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Ron Lurie campaign materials and resume, item 05




Ron Lurie letter to resident & public opinion poll

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    Ron Lurie 6332 Garwood Ave. Las Vegas, Nev. 89107 Dear Fellow Resident, In the close to eight years that I?ve represented our district as your City Com?missioner, I?ve constantly sought your opinion on a variety of matters that affect our entire community. Since it is impossible to talk with all of you on a personal basis, I am once again sending you a questionnaire and asking you to take the time to carefully list your opinion on many important issues. This is my 4th such survey, and because you took the time to tell me your priorities, we?ve been able to put a Police Substation at Jones and the Expressway, a library and arts center in Charleston Heights, many vital new stop lights at key traffic loca?tions as well as obtaining the Bob Baskin Park on Oakey. Additionally, thanks to your suggestions, we will now have Security Patrols at all city parks beginning this year, we have security lighting at Essex and Dexter Parks, we have many more policemen in the streets, and we have the initial phase completed for full synchronization of close to 200 traffic signals in a joint City-County effort. I know it takes a few minutes of your time to complete this questionnaire, but I?m asking your help because your opinions are very important to me. I have been elected to serve your interests and together our district has made some tremendous gains because so many of you have taken the time, through the years, to let me know your main priorities. Along with the survey, you?ll find a stamped, self-addressed return envelope for your convenience. Please take the time to fill it out and I?ll do my level best to make sure your thoughts are turned into action. Sincerely, Ron Lurie P.S. This entire project is done at my own personal expense and not one cent of taxpayers? money is being spent.RON LURIE PUBLIC OPINION POLL - JANUARY 1981 (Please circle your answer) 1. Are you opposed to locating the MX Missile system in Nevada? YES NO DON?T KNOW 2. How would you rate traffic congestion in Las Vegas? WORSE THAN MOST CITIES ABOUT THE SAME AS MOST CITIES NOT AS BAD AS MOST CITIES 3. How would you rate the overall condition of roads in your area of the city? EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR 4. Traffic control and street maintenance are handled by the City?s Public Works Department. If you were making out their budget, would you spend MORE MONEY, ABOUT THE SAME, LESS MONEY, or NO MONEY at all on: a. Traffic signal installation and coordination MORE SAME LESS NONE B. Directional signs MORE SAME LESS NONE C. Street repair MORE SAME LESS NONE d. Warning signs (RR Xing) MORE SAME LESS NONE e. Street Cleaning MORE SAME LESS NONE f. Building new streets MORE SAME LESS NONE 5. Do you use the existing bus system? YES NO 6. If bus service routes were extended, would you use the bus: MORE OFTEN SAME AS CURRENT USE NOT AT ALL 7. There is no question that to expand mass transportation...additional monies will have to be allocated. These funds would have to be taken from places like: existing sales tax revenue, County, City, and state funds, or possibly a new tax earmarked for mass transportation. Would you be willing to pay more for a better, expanded service? YES NO 8. The City supports a number of recreational and cultural activities. For each item listed below, please indicate whether you think the City should SPEND MORE MONEY, SPEND THE SAME MONEY AS CURRENTLY SPENT, SPEND LESS MONEY, or SPEND NO MONEY AND DROP THE PROGRAM: a. Community Centers MORE SAME LESS DROP b. Ballfields MORE SAME LESS DROP c. Swimming pools MORE SAME LESS DROP d. Performing and Theater Arts MORE SAME LESS DROP e. Musical concerts MORE SAME LESS DROP f. Sports leagues for youth MORE SAME LESS DROP g. Arts and crafts programs MORE SAME LESS DROP h. Park programs MORE SAME LESS DROP i. Programs for Senior Citizens MORE SAME LESS DROP 9. Are there any specific recreational activities or programs not presently available or offered that we should have? 10. Did you know that the City had built a new Library and Arts Center at Evergreen and Brush? YES NO 11. Do you or members of your family use this new facility? YES NO 12. Do you believe enough information is available concerning activities at the Senior Citizens Center? YES NO 13. Are there any specific Senior Citizen activities or facilities which are not available that you believe we should have? 14. Do you feel uncomfortable because of continuous reports of crime in Las Vegas? YES NO DON?T KNOW 15. Do you feel more secure because of the Metropolitan Police substation in the Charleston Heights area? YES NO DON?T KNOW 16. Do you feel Metro should hire more policemen even if a larger budget would mean taking money away from other City programs or services? YES NO DON?T KNOW17. IF YOUR ANSWER TO QUESTION 16 WAS YES, ARE THERE ANY SPECIFIC PROGRAMS OR SERVICES YOU WOULD BE WILLING TO GIVE UP? 18. Various services that are paid for out of the Metro budget are listed below. For each service, please indicate if we should have MORE funding, the SAME, LESS than now, or NO funding at all. a. Enforcement of traffic laws MORE SAME LESS NONE b. Neighborhood car patrols MORE SAME LESS NONE c. Foot patrols in business areas MORE SAME LESS NONE d. Investigating fraud or white collar crimes MORE SAME LESS NONE e. Investigation of Vice and Narcotics MORE SAME LESS NONE f. Enforcing prostitution laws MORE SAME LESS NONE g- Handling family disputes MORE SAME LESS NONE h. Juvenile crime investigations MORE SAME LESS NONE i. Crime prevention MORE SAME LESS NONE j- Helicopter patrols MORE SAME LESS NONE 19. Do you believe pornographic businesses hurt tourism or image? YES NO DON?T KNOW 20. Las Vegas is one the fastest growing cities in the U.S. What do you think the City?s policy should be on future growth and development? DISCOURAGE OR STOP CONTROL OR SLOW DOWN ENCOURAGE DON?T KNOW 21. Overall, how would you rate the services provided by the City of Las Vegas? EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR 22. A lot of the nuclear waste stored at the Beatty dumpsite has to travel over our roads. Do you think Nevada should continue to accept such waste from out of state for disposal at Beatty? YES NO DON?T KNOW 24. How do you feel about plans to use part of the Nevada Test Site as a burial site for nuclear wastes? FAVOR OPPOSE DON?T KNOW 25. I?d like your opinion on the top five (5) priorities/goals you believe the City Commission should set in 1981. 1)______________________________________________________________!__________________________________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26. Are there any City-related problems or areas of concern you would like to comment on that were NOT covered in this questionnaire? 27. If you have any specific comments or suggestions to help me serve you, our district, or the City of Las Vegas better, I?d appreciate your taking a few minutes to write them below.