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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, December 2004



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    Congregation NerTamid , Looking Towards the Future............. L? DECEMBER 2004 KISLEV/TEVET 5765 VOL. XVIII NO. 11 Chanukah Family Dinner Catered by Chef Joe The Custom Cook Friday, December 10th, 2004 Be?innin? at 6:00 pm Please brin? your family Menorah to li?ht at the table! Start a new family tradition! Mixed ?reen salad, stuffed chicken breast, fresh vegetable medley, potatoe latkas, applesauce and beveragesHouse of Worship Philip?s Message Every year between the end of November and the end of December, Jewish people around the world celebrate the holiday of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. Chanukah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev, but the starting date on the western calender varies from year to year. The holiday celebrates the events which took place over 2,300 years ago in the land of Judea, which is now Israel. One of the best known symbols of Chanukah is the Dreidel. A dreidel is a four sided top with a Hebrew letter on each side. The four letters are: These letters mean "A Great Miracle Happened There." In Israel the dreidel is a bit different in that their letters mean " A Miracle Happened HERE!" Dreidel is also a popular game played during the Holiday. Players use pennies, nuts, raisins, or chocolate coins (gelt) as tokens or chips. The player spins the dreidel. When the dreidel stops, the letter that is facing up decides the fate: ^ NUN - nothing happens - next player spins the dreidel GIMEL - player takes all tokens in the pot HEY - player takes half of the pot SHIN - player must put one token into the pot So as you play the game, it's also appropriate to sing the dreidel song. Trace this pattern to make your own dreidel. Enjoy! Philip 2 w w w . lv n e r tam id .or-g From Rabbi Akselrad 0 December Worship Services Friday, December 3 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Bat Mitzvah of Kaitlin Shapin (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by the Shapin Family in Honor of Kaitlin becoming a Bat Mitzvah Saturday, December 4 9:00 am Bible Study, Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, December 10 6:00 pm Chanukah Family Dinner 7:30 pm Shabbatone Family Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, December 11 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Calli Soresman (Sanctuary) Kiddush spon?sored by the Soresman Family 9:00 am Bible Study, Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, December 1 7 ( 7:30 pm Bat Mitzvah of Makenzie Coon (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by js TJ Coon & Sheri Cohen-Coon ^^^aturday, December 1 8 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Alex del Valle (Sanctuary) Kiddush sponsored | by the Goldberg Family 1 9:00 am Bible Study, Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, December 24 7:30 pm Shabbat Service (Sanctu?ary) Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Please Note: Office is closed Saturday, December 25 9:00 am Bible Study, Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, December 31 NOTE: SERVICES ARE AT 5:30PM Shabbat Service (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Please Note: Office is closed Saturday, January 1 9:00 am Bible Study, Torah & Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR This year I have had the privilege of teaching a variety of new classes. In particular I am grateful to have a class full of some 21 Adult B'nai Mitzvah students who are embarking on a two-year spiritual journey. Adding to this is a conversion class of about a dozen students who are on a unique journey of their own. And our noon study hour this year has embarked on a study of midrashim. In preparation for each of these classes I have had the opportunity to return to the well of study and inspiration myself. In