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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ^ ? l o l m s t e d a n d g i u _e l e n C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S 6 0 4 —5 W R IG H T A N D C ALLENDER B UrLDTNG LO S A N G E L E S , C A L. Lea Angeles, C a l., June 14th, ISO®* Ur. S, ©* Tilton# C hief Ingiacer, & 8* f| 8«R* l*oa Angeles, California. Dear S lr :- Wo herewith submit to you a report and on© drawing on changes and extensions of the tiain pipe lino frost -Das Yoga3 springs to the water tani; in itp Railroad yard. Springs B#F# and the coKtbinod flow of c * D* 3c 1* (aoe drawing) we»© loeaaur©d and found to huvo the following flow: spring 8. 8.48 Sec. Ft. spring F. 0. 0? | n spring 0.B.&E. 2. OS I # Total 4* 58 * Bor 8,915,000 ga l.p er84 hr. Records o f gauging mdo fiv e years ago show tho total flow of those springs to have boon about $#300,000 gale, per 84 hours or 4.90 sac* ft. The pipe lines hereafter proposed have boon calculat­ed on the basis of 4*86 sac. f t . , tho flow frot.i oaoh apring being revised in proportion us follows: Spring B. 8.06 sec. ft . Spring F. .08 * • Spring c.D.&SJ. 8.88 | * Total 4.90 » 8