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    Union Pacific, et al* 9 December 10, 1952 14 otwi the tending the provisions of subparagraph# (a ), (b) and (e ) of this Section 3 the entire cost ©f tfeo im­provements being eonotructsd by the said Railroad Compan­ies under Union Pacific Railroad Company Work Order 5015 covering the construction of a booster pumping station containing two pumps at Charleston Boulevard Reservoir, the construction of a 300,000-gallon, elevated, steel tank '? i''. approximately 2,400 feet westerly of said reservoir, and the construction of approximately 2,500 feet of 14~ineh pipe lin e extending from said pumping station to said e l­evated tank together with incidental 10-inch pipe lin e, valves, etc#, which w ill serve the residential subdivi­sions on West Charleston Boulevard, including Federal , Rossis Development, sh all be borne by you and shall not bs added to the basic purchase price. 4# There shall be deducted from the basic purchase price the unrafunded amounts, subject to rofund as of the . \ ? ' « *" i sale date, under a l l contracts made by Las Vegas Land and Water Company pursuant to Rule 9 of the said Rules and Regulations of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company or sim ilar rules contained in it s Rules and Regulations pre­viously on f ile with the Public Service Commission of the State of Revada.