the process I came across a quote from the Talmud that truly touched me: Ten powerful things were created In the world: A rock is strong, but iron smashes it; Iron is strong, but fire can melt it; Fire is strong, but water extinguishes it; Water is strong, but clouds absorb it; Clouds are strong, but the wind disperses them; Wind is strong, but a person withstands it; A person is strong, but fear shatters him; Fear is strong, but wine dissolves it; Wine is strong, but sleep dispels it; And stronger than all these is death! Yet tzedakah can save from death! (Bava Batra 10a) While the Talmud is prone to hyperbole at times, it is also intent on making a point. In this case, the Talmud is building a case for a value that is stronger than the most powerful force on earth: death. In the bible we learn that "love is strong as death" (Song of Songs 8:6). But the Talmud teaches us that tzedakah is even stronger. How so? Many mistranslate the term "tzedakah" as "charity". Or they associate it only with the giving of money. But tzedakah is more than either of these concepts. It means righteousness. It is a value associated not with a single act, but with a way of life that embraces the care and concern for the community. Judaism reminds us that while death may take us individually, we achieve our lasting immortality in the way that we help other people. In the way we give selflessly of our time, our money, and ourselves to insure that each generation is secure and provided for. In fact, tzedakah is stronger than death because it is a spiritual force that is unequal to any other. It is traditional for Jewish homes to collect money in a pushke each week. In so doing the mitzvah of giving to tzedakah is instilled in the next generation. A thought I would like to pass along is that the money collected each week be counted and distributed at this time of Chanukkah. While for many the holiday has now become distilled into simple gift giving. In reality, Chanukkah is a celebration of the Jewish will to survive. What could contribute more to this than making sure that families in need are provided for? The prophet Zechariah said, "Not by might, nor by power, but my "spirit alone" shall all live in peace. So let us use this season to do our part in helping others, in giving to those in need and helping those who need it most. B'shalom, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 + 3 B?nai Mitzvah & Youth News Kaitlin Shapin, December 3, 2004 Shalom! My name is Kaitlin Shapin. I'm in 7th grade at K.O. Knudsen in the Magnet Program for Dance. I like to dance, draw, dance, talk with my friends, dance, play the viola and dance. I hope you'll join my family on December 3rd when I become a Bat Mitzvah. Calli Soresman, December 11, 2004 Hi, my name is Calli Tess Soresman daughter of Gary and Karin. I will be called to the Torah on December 11. I'm an 8th grade student at Becker Middle School, in all advanced courses, currently taking high school math, and a member of the National Jr. Honor Society. I am on the school dance f team and also at the Summerlin Dance Academy taking SSCOnCl PSTGritS BrGSkfSST ballet, tap and jazz. I like to shop and talk on the phone too. SUNDAY, December 12th, In the Social Hall at 9:15 am RSVP to Hillary Torchin at PLANNING SET FOR 2006 BAR/BAT MITZVAH We are beginning to schedule Bar/Bat Mitzvahs for the calendar year 2006. Letters will be mailed on or about December 10. If you are planning or expect to have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 2006 and have not received a packet from the office by the end of December, please call Karen Levine immediately at 733-6292. If you have any questions about the process of selecting dates please contact Rabbi Akselrad. Alex de Valle, December 18, 2004 My name is Alex del Valle and I hope you will join me when I am called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on December 18th. I am a 7th grade student at Greenspun Junior High School