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IN LAS VEGAS Mon., Oct. 17, 1966 , seems -Jo be ndine in. an erratic ,,?╟≤ airplane; is - a '^thrilling ?╟╓ bit,! similar ?√ß to ?╟╓the -<?½ie /vthich long; lias -been successful rn V.egas*edition (at 'Dunes) of',iGasffio"'de Paris.?╟╓* ' :QbstUmes byilmt^mjSetsSb'y-Har- S'f&y Warren &' ffostv original music ^ by J. Harbert,<& Landreau, with?╟╓?╟╓, lyrics-by.'Jim llaibert, are -oonsi^tj 11'ffcAnt with the firs?╟╓lratp'TiIualilS?╟╓ of IBthe preyihus six ^^p^wS^EdiMe - O , Neil or?·h (17) splendidly backs thejtj . >entii;e^acK^^^^liici^s'rfmfpr an;*! r.'indfefi^K *run,, 1 y'-vtwo 1 . Ddke.r' *4 JOHN L. SCOTT Seventh Lido Show Most Extravagant LAS VBGA&?╟÷"Qfand Prix," seventh edition, of Les LMo de Paris and the most expensive shoiy to be pre- sented op the Stardust Hotel's huge stage in Cafe Coa- tinental, Thursday entertained a capacity crowd of LAs Vegas first nighfors., Produced by Frank Sehnes and staged and directed Arden, who have been associated in building extravaganzas for many years, 'Grand Prix" is a me^ iapge of beautiful girls, "coloi-ful costumes,and settings, impressive ensemble numbers, amusing specialty acts and spectacular footlight ?╟≤.mechanics that go witb.ipost SenpesrArden- shows,-Cost is estimated by Semies at $500,000. ^ Speciacida Jn the new production '%iade the sacf^ice of a wippoi^rhalf-pude maiden ** front of a gigantic 1 gpl^p,:Buddfia, and thfesipMg ofRrSpanih galleon by ?╟≤ a pirate Sbap^n the lattere-v?╟╓ent, the' galledn is iamfood- by the buccaneer vessel and then is shown slowly drop- ping to the bottom pf'the sea&r ?╟≤ /;* , ?╟≤ Nave^^enin^ ^upi^ea* I W|iile these,epenes are highlights of . staging skill 'a novel-openmg numbef in for Pa- ria^ and "Chaf&jSs .Elyse^ ,M^"-i3iiij$sf qualify as- y^iy ?√ß novel and .teKeetiye seen hpre for rt^rfy ?√ß ?√ß > AsAbe opening curtain rises a capsule rockets" UP',; ward, and two astronauts are showji walking in space : thanks to the,good office* of peter'Foy, who does sen?╜a- ] tioiM things with wires. 'Then Les Belli)* dti Lido del-J cend from above with-parachutes, apd lye?╟╓re in Paris f where ?· grand ceiebfotiorC/ikkes place in a glamorous?! S0ttl|ig., ; "Which Way to Paris?" a combination film and live-1 actum segment, show?½ a confused airman in a tiny* jel! luirtllng in, a'roUnd and above the Parisian capital. This ; Idea isn't absolutely new in Las Vegas but?╟╓it?╟╓s still filled ?╟≤' with'excitement. r _ .action moves to London, during which skaters Frederick and Gina scOrer heavily on the Stardust ice- stager tlien to the Orient for a very colorful ensemble i number featuring Carl Lindstrom, as the emperor, Vera ?√ß Alfori as the favored one end Aleco as her. lover. pf ,Pom of- Sacrice climaxes this segment, with-the I ^1fo^''seeur^^^'lM$cur&i?·r lahtenis'aU ?╟≤ disappegifol' into5 the water. ; Trip to South. America "?·oss?? Norfo Beat", then takes ofjlodkers W Braztf ' With foalf dancers and singers, Les Belles du Lido, tie famous Pluebell Girls and two femmO beauties, Hen- ri0t|e Andie and. Stevie Danik, featured. It's a richly cos- ! twfo^i ^sically exciting,production number. m Le , Bal dp Grand, Prix," :a spectacular finale* brings this new,show to a close,) , ' ;?