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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, September 2007



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    Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin Hie Board of Directors and Staff of Temple Beth Sholom ? ,/ ?;*? p'v . ' Below are a few last-minute reminders and updates to ensure a smooth 1 iigh 1 loly Days season. ? Be sure your car has a TBS parking sticker so t hat you are able to access the TBS parking lot. ? Help ease the congestion by the front doors by having your ticket and photo II) visible for the security guards at the entrance to the building. ? If you have children who will be attending with you, please be sure they are registered for a children's program or have a ticket for a seat. ? Open seating in the social halls is on a first come-first served basis. If seated in the open seating area, please do not 'hold' seats for people outside of your immediate household. ? lb accommodate individuals in the open seating area, Kol Nidre cards will be distributed prior to entering the social halls on the evening of Kol Nidre. Please allow an ext ra five minutes to pick up your card. ? Please call the office if you are available to be a greeter for part of a service. It is a great way to meet other congregants. ? While our foyer is beautiful, it also amplifies all sound. Please refrain from conversations in the foyer as even a quiet sound is distracting to those in the service. High Holy Days Services Selichot Saturday, September 8, 8:30 PM (See page 5 for more information) Rosh I l a s h a n a h Wednesday, September 12,8:00 PM Thursday, September 13, 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM Friday, September 14, 9:00 AM High Holy Days Updates and Reminders Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of Wednesday, September 12. If you have not yet renewed your membership and submitted your I Iigh Holy Days registration materials please call the Temple office as soon as possible to do so. Tickets will be mailed out the week of September 3. September 2007 Yom Kippur Kol Nidre: Friday, September 21,6:00 PM Yom Kippur Morning: Sat, September 22, 9:00 AM Yi/kor: Saturday, September 22, Noon Neilah: Saturday, September 22, 5:30 PM Snkkot Wednesday, September 26, 7:30 PM Thursday, September 27, 9:00 AM Friday, September 28, 9:00 AM, 7:30 PM Saturday, September 29, 9:00 AM Sunday, September 30, 9:00 AM Monday, October 1, 7:30 AM Tuesday, October 2, 7:30 AM Hoshanah Rabbah Wednesday, October 3, 7:30AM Shemini Atzeret Thursday, October 4, 9:00AM Sinichat Ibrali Thursday, October 4, 6:30 PM Friday, October 5,9:00 AM Cantor Cantor's Message By Daniel Eli Friedman Once again the High Holy Days are upon us. There is nothing more enjoyable in life than getting into the mode of the Jewish New Year. I know how much you all love arranging for your tickets. Making sure you have the seating area you would like. The endless changes in policy designed to enhance your Holy Day experience that may appear to be arbitrary but are really rather responsive and attentive to the desires of our temple family; Your family arriving from out-of-town or not coming this year. The food. The cleaning. The clothes. The time off from work. Aaaaaaah! Well, here we are, so what can we do to make this more enjoyable and less a chore? Perhaps, for those of us who regularly attend the observations associated with the Jewish calendar (Shabbat, daily minyan, Shalosh Regalim, Rosh Chodesh etc...) this is a time to truly take a breath and begin the reflection process; to stop and calm yourself in preparation for the Highest of Holy days the Yamim Noraim. To allow the nefesh, the breath, of Cod to enter into your soul and help you focus on what you might like to do to be "better.'1 A better husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, employee, employer, neighbor... human being. Perhaps, for those of us who occasionally or never attend the 2 o b s e r v a t i o n s associated with the Jewish caJendar (Shabbat, daily minyan, Shalosh you can't b e l i e v e w h a t she/he is w e a r i n g and the p e o p l e d o n ' t stop chitchatting and the children keep running in and out and and and and.. ..a million more "ands." And, perhaps, you will use the time to stop your busy life for a few little tiny days of the 365 and give yourself the gift of taking a breath through reflection and humble contrition. Sit and meditate and join with us as we identify with you as a Jew, choosing to unite with other Jews on these Days of Awe. As always, I look forward to seeing