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I agree.9 12 Cont. HENDERSON It may surprise you, Doctor, tut I could swim two lengths of this pool and still get married tomorrow. Three, maybe not.?╟╓ (to boys) Watch this, boys. Henderson swims two or three strokes, demonstrating the crawl. Corey watches in admiration. EARL I can do that - watch. Earl, doing a fairly good imitation Of Henderson?╟╓s stroke, but avoiding putting his face in the water, glides a number of feet across the pool. Earl's too perfect form and unusually high position in the water make him suspect. Corey looks on in amazement for a moment, then catches on. COREY Hey - no fair.' You're walking on the bottom. EARL (stopping abruptly) Am notJ COREY Then what are your feet doing down there? EARL Well, I gotta put them somewhere. COREY Not on the bottom.' CHEGLEY Boys, boys...You want to learn how to swim? COREY I want to learn. He wants to walk on the bottom. EARL I was not walking.' COREY Were tool Cont. 48?3