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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    setup* t think it has to do with age-old European custom .'l Uf and tradition# end the ?·act that the transition to present- . ?√ß' -A v ?╟  t * . .. * v?? f . * , ' t * i,V** ** ?╜ | *>1' * ' , V* ' day moral attitudes is not yet ccmplete* ^ } ^ / 1 noticed# for instance# that teen and pre-teen youngsters did not constitute the entire audience* There Were many older people# noticeably the parents of the younger ones* 1 asked and was told that families were in the habit of going out * ?√ß. .| a' * J ;/?╟≤ ' g } -* , ?╓¬?╟╓ .* ?╜ t , , / ;,... ,* ; . *. together to whatever concerts and other performances were ;; i / available* Hie system of chaperonage was still strong* A< m V.;,-V*.v ..v t:-: , V:1, r vv.v-'=,?╜ 1 saw# too# that dating obviously begins much later in ; >", $ 'V *V ?√ß t ?√ß. ?√ß# : ?╟╓?╟≤ : . . v- /. : ' ?√ß ?╟╓ \ ' - * J * /* I i I ?╟≤ . | t ?╟≤ ?╟≤' ?╟  t * s \*V,| | ?√ßv fg ?√ß I * ' |p ?√ß v ?√ß | r V 4 f- 1 f" Poland than it does here. The boy-girl combinations who showed up were young adults# or at least so far into the teens that they were Virtually out of them. Some were already mar- ried. , ?╟╓ ' For girls# dating apparently began at the same time that grown-up dressing did# Somewhere in her late teens# Kiss Pretty Polska buys herself a basic batch'of eye makeup# piles her hair on top of her head in a B*B?? beehive# squeezes her- ^ self into a tight but becoming black dress ?╟÷ and starts dating Before that# she?╟╓s 4wst a kid# marking time* c>. ;v Yes. there are differences between the Polish youth and p * . ..... ?╟≤ ?╟≤ . ?╟  ours. But both in number and in intensity# the differences are nowhere near as striking as the similarities are* It is stunningly apparent that Polish youngsters# by and large# have the same likes as ours# the same, needs# and the same aims.