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Amendment to unnumbered bill for Energy and Water Development Appropriations, 2003, September 6, 2002 (2 pages)



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    F:\IBF\APP07M2\BERKLE.002 [E&W PY2003] II.L.C. Amendment to H.R. , as Reported (Energy and Water Development Appropriations, 2003) Offered by Ms. Berkley of Nevada At the end of the bill (before the short title), insert the following: 1 SEC. . Hereafter, the Nuclear Regulatory Com- 2 mission may not certify any package pursuant to section 3 180(a) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (42 4 U.S.C. 10175(a)) for the transportation of spent nuclear 5 fuel under subtitle A of title I of such Act, unless the safe- 6 ty of the package has been established through a fall-scale 7 physical testing process that includes the following: 8 (1) Meaningful stakeholder participation in the 9 development of testing protocols and in the selection 10 of test facilities and personnel. 11 (2) Full-scale physical testing (sequential drop, 12 fire, puncture, and immersion) prior to certification 13 by the Commission. 14 (3) Additional computer simulations to deter- 15 mine performance in extra-regulatory accidents and 16 to determine failure thresholds. September 6, 2002 (3:21 PM) F:\V7\090602\090602.0C 1 F:\IBF\APP07M2\BERKLE.002 H.L.C. [E&W FY2003] 2 1 (4) Rcevaluation of previous study findings and, 2 if appropriate, revision of the package performance 3 standards of the Commission. 4 (5) Evaluation of the costs and benefits of de- 5 structive testing of a randomly selected production 6 model of the package. September 6, 2002 (3:21 PM) F:\V7\090602\090602.0C 1