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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr . Jeffersi i f e June 39, 1338» tame & Goodfallow, one of the principal deal­ers here in t ® Vegas.,- sell two makes of manufactured air-cooling to chines, the *BW£i2KTB ©odor, and the 8AIH~ R ?'TE*. Manufactured Coolers are equipped with a am&ll copper qunrter-inch line .to simply wet the pads, as ? thst 1® the manner in whieh maximum effio enoy • is secured' from the machine, Too much wat vr will hinder the cool­ing efficlesey, mi the instructions on e&oh machine - bear this information. So far this year, Dace A Go-i- fellow hare- sold SO of these machines, of which approx­imately 10 ware equipped with recapture' pumps. The National Io@ Company, .another of the piin- sipal dealers here, have soli ®H of these machines this year, of which lO.wereequippeo with recapture pumps* During our canvass of the town, in each case where a large amount of water was observed running to wests from hose-made coolers, we explained to the owner that maximum efficiency eould he securei fro®' hie cooler by using only enough water to wet the pale, and warned him that the waste of water from these device® «&© a -violation of the city ordinance, which would be prose­cuted, In each,instance the amount of water being ’used mm then cut down to a reasonable degree, to have also etreeaeRs| this mm information in our newspaper advertis­ing, in eohneotlon with the conservation of water, and all of the local dealer® also inform customer© how to regulate the flow of water into their.coolers* While the water coolers undoubtedly use their . portion of the water supply during the hot summer months., I do not want to create the .impression that they are the cause of water shortage, Das Veep!a. Is still growing, one contractor alone (Hampton Brothere)?having built 14 new- homes this year, and about tip first thing, a new owner dees is to plant a lawn and trees, and of course these require a ceiusid-ratio amount of water, particularly during the summer months*