you at temple. Sanctuary Seat Dedications - Dedicate Now and Save! If you have ever thought about dedicating a seat in the Sigesmund Sanctuary, now is the time. Remaining seats may be dedicated for $2500, payable over 3 years, until Tuesday, September 11. After that date, the cost for d e d i c a t i n g a seat will i n c r e a s e to $5000, p a y a b l e over 5 years. President & Executive Director i /i I / President's Message by Dr. David Steinberg As a child on Kol Nidre night, I distinctly remember needing to be in my seat prior to (lie beginning of the recitation of Kol Nidre. When I hat mystical melody started, I wanted to be in position and ready to disavow any promises made and not kept to G-d. Prior to going to synagogue, I would systematically go up to my parents and ask them for forgiveness for any promises that I had made to them and not fulfilled the prior year. And, in as serious of tone as I could as a child, went up to each of my brothers and sisters and recited a similar message. Growing up it was clear to me that Kol Nidre could only start the process of forgiveness with G-d and any discussions with others than G-d needed to be directly with them. I remember sitting in Temple Beth Sholom on Oakey and with each chant, the tenor of the lit urgy would become more passionate almost begging for attention to start the process of forgiveness. Judaism is very clear that your deeds and actions on earth are not a pre-requisite for an afterlife, but rather gives promise for a good life. Doing acts of kindness and doing the "right thing" promotes good feelings. G-d's words in the Torah are but a guideline for a successful and good life on earth and only by practicing, not just speaking about it, will you have that opportunity. And so as we start the beginning of the I ligli Holiday season, I too ask for your consideration and forgiveness for any acts or promises that I made to you as my fellow congregants and liave not fulfilled. I promise you again my best efforts 111 improving <ind making Temple Beth Sholom a better place. I expect to be in place early again for Kol Nidre after asking my own family for forgiveness this year. 1 wish you a meaningful and forgiving I ligli I loliday Season. A Time of Reflection, A Time of Renewal Laura Sussman, Executive Director I had the privilege of attending a very special program at 1 larvard Business School last month. The program entitled, "Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management" was, without a doubt, one of the highlights of my professional career. I was alerted to this program by one of our congregants, a graduate of a I IBS program. There was a lengthy application process and months to wait to find out if I had been accepted. The letter finally arrived indicating that I, along with 149 other nonprofit Executive Directors from around (IK1 world, had been selected to attend. During the seven day intensive seminar I had the opportunity to learn from some of the world's leading educators, authors and researchers in the field of nonprofit management. I also had the privilege of working with and getting to know some extremely talented nonprofit executives. Our group included a Nobel Peace Prize winner, CEO's of organizations with budgets over $500 million dollars as well as professionals from grassroots organizations with budgets under $100,000. There were representatives from organizations working in virtually all areas of the nonprofit sector including religion, the arts, education, healthcare, international development and the environment. 1 was the only representative from a synagogue. Our sessions began at 7:30 AM and our days didn't end until close to midnight. Despite the exhausting pace, it was thrilling to be in such a unique educational setting learning about and sharpening my skills in many areas of nonprofit management, including finance, planning, collaboration, and most importantly, creating success. This seminar gave me many opportunities to reflect upon the 'how and why of what we do at Temple Beth Sholom. It provided reassurance that many of the things we do here are done well. It also challenged me to delve further into some aspects of our synagogue operation and work with our leadership to ensure that we are aligned with the best practices in the field. Although it has been a number of weeks since I have returned from Boston, I am still extremely energized. As the New Year approaches, I am looking forward to working with our Board of Directors to move Temple Beth Sholom forward as a synagogue that better meets the needs of our congregants and the community. L'Shana lova Tikatevu! 