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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas W 26 — ' - April 1* 195** Hr. S. E. Bennett - Los Angeles eoi Mr. W®. Relnterdt original documents to be furnished the District tinder requirements to two Bills of Sale covering water lines purchased hr the Water Company: 1. Bill of Sale covering water lines purchased fro® Boulder Da® Syndicate, Inc. are covers* by Bill of Sale dated February 15# 19**3, assigned Contract Audit No. 10317. 2m Sill of Sale covering water lines purchased from the Grandview Water Company# Inc* are wchoivcerhe wda sb y reSciolrl deodf JSuallye dated May 1, 1$M&» 28, IfliS in Booh 21, pCaoguentsy ,9 5-N9e6v-a9d7a# Miscellaneous Records# Clarfe and was assigned Contract Audit No. 10287. It is ray thought that if it is decided to furnish the Jistriot with the original copy of Bills of Sale, it night be well to furnish only those Bills of Sale which are tied in to Rule 9 contracts, original copies of which will be furnished then. Mr. R. M. Sutton Mr. C. M. Bates Supplementing my letter of March 25# 195**# relative to of Exhibit G of Agreement *G*L.D. 113&2# I am showing below reference L. R. Haag LRMtl®