where I play the trombone in the concert band. I like to play basketball, watch movies, play on my computer, and I'm on a year round club baseball team. My favorite subjects are reading and English, lam the youngest of ten children and very excited to be sharing this simcha with my family, friends and the congregation. ATTENTION: All Jewish High School Students CITY WIDE CHANUKAH DANCE PARTY!!! Saturday December 4, 2004 7:00pm-10:00pm at the Sands Expo Center 201 Sands Ave, LV 89109 D.J., Prizes, Food and Refeshments! Cost: $5.00 and an appropriate Teen Gift to be donated to Shade Tree. For more information please call Yvonne Greenfield 304-0605 The first breakfast went so well, we're doing^fc again! Only this time, you may actually learn son^P Hebrew. We will be going over the Aliyah prayers done before and after reading from the Torah. It will be Pot Luck so please bring a dish to share for 10 people. Mark your calendar - the next break?fast is scheduled for February 27th. Preschool Ngws ? ? December - Preparing for Chanukah and l learning about this joyous holiday. We will " be making traditional Chanukah crafts and ? be singing all the traditional Chanukah ? melodies. ? ? TOT SHABBAT j ? Join us for our next service December 3rd ? at 6:30 pm. The theme will be Chanukah. ? We start in the Beit Tefillah and then have l craft and a snack in room 12. Everyone is ? welcome, ages 2-6. For more informatior^fc contact Jana Pleggenkuhle at 733-725^^ (evenings). ? + w w w . l v n e r t a m i d . o r g Adult Learning Committees & Auxiliaries Adult Learning FIRST MONDAYS RSVP to Temple Office 733-6292 "FIRST MONDAYS" continues Dec 6. These classes cover almost every aspect of Jewish life and learning - Jewish Mysticism 8 Astrology Many Faces of Anti-Semitism, and Jewish thought 8 History. There is no charge for these classes, but pre-registration is required. First Tuesdays w/ Rabbi NOTE DATE CHANGE! MONDAY, Decmeber 13? MONDAY, January 10? ^?lease note the date changes for ^Pecember and January. We will be meeting on the second Monday. Bring your lunch and join Rabbi for an open discussion on Midrash. Committees/Auxillaries Men's Club Gift Wrap Day SUNDAY, December 19th 9 am -10 pm Galleria Mall To sign-up, Contact Kevin Bailey at or David Shapin at This will be our Sunday breakfast for December. Join us with your family and friends to help the Men's Club support our temple. For more information or to sign ftp, For more information, Rntact the temple office. Volunteers Needed for Magical Forest SATURDAY, December 25th Sponsored by Social Action Contact Roberta in temple office Volunteers are needed for the evening of Christmas Day at Opportunity Village's Magical Forest. In past years, congregants have done a variety of jobs such as selling ride tickets, selling food, assisting on the rides, etc. It's a lot of fun and it allows our Christian friends to enjoy an evening with their families. Mah Jongg Card Time! DEADLINE - FEBRUARY 10? Mail checks to - Sandy Stolberg 1904 Plantea Ct, LV NV 89117 Questions? Call her at 228-6863 Flowers, cracks, bams, east, jokers and other words that mean something if you're a player. Take action - the new cards will be here soon! Regular size is $6.00, Large size is $7.00. Sisterhood earned $200 last year from all the cards sold! BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY - March 13th During the Purim Carnival Contact Allan Nathanson at 796- 8391 or email SAVE THE DATE! The Men's Club has teamed up with United Blood Services to hold a blood drive. Please mark your calendars and plan to donate. RSVP to Allan Nathanson Annual Men's Club Golf Tournament SUNDAY, April 10th SAVE THE DATE! For more information, contact Mike Milano at or Howard Layfer at Once again it will be held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. Registration begins at 7:00 am, followed by Breakfast and Prac?tice Range, with a Shotgun Start at 8:00 am. Lunch to follow golf. Hole Sponsors, Silent Auction