3 Friedman Pavilion Donor Spotlight Abe and Priscilla Schwartz Hodes Priscilla Schwartz I lodes grew up in Buffalo, New York in a family very involved in their synagogue and community. I ler father believed in a religious education for both boys and girls. As a result, Priscilla began Hebrew School at age five and was part of the first Bat Mitzvah class at her synagogue. Priscilla attended the University Of Michigan School Of Nursing and moved to California following her graduation. She married, raised her childrei 1 atuI became actively involved in their synagogue in the Los Angeles area. Synagogue activities included involvement in Sisterhood, on the Temple Board and Riiual Committee and as an active member of the Couples Club. After a divorce from her first husband, Priscilla eventually met and married Walter L. Schwartz, which precipitated a move to Las Vegas. Although now a Nevada Resident, Priscilla maintained a residence in California and was si ill employed as a Nursing Supervisor at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in West Los Angeles on a part time basis, necessitating commuting every other weekend. Priscilla became active in ORT and Hadassah: she is a Life Member of both organizations. She joined Temple Beth Sholom in 1992 and became involved in Women's League, serving on the Board. After retirement from Nursing, Priscilla becamea volunteer at NathanAdelson I lospice, a position she still maintains while also now serving on their Board. She also serves on tlie Board of the Jewish Family Service Agency, L ' D o r ^ p i ^ VDor and is the First ^Bffife V i ce President of the Board of T B S 4 and generously provides a home for the Jewish Community Center and Jewish Family Service Agency. After the Death of Walter, Priscilla became even more involved in the community. She dedicated the Walter I.. Schwartz Center for Compassionate Care at Nathan Adelson I lospice. She also endowed a scholarship in Walter's memory al Cooper Union School of Engineering in New York and a scholarship at George Washington University Law School, both schools which he had attended, as well as a scholarship at the University Of Michigan School Of Nursing. When our current Temple was being built, Priscilla dedicated the Gift Shop in Waller's memory. Abe Hodes was born and grew up in Chicago, Illinois. He and Priscilla were married in the Steinberg Chapel on December 10, 2000. Together they continue lo be involved in the Jewish ccmmunity. They have endowed a Rabbinic Scholarship at the Jewish Theological Se miliary and have contributed to the Warsaw Memorial at Temple Beth Sholom. Hearing of the need to expand Temple Belli S h o I o m , Priscilla and Abe immediately stepped forward with a gift to the campaign, believing that those who can should help to provide for the needs of our congregation and community. For more information on how you can make a meaningful gift to the Capital Campaign, please contact Laura Sussrnan, at 804-1333, ext. 133. Temple News Selichot Under the Stars For (lie sixth year in a row. Temple Beth Sholom will once again be joining with Midbar Kodesh Temple for a Selichot under the Stars service. This year's service will begin at 8:30 PM on Saturday, September 8. This unique service, a musical way to begin the Days of Awe, will take place at Discoverv Park in 1 lenderson. The address of Discover Park is 2011 Paseo Verde Parkway, I lenderson, NV 89012. Getting there is simple, exit 215 at Green Vallev Parkway and head South, turn Left onto Paseo Valley Parkway and the park will be on your right. Additional parking is located on Palomino Village Drive. Ihere is no charge, and reservations are not necessary, but guests are asked to bring chairs or blankets. Ihe service is open to the entire community. rreS Bandstand 2007 Get ready for a fun filled synagogue event. Sunday, November 11th is the date for "TBS Bandstand ? 