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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 19, 1974






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 2 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000045. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #23 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 197 1 * 5 : 00 p.m. Call to order Roll Call Minutes Old Business A . President's Salary B. Mass Communications Board - Bob Stoldal - Editor New A .B u sSienneasts e Ad hoc C o m m i t t e e for s t u d y i n g a g e n c y a c c o u n t B. Activities contract "RESOLUTION TIME* O t h eAr. B uIsnifnoersmsa t i o n B. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VSGA3 MINUTES OF SENATE MEETING »?.?, FEBRUARY 19, 197 1 * I. The meeting vas unofficially called to orde>:' at 5:20 p.m. II. The floor was yielded to Dean McCausIin at which ti:ao he told that in 1965 the hell from the original building at UNK was made into a basketball trophy. When loading the bell was broken and the clapper was taken out. It was rumored that some students wanted to throw the bell in Lake Mead after a game when UNR was hare so that they would receive the blame for taking it. After one of the basketball gf.mes the bell disappeared. The clapper and plaques have now been given back to Reno but they would like the bell back for their 100th anniversary to be put in the restored building. If anyone knows what was done with the bell they would like to it back to Reno. Secondly he stated that in h:.s years of working with students he has never seen student government go down hill so fast. Not only have the regents and the student body lost confidence in CSUN but CSUN has lost confidence in itself. He feels that. C3UN is capable of getting things done but they must work together. III. The meeting was officially called to order at 5:35 p.m. IV. Roll call was taken V. Minutes Motion by Hank Eilers to dispense with the reading of the m i n u t e . Seconded by Val 3uhecker Motion failed Minutes read and accepted VI. Old Business Motion by Hank Eilers to reverse A h B under old business. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed unanimously A) Mass Coaiauiii cat ions Board Discussion on whether we can accept the ct.irw'es^k^s Motion to accept only the editor of the paper - Dob Stoldal by Ron Nold Seconded by Hank Eilers Discussion Motion by Hank Eilers to table Seconded by Doug Jeffery Discussion on the reason for tabling. Call for the questicn by Ron Nold Seconded by Steve Hammel Question passed - 6 yes 5 no Page 2 Vote on table motion - motion fails - 2 yes 9 no Vote on Bob Stoldal as editor - Motion passes - 10 yes 1 no Motion by Rick Cuellar that Bob Stoldal submit an operating policy. Seconded by Eugene Belin Motion passed unanimously B) President's Salary Ron Nold pointed out that according to article VII, section #5 I the senate shall not pass any ex post facto lavs, so we do not have the right to take the president's back salary. Motion by Hank Eilers for a vote of confidence in signing the check requisition. Seconded by John Tofano Question passed - 10 yes 1 no Vote on main motion - Ron Nold - yes Lisa Becker - yes Rick Aniello - yes Doug Jeffery - abstain John Tofano - yes 9 yes 1 no Motion by Eugene Belin Wade's salary until he (to_.tihe satisfaction, of .the„ senate) Seconded by Val Buhecker 1 abstain Eugene Belin - yes Carl Collins - no Val Buhecker - yes Steve Hammel - yes Rick Cuellar - yes Hank Eilers - yes that we suspend payment of President comes before the., s-enate and Justifies hi-.s_ working hours. Motion to table by Hank Eilers Seconded by Dick Torres Discussion Call for the question by Rick Aniello Seconded by Ron Nold Question passed - 10 yes 1 no 1 abstain Vote on table motion - motion fails - 3 yes 9 no Discussion 1) Dick Torres stated that all the main motion would do is table the matter until Dan Wade came before the senate. 