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$ i Hi i l l a s V e g a s l a n d a n d W a t e r c o m p a n y Water furnished County of las Vegas. Los Angeles, January 9, 1910. Asst.General Counsel. Dear S i r :- Herewith I send you le tte r from Mr.Bracken, Agent of the Las Vegas land and Water Company at las Vegas, also le tte r addressed to the land & Water Company hy the clerk of Board. at a certaub rate per thousand feet which is less than the charge made to the public and would necessitate the in stallatio n of a meter. When the franchise became e ffe c tiv e , -it was found that in block 20, the County had twelve taps and that in order to measure the water it would be necessary to have twelve meters. To avoid the expense of putting in so many meters and also to avoid the expense of repiping so that the water could be served through one meter, it was agreed that the County would pay a fla t rate of $8.00 per month. Sow the County ask that our charge be made on the basis of one tap. have the right to enter the ground of the County and cut out the taps; i . e . , disconnect the pipes and plug the main, leaving only one open tap, and i f so, do you recommend that that action be taken C v WHITfiTEMORE, P r e s t ., Los A n g e le s , C a l . |. B ETTIS, VlCBf-PREST. AND AUDITOR, LOS ANGELES, CAL. H.'. C O M STO C K , S e c r e t a r y , Los A n g e le s , C a l . H. LEE TE , T r e a s ., Los A n g e l e s , C a l . C. O F F IC E S P A C I F I C E L E C T R IC B U IL D IN G L O S A N G E L E S , C A L . F. A . W A TE R S , AGT., L O S A N G E L E S , C A L . W . R. B R A C K E N , AGT., L A S V E G A S , N E V . Mr. A. S. Halsted, lo 0 The franchise provides that the County sh all have water W ill you please advise whether the land and Water Company and that we insist that the County put in “ I mm& is left? Yours truly