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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 1, 1999






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about bylaws and seminar schedules. CSUN Session 29 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000953. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 29-09 Monday, February 1,1998 MSU 201 7:00 PM David Fisk Senate President Pro-Tempore Education David Shapiro Sciences Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Auguslin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetli Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Dalicia Ramey rban Affairs Joe Cordone Business Tar a Schroeder Health Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Jermon Kearney Engineering Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzaione Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports 1. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR DALEY; 2. Elections Board, DIRECTOR RAMIREZ; 3. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR AYALA; 4. Entertainment & Programming, DIRECTOR JOHNS; 5. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR DEL AFONTAINE; 6. Student Services, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN; D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report G. Business Manager Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of donating an amount not to exceed $4,000 to the Interfaith Student Center to sponsor a Community Service Fair on April 13, 1999, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR VENTURA; B. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Science Senator; VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of allocating an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 for the production of the 1999-2000 UNLV Student Handbook/Planner in co-sponsorship with Campus Community Development, UNLV Alumni Association, and Campus Housing. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR MAIETTA; see attachment 1 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-06, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; see attachment 2 < C J5» --1 o C-<=o r - o z ° z —C Xm <o„ rn t r-r* » n—aj o-. - -?»* CO GO -< - ( m•c: ' " ~ 0 O UJ P tj * « m —J t/> m " —A rn -j. — -<» 51 rn •m O ° C O C O f r> CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX (702) 895-4606 C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-07, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; see attachment 3 D. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Urban Affairs Senator; E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of increasing the CSUN budget as follows: Increase KUNV cosponsorship by $35,000 (to $60,000) and increase the overall CSUN budget by $35,000 (to $768,000). All budget increases are to affect the CSUN 2702 (general) Account; F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for Sigma Gamma Epsilon in the amount of $ 250.00; see attachment 4 G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for UNLV Rollin' Rebels in the amount of $ 500.00; see attachment 5 H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for Student Physical Therapy Association in the amount of $ 500.00; see attachment 6 I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for Hillel in the amount of $ 500.00; see attachment 7 VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT[in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. f t t l M u r H y v j r c t.-t^'-'^C, Senate Bill No.6 ^ , Of the 29th Session * Introduced By Senator Clemens % Summary: This bill is intended to reflect our current policies rather than the way they currently read. We, the Consolidated Student of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: (Additions are underlined. Deletions are bracketed.) SENATE BYLAW 14 CSUN OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION (Effective June 16, 1988; Revised October 7, 1992) I. PURPOSE The Office of Student information (OSI) shall serve to inform the student body, faculty, media, and concerned members of the public as to the activities of the CSUN Student Government. n. STRUCTURE The OSI shall consist of the following: A. The Director, who shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate; B. The Assistant Director, who shall be selected as prescribed by Articles IX, Section E, Item 1, of the CSUN Constitution; C. Staff members shall be selected by the Director and approved by the Senate. m. DUTIES, POWERS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION A. The Director: 1. The duties of the Director shall be as those as described in Article IX, Section D, of the CSLJN Constitution. The Assistant Director: <6 . $ / i 1. The duties of the Assistant Director shall be as those as described in 'q Article DC, Section E, of the CSLJN Constitution. $ Office of Student Information shall: 1. Report on the activities of CSUN media and local media; 2. Maintain and update all informational materials used to inform the campus and public of CSUN's activities, including the OSI Page in the Rebel Yell as well as the Student Government website; 3. OSI shall also perform any duties delegated to it by the Executive Board or the CSUN Senate; 4. OSI shall establish an Operating Policy to be approved by both OSI and the CSUN Senate and shall keep their Operating Policy consistent with the CSUN Constitution and CSUN Bylaws. Senate Bill No.7 Of the 29th Session Introduced By Senator Clemens Summary: This bill is intended to reflect our current policies rather than the way they currently read. We, the Consolidated Student of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: (Additions are underlined. Deletions are bracketed.) Senate Bylaw 37 Senate Committee Guidelines I. Purpose Establishes Senate committee and guidelines for appointment. II. Structure A. Senate committees are chaired by Senators; B. The Senate Secretary may be a non-voting recorder of any Senate committee, subcommittee, or any Ad Hoc committee of the Senate, pending the Senate President's approval. III. Senate Committee Appointments A. Each Legislative Session will appoint Senators to chair Senate committees, out of the members elected to these committees by the full Senate, once each committee is filled as required by CSUN bylaws and the CSUN Constitution. B. The Chair of each committee [shall] may select members of their committee: 1. The Senate shall confirm all appointments to Senate committees that the chair has selected; 2. The Chair will submit all nominees to the Senate President for placement on the agenda; 3. The Senate committee appointments and nominations shall appear on the agenda prior to the Executive Board nominations; 4. The committee will select a Vice Chair. M^C ' i f . / / Si IV. Senate Committees Consist of the Following J^ ^ ^ .