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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 23, 1977






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 6 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000146. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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SENATE MEETING //8 August 23, 1977 I. Call to Order The eighth meeting of the CSUN Senate was called to order at 4:32 p.m. on August 23, 1977 in Lounge 203 of the Student Union by the Chairman, Ken Holt. II. Roll Call Roll Call was taken by the CSUN Secretary. Members present: DeAnn Turpen Bob Blaskey Ingrid Hegedus Scott Hoover Bobby Lawson Jerry Gatch Peggy Burnham Iris McCowan Greg McKinley Keith Terry Marshal Willick Mike Verchick absent excused: Bob Biale absent unexcused: Rob Nielsen Cindy Vannucci Jackie Spektor Dave Bergen Chuck White Dave Cavalieri Gene Russo III. Approval of Minutes A correction was noted that Rob Nielsen should have been marked absent excused on Senate Minutes //7. Motion to approve the minutes as corrected passed. IV. Open Discussion A. Executive Board Announcements 1. USUNS John announced that membership dues for UNLV this year to USUNS will be $2,040 and will be taken out of general expense. He submitted the expenditure at this time and it will be voted on at the next meeting. V. Committee Reports A. Activities Board Steve Francis reminded the Senate that the following items were up for approval at this meeting: Ralph Nader contract, KFM contract, Leonard Nimoy Contract, and the Activities Board Operating Policy. Marshal Willick asked that each one be voted on seperately. Keith Terry moved to approve the Ralph Nader contract, seconded by Bob Blaskey. Motion passes. Keith Terry moved to approve the KFM contract, seconded by Mike Verchick. Motion passes. Keith Terry moved to approve the Leonard Nimoy contract, seconded by Greg McKinley. Motion passes. Discussion on operating policy. Marshal moves to disapprove the operating policy. Motion is withdrawn. Marshal Willick moves to table the operating policy, seconded by Bob Blaskey. Motion passes. Steve submits the Charles Berlitz contract, $1,260 for music for the Oktoberfest, and $2,100 for the printing of the Activities booklet. Jerry Gatch moved for a vote of confidence on the Oktoberfest music and the Activities booklet. Seconded by Greg McKinley. Bob Blaskey called for the question, seconded by Mike Verchick. Motion passes to vote immediately with one abstention. Main motion passes with one abstention. B. Travel Policy Committee Marshal reported that the final first draft has been sent to various people on campus, including Dr. Glennen, Herman Westfall, and the executive officers. He added that the approval process is much easier than first anticipated. He mentioned that the Senators would have copies at the next Senate meeting. C. Sports Committee Gary Wood reviewed some of the amended portions of his budget with the Senate. He also discussed some of his policies and plans for intermurals for the coming year. He stated that he would like to see the champions honored in an Awards banquet at the end of the year. Schedules will be posted in the Yell along with team standings. He also noted that anyone requesting a certain sport needs to make sure that there are 6 teams interested and a schedule will be drawn up. Old Business There being no old business, the senate moved on to new business. New Business Senate Nominations Greg McKinley nominated Judy Sawyer for the seat in Allied Health. Jerry Gatch nominated Jim Rafferty to the Hotel Seat. Greg McKinley nominated Lora Miller to the Hotel seat. Senate Seats Richard Simms was nominated to the Hotel seat last meeting. Vote on Richard Simms passes with one abstention. Mr. Simms is duly appointed. Marshal Willick made a motion that the treasurer's signature be required to be one of the two needed for all expenditures and disbursements of funds. Seconded by Bob Blaskey. Motion passes. Budget John Hunt submitted the CSUN budget for 1977-78. Discussion and approval will be at the next meeting. VIII. Adjournment Jerry Gatch moved to adjourn, seconded by DeAnn Turpen. Meeting adjourned at 5:16 p.m.