2) Rick Cuellar stated that Dan Wade should be here when we ask him. Call for the question by Dick Torres Seconded by Ron Nold Question passed unanimously Vote on the main motion (Roll call vote requested) Page 2 Motion by Hank Eilers to recess for five minutes Seconded by John Tofano Motion passed - 7 yes 5 no Vote on main motion - Ron Nold - yes motion passes - 10 yes 1 abstain John Tofano - yes Eugene Belin - yes Val Buhecker - yes Carl Collins - yes Steve Hammel - yes Rick Cuellar - yes Lisa Becker - yes Rick Aniello - yes Dick Torres - abstain Doug Jeffery - yes VII New Business A) Chair would like to see a senate ad-hoc committee for studying the agency account. It should be a small committee but should go to work immediately. Motion by Rick Cuellar to set up a committee study the agency ac count. Seconded by Ron Nold Motion passed - 10 yes 1 no There was unanimous consent that there be three members to this committee plus John Moylan as ex-officio Rick Aniello nominated Ron Nold Ron Nold nominated Rick Aniello Rick Cuellar nominated John Tofano - John Tofano declined Carl Collins nominated Steve Hammel Val Buhecker nominated Hank Eilers - Hank Eilers declined John Tofano nominated Doug Jeffery - Doug Jeffery declined Motion by Eugene Belin to close nominations Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed unanimously Motion by Eugene Belin to accept the three nominations Seconded by John Tofano Motion passed - 10 yes 1 no B) Since there was no one present from Activities to present contracts this section was eliminated. C) Resolution Time Ron Nold stated that it has come to his attention that there is a lack of communication between the senate and the activities jx)iX<"£. ^ chairman. He then stated four major contentions against activities. l) As of 9/11/73 all meetings must have a record of the minutes and not one activities board meeting has minutes kept on it. Also, not all persons are always notified of the meeting. 2) Regarding contracts - Activities have out stepped their boundaries, particularly regarding Buckminster Fuller. It was announced at the Senator Baker lecture that he would be here but there has never been a contract approved by the senate. Also, no contract was approved for advertising with KORK Radio for Senator Baker. Page 2 3) Regarding Beatles & Beer Bust - Was there s-onarte approval. 1+) Article VII, Section #10, B, #3 of the constitution states that a monthly statement of expenditures and revenue must be presented to the senate - this has not been done. The constitution also states that an operating policy has to be approved by the senate and there is no record of an activities operating policy. Ron Nold submitted three requisitions for check forms which he questioned: 1) Jimmy the Greek Snyder - $375 2) Jimmy the Greek Snyder - $500 3) Lord Byron Room at Tropicana - $79.88 Motion by Ron Nold that articles of impeachment be brought up against the activities chairman and that the committee report back to the senate. It was pointed out that since the activities chairman is not an elected official he is not subject to impeachment but may be dis-missed by the senate. The motion^ was reworded as follows: "That a senate internal board of "be set up to study the charges made against the activities chairman. Seconded by Dick Torres Motion passed unanimously This committee will be made up of three members plus 1 non voting administrative member. Ron Wold nominated Rick Cuellar Rick Aniello nominated Val Buhecker — Val Buhecker declined Rick Aniello nominated Lisa Becker - Lisa Becker declined Rick Aniello nominated Eugene Belin Steve Hammel nominated John Tofano Steve Hammel nominated Dean McCauslin as administrative member Motion by Steve Hammel to close nominations Seconded by Ron Nold Motion passed - 10 yes 1 no Motion to accept all nominations by Carl Collins Seconded by Steve Hammel Motion passed unanimously VIII. Other Business A) Motion by Ron Nold that the senate act upon a vote of no confidence and that Dan Wade does not represent the views and policies of CSUN. Seconded by John Tofano ckskei "^k&A bcaviL oV ^ e u c V u b e s ^n . Dick Torres asked to be excused. 1 Discussion on the reason for this motion ana what exactly it would mean. Page 2 Call for the question by Ron Nolcl Seconded by Carl Collins Question passed - 8 yes 3 no Vote on main notion (Roll call vote requested) Dick Torres returned and asked if he could be reinstated. He then left, breaking quorum. Point of order by Ron Nold - according to Sturgess, once you have been excused from a meeting you cannot be reinstated at that meeting. Thus, quorum was not broken. Vote on motion - motion passes - 8 yes 2 no Ron Nold - yes Eugene Belin - yes Lisa Becker - yes Val Buhecker - yes Rick Aniello - no Carl Collars - yes Doug Jeffery - yes Steve Hammel - yes John Tofano - yes Rick Cuellar - no B) John Tofano stated that he had been to UCLA and would like to see another constitution committee set up to study the constitution at UCLA. C) The chair named Ron Nold as temporary the agency account. D) Motion by Ron Nold to adjourn Seconded by Steve Hammel Motion passed unanimously Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.