Items and Raffle Prizes Needed, contact Mike or Howard. Annual Health Fair SUNDAY, February 13th Sponsored by Men?s Club For details contact Fred Toffel, MD 736-2021 or email This year's Health Fair will be held at the Galleria Mall, with health related exhibits and lectures throughout the mall. We are still looking for exhibitors in health related field. Please contact Fred Toffel for details. Volunteers Needed - Mitzvah Menorah SUNDAY, December 5th Contact Gloria Fenster 656-5055 or Email her - After collecting all of the wonderful gifts for the Mitzvah Menorah children, we need to get them sorted and ready for delivery. If you would like to help, please contact Gloria. For more information on any of these events, contact the temple office at 733-6292. D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 4 5 Your Executive Director All Welcome - No One Turned Away I have heard at times that "people can't afford to join a temple". Usually, this is satf without the knowledge that we do not turn away anyone for financial reasons - we hav^ wonderful, generous congregants who are our Menorah Level Donors, as well as our Sustaining Members-these are people who willingly donate more than their fair share, in order to allow those who have financial issues to still be members and fully partake in all that the temple has to offer. This helps us, quite a bit, to balance our budget and go forward with everything that we want to do. I would like to repeat the above, as it's so important - we do not turn anyone away for financial reasons. We only ask that anyone who has financial issues contact me and we'll sit and talk, confidentially, and make arrangements. If a person would like someone else to talk with, then Debbie Levy, our Treasurer, is available. Once these arrangements are agreed upon, we ask that those commitments be kept. If further issues come up, we ask that we be kept informed, so that we have clean communication and there is no misunderstanding between our congregants and the temple. People join temples for various reasons, and CNT, as other temples, have various programs for young and not so young alike. The CNT staff is here when you need, or want, us. Life cycle events, programming (such as our wonderful Adult Ed classes), Shabbat services, Game Night, Purim Carnival, our Onegs, etc. The list goes on an on of our various, wonderful programs. We ask that, as the staff is here for you, that you be here for us as well. Successful temples have a balance of staff, volunteers (who we could not function without), programs and education. Please support the temple to the best of your ability. We need your help, and we count on your help to allow us to be here for when you need us. Thank you, and as always, to be continued..... Irv ' SAVE THE DATE! SAVE THE DATE! ' February 18-20, President's Day Weekend URJ Pacific Southwest Biennial Convention Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa, California "Filling Our Hearts with Wisdom: Living as Reform Jews Every Day" GUEST SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President URJ; Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism; Dale Glasser, Director of URJ's Dept, of Synagogue Management; Rabbi Sergio Bergman, from Argentina conducting Kabbalat Shabbat; Dr. Gary Zola, Director of the Jacob Rader Marcus American Jewish Archives; Dr. Ethan Fishbane, Assistant Professor of Jewish thought and noted expert on kabbalah and mysticism; Joel Chasnoff, Comedian for ^ Friday Oneg_____________________________________ PLUS: Inspiring, cutting-edge services, dozens of informative and thought-provoking workshops, and affinity groups for presidents, social action chairs, education chairs and more! Registration brochures will be available in early December. For more information, contact the temple office al? 733-6292. W 6 w w w . lv n e r tam id .org President?s Message 0 Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Hillary Torchin, VP Education and Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual David Shapin, VP Membership Recruitment Andrea Harris, VP Membership Retention David Stahl, VP Social Action Debbie Levy, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Nanette Spector, Trustee Jordie Primack, Trustee ? Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Fern Percheski, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee!! Bernie Matusow, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Beth Falk, Trustee Cindy Jensen, Trustee Sheryl Chenin-Webb, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men's Club President Jen Zuckerman, NTTY President As the secular year comes to the end, we are all very busy. There is the holiday shopping, parties, and school vacations (so the kids are home) and of course the New Years celebration. Things at the temple are just as busy. We just had our annual Mensch of the Year dinner honoring Judge Michael Cherry. It was a rousing success and a fun time. We are right now manning the gift-wrap booth at the Galleria Mall. This annual FUNdraiser has become a staple on the temple calendar. There is also the Hanukah family dinner on the 12th, along with the monthly performance of the Shabbatones. Every year from November 29th till Christmas Eve, we man the gift-wrap booth at the mall. On Friday and Saturday during Shabbat the Coronado high school volleyball team mans the booth. If you have participated in the past you know how much fun it can be - opportunities to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. If you are new to the congregation or you have not been able to help in the past, try it. We can use all kinds of help and if you do not know how to wrap, we will train you. Please contact the temple office or David Shapin at or Kevin Bailey at Even if you only have a few hours, you can help! This helps the temple keep our budget in balance and I promise you will enjoy the time. As I mentioned last month, we have just completed the temple budget for 2005. Another reason we are able to balance the budget is our Menorah Donors and Sustaining members. Both of these groups volunteer to pay more than standard dues every year. These two programs cover half the cost of dues relief. As you all know CNT provides membership to anyone who wants to be a member. As noble as that goal is the operating cost of the congregation have to get paid. These groups give specifically to cover dues relief. On behalf of all of us I would like to thank all of you who participate in these programs. If you would like more information on participating please contact Irv in the temple office. So as 2004 comes to an end, we found a way to achieve our goals and start out 2005 on sound footing. Happy New Year. B'Shalom Scott Irv Duchowny and Gary Cohen, President of NATA (National Association of Temple Administrators) and Exec. Director of Temple Emanuel, San Francisco. CNT hosted NATA for their annual convention here in Las Vegas last month. Over 220 Executive Directors/Administrators were in attendance. D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 + 7 Special Announcements December Birthdays 12/1 Mrs. Goldie Aberman Sharon Davidson Evan Dodd 12/2 Mr. Audrey Goldberg Ms. Cynthia Zeidner 12/3 Mrs. Jill Jasienski Samantha Saltzman Stacey Skolnik Dr. David Wasserman 12/4 Mrs. Judy Lugo Adam Sternberg 12/5 Shana Davidson Alexandra Epstein Alice Shapiro 12/6 Mr. Jim Appleyard Dr. Steve Glyman Evan Legator Mr. Ralph Marano Mr. Mayer Schlesinger Michael Shapiro Alexander Solomon 12/7 Mrs. Ada Feldman Mr. Martin Fessler Mrs. Lori Frankl Mr. Brad Torchin 12/8 Sean Berman Dr. Bruno Borenstein Mr. Alan Chenin Adam del Valle Lawrence Epstein Mr. Paul Finkelstein Rebecca Weiss 12/9 Mr. Gavin Pelham Mr. Jeffrey Sloane Mr. David Wachs 12/10 Mr. Todd Butwinick Jennifer Cadish Hon. Michael Cherry Mrs. Julie Downs Mrs. Beth Falk Mrs. Gloria Fine Danny Gross Mrs. Paula Hodis Mr. Mel Jose? Mr. Cal Lewis Mr. Herman Steiner 12/11 Jordan