-$0HS, fitCf, 5 A. Senate Bylaws Committee as defined by Senate Bylaw #1; i M '22 B. Senate Rules and Ethics Committee as defined by Senate Bylaw #31; C. Senate Ways and Means Committee as defined by Senate Bylaw #15; D. Impeachment Committee resulting from recommendations from [the Rules & Ethics Committee, Executive Board, or] Senate Investigations. E. Any Investigations committee or Ad Hoc committee that the Senate enacts; F. Senate Campus Safety & Awareness Committee as defined by Senate Bylaw #32. V. Representatives The following representatives will be Senate appointed by a majority vote: A. KUNV Liaison Seat to KUNV Radio Station. B. CSUN Rebel Yell [newspaper] Advisory Board Member [as a voting member to the Rebel Yell Advisory Board]. C. All Committees outlined above in IV of Senate Bylaw #37. f Fall 1998 Seminar Schedule Department of Geoscience University of Nevada Las Vegas Seminars are held in LFG 102 on Wednesdays at 12:30 unless indicated otherwise September 30 - Faculty Day: "What I Did Last Summer" October 7 - Fraser Goff- Los Alamos National Laboratory Volcanic Unrest at Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico October 14 - Paul Renne - Berkeley Geochronology Center Geochronology and Human Evolution October 17 - I n t e r n a t i o n a l a s e n . o£ p r o f e s s i o n a l g e o l o g i s t s c a r e e r seminar October 21 - Julie Morris - Washington University Getting Sedimental About Subduction ( October 28 - No department seminar - GSA Annual meeting week November 4 - Mark Kurz - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Applicatiorts of Cosmogenic 3He in Geochronology November 13 - John Wolff - Washington State University Note: Seminar on Friday at 3pm in LFG 102 The Valles Caldera November 18 - David Graham - Oregon State University Helium-Carbon Dioxide Relations in Basalt Glasses from the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge November 25 - No department seminar - Thanksgiving Holiday week December 2 - Gary Smith - University of New Mexico Where the Jemez Mountains Volcanic Field Meets the Rio Grande rift: Tectonics, Volcanology, and Hydrostratigraphy ka'I? $:??& university of Nevada, Las Vegas Office of the Senate President J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $500.00 dollars for the purchase of a pay phone for the Education Building, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account; as submitted by SENATOR FISK K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of monthly stipend of $870.00 dollars for the position of Student Body Vice-President; as submitted by SENATOR FISK CO CO Cj o University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II David Fish Senate President Pro-Tempore Education MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 29-09 Monday, February 1,1999 MSU 201, 6:00 PM David Shapiro Sciences Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs Rylancl G. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Dalicia Ramey Trban Affairs Joe Cordone Business Tara Schroeder Health Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Jermon Kearney Engineering Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration I. I I . CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH called Senate Meeting 29-09 to order at 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Johnny Anzalone Christian Augustin Catharine Bastunas Josephine Binetti A'lisa Bronder Amy Canepa Aaron Clemens Joe Cordone Stephanie Davy David Fisk John P. A. Garcia Gil Glancz Jermon Kearney Brady T. Knapp Marc Maietta . Monica Moradkhan Tara Schroeder (entered at 7:12)* Ofir Ventura Ryland Whitaker Anne-Marie Lazaroff (excused) Christy Morgan (excused) denotes tardiness III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes 29-05 and 29-06 made by SENATOR BASTUNAS, seconded by SENATOR FISK. SENATOR DAVY made a motion to amend minutes 29-05 on the first page to change SENATOR DAVY to be excused, seconded by SENATOR MORADKHAN. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • U s VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-3. (SENATORS DAVY, AUGUSTIN, and CLEMENS abstained.) Move into a vote to approve the minutes. Motion passes 18-0-0. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR DAVY stated that she is submitting two Items for the agenda next week. Items C and D are out of order. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports: 2. SENATOR AUGUSTIN stated that the Faculty/Senate Grievance Committee met and they are working again. C. Director Reports: 1. NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR DALEY was not present. VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO stated that he feels there is no relationship between attending meetings and performance. He can be found during the week for questions. He is working with Phil Burns on getting an N-DOT display here on Wednesday, February 17th. Roger Newman is giving a lecture on Tuesday, March 2 2nd at 2:00 p.m., and they need CSUN endorsement for the event. 2. ELECTIONS BOARD DIRECTOR RAMIREZ was not present. SENATOR MORADKHAN stated that the first meeting should have been February 1st, not the 4th. She also stated that applications should be turned into BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE or Angela. 3. ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR AYALA was not present. Assistant Director Miller stated that tomorrow is their first meeting. The recognition packets are due on Friday. 