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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    31 J^-\- I — Las Vegas land and water company ? OFFICES PACIFIC ELECTRIC BUILDING LOS ANGELES, CAL. J. ROSS CLARK, President, Los Angeles, Cal. C. C. BARRY. Auditor, Los Angeles, Cal. C. P. SMITH, Secretary, Los Angeles, Cal. W. H. LEETE, Treasurer, Los Angeles, Cal. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA F. A. WATERS, AGENT, LOS ANGELES, CAL. WALTER R. BRACKEN, VlCE-PRES. and AGT., LAS VEGAS, NEV. Los Angeles, June 7, 1921 139-C ,Ir. Walter R. Bracken, Las Yegas, Nevada. Dear Sir Your note on the foot of my letter of June 3rd in which you refer to the sale of acreage south,of town. I see no reason why you might not submit the matter in writing at any time. Mr. Galvin is now in the northwest, and I do not know how soon he may return to Los Angeles, hut if the sub­ject weire written up, I would be glad' to bring it to his atten­tion for discussion at the earliest opportunity. Yours truly, —* JI "r 8 I J jjj— | jjj JjjJB1 R &