del Valle Mrs. Mary Fox Ashley Frankl Mr. Brian Greenspun Mrs. Gale Husney Ari Klein-Levine Mrs. Michelle Lewis 12/12 Corey Cohen Makenzie Coon Ms. Susan Danto David Geiger Joshua Popowcer Bailee Rounds Brandon Rounds Mr. Stephen Walsh 12/13 Mr. Jeffrey Heit Danielle Jasper Mrs. Helen Krauss Mrs. Madelyn Nitzkin Mr. Richard Oshins Mr. Lawrence Sandell Marcello Werner 12/14 Mr. Randy Bolla Mr. Morton Friedlander Mrs. Fern Percheski Mrs. Nancy Sloane Mrs. Melody Tashman 12/15 Samuel Grant Max Pretner Erik Segel 12/16 Mrs. Barbara Frank Mr. Philip Goldstein Austin Green Michael Kollins Judge Gilbert Yarchever 12/17 Samantha Dias Jonathan Sabbath Mrs. Sherri Swezey 12/18 Mr. Fred Saperstein Chance Tashman 12/19 Dr. John Anson Hallie Appleyard Alex del Valle Mrs. Georgiann Hechter Ms. Gina Polovina Mrs. Carol Raizin 12/20 Anthony Brill Mrs. Laurel Lardent Mr. Thomas Melville Mr. Marc Schorr Mrs. Jean Tobman 12/21 Aaron Cohen Mr. Arthur Goldberg Mrs. Myra Greenspun Mrs. Debbie McDermott Mr. Harvey Moody Mr. Howard Strong 12/22 Mrs. Monique Balsam Lisa Katz Mrs. Sarah Layfer Mrs. Jodi Mehr Mr. Kyle Moss Jerry Sloane Aidan Weiss 12/23 Mrs. Annette Israel Mr. Jerry Keating Mitchell Polasky Steven Polasky Jessica Popowcer Mrs. Roberta Sabbath Mara Wanderer 12/24 Ms. Adele Meyer Samuel Raimist Zachary Saltzman 12/25 Ms. Gita Lowell Max Snyder 12/26 Jeffrey Einsohn Mr. Ken Falk Mr. Robert Hirsh 12/27 Mr. Roger Cooper Daniel Goldstein Jessica Marshall Dr. Benjamin Venger Dr. Ronald Weisner 12/28 Mr. William Budin Samantha Engel Eric Frankl Mrs. Annette Friedman Mr. Eugene Henkin Zachary Scheele 12/29 Jacob Allison Noelle Bailey Ms. Deirdre Felgar Mr. Jerry Fox Mrs. Sonja Saltman Mrs. Rose Seltzer 12/30 Liza Abrams Mr. Robert Brill Mrs. Frances Frazier Mr. William Kuhn Jordan Ober Mrs. Elaine Weiman 12/31 Kimberly Bailin Kyle Bailin Jordan Carter Mr. Marshall Everakes Mrs. Maria Horowitz Mrs. Anita Moody Ms. Lisa Skurow Mrs. Candace Yuman Thank you to everyone who helped with the Chanukah Bazaar - from cooking to set-up, from selling food to the vendors themselves. Special thanks to Anita Moody & Brenda Tishk, Sisterhood VP's of Ways and Means, who put the whole thing together. Sheryl Chenin-Webb Sisterhood President Anniversaries 12/3 Mr. &? Mrs. Stewart Slenzel 12/5 Mr. Jon 'Wellinphoff p Ms. Karen Galalz 12/8 Mr. Mrs. Michael Mehr 12/10 Mr. Mrs. Eugene Graff 12/11 Mr. &' Mrs. Ralph Siletta 12/13 Mr. &( Mrs. Arthur Marshall 12/15 Mr. Mrs. Grey Corpodian Mr. Mrs. Jerome Osgood 12/16 Mr. &? Mrs. Howard Layfer 12/20 Mr. &? Mrs. Richard Klamian Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roe Mr. Mrs. Mayer Schlesinger 12/21 Mr. Christopher Matthews &( Ms. Susan Danto 12/22 Mr. Mrs. Jerald Friedman Mr. &? Mrs. Gerald Gordon Mr. Mrs. Michael Rodin 12/23 Mr. &( Mrs. Vinny Celano Mr. &' Mrs. Donald Zerlin 12/24 Mr. &' Mrs. Richard M. Bale Mr. &' Mrs. Burton Cohen 12/25 Mr. &? Mrs. Alvin Birnbaum 12/26 Mr. &? Mrs. Joel Levy Dr. &? Mrs. Bruce Shapiro 12/27 Mr. &? Mrs. Brian Greenspun 12/28 Mr. Peter Green & Ms. Ruth Stein Mr. &( Mrs. Scot Silber 12/30 Mr. &? Mrs. Harold Ober Mr. Sf Mrs. Leo Schoenfeld 12/31 Mr. Sj Mrs. Jerry En?el Mr. Mrs. Leonard Goldstein Mr. &' Mrs. Richard Horowitz Mr. Mrs. Jack Silas 8 w w w . l v n e r tam id .org Y AHRZEITS - MEMORIAMS 'SlMCHAS Evelyn Ellwanger, beloved aunt of Karen Galatz Gloria Reid, beloved aunt of Larry Sandell Michelle Jensen, beloved sister of Leslie and Cindy Irene Chenin, beloved wife of Joe, beloved mother of Stephen and Suzie, beloved aunt of Lori Frankl, Sheryl Chenm-Webb and Alan Chenin, grandmother to numerous grandchildren Shirley Boyers, beloved mother of Jerold, beloved grandmother of Lesley, Lauren and Lindsay fceda Pittler, beloved mother of TOrbara Bradfield, beloved mother'in- law of Louis TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Mark and Gloria Fine and to Susan Fine on the birth of their new granddaughter, Daisy. Proud parents are Alyson and Ori Marmur and proud brother is Dylan Mazel Tov to Phyllis and Cal Lewis on the birth of their new grandchild, Caleb Patrick Lewis born on November 5th! Proud parents are David and Lisa and happy siblings are Eli and Abigail. 