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I agree.7/29/64 Las Vegas Dear Joe, Jest returned from the Casper shoe with led and am enclosing a cheek received for that performance, led did a beautiful show in pouring rain before about 12,000 people. About 7,000 were in unprotected seats but 1 didn?╟╓t see anybody move. He had some extra lights on the audience and on led during the show, and it was pretty exciting to see the rain pouring down on the people as they were laughing. The HimmapoliM date was something else ?╟≤ led did a beautiful show tore but the promoter didn't seem too happy with the results. He claimed an audience of 2,500 * I gathered a figure from police officers and stadium officials to be about 6,000 people. However, 1 can only blame poor promotion and poc r planning on the promoter's part for this, I will fill you in more in a later report, but meemdiile I wanted to get this check into the office, I made sure to get the check before the Show in Casper ?╟≤ after the stow, Mr 11,1, Stoppard, President of the Wyoming Fair Board Conmlttee was so ecstatically happy, 1 think we could have asked him for another $6,000, Kindest regards to you, Ed and Marv, Al Freeman Mr Joe loss , . . Paent, loss, Marne and Bernhard