2007", an evening of top-notch entertainment for everyone. There'll be music, dancing, refreshments and music contests as well as a professional dancing demonstration by Delgado Studios. Our own Ron Kirsh, alias Dick Clark, will be our musical host and MC with a variety of music from nx-k and swing to slow dancing with your sweetheart. This will be a great evening with your friends or as a Chavurah group event. Mark this date on vour calendar now and watch for more information in the next Bulletin. L'DOR V'DOR By Shel Kolner As we begin our sixth vear bringing together homebound seniors to celebrate the Jewish Holidays, it's exciting to realize the impact I'Dor V'Dor is making in the community. It's a real mitzvah to reach out to a group of people who truly appreciate our efforts, and enjoy our program. The people we entertain and have as lunch guests really do appreciate what I'Dor VDor does for them. Recently a couple of us visited a retirement living complex and spoke to about 20 seniors gathered for a meal. Many of them had been to some of our events and eagerly thanked us for providing the opportunity. They look forward to each event and actually solicit their friends and neighbors to attend. They love visiting our beautiful Temple, and especially enjoy being entertained by the youngsters. So when you think about L'Dor VDor, think about the smiling faces and the good limes we are making available to those in our community who would not otherwise be able to enjoy. Our caring, dedicated volunteers who work to make each event so special are to be commended. They are the heart and soul of L'Dor VDor, and without them, the program couldn't bring so much joy to so many. Our contributors are the backbone of L'Dor V Dor. and continue to keep the program going. Prom Mel Wolzinger and Ruth Goldfarb, to the UJC/Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and anonymous donors, we thank you for your continued support, and care. And each of us can help as well. Ihe next time you're thinking of sending a contribution in honor of someone's simcha, think about the I "Dor VDor fund. You'll be honoring someone special, and making a difference in someone else's life. Our last event, which took place on August 21st, celebrated the Jewish holidays. We were entertained by Carly Matt and D.J. Sinai and then enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by Gustav Mahler. Thenext luncheon will celebrate Sukkot and will take place on October 2nd. It's a mitzvah to volunteer for I 'Dor VDor... just ask Irv Herman! Photo courtesy of Ben Zimmerman, Studio Southwest Photography Are you aware of a homebound senior that would like to join us for Sukkot, or any of our upcoming L'Dor VDor events? If so, please encourage them to call the Temple for more information. L'Dor VDor is the only non-denominational senior program that combines outreach, socialization and Jewish tradition in Las Vegas, and is provided at no cost to those who attend. We invite you to make a difference in the life of a homebound senior and be part of the L'Dor VDor family. Volunteers are always welcome and are needed prior to and on the day of the event. Drivers are especially important, as they are the lifeline needed to pick up our guests. If you are interested in being added to our rotating list of drivers, please contact I Jllian Radomsky at I or call her at 871 -7905. You can always call Shel Kolner, L'Dor VDor coordinator, at 228-4744 (Cell 334-8914) or contact Myrna Hills in the Temple office at 804-1333, ext 100. Men's Club News By Harvey Gitel, President The first meetingoftheMen'sClub will take place after the I loliday's on Wednesday, October 17th at 7:30pm." (NOTE THE NEW TIME) This will be an important meeting as many of the ideas, projects and plans that the board has been working on will be presented. This will also provide an opportunity to volunteer to help in accomplishing the objectives set out in my recent let ter. We will kick off this year's Jewish heritage theme by taking a look at Jewish Bubba Meises (superstitions). It's not too early to enter the following dates into your calendars: ? World Wide Wrap?February 3rd, 2008 ? Men's Club Shabbat?March 8"1, 2008 ? Yom Hashoah---candle mailing March 30*, 2008 ? Purim surprise March 16th, 2008 Among the ideas that the Men's Club will be implementing is an award program for essays or pictures for our pre-school, Schecter, and Hebrew students. We also are committed Continued on page 10 5 Education Yonina Sell nee Assistant Religious School Director ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jon Mitzmacher Director of Kducation Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas Solomon Schechter Set to Open 2007-2008 School Year The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas is ready to open its doors on its FOURTH year of operation. In four short years the SSDS-LV will have gone from six to fourteen to forty-six to SEVENTY students! Each year has brought with it exciting growth and development and 2007-2008 will surely be no different. Projects for this upcoming year include... ? Creat ion of a Student Store ? Hosting the National Solomon Schechter Day School Conference ? Second Annual (and expanded) Schechter Gala Event ? Expanded After