√ß Specialty aette are, fofc the most part, lively and amus- IngjyespeciallytGino Donati- ind* Gjsorge Sbatrdelia, -wiib retti^m .tils 4fceitg&^ knock-about ..cotaedy- routine.- - ' - - ?½DdyaS'OTerf by candlehght, and Les Freres Kims are clowning ?╟≤ acrobats. * gl ms*m .. ... \ I PwHltlofr-fiiame* and.dlreltor Aiden have araembled ; ajtoe coterie of singers and dancers for "Grand Prix"4- i * best!:Aib^fiye, oltheir seven editions. There are no i gf0tesqtfr)[o0king femme giant?½ in fiis on*. Folca created the 'costumes, HarVey Warren and Fost m-e responsible for sets and barren for art direction. Tbe conceived by, Pierre Louis-Guerin and Ifope Fraday. Eddie O'Neil and his ordiestra supply I strong musical backing. :^vr| , "One^t Prix" will be around for at least a year. | GIRL ASTRONAUTS by the dozen, in very glam- orized space suits of sequins and feathers, appear in the all-new, seventh, edition of Lido de Paris /?╟ Grand Prix?╟Ñ at the [ Stardust Hotel, Las Vegas, jfor this very striking openingJaumber. costume designer. FeteO?╟╓ created his version- of what , a gal should wear?╟÷en route to the moon. Extravaganza is produced by Frank Sennes. ??Z4j2/?·7r??: STARDUST *> ?╟╓ ($6 MO Minimum) '' Las ^seventh?╟╓'American'?╟ 'edition,1. Version:' ?╟ of jgje'tide De Paris ?╟÷/fhis, <jne' ^tagged ?╟úGrand Prix?╟Ñ ,^is another triimph^^Sor/I^eKre' - Louis-GueriiX, <Ttgne Frad'ajr,v.stagiX Donri Arrlerf an* prodiicer^P^ank' SermeS-A The gifxy spectacular has every- thing from, ?╟ simulated - astronauts J^feng- in-'space ^fo^a/3."(>50^ colbr-^ ful Ypirate?╟╓ SeUimncercompltete with a .sinking galleon behind thes-fo?½@| light.-, a numBer/piack-* grounded by* Buddha and <A4o?╟╓ Wfell as: a?√ß swimming?╟╓iio<3( ar(?"iise'(fri fo "flNjfe advantage as Arden 'paces' ftmlf-oi?╟╓/t i\ itli (export L'-'-im^iric^'of * ybra'eographers' Larry Maldonado, ^5?║^^>?╟úRj0h'erts^ md-.Bonnie vHunt^. fegackhoned bj the^iiluebelj iGilL,?╟  fraiteision groupt* lias 18 gnl E&was^&ll8j^ho\iir 11 Is, 11 boy IpapIter-'ddhcerK, an?╟╓d fiye iminapg^i nudes. '?╟≤.Outstanding ^ajmmig>KTlie?╟  tom me s < aiejj- Ve^^fflT^H&StewLl fas- Thet Girl cRfeiin Ipan- ema) and Hennette* ?╟╓Audj'cijyjlce^ ^Skating team p^(E?½de?Σ≤k .& Gina jjjj^Tu k( uchT>?╟╓hack<?╟ fLmj%th'('Ao4fej.sfQA AAidoiL (-?╟╓bimsh, IticharcLEvarf anti? thd Arden^B^^hgeSs^!/*,'-, fT^st?╟╓paratmg the product'] onjfspepjs taculars are top fb aw<']/,_vhrie)-\ ta?╟╓d?½|peM'A;e?½MGiiy) Dojiatffwho was in-th( f 1 lfs^Li(1 o"ed 1T1 <Jn|^rjfM ganfaueratic singer- -with a^big^oi^eB ^ mm epof^-?╟╓.George fSiOTh llaljwiniisi up ?╟╓Vit)T',<t<\ei gfunfly --surim set siata^jl^^B^ . 'Les WJ To 11 s . Kiia (-i m1 e **mgKh LiintciCaimnL ?╟≤knoekabout Jifft.? (ynT/ciIj^j^bfsf magn laris'"] ItbiAllt^S^elra'^St^raS surprises -by.-; aujT?½b^g!pr?╟ú instead1' ?√ßigets *6fJ?½listeim'?½5bi]Jhj( ?╟ and a ballBlmHl wolIs on 19|idge'oE, agwfeffie^S ^^n^y'^m^glgrjGiL Poya?╟╓s .work is Mlatious.------- :j A motion picture widescreen .novelty, in which the audience) 1967 Dinah Shore Happy in Clubs New Lido Show ?╟ Best Ever?╟╓ Of Its Type , ?╟úI-?╟╓ve been in show business for three decades and this new] Lido Show Is my best yet.?╟╓' The man behind this state- ment is talented Donn Arden, who stages and directs the all- new Lido de Paris Show, ?╟úGrand Prix,?╟Ñ opening Oct. 13 j at the Stardust Hotel. This is the hotels seyenth^edition of the fabulous Flench revue. ?