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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-298


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Vegas, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harley A. Harmon coming before the Board at this time, it was upon motion of Commissioner Conklin, seconded by Commissioner Pembroke and duly carried, ordered that Florence S. Doherty of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, be and is hereby appointed City Clerk in and for the City of Las Vegas, Clark County Nevada ,said appointment to take effect upon her filing a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $2500.00, with to sureties thereon. Also that the salary of said City Clerk be $25.00 per month. Commissioner Conklin, Aye; Commissioner Pembroke, Aye His Honor, the Mayor , W.E. Ferron voting Aye: Noes, None. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried At this time Florence S. Doherty, newly elected City Clerk filed her bond in the sum of $2500.00, with two sureties thereon, namely, Dr. Roy W. Martin and John S. Park, and it ap­pearing to the Board that the bond is legal and in form it was upon motion duly made and carried, ordered that the bond of said Florence S. Doherty be and the same is hereby approved. Thereupon Florence S. Doherty, the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of Las Vegas Clark County, Nevada, assumed the duties of the clerk of this Board. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried it was Resolved, that R.E. Lake, Sr. be paid the sum of $487.00 to apply under his contract for the construction of cement sidewalk on the west side of Third Street, upon 4175 sq.ft. thereof already completed, Such payment to be made on presentation of bill for same. The vote on said Resolution was as follows: Voting Aye, Commissioners Conklin and Pembroke, and His Honor the Mayor W.E. Ferron: Noes, None. There being no farther business before the board, it was upon motion duly made and carried, ordered that this board stand adjourned until February 2, 1921, at two o'clock p. m. of said day. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. FEBRUARY 2, 1921. At a regular meeting held by the Board of City commissioners in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, this 2nd day of February. Present His honor, the Mayor, W. E. Ferron and Commissioners Pembroke and Conklin, and the Clerk and the City Attorney. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read. Reports of officers read and approved as read. All claims against the city were allowed as per claim book on file with the Clerk of this Board. At this time Albert Howard appeared before the Board in regard to the opening of a new tract and asked the Board to consider putting through a road from Stewart's ranch to Section 36 and that this be dedicated to the city and kept up by the city, whereupon it was ordered that this matter be laid over for consideration. The matter of the preparation of a bill to provide that the city may issue bonds to own and oper­ate public utilities was referred to the City Attorney. At this time the bids for the garbage contracts were opened and it appearing to the Board that only one bid was filed it was ordered upon motion being duly made and carried that this bid be rejected. His Honor the mayor, W. E. Ferron, Commissioner Conklin and Commissioner Pembroke voting aye. Noes none, whereupon it was upon motion of Commissioner Pembroke and seconded by commissioner Conklin ordered that the Board advertise for new bids under the same specifications now on file whereupon his Honor the Mayor, W.E. Ferron, voting aye, Commissioner Pembroke voting aye and Commissioner Conklin voting aye. Noes none. Thereupon at this time it was ordered that this board stand adjourned until