School Programming ? Construction of the Abbie and David Friedman Multigenerational Pavilion With all this and more, Schechter is looking forward to another amazing year. Schechter Takes First Step towards Accreditation it has taken its first step towards eventual accreditation. Schechter intends to seek accreditation through the Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools (PNAIS). Representatives from PNAIS will visit Schechter in September to get the ball rolling. The typical timeline for new independent schools is five to seven years from birth to accreditation so Schechter is right on track. Religious School & Midrasha We have a great year planned for Religious School this year! We have some new teachers on our faculty this year, and we are happy to welcome back many of our terrific teachers who will be returning. We re proud to present our new Pre- K teacher, Shira Danieli, a teacher with a strong Judaica background, and experience in early childhood as well as Special Education. Our new and veteran faculty is getting ready for the school year, and we will be starting off the year with some new programs. We will be kicking off Sunday mornings in the sanctuary for our all-school morning mini-minyan, led by Ezra Meppen, our Sunday morning Kitah Zayin teacher. By December, students will be leading portions of our mini-service, as well. What a great way to implement what is learned in Tefillah at Religious School! There are some exciting fundraisers coming up as well- our Holiday Greeting Card sale will feature artwork done by the students of Schechter is proud to announce that our Religious School. Watch out for the brochures, which will be available the third week of October! We will also be selling snacks before Religious School at our brand-new chanool (store). Students can come early, choose their snacks, and learn to count their change in I lebrew! This year, we will be holding our Third Annual Pizza in the Hut on Sunday, September 30th! Parents and students will enjoy a special treat for Sukkot in Temple Beth Sholom's own Sukkah! We are lucky to be celebrating together with all of our students- from Pre-K through Zayin! On August 27, Midrasha and other TBS teens joined visiting Israeli teens at The Golden Spoon for a back-to-school celebration. Delicious frozen yogurt and a chance to meet up with old and new friends was a great way to kick off the new school year, and it was a special treat to socialize with peers from Israel. Our first session of Midrasha will take place on Sunday, September 16 at 1:00 PM. All teens in 8th grade and up are invited to join us toget her with their parents for a planning session to start off the year. Pizza and soda will be served. Adult Education Hopefully you had a chance to check out the new Adult Education brochure recently mailed to you and on the "blue" table at services. Brochures 6 Education are aJso available in the Synagogue and School Offices. Old favorites like the Rabbi's Parashat Ha'Shavua class, Schechter Parent University, Beginning Hebrew Reading I have been joined with new offerings like the Cantor's Beginning Prayer and Trope classes as well as a Book Club for Religious School Parents led by RS Principal, Yonina Schnee. ones. As the children begin to settle into their new environment they begin to engage in many new experiences with great confidence. Take a look down the hallways and witness for yourself all The Sandra & Staiili-y Malliii Lutrly Cliildhoixl (V-iucr Jennifer Zukowski Karlv Childhood Director Melanie Ron, has a warm and enthusiastic approach that will invigorate both parent and child. Stop by the Early Childhood Education office to register for this fabulous program. Registration for new classes is, therefore, officially open! For more information or to register, please call Ivy in the education office at 804- 1333, extension 114. We are getting ready for our first Jewish holiday of the school year, Rosh H a s h a n a h . Our children will participate in various activities such as counting, s t a m p i n g , tasting, baking, examining apples, and much more. The children anxiously await the Rabbi visiting their class to blow the shofar. Cantor Daniel is also teaching the children Jewish holiday songs! I wish you and your families Shanah Tova, a Sweet New Year! USY We are looking forward to celebrating the High Holidays with all of the teens. Benny Katz and I have planned some fantastic activities to get everyone involved and to help make the holidays more meaningful to a Jewish teenager. We look forward to seeing everyone soon. Don't forget to