During this meeting we will thank old Board members, welcome new members, and share information about TBS finances and programs. I hope you will agree that this month of activities has something for everyone. I encourage you to pick up your calendar right now and make plans now to join in on the excitement! Upcoming Events?3 COMMUNITY WIDE YOM HASHOAH (Holocaust Remembrance Day) SERVICE Wednesday, May 4, 7:00 PM, At Temple Beth Sholom In memory of the 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Nazi Concentration Camps Join together with community leaders, Holocaust survivors and other members of the community to participate in this very special service and remember the 6 million who perished in the Holocaust. A special program is planned for children ages 8-13. This program is free and open to the community. MEMBERS OF ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES PARTICIPATE IN YOM HAZIKARON SERVICE (Israel Remembrance Day) Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00 PM On Wednesday evening, May 11th, one day before the concert, a special Yom Hazikaron service will take place at 7:00 pm at Temple Beth Sholom. The IDF Musical Ensemble will take part in that service, which honors Israel's fallen soldiers. The entire community is invited to participate in the Yom Hazikaron service. There is no charge to attend. For more information, on either of these programs please contact the Temple Beth Sholom office at 804 1333 ext 104. Special Shabbat with Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Friday, May 6. Congresswoman Berkley will discuss her trip to Auschwitz Concentration Camp at Temple Beth Sholom on Friday evening, May 6th at 7:30 pm. In her official capacity as Congresswoman, Representative and House International Committee Member Shelley Berkley marked the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in a ceremony held at the site of the infamous concentration camp in Poland. Berkley traveled to the event in January of this year as part of a U.S. delegation which included Vice President Dick Cheney, Members of Congress, officials with the State Department and Department of Defense and American Holocaust survivors and liberators. Congress-woman Berkley's remarks will follow Friday night services. THE ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES A MUSICAL i f ENSEMBLE TO PERFORM CONCERT \ H m at Xj^ TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM YOM HA'ATZMAUT (Israel Independence Day) Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 PM The IDF Musical Ensemble is composed of a small group of young and very talented, active duty IDF soldiers whose job is to build the morale of the IDF soldiers through performances anywhere and everywhere the soldiers are stationed. They are known and loved for their enthusiastic renditions of traditional and popular Israeli songs. In their first trip to Las Vegas, the group will perform a variety of favorites they refer to as "happy songs." The Yom Ha'Atzmaut Concert will celebrate solidarity with Israel and the Israel Defense Forces. General Admission is $18. Other gift opportunities are available directly through the FIDF, with Patron and VIP packages available. All funds raised by the sale of tickets to the concert will go to the Friends of Israel Defense Forces. Community Wide Israel Independence Day Celebration Sunday, May 15,10:30 AM-4 PM, at the Venetian Resort This annual event will feature 120 informational and merchant booths, a variety of delicious foods , hours of Israeli singing and dancing, games and arts and craft activities for children. Volunteers are needed to help at one of the 3 TBS sponsored activity and information booths. If you can volunteer to help, please call Laura at 804-1333, ext. 133. Register for the celebration at The Membership Committee is very pleased to have completed a very successful year. A special thanks to all committee members, temple members and staff for your assistance, participation and support. It is thanks to all of you that our membership has increased so much. Our May committee meeting will be a recap of the year and recommendations will be made for next year. One of the programs we will add next year is a New Member Buddy Program. Each new member family will be paired up with an existing member for Shabbat dinner; play dates, coffee or anything that both families feel would be helpful to welcome the newcomers. If you would like to participate as a welcoming family, please contact Myrna at the Temple office (804-1333) and your name will be forwarded to the appropriate person. This is a great way for families (or singles) to meet and feel welcome at TBS. Also, if you are interested in participating as a member of the membership committee, please let us know by leaving a message at the temple. We will be happy to contact you and explain the responsibilities. We look forward to our