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uac000535. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 17-2 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13, 1986 4:00 PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SENATE MEETING 17-1 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORTS VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Approval of $150 per month stipend for Assistant Intramurals Director retroactive to October 1, 1986. B. Nominations for Senate President Pro-Tempore of the 17th Session. 1. Lanny Leroy 2. Ray Parker 3. Brian Retke 4. Ron Zayas C. Appointment of Senate President Pro-Tempore of the 17th Session. D. Nominations to vacant A&L Seat. 1. Kathy Anderson 2. Harry Fagel 3. Eric Larsen E. Appointment of A&L Senator F. Removal of all members of all CSUN Committees and Boards with the exception of Board Directors, Department Directors, and committee chairs. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE AGENDA 11/13/86 Meeting 17-2 VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Senate Election refunds. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS VIII. New Business A. Approval of Senate Election refunds. The following is a list of candidates and their refund amounts. NAME SS# AMOUNT J . Allen 561-43-1608 $20.00 D . Borlase 530-62-2877 $20 .00 H . Fage 1 530-58-7549 $25 .00 T . Harr ing ton 530-66-8407 $20 .00 R . Loxton 530-96-5373 $21.25 R. Parker 530-02-2066 $21 .00 R. Amick 530-46-6686 $23 .00 K . Ande r son 554-52-9831 $23.75 A. Ashby 530-88-2814 $22.00 R Cherhoniak 115-46-6768 $22 . 50 L . Davis 550-47-7654 $20.00 M. Dixon 530-78-9183 $20.00 S . Evenson 530-90-6388 $20.00 L . Susman 530-82-6668 $20 .00 M. Chastain 530-90-0621 $20 .00 D . Gentile 530-90-7458 $20 .00 C . Goldstein 264-08-5040 $20.00 S . Lieberman 469-62-3367 $24.75 D . Morris 570-06-5493 $25.00 J . Novak 399-62-7388 $23.75 J . Ott 146-62-3062 $20.00 B . Retke 530-64-8404 $20.00 J . Sp icer 093-52-7408 $23.75 M. Weber 333-58-8873 $23.50 J . Windolph 530-90-2155 $23 . 50 R. Zayas 573-61-8112 $20.00 L . Ler oy 296-46-3078 $20.00 J . Miller 502-90-9688 $20 .00 A. Tiffany 148-68-5508 $23.75 R. Chambers 530-08-4919 $20.00 M. Burke 143-68-7621 $24.75 A. Greene 555-35-7863 $20.00 R. Mentne ch 057-64-3722 $20 .00 M. Mixer 553-59-0659 $24.75 T . Mu ir 143-50-0372 $20.00 A. P anico 063-66-1674 $24.75 J . Wilson 564-77-5172 $20.00 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 NAME J . Ax C. Brown S. Cunningham A. Gome z T. Gottschalk N. Grayson G. Smith R. Tangredi s s # AMOUNT 530-82-828 1 $25.00 530-80-2416 $23 .75 530-68-7654 $20.00 525-45-4009 $20.00 530-68-3709 $23.75 463-27-7299 $25.00 530-44-9002 $20 .00 439-27-9905 $23.75 sg CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 17-2 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13, 1986 4:00 PM MSU 121 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:05 by Senate President Chadwell. II. Roll Call Present Senator Allen Senator Chastain Senator Cunningham Senator Dixon Senator Evenson Senator Fagel Senator Gentile Senator Goldstein Senator Gomez Senator Harrington Senator Leroy Senator Mentnech Senator Muir Senator Parker Senator Retke Senator Smith Senator Susman Senator Tiffany Senator Zayas III. Approval of minutes of Senate Meeting 17-1 There were no minutes. IV. Announcements Senate President Chadwell stated that the Senators should try to be to the meetings on time. V. Board, Committee, Director Reports Tim Muir, Intramurals Director, reported that Kappa Sigma was the overall winner in intramurals football. Lanny Leroy, Student Services Director, reported that everything was going smoothly. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Absent Senator Chambers (unexcused) (late) Minut e s Senate Meeting 17-2 Page 2 Rob Rosenthal, General Manager of KUNV, reported that the station has a new logo. Mike Klimek, Appropriations Board Chair, stated that there would be a meeting next week. VII. Old Business The senate moved out of the order of the day to consider items D, E, and F. D. Nominations to vacant A&L seat 1. Kathy Anderson 2 . Harry Fage1 3 . Eric Larsen There were no further nominations E. Appointment of A&L Senator Each candidate was allowed to speak for two minutes. After the candidates spoke, a roll call vote was taken: Ander son Fagel Mentnech Allen Tiffany Chastain Mu ir Cunningham Parker Dixon Evenson Gentile Goldste in Gome z Harr ington Ler oy Smith Susman Larsen Zayas Ret ke Harry Fagel was appointed to the seat. Senator Fagel was sworn in by Justice Varona. The Senate moved back into the regular order of the s ay . A. Approval of $150 per month stipend for Assistant Intramurals Director retroactive to October 1, 1986. Senator Retke moved to approve the item. Senator Evenson seconded the motion. There was discussion. Minut e s Senate Meeting 17-2 Page 3 Senator Evenson moved to amend the amount to $100. Senator Zayas seconded the motion. There was discussion on the amendment. Senator Harrington called for the question. Senator Zayas seconded the motion. The motion passed. The amendment failed. The main motion failed with eight in favor, ten opposed, and no, abstention. Senator Zayas moved to approve a $101 stipend for the Assistant Intramurals Director with a % stipend in December. Senator Dixon seconded the motion. There was discus s ion. Senator Allen moved to amend the amount to $149. Senator Retke seconded the amendment. There was discussion. Senator Evenson called for the question. Senator Zayas seconded the motion. The motion passed. The amendment failed. Senator Cunningham moved to amend the amount to $125. Senator Allen seconded the amendment. The amendment passed. Senator Zayas called for the question. Senator Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed. The main motion as amended passed. B. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore 1. Lanny Leroy 2 . Ray Parker 3 . Br ian Retke 4 . Ron Zayas Senator Leroy and Senator Parker each withdrew their name s. Minut e s Senate Meeting 17-2 Page 4 Senator Harrington was nominated. C. Appointment of Senate President Pro-Tempore of the 17th session Each candidate was allowed to speak for two minutes, after which, they were allowed to answer up to two questions from the floor. A roll call vote was then t aken. Zay as Allen Chastain Cunningham D ixon Evenson Fagel Gentile Goldstein Gome z Leroy Smith Susman Retke Mu ir Parker Tiffany Harr ington Mentnech Ab stent ions Harr ingt on Retke Zay a s Senator Zayas was appointed to the position F. Removal of all members of all CSUN committees and Boards with the exception of Board Directors, Department Directors, and Committee Chairs. Senator Harrington moved to approve with the stipu-lation that this motion would take effedtion December 4, 1986 at 3:59pm. Senator Zayas seconded the motion. The motion passed. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Senate election refunds. Senator Zayas moved that each candidate receive a full refund. Senator Susman seconded the motion There was discussion. The motion failed. Minut e s Senate Meeting 17-2 Page 5 Senator Harrington moved that each candidate be re-funded the amount set by the Elections Board, or $20, whichever amount is greater. Senator Zayas seconded the motion The motion passed (see attached). IX. Open Discussion Senator Smith introduced the removal of the Elections Board Chair for consideration at the next Senate meeting. Senator Gomez announced the CSUN shirts for the Senators were available in the CSUN offices for $5'. 00 X. Adj ournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:38pm.