12/3 Eva Podwell Bronstein Eli Cohen Louis Gale Sallie Gordon Mary Gottlieb Sarah Heit Elaroldjoelson Roz Katz Gertrude Kirshbaum William Kleinman Helen McCright Leo Perelman Arthur Pokroy Barbara Ramoy Ann Reichlin Nathan Rockoff Irving Roitman Sybil Rosenman Rose Sendrow Joseph Smoler Florence Helen Stone Betty Ratner Trubenbach Shirlee Waxier Leon Yanofsky 12/10 Jenny Aronoff Robert Beigelman Beatrice Berkowitz Ralph Wilkens Brill Mike DiCiero Abraham Funk Melvin Goldberg Rose Herman Tami Hogaboam Mickey Johnson Da vin Jones Thelma Kaplan Charlotte Kishner Bernard Layfer Robert Levich Robert Levy Pincus Miller Dora Morningstar Rose Dunn Orlofsky Erven Peresman Frieda Pokroy Jacob Rosenthal Albert Morton Rumley III Bernard Schwartz Sarah Sendrow 12/10 cont. Hyman Silver Rose Stahl Rose Unger Gertrude Weil Alice White RaeWinnick 12/17 Joseph Barasch Beatrice Bernstein Sam Blattstein Dora Borenstein Dr. Sidney Boyers Betty Case Joseph Cassorla William Cohen Thomas Frankl Ted Friedman Gustav Golding Louis Gottlieb Morton Green Harry Kobler Fannie Laufbaum William Levy Deena Liebman Joann Mauriello Betty Nathan Walter Nathan Jack Paiewsky Sophie Palbaum Dorothy Pearlman Sam Popowcer Sylvia Presser Herman Roberg Esther Rosen Harry Routtenberg Sylvia Landun Sassoon Mildred Schlussler Miriam Shiroff Philip Serling Barbara Weiss 12/24 William Ackerman Leslie Bernick Elizabeth Buffman Rose Bumbaca Vincent Cavaretta Solomon Doctors Ann Fleckner 12/24 cont. Tessie Gianmusso Eric Glichouse Henry Harrison Arnold Horowitz Richard ?Ricky? Horowitz Alice L. Ivener Ann Kinas Rachel Kinsler Ethel Kubey Arthur Liebert Gladys Miller Rose Molasky Jack Paiewsky Ethel Peresman Dr. Gerald L. Plant Harry Radbel Abraham Raizin Dennis Sabbath Samuel Schwartz Aaron Seltzer Max Sholkoff Emma Spann Benjamin Spector Mariel Verlander Phyllis Weidenfeld Sidney W eisman Ruth Wilder 12/31 Leslie Bernick Tillie Bromberg Annie Brown Benjamin Cohen Lillian Festinger Nate Frager Ruth Lehrner Marga Roberg Avram Roitman Murry Rubin Meyer Sachs Ceal Shapiro Albert Shientag Hyman Solowitz Rosaline Sterman Adrienne W atman Marcia Wolfe Della Yarchever K ) e c e m b e r 2 00 A 9 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are You A Jewish Alcoholic Or Chemically Dependent Person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent, and Significant Others, is a self-help/support group. Tell someone you love. New Alzheimer's Support Group WEDNESDAY, December 15th, 6:30 pm, Library This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to Alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm, Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentially laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office at 733- 6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. i o UNLV Home-Away-From- Home Program Participants are out-of-town and international students attending UNLV next fall. HAFH friends get together with their students throughout the year. There is no financial obligation. If you would like to "adopt a student" please call Program Coordinator, Sharlene Flushman at 794-2888. JFSA Needs Food Questions? Contact temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees/Auxillaries IHN Needs Your Help! To donate, contact Bette Stahl Email her at IHN is in need of TV sets, as well as VCR's for when we host families. We're trying to add a little touch of homeforthem. Our goal is to have a TV setA/CR in each room. We are also looking for VHS movies as well. They must be G or PG rated. So, when you replace that old VFIS movie with a DVD, why not donate it to us. FIRST TUESDAYS W/RABBI MONDAY, December 13th at Noon MONDAY, January 10th at Noon Decemberand January we will be meeting on the second Monday. Bring your lunch