temple membership continuing to increase and we hope you will continue to enjoy and benefit from the many outstanding services and programs offered by our temple. B'shalom, Melanie Greenberg and Ronnie Schwartz Co-Chairs Membership Committee A BUSY BUSY April comes to a close with a May that promises to hold even more fun. April was a lot of work with the first annual health fair and the Men's club Shabbat. Our thanks to all that made these events such a success. Nearly 200 people attended the health fair and many of the presenters were impressed with the fair. The May meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18th at 6:30pm. The meeting will conclude the presentations of Jewish organizations for the year. Michael Novick, President and Meyer Bodoff, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation will be discussing current federation activities and relationship building. A short business meeting will be held to vote on officers and by-law amendments. Yom Hashoah candles were sent out before Passover and we encourage all members of the TBS family to light the candles, which commemorate those who died during the Holocaust. The candles are to be lit Wednesday night, May 4th (25th Ni-san). A special prayer was included with the candle and we asked that donations be forwarded to the Men's Club to cover the cost of the undertaking and to support local charitable efforts. The Men's Club is hosting two outings during May open to all TBS members and friends. On Monday May 2nd a Lake Mead fishing trip is scheduled. On Sunday May 22nd TBS will meet the Gladiators ?as we attend our hometown Indoor Arena Football team game. "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. 8? Donations, Tributes and from the heart RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Harvey Gitel Thank you for: Aliyah Sally & Dick Eskenazi Hilde & Eric Mayer Thank you for everything you have done Adele Baratz Thank you for the beautiful Wedding David & Lisa Carroll Mishebeirach Anita Lewy In Honor of: Quince de Mayo Pat & Jack Kane Dr. Howard X. & Jackie Kramer Hilde & Eric Mayer Charlotte & Sam Showel "Rabbi & Liz" May you enjoy many more happy years at Temple". Mimi Katz Our Aurfruf Samueila Greenstein & Sean Sinclair Sam Showel's 80th Birthday Hylda & Murray Leitner In Memory of: Albert Emrich Hilde & Eric Mayer Lila Luftschein Carol Jeffries Joseph Scheiner Mark Scheiner Ruth Walker Deanne Alterwitz Stralser George Walker CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Dr. Howard X. Kramer & the Men's Club Dan Miller Mishebeirach: Cantor's Mother Anita Lewy GENERAL FUND In Honor of: The thoughtful people who sent me Mishloach Manot baskets Charlotte Kuklin Speedy Recovery: Steven Ginsberg Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer In Memory of: Shirley Barsky Laura Sussman & Wendy Kraft Father of Lauren Eisenberg Laura Sussman & Wendy Kraft Morris Gewercer, Father Dina Yairel bas r'Shlomo v'Esther Malka, Mein Bobbeh Sam Gewercer Frances Martin Caren, Scott, Beth & Dina Cohen JUDY & RON MACK RELIGIOUS FUND In Honor of: Steve Mack being honored by Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Lil & Ken Glicken Speedy Recovery: Hal Ober Audrey & Stan Abramow In Memory of: Shirley Barsky Audrey & Stan Abramow Mary Robinson Artene & Jerry Blut PRESCHOOL FUND In Honor of: Orin Lazer's Special Birthday Barbara & Harvey Sussman Sandy & Stan Mallin Thank You for a lovely evening Holly Jacobs Mishebeirach: Sandy Mallin's Father Anita Lewy In Memory of: Shirley Barsky Janet & Kent Wellish & Family YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND Eleanor Abrams Sidney Abrams Shelley & Stan Carroll Oscar Agron Elissa Agron Chariene & Tony Carter Warren Aitkin Karen & Jeffrey Langbert Albert Applebaum Bobbee Finkel Marc Belfer Florence Bolatin Albert Bernstein Carol & Lawrence Bernstein Sarah Bernstein Seena & Jack Bernstein Linda Rifkah Borukh Susan Molasky Adolph Brown Rose Raphael Howard Bruski Cookie Bruski Jack Carroll Shelley & Stan Carroll Eva Colodny Harry Colodny June Colodny Max Denker Sheila Stewart Phillip Devore Lee & Edward Devore Eva Edison Merle & Mike Mitzmacher Sigmund Emrich Hilde & Eric Mayer Gertrude Epstein Phyllis Dale Ann Ferdman Hyman Ferdman Jack Straus Bernat Fischer Bobby Phelps Nathan Fram Harriet Straus Albert Fuhrman Melita Fuhrman Vickter Yechovad Gertler Lillian Kronberg Molly Glenn Daniel Wexler Robert Goldberg Shirley Goldberg & Daughters Edward Goodman Denise Stamm Ruth Groner Carolyn Gertz Jan Heffernan Louise & Sydney Hoffmann Paul Harold Hessing Esther Hessing Morris Hyzen Howard Hyzen William B. Jaeger Jacque Jaeger William Jaffa Elaine Klain Rachel Jones Esther Frankenstein Mariene & Maury Jones Sam Kaplan Bess Bergman Joseph Katz Brenda & Jerry Katz Charles Kaufman Rose Kaufman Irene & Herb Kaufman Martha Kirschenblatt Sue & Irwin Kirschenblatt Dora Klessman Marcy & Jack