sign up to become a USY member. We already have had some exciting events and there are many more events coming in the months ahead!!! A Disneyland Turnaround Trip for 8th-12th Graders on Sunday, September 2nd. If you are interested in joining, please contact Lauren Frydman at 327- 5858 or email counselkids8@yahoo. com. the wonderful memories our children are creating each and every week. Do you know how to count in Hebrew, translate your feelings into creative movements, or say "red" in Spanish? Our enthusiastic yeladim (children) have the opportunity to learn languages, community, and culture through specialty classes such as Hebrew, Creative Movement, and Spanish. These are special times for the children to express themselves and learn fun songs and dances on a weekly basis. We take pride in our well rounded curriculum. Early Childhood Education As we begin our new school year, we welcome back old friends and look forward to meeting many more new For families with children of infant/ toddler ages, Shabbat and Me is a great opportunity for parents to network and introduce their children to interactive play. Our instructor, Save The Date 2008 TBS People Of The Year Gala Honoring Flora and Stuart Mason Sunday, April 6, 2008 September Elul-Tishrei 5 767 Calendar FRIDAY SATURDAY Special Events KiTavol Selichot Bagel Brunches Sept 2 &9 9:30 am The Membership Committee will be hosting four Sunday morning Bagel Brunches for current and prospective congregants. Please RSVP to the brunch of your choice by calling IVfyma at ext. 100. High Holy Days Services 18 Elul X Carli Saxe Bat Mtzvah Ki lave r?j 24 Bui q 25 Elul / Shabbat Ha Neshama with TBS Ruach Ensemble o Selichot Under the stars 8:30 pm light candles at 6:44 pm NitzavinV \&yelech Selichot ^ a 2 Tishrei 14 1 5 Rosh Hashanah II 9:00 am Office Closed light candles at 6:33 pm Ha'azinu Shabbat Shuvah 2 ^ 9 Tlshrci KolNkhe 6:00 pm light candles at 6:23 pm 2 2 Yom Kippur 9:00 am Yizkon Noon Neflah 5:30 pm Yizkor Yoni Kippur ^-v 16 Tishrei L o Sukkot Services 9:00 am &7:30 pm Office Qosed light candles at 6:13 pm 2 9"" Sukkot Services 9:00 am Choi Hamoed Temple News Continuedfrom page 5 to support the bar/bat mitzvah's in their mitzvah projects by giving them support and a forum to reach out for help and assistance. This year's programs will focus on tradition and family however, there will slill be time for some old fashioned Judaic fun. We will have participatory presentations/sessions that include Yiddish, Niguns, and genealogy. Due's statements have been mailed out and members will soon receive a reminder. If you misplaced the statement just send your name and mail to the PBS office along with your $36. For those men who have not yet joined our organization, membership dues are only $36.00 a year. Please contact the TBS office or email if you would like for us to send von an application. ITie Men's Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Jerry Springberg as Vice President for the current year. Our new Men's Club Board is excited about what onr future holds. We encourage you to see il for yourselves and be an active participant. May the New Year bring you and your family the blessing of good health, good fortune, and happiness throughout the coining year. May Yom Kippur bring you an easy fast. May Sukkot bring a beautiful and bountiful season. Please share and participate with vonr PBS family throughout the year. Women's League News By Kim Memar, President Our Women's League board has been very excited and busy this past month brainstorming and planning programs, events, and committees that we feel will encompass the educational, spiritual and social needs of our membership. We are looking forward to you joining us at our many functions and we welcome your ideas for programming and participation on one of our various committees. We are very happy to commence our new clubs this year, which include scrapbook, movies, and a book club with the possibility of a dining out club. Our scrapbook and book clubs will lake place both in the mornings and evenings, giving many of you the opportunity 10 to attend as your schedule permits. The agenda will be the same for both programs. Our first book club dates are Tuesday, October 9th from 7-9pm and Wednesday, October 10th from 10am-12pm at Suriva Fischer's home. Our first scrapbook dales are Tuesday October 16th from lOam-lpm and Wednesday October 17th - 7-10pm at a location TBA. Movie and dining out dates will be determined in the near future. Please pencil us in now before your schedule gets too full!! Our first general meeting will be