and join Rabbi for an open discussion on Midrash. w w w . l v n e r t a m ic l . o r g ROSH CHODESH f December 13th, 7:00 pm, Rm 12 Every month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Volunteer - Take a Class! Inkjet Cartridges For Tl? Preschool The preschool is collecting empty inkjet cartridges, laser cartridges, and used cell phones from your home or office. Drop them off at the temple office anytime. We recycle them and earn free stuff and CASH! Questions, contact the temple office 733-6292. NEW GIFT SHOP HOURS! THURSDAY 11:00 AM?2:00 PM FRIDAY 6:30 PM?7:15 PM SUNDAY 9:00 AM?12:30 PM Cash & Checks only For all other days, or to voluntee contact Bessie Levy at 413-5171 or Phyllis Mark @ 369-3536.DECEMBER 2 0 0 4 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday w 1 2 3 4 AA Meeting 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm 5 6 7 8 9 io 11 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm First Mondays Class 6:00 - 6:50 pm 7:00 - 7:50 pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Chanukah Family Dinner 6:00 pm Shabbatones 7:30 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 R/S 9:15-12:15 Parent's Break?fast 9:30 am Confirmation Class 12:30pm *First Tuesday w/ Rabbi Noon Rosh Chodesh 6:30pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm AA Meeting 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NO R/S Confirmation JACS 7:00 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm NO R/S EAST No R/S West No AA Meeting OFFICE CLOSED 26 27 28 29 30 31 JANUARY 1 NO R/S NO Confirmation Social Action Committee 7:00pm JACS 7:00 pm NO R/S EAST AA Meeting 6:30 pm No R/S West OFFICE CLOSED Shabbat Services 5:30 pm with Sparkling Cider Happy New Year! Upcoming January Events January 14-16 - Jewish Film Festival January 21 - Congregant of the Year Service December 19 -January 2 - R/S Winter Break Weekday Classes Resume January 4 Sunday Classes Resume January 9 SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES Birthday? Anniversary? B?nai Mitzvah? ANY Simcha! Simply call Shirley Gellin @ 457-6320 or email @ She?ll write your personal message and send it for you. D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 4 1 1 Temple Tributes AMY M SPECTOR MEMORIAL TRUST FUND Norma Friedman & Family In loving memory of Leon Friedman From: Natalie & Artie Berger Jessie Varon In loving memory of your beloved sister Helen Klein From: Jeannie Cohen, Adrienne DiGiacomo, Helen Rawdin, Ethel Gevencher, Helen Munves, Florence Bernstein & Fran Sanoff BRUCE DUNN MEMORIAL FUND Marilyn Cohen Happy 75th Birthday! Many More From: Dave with love Joan & Leslie Dunn Congratulations on the naming of Andrew Michael Arkow From: Sally & Bill Feldman BUILDING FUND Norma Friedman & Family In loving memory of Leon Friedman From: Gladys & Charles Combs, Carol & Sy Danish, Francie &Jay Gerson, Jackie & Earl Greenberg, Terri & Jay Herman, Loretta & Vic Hollander, Eva & Fred Kallick, Sandi & Bob Katz, Earl S, Kluft, Ruth & Sanford Mintz, Bonnie & Marc Pomerantz, Roz & Shel Sbarra, Marcy & Jack Simon, Shelley Weinberg & Bob Dubin Deanne Stralser In loving memory of Leon Friedman From: Carol & Sy Danish Hon. Michael Cherry Mazel Tov on being named CNT Mensch of the Year From: Eva & Fred Kallick Stacey Y ahraus & Family In honor of your new home knowing how much the Temple means to you and meant to Don From: Eva & Fred Kallick Rabbi Akselrad For all you do and do so well From: Eva & Fred Kallick CANTOR?S DISCRETIONARY FUND Philip Thanks for the beautiful song & service everything was perfect From: Gita & Ari Stotland Philip Thank you for your visit during my hospital stay From: Pearl Rouzaud CHILDREN?S LIBRARY Valerie Cohen I am very proud of you Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah From: Melissa Roth Alan Popowcer Our thoughts are with you From: Andrea & Robb Worth CHOIR FUND Philip your beautiful voice made Shawn?s Bar Mitzvah extra special, Thank you for making this and ever