Simon Ann Kronberg Aron Kronberg Henry Kronberg Nadov Lee-Engel Adele & Phil Engel Gerard Lewy Anita Lewy Minnie Long Blanche & Phil Meisel Mary Ober D'Vorre & Hal Ober Bernard Ohriner Dr. Harvey & Robin Ohriner Laura Oscherwitz Louise Hoffmann Mollie Polin Charles Mack Stuart Reisman Karen Reisman Anna Reiter Norma J. Wilensky Robin Resnik Harriett Resnik Dr. J.C. Roberts Sherry Van Mindeno Alexander Roseff Lois & Bruce Joseph Miriam Rosenthal Linda & Leonard Eckhaus Donations, Tributes, and from the heart?9 Charles Salton Adele Baratz Rose Samoiloff Marcy & Jerry Samoiloff Alvin Schlom Naomi & Art Sloan David Schwartzbart Stanley Schwartzbart Leonard Shapiro Denise Stamm Max Shinert Joanie Shinert Fannie Silkes Hyman Silkes Sally Slotnick Terry Slotnick Minnie Sotnick Carol Sotnick Freida Spector Leonard Spector Eleanor Libby Spector Isidore Stern Nancy & Albert Rosten Pesa Szrut Shia Szrut Judy & Ron Mack Meyer Tobian Joyce & Jeff Tobian Aron Winer Mollie Winer Leo Winer WARSAW REMEMBRANCE GARDEN In Honor of: Shirley & Sidney Chaplin's Anniversary Judy & David Applebaum Sally & Dick Eskenazi's beautiful Granddaughter Evelyn & Leon Goldstein Mildred & Leon Gelobter's beautiful Granddaughter Lillian & Henry Kronberg Mr. & Mrs. M. Rubenstein's Great Granddaughter Evelyn & Leon Goldstein Speedy Recovery: Sidney Chaplin Judy & David Applebaum Nancy & Al Rosten In Memory of: Annette Blitz Ruthe Spector ) George Brookman Evelyn Shafer & Family Francis Goldstein Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer Dr. Jules Larner Lilian & Ken Glicken Max Selver Ruthe Spector Sidney Weiner Ruthe Spector L'DOR V'DOR Carefree Pueblo Mildred Gerson Dan Miller Ethelee Verbofsky Rose Volpiansky ) In Honor of: Marsha & Steve Cohen on Naming of Grandson Dr. Howard X. & Jackie Kramer Sally & Dick Eskenazi's Baby Granddaughter Alexis Ann's Birth Ruth Goldfarb Dr. Howard X. & Jackie Kramer Evelyn Goldstein Shirley Smoler Abe Hodes' Birthday Barbara & Phineas Richman Pat & Jack Kane's New Home Dr. Howard X. & Jackie Kramer Merle & Michael Mitzmacher on your Son Jonathan's new position at TBS Dr. Howard X. & Jackie Kramer Sam Showel's "Special Birthday" Dr. Howard X. & Jackie Kramer Jackie & Ron Tushinsky's New Home Dr. Howard X. & Jackie Kramer Speedy Recovey: Sidney Chaplin Susan & Hillel Aronson Blanche & Phil Meisel Dr. Leon & Faye Steinberg Hal Ober Ruth Goldfarb In Memory of: Cheryl Fruchter Ruth Goldfarb Sherry Glickman Rosalie & Orin Lazer & Family Ruth Walker Ruth Goldberg HEATHER SAXE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Cari & Gil Paley's Baby Laney liana's Birth Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family Dr. Joshua & Felice Saxe's Baby Courtney Hannah's Birth Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon & Karen Schore Randy, Roni, Adam & Adin Tarr Laura & Stan Shuster's Baby Naming of Camryn Brook Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon & Karen Schore Nicole & Alan Weissman, Congratulations on your new Home Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family In Memory of: Shirley Barsky Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family Dr. Sheldon & Karen Schore Larry Bergenfield's Grandmother Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family Father of Lauren Eisenberg Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family Sue Gingold Debra & Mark Lowey Morris Schiller Lawrence Saxe LAWRENCE SCULLY LIBRARY FUND In Memory of: Bill Weiss Jackie & Neil Rabin MOLLIE WEISS MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Abraham Marmor Chana Baila Nelkin Barbara & Igal Chozahinoff Thanks to all who sent us "SHALACH MANOT" We wish the congregation "ZISON PESACH" Barbara & Igal Chozahinoff 10?Advertisements To ail my fr tends for aCCtfie wonderfuC wishes & donations I SnirCey & Sidney CfiapCvn Experience the excitement of Indoor League Football Fa Join the Men's Club on Sunday May 22 at Noon VS the Arizona Tickets are at a reduced rate of $12 Please call the Temple Office at 804-1333 14?Advertisements Sun Non Tue Wed Thu Sat 1 2 Men's Club Fishing Trip 3 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 4 Yom Hashoah Service 7:00 pm 5 6 i 6:21 pm | Shelley Berkley 7 Kehilat Ha'Noar 9:30 am 8 9 Parashat Hashavua 11:00 am 10 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 11 IDF participates in Yom Hazikaron Service 7:00 pm 12 IDF Musical Ensemble Concert 7:00 pm 13 . 6:26 pm | Friday Night Kids 6:30 pm 14 Lebjman Bat Mitzvah 15 Quince de Mayo 5:30 PM SUNCOAST 16 17 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 18 Men's Club Meeting 6:30 pm 19 Torah Troop 6:00 pm 20 | 6:32 pm | 21 Kehilat Ha'Noar 9:30 am Mitchell Bat Mitzvah 22 Men's Club Gladiators Same 12:05 pm 23 Parashat Hashavua 11:00 am TBS Annual Meeting 7:00 pm 24 Bereavement Group 10:00 am 25 26 27 * 6:36 pm y 28 29 30 Office Closed Memorial Day 31 Bereavement Group 10:00 am