on Wednesday, October 3rd from 5-7pm. Iliis will include a secret sister program and will be held in the sukkah. Please join us in performing (lie mitzvah of enjoying a meal under (he stars in the sukkah and picking your secret sister for the year. If you don't know what secret sister is about you will get more information in our next Vision newsletter. Our Paid-up Membership Luncheon will be held on Sunday, October 7th from 11:30am - 2:00pm at the Temple. Please pay your membership dues in ASAP so that you may join us for what promises to be a lovely luncheon enhanced by the comradeship of our many appreciated members. If you would like to be on (he membership committee, please join us. Also mark your calendars now for our fantastic 1 lanukah Bazaar to be held on Sunday, November 4Ul from 7arn-3pm. If you would like to help or know of anyone who would like to be a vendor please let us know. If you would like to maximize your Women's League membership weinvite you to participate in our many events and committees. Bead your upcoming Vision for more information and dates. Our committees include Catering, C(X)kbook, Education, Fundraising, Program, Publicity, Social Action, Phone Squad, Roses for Israel (for Mother's Day), Tributes, and Vision. Please call Kim at 429-0888 or Debbie Miner at 364-0833 if you would like to be involved!! May 5768 be a year full of promise and hope for (he future of our people, both at home and in (he State of Israel. Wishing all of you a sweet and wonderful New Year! Membership Committee News Ed Kainen and Ellen Ploesch, Co-Chairpeople Phe Membership Committee is off to an excellent start. We have hosted (wo Sunday Morning Bagel Brunches and look forward (o (lie remaining Brunches on Sundays September 2 and September 9, beginning at 9:30 AM. We encourage you to join us and bring along anyone who may be interested in finding out more about Temple Beth Sholorn. Our Membership Committee has been meeting to explore ways to create opportunities and benefits for our members. If you have any ideas, we'd love to hear from you. Please call the office and leave a message for either one of us. Remember PBS is your home awav from home Chesed Committee News By Anita Lewy, Chairperson Our Committee met on July 9 and welcomed Debbie Miner and her special dog, Cloe, as one of our three new members. Elaine Steinberg and Priscilla Schwartz I lodes were unable to attend. Debbie and Cloe just completed an orientation at LMC. Debbie generously accepted to become our Recording Secretary. We decided to expand our hospital visitation program and include rehabilitation centers. We also formed a telephone committee (o contact members who are ill at home. Thank you for your dedication. Should you know of a member who is in the hospital, going into a hospital or rehabilitation center or is ill at home, please remember to contact Carol Jeffries at 804-1333, ext. 104. Rabbi Goodman, Cantor Friedman, Laura Sussman and Carol Jeffries, are an integral part of (he Chesed Committee. We wish our TBS congregation L'Shana Tovah, a healthy and sweet New Year. Chesed Committee L-lt: standing: Paul Schtnier, Ellen Ploesch, Irv Herman, sitting: Debbie Miner, Cloe Miner, Anita Lewy. Not pictured: Elaine Steinberg and Priscilla Schwartz l lodes Tributes RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY I UNI) Thank you: Harold De Armas Misheberach: D'Vorre Ober Florence Bolatin In Memory of: Jack Brewster Faye 6c Dr. Leon Steinberg Jack Lnftschein Carol Jeffries Arthur Novick Fare 6c Dr. I son Steinberg Leon Radomsky Fare 6c Dr. Leon Steinberg Judy 6c Sy Fabak Anita Rosenstein Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Lillian Turk Faye 6c Dr. Leon Steinberg Dr. Norman Venger Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of: Jack Liiftschein Carol Jeffries SANDRA & STANLEY MAI.LIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In Honor of: Maury Jones' Birthday Esther Frankenstein PRESCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND n Memory of: Bessie Golden Morris Golden Arthur Novick Bonnie Berkowilz 6c Family SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL Speedy Recovery: D'Vorre Ober Bonnie Ber/cowiiz Harry Gilbert In Memory of: Dr. Norman Venger Florence Frost SSDS SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Leon Radomsky Sally 6c Dick Fskenazi Anita Rosenstein I{cnee Joe Prernack JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Memory of: Jack Brewster Bonnie Berkowilz Harry Gilbert. SYDNEY CHAPIN MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Jack Brewster Shirley Chaplin Randi