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* \ Damage Insurance, or $5,000.00 for any one accident and, subject to the same limit per accident, $10,000.00 aggregate during an annual period; the insurance under items (c) and (d) above to insure the liability assumed by you under the indemnifying - provisions of this agreement on account of injuries to or death of persons or damage to property. The policy or-policies for the insurance aforesaid to be taken out by each subcontractor shall provide limits agreed upon between you and such subcontractor and shall afford the subcontractor protection of the same nature afforded you. Neither the Contractor *s. Public Liability Insurance nor the Contractor’s Property Damage Insurance herein provided for shall protect you or any subcontractor against claims on account of injuries to or deaths of persons or damage to property caused by your subcontractor's teams,:automobiles, trucks and other vehicles or the loading or unloading.thereof unless the accident occurs on the premises used by you and/or your subcontractor in the conduct of the work to be performed under this contract. You shall cooperate with the representatives of the Insurance Company in the handling of all insurance details and reporting of accidents and shall see that all such subcontractors do likewise. Upon making any subcontract Ttfith any subcontractor, you shall give immediate written notice thereof to the Vice President of the Water Company and to the Insurance Company designated by the Water Company, and in such notice^ shall specify, among other things, the limits of Contractor's Public Liability Insurance and Contractor's Property Damage Insurance agreed upon between you and such subcontractor. Any additional insurance desired by you or any subcontractor must be secured, at your expense or at the expense of such subcontractor. ^ ' Cmsmxr*m, m %%» mm m&mm, tim mmsmm m vmmmm mrmtwtoam in tiki* «ectlm yrm iM ?«*, 5.