╟úWe haye fantastic sets, ex- citing production numbers and a group of extremely talented performers In this production,?╟Ñ Arden added, ?╟úand I know au- diences will agree when they see this brilliant spectacle.?╟Ñ -Staging extravaganzas is not new to Arden. He?╟╓s made a point of combining .good taste with entertainment and produc- tion for over 30 years. His shows in New York, Paris, Las Vegas, Hollywood , and Miami have created a standard of ex- cellence which others strive for but seldom achieve. Arden started out to be a | dancer in his native St. Louis where he studied ballet, , modern dance, acrobatic and jazz. By 'the time he was 15 he was stag- ing shows in small nightclubs as well as designing costumes, ! painting scenery and doing any backstage job he could find. As a choreographer, his first major triumph was at the Hotel Ngv Y orker in Manhattan 'where his ifce show staging was so successful he stayed there lo years. After World War II | Arden was invited to Paris to stage, direct and choreograph the Paris Lido Show. While at the Paris Lido, Arden also, created shows in New York, Mfemi, and the Moulin Rouge and Ciro's in Hollywood. In Las Vegas Arden has directed all the shows at the Desert Inn since it opened in 1950. He staged his first Lido Show at the Stardust in 195S. 18 Las Vegas Review-Journal BY JOHN L. SCOTT Tlm?╜ Stall Writer > - Dinah Shore, currently' starring in the Congo' Room of Hotel Sahara in Las'Vegas, is suffering no "withdrawal pains where * TV is concerned. "I'm .^9- >, ing to sing -until I drop but probably hhver again. "m a jr eg u 1 a r .television show,11 she said. Miss Shore quit the live', ing - room entertainmeiit niedium after 444 15-min- ute shows apd 131*.hour- long shows.' Therq Are no , Signs of a return', except', possibly, in guest appear* 1 ances. t 1 Dinah brings an all-new { program to Las Vegas, |where she?╟╓s no'str^pger to ?╟≤''?╟≤audiences. Her songs have bright arrangements and there?╟╓s considerable spec- ial. material. The show also includes Gene Shel- don* the pixie-ish banjo Comedian, and the singing, dancing-Arbqrs. * Limiting the number of frer?'-engagements to the 'better ..night clubs and i concerts, gives ?╟≤ Shore more time for her' son, Jo- dy, and?╟╓her 'daughter, Mis- sy: "My tennis game is im1 I proving," ?╟≤ she said,' "and . my golf game, too." She , and her family, Jive ?·n Beverly Hills. "Grand Prix," the sev- enth edition of the Star-' . dust's Lido de Paris extra- vaganzas, 'opens Thursday ' night. Donn Arden, Who ?╟≤stages and directs, sayat' "I've- beeft in ?√ß showi biiei-* dess, for three decades apd thiS s^ow'is-my best y#0- ?· One'Of the big attraction!? of -the -production is a ' grpup jshowri as the.Blue- bell Girls, recruited from "all over fhe" world. The ] swimming pool artd 1 ice rink, features of the Star- ' dust's large stage, will be utilized again. ; Sinking of a Spanish galleon and astronauts walking in space are spec- tacular novelties. Specialty Acts include Gino Donati, comedian; Frederick and ?√ß Gina,, skaters; Gil' Dova, comic-,juggler; Les Freres ' KimSr./kn^:abj)Uts; < add Rifco, m$gic?4n.9 ' -' - Buddy^Dc Franco -fronts the. Glenn Miller Orches&a in the'-Tropicana?