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I agree.Another Program of Outstanding Entertainment ^CENE 3 SCENE 1 "THE BALLAD OF FRANKIE AND JOHNNY" ft,iy -r JrrT-'Jacltsan The Gals ?╟÷ Michael Neale, Joan Michaels, Madeline Le Jeune, Anna-belle Ricks, Gloria Maye, Barbara Stewart, Mathea Schwab Audrey Wood The Cop ?╟÷ Arthur Johnson Nelly Bly ?╟÷ Diane Varga The Wail ?╟÷ Cindy Girard Frankie ?╟÷ Flo Walters 1 "= Johnny ?╟÷ Larry Maldonado "CONCERTO BAROQUE" The Belles of the Ball ?╟÷ Flo Walters, Michael Neale, Joan Michaels, Gloria Maye, Mathea Schwab, Annabelle Ricks, Madeline Le Jeune, Barbara Stewart, Audrey Wood The Pianist Jerry Jackson The Ballerina ?╟÷ Diane Varga The Singer ?╟÷ Cindy Girard and Arthur Johnson SCENE 4 SCENE 2 BEVERLEE DENNIS America's foremost song stylist in a program of outstanding hits, The Adorable Menace Produc,ioTdtrecSw DONN ARDEN Costumes by Madame Berthe, New York City; Jewelry by Coro; S< ^ j Scener^built and paint^sLby ElatesJ Musical Arrangements by Phil Moody Resigned by Harvey Warren; Shoes by C. H. Baker, ihting and^cenic Studio SHOW TIMES 8:15 P.M. and 12 Midnight SATURDAY 8:15 P.M. - 11:45 P.M and 1:45 A.M. MUSIC FOR SHOW AND DANCING BY CARLTON HAYES & ORCHESTRA