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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-495


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    Minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on the 15th day of January 1937 at the hour of seven thirty o'clock P.M. The following answered roll call Mayor Arnett, Commissioners Down Krause Marble and City Clerk and City Attorney. Absent Commissioner Perry. This being the time set for the opening of bids for a motor grader for the City Street Department and a number of bids being in the hands of the Clerk said bids were ordered opened by the Mayor. On motion of Commissioner Krause seconded by Commissioner Down it was moved and carried that the bids after opening be handed to the Commissioner of Streets for His consideration and recommendation. Vote was Commissioners Down, Krause and Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Marble seconded by Commissioner Krause it was moved and carried that all slot machine applications on file with the City Clerk at this time be granted. Vote was Commissioners Down, Krause and Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Down, Seconded by Commissioner Krause it was moved and car­ried that the following beverage licenses for the year 1937 be granted: Mesquite Grocery Co. Inc. Vegas Sweet Shoppe, Sewell's United Stores John Stathis Joe Carlo James Adras Harry Young, and a tavern license to N.C. Westmoreland. Vote was Commissioners Down, Krause and Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting adjourned. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. JANUARY 16th, 1937. CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING__ TO-- Viola Burns, City Clerk Las Vegas, Nevada. A special meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas is hereby called to be held in the Board of Commissioners Room in the City Clerk's office, on Saturday the 16th day of January, 1937 at the hour of two thirty o'clock P.M. on said day to consider and act upon the following: 1. To consider the purchase of pipe to be used in the City Park and the Woodlawn Cemetery for sprinkling system. 2. To consider and act upon the improving of streets in the City Dated this 16th day of January 1937. L.L. ARNETT Mayor of the City of Las Vegas. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO— L.L. Arnett Mayor and to Jas. H. Down, H. Krause H.P. Marble and H.L. Perry, Commissioners: YOU AND EACH OF YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That pursuant to a call this day issued by the Mayor of the City of Las Vegas, a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City will be held in the Board of Commissioners Room in the City Clerk's office, Saturday the 16th day of January, 1937 at the hour of two thirty o'clock P.M. on said day to consider and act upon the following: 1. To Consider the purchase of pipe to be used in the City Park and the Woodlawn Cemetery for sprinkling system. 2. To consider and act upon improving of streets in the City. You will govern yourselves accordingly. Viola Burns City Clerk. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE WE, the undersigned mayor and commissioners of the City of Las Vegas do hereby admit due service of the foreging notice. L.L. Arnett Herbert Krause Jas. H. Down Mayor Commissioner Commissioner H.P. Marble H.L. Perry Commissioner Commissioner