╟╓s Blue Room beginning Friday. jSlnger Bobby Rydell also fills am important spot on' the nfeW'lprogram. On Nov. 4 George Shearing will star in the Blue Room, and Will be followed on Dec. 23 byi Benny Goodman. Starting Oct. 21 at the Aladdin, three comedians WUl vie in the showroom ?╟÷Joe E. Lewis, J ackfo Ma- son and Pearl Williams. Billy Eckstine and Redd Foxx open Nov. 25. Cur- rent entertainment, fare includes Mason, "Topless night. Lena, Home fills it iiojv. Shirfey,,Jones and My- ron Cohen follow the Su- premes at the Flamingo next Thursday.' e At other Vegas theater- .Scandals" afid the'Sneak- ?╟ú fe^?╟╓ifl:&nf|:' Miekie FinSf ?√ß'i*?╟╓?╟≤ j-\ and Kaye Stevens at Cae- D ebJi i e Reynolds is going on, another night club,kick, having sighed to headline at the Riviera Hotel for six weeks, begin- ning Dec. 20. Before that, she?╟╓ll appear at Harrah's Reno (Nov. 24),. Mitzj^Gay- nor stars St the Riviera currently. Jerfy"?╟╓Lewis'Takes 'over ?╟ ihe' stellar >'spot' at Lhe sars Palace,, "Hello, Ameri- ca" at Desert* Inn, Casino de Paris at Dimes, Frankie Laine and Lainie Kazan at Fremont, Mamie Van Do* ren at Thunderbird, Folies Bergere at Tropicana. Jn. northern Nevada, Alan King and Buddy Grfe- co aTe at Harrah's Tahoe, ; and Shirley'^Bassey's .?√ß at . the iSahara-Tahoe. -Liber- ace'headlines at the Nug- Sand s' next Wedne^feLj get in^ Sparks. - The new Lido show, now at the Star-, show is loaded with talent. ______________________ VEGAS DAZE and NITES pbari That Donn Arden fellow has gone and done it again with his latest), the seventh edition of Lido de Paris at the Stardust, which opened a couple of Rights ago to a hearty reception from the first nighters, many insisting ?╟úThis is Donn?╟╓s best.?╟Ñ And we?╟╓ll go along with that /'jMtfmate. IIb And except for a spectacularly staged pirate disas- ter on the high seas, there is a noticeable lack of ca- itaairophies in this Arden extravaganza, which is all right with us. Arden has brought in the best in ice skat- ing, Frederick and Gina, a fabulous sleight of hander, Ftco, then topped it all off with the return of Gino Do- nati, the muscular, tenor and his little heckler, George, who opened the first Lido show here at ?╟  the Stardust more than five years ago. Add a sensational array of whirling guys and gals, superb costuming and numer- thus, eye popping sets and you have ?╟úGrand Prix,?╟Ñ fvhich will have hardly any trouble playing for the nextj 18 months before enthusiastic crowds. And justl to prove we still have an eye for femme terpsechore, you might keep your eyes on a tidy, leggy lass named Stevie Danik featured in ?╟úThe Girl From Ipanema?╟Ñ number, fellers. The popping of male eye- balls made it sound like a champagne party celebra- tion. From the moment Arden opens the curtains to show an astronaut floating in space until the entire en- semble takes its final bow, the audience is kept highly entertained. We almost forget the. gent, foith the poached eyes, Gil Dova, -whose comedy-touches and skillful juggling serves as a welcome, momentary relief from a previ- ous, spectacular ?╟úvirgin drowning?╟Ñ at the hands of a] horde of ?╟úBuddhist?╟Ñ chorus boys. .. _ 3M ? α . ? α 1 PfittlETY Stardust, Las Vegas Las Vegas, Oct. 13. 1 ?√ß "Grand Prix,?╟Ñ 1th edition, Le . Lido De Paris; with Gino Donati, , Gil Porn, Rico. Les Freres Kims (3), -Frederick & Gina, Vera -At- J ten, Stevie Panik, Henriette Au- I die; conceived by Pierre Louis- I Guerin and Rene Fiaday; staged- &; directed by Ponn Arden; pro-- duced by Frank Senn?