4. ENTERTAINMENT & PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR JOHNS stated that last week they had a noon scene from 11:30 to 1:00 and there was free pizza. Tomorrow at 11:30 will be DJ Finesse. (He also handed out a list of possible bands for REBELPALOOZA.) 2 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 5. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR DE LA FONTAINE stated that she is working on press releases for REBELPALOOZA. The web page will be done by Friday. 6. STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FLEISHMAN was not present. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that she is ill. There were several questions from the Senate. D. Residence Hall Liaison Report: Jeff Handlin stated that they had a superbowl party and they are planning their Romance Awareness week. E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report: The liaison stated that their first meeting is tomorrow at 6:30. F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report: Ann Yu stated that last Thursday's meeting went well and they talked about Unity Fest. ( SENATOR SCHROEDER enters at 7:12. G. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE read the expenditures for the last week: $240.00 for parking passes for elections officials, $25.75 for a computer disk copy of the CSUN logo, $150.00 for the table rental for Student Advantage, $399.97 for an office printer, $171.15 for food and drink for the 1/27 noon scene, $348.25 for the banquet for the Education scholarship recipients, and $478.00 for the balloon release for the retirement of the UNLV horse. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of donating an amount not to exceed $4,000.00 to the Interfaith Student Center to sponsor a Community Service fair on April 13, 1999, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR VENTURA; SENATOR CLEMENS made a motion to remove the Item from the table, seconded by SENATOR MAIETTA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. 3 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 Motion to approve made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR BRONDER. There was some discussion. SENATOR CANEPA made a motion to call the question, seconded by SENATOR VENTURA. Move into a vote. Motion fails 11-8-0. (SENATOR GLANCZ, CANEPA, BASTUNAS, FISK, WHITAKER, KNAPP, ANZALONE, and AUGUSTIN opposed.) There was additional discussion. Move into a vote on the Item. Motion fails 8-9-2. (SENATORS GLANCZ, CANEPA, SCHROEDER, GARCIA, AUGUSTIN, CLEMENS, CORDONE, KNAPP, and WHITAKER opposed, SENATORS KEARNEY and ANZALONE abstained.) B. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Science Senator; SENATOR CLEMENS made a motion to remove the Item from the table, seconded by SENATOR CORDONE. SENATOR FISK made a motion to re-open nominations, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. SENATOR FISK nominated Robert Wierzynski, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS. SENATOR FISK made a motion to close nominations, seconded by SENATOR CORDONE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. SENATOR FISK made a motion to allow each candidate to speak for no longer than 2 minutes followed by questions and answers followed by a division of the house roll call vote, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-1. Scott Beaseley spoke about his qualifications and goals for the Senate position. There were several questions from the Senate. Robert Wierzynski spoke about his qualifications and goals for the Senate position. There were several questions from the Senate. 4 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 Paul Moradkhan spoke about his qualifications and goals for the Senate position. There were several questions from the Senate. Move into a house roll call vote. Paul Moradkhan receives the majority of the votes and receives the seat. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH called a recess at 7:46. He called the meeting back to order at 7:54. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of allocating an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 for the production of the 1999-2000 UNLV Student Handbook/Planner in co-sponsorship with Campus Community Development, UNLV Alumni Association, and Campus Housing. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR MAIETTA; Motion to approve made by SENATOR MAIETTA, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-1. (SENATOR MAIETTA abstained.) B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-06, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that the Item is out of order. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-07, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that the Item is out of order. D. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Urban Affairs Senator; SENATOR CLEMENS made a motion to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. SENATOR FISK nominated Horn, Raffail, and Withers, seconded by SENATOR CLEMENS. 5 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 Nominations were closed. SENATOR FISK made a motion to table the Item, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of increasing the CSUN budget as follows: Increase KUNV cosponsorship by $35,000 (to $60,000) and increase the overall CSUN budget by $35,000 (to $768,000). All budget increases are to affect the CSUN 2702 (general) Account; SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that the Item is our of order. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for Sigma Gamma Epsilon in the amount of $250.00; Motion to approve made by SENATOR MAIETTA, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for UNLV Rollin' Rebels in the amount of $500.00; Motion to approve made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for Student Physical Therapy Association in the amount of $500.00; Motion to approve made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR CORDONE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the funding request for UNLV Hillel in the amount of $500.00; Motion to approve made by SENATOR CORDONE, seconded by SENATOR CANEPA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-2. (SENATORS VENTURA and CLEMENS abstained.) SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the purchase of a pay phone for the Education Building, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR FISK; Motion to approve made by SENATOR CANEPA, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS. There was some discussion. SENATOR CANEPA made a motion to call the question, seconded by SENATOR BRONDER. Move into a vote. Motion fails 13-6-0. (SENATORS BINETTI, KNAPP, CORDONE, KEARNEY, MAIETTA, and AUGUSTIN opposed.) SENATOR CORDONE made a motion to table the Item, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. Move into a vote. Motion fails 10-8-1. (SENATORS CANEPA, SCHROEDER, M. MORADKHAN, FISK, WHITAKER, MAIETTA, ANZALONE, and AUGUSTIN opposed, SENATOR CLEMENS abstained.) There was additional discussion. ( Move into a vote on the Item. Motion passes 18-0-1. (SENATOR CORDONE abstained.) K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of monthly stipend of $870.00 for the position of Student Body Vice-President, as submitted by SENATOR FISK; SENATOR FISK made a motion to waive Bylaw 4, seconded by SENATOR CLEMENS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-1. (SENATOR AUGUSTIN abstained.) Motion to approve made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR MAIETTA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. VIII PUBLIC COMMENT William Horn introduced himself and stated that he is a nominee for the Urban Affairs seat. Teddi Raffail introduced herself and stated that she will see everyone next week. ( 7 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 Paul from the UNLV Rollin Rebels showed the Senate the jerseys they helped them to purchase. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS PRESIDENT PRICE stated that he is taking the LSAT on Saturday. He has three names for the KUNV Advisory Board. There is a commencement meeting on February 11th at 2:00 p.m. He and SENATOR M. MORADKHAN are meeting with the Governor. He met with the Board of Regents about the millennium scholarship and they were listening to what the students had to say. There were several questions for PRESIDENT PRICE. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that he will be leaving on Thursday for California. He asked Paul Moradkhan to go over Robert's Rules of Order sometime with SENATOR FISK. He needs someone to go to the Faculty Senate Grievance Committee on Friday at 3:00 p.m. He also stated that he has heard discussion in the office and asked everyone not to pre-campaign. X. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR BINETTI stated that she is disappointed the meeting wasn't longer. She thanked the candidates for coming and stated that she is all for new scholarships. f SENATOR DAVY welcomed SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN. She stated that she is not feeling well. She thanked SENATOR ANZALONE and stated that she appreciates the phone. SENATOR M. MORADKHAN stated that she is going to Utah on Thursday. SENATOR GARCIA stated that he wants to know what disease DIRECTOR FLEISHMAN has. He wants her here next week. She is not doing her duties and she would be fired from a job. He congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN and stated that he is glad Item J passed. SENATOR BASTUNAS welcomed SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN. SENATOR SCHROEDER congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN. SENATOR CANEPA stated that the Food and Beverage Management Team is at the Phoenix Open. She is also meeting with her Dean. SENATOR GLANCZ congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN and thanked the other applicants. He stated that they are still looking for Career Day hosts. SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN thanked the Senate and stated that he hopes to keep up with his goals. 8 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 SENATOR WHITAKER stated that if the phone is only $499.00 we can use an LPO and also stated that he hasn't gotten any sleep. SENATOR KNAPP thanked the other candidates for staying and congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN. SENATOR CLEMENS apologized to SENATOR DAVY for trying to bypass her. He stated that the Bylaws are technically correct but he did not understand. He stated that he is happy to see Senators inquiring about a cart. SENATOR BRONDER congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN. SENATOR VENTURA stated that he thinks the Community Service Fair was a mistake. His constituents thought it was a good idea. SENATOR MAIETTA congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN and stated that he seems very ambitious. SENATOR ANZALONE stated that the reception for the scholarship winners went well. He also stated that he thinks the situation with DIRECTOR FLEISHMAN is ridiculous. SENATOR AUGUSTIN stated that he agrees with SENATOR ANZALONE. He thinks it is interested she is always sick on one day. He stated that not voting for Item A does not say he doesn't support the students. One of his organizations today did not do well because they were told they could not have music in the amphitheater. SENATOR FISK told SENATOR CLEMENS he would be more than happy to help out. It was not his intent to wait for 4 months. It is unfortunate the Interfaith Center is not willing to compromise. Decisions have consequences. He congratulated SENATOR ANZALONE on the reception and stated that there was a lot of turnout from the administration. He congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN. He also stated that the shirts have been ordered. SENATOR KEARNEY stated that is resigning from his seat. SENATOR CORDONE congratulated SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN. He stated that he is glad the phone debate lasted for a while. He is resigning from his seat. He has been a Senator for eight and a half months and had a great time. He hopes to do it again. XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR WHITAKER. 9 SENATE MINUTES 29-09/ February 1, 1999 Move into a vote. Vote to adjourn passes 19-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by: Prepared by: Richard D. Kimbrough II SENATE PRESIDENT Holly Wainscott SENATE SECRETARY Note: All minutes are subject to summation. ( 10