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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    GLENN ADCOX, President A 821 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 3, CALIFORNIA T E L E P H O N E E X B R O O K 2-1 280 August 26, 1963 Mr, A1 Ireeman Public Delations Director She Sands Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al: I wanted t?? write you t?? let you know how much we all enjoyed the hospitality of She Sands during our recent visit. It was most kind of you, Al, to arrange for a press rate ??a our rooms, Shis was deeply appreciated* Also it was most thoughtful of you to arrange the complimentary meal for the Conns and ourselves at She Sands* show. I am certain that you will be hearing from Ken Conn of the San Jose Mercury^News. I know that he was delighted and deeply appreciative of the many courtesies shown us by you. Very best personal regards. Cordially, NEW YORK OFFICE: 330 EAST 43rd STREET TELEPHONE YUKON 6-6852