·$; costumes, Folco; - sets; J. Harbert <?·* Land- *, plan; lyrics, Jim Harbert; orches- tratiohs,/ .Gruyer & Delmncpifrp;', 7 lighting & sound,1* Eddie White; contparm, ihanager St stage- con- 1 sir-action, Walter Shaner;- Eddie O?╟╓Neil Ordh (YJ); $6.50 minimum. \ The seventh edition of the ?╟  , AmericaH version of Le -Lido De | Paris|||| this one tagged ?╟úGrand-, j Prix?╟╓L?╟÷ is another triumph for (Pierre Louis-Guefin, Rene Pra'day,- j Donn Arden, and- Frank Sennes. ?√ß Latter produces with - magnitude, i, ?╟≤amF-stager-director 'Arden .ingeni- ously brings to brillian&jlfe the ideas of Parisians Louis-Guerm and?╟  Fraday.. > The sexy spectacular is as up to3 daite as the astronauts walking in' space'?╟÷ and- 6f course has them there above stage ?╟÷ and the Gild From Ipanemd. who here is a shapely stunner. It reaches.-back to the year 1650 Lor a colorfully, romantic: pirate ?╟≤ sequence, - com- , ; plete?╟╓ with a sinking galleon 'tight' | ] there'sbehind'.the1 footlights. It charmingly recreates, a legend, of love"?╟÷ with'sacrificial maidens in i J the pool of sacrifice ?╟÷ back- [ 1 grounded* .by7 Hie golden Buddha, ! The iee stage' 'and swimming .-poof-. ' ar"e ..used' .toYbest advantage by* j director Arden, who gracefully*1 | pace?½, his cast of handsome p'eo- J ] pie, with the expert assistance -of f choreographers Larry Maldpnado; I j Joyce Roberts and Bonnie Hunt. [ Backboned by the Bluebell Girls f j the .famed precision' group. '-I .The show has, ]T8, girl dancers,-1 i 18 showgirls, 14 boy .slnger?╟ ^danv?? 1 I cars, and five principal nudes. Dwt- | , standing- among?╟╓ the beautiful, j ) talented femmes are Vera Allen, j - Stevie Danik (The Girl From- Ipan- J ema), and Henriette?╟╓ Audio. Teand j called Frederick & Gina click as - j j the'/ce- skating lovers, and their j j turn is richly backed by the voices ?╟╓ j I of: GordomjCornish, Richard Evan i and the Arden Boy fingers. * j 1 Separating the production spec- j ; taculars are variety, acts, ?╟úall top- ! I drawer. Featured is Gino Donati < I (who was in the first Iado edition | here), an operatic singer with a j (big voice who, with the assistance of George' Sbardella, - winds up with a very funny surprise skit, f Les Freres Kims (3) do a highly j (entertaining knockabout act with ; baloons and stilts. One' of the best i magicians ever - to play Vegas, | ! billed!simply as Rico, surprises by ; ?╟≤not usipg any doves?╟÷instead he ?╟≤ gets gasps of disbelief with such ! jthings as lit candles, cards, and a ball which rolls on the edge of a handkerchief. A highlight df the | glamorous: party is the appearance of comedy juggler Gil Dova in a 'hilarious display of balance and. i | juggling. A motion picture wide* ( | screen' novelty in which the audi- j ! ence seems to be riding in an I erratic airplane, is a thrilling bit,- 1 similar to the one which has. long l ' been successful in the Vegas edi- ! ; tion (at Dunes) of ?╟úCasino de Fnris.?╟Ñ' ; The costumes, sets and?╟╓the orig- I t i^al music and - lyrics are con- sistent with the firstrate quality of tlf* previous 4s.shows. The Eddie I O?╟╓Neil qrch splendidly hack the) entire package, which Is in for an- indefinite run, possibly two years. - Puke.' j j