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Statement of responsibilities for League of Women Voters members



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    TOTAL BOARD RESPONSIBILITY All League Board members share responsibility for the general health and welfare of the League in addition to the duties and responsibilities of a specific portfolio or assignment. All are equally responsible for the smooth operation of a strong, active League and the activities which bring this about ? membership growth, adequate financing, involving membership in issues, developing leadership and advancing League goals in the community. EVERY BOARD MEMBER ** Collective Responsibility 1. Joins with all other Board members in determining the overall policies of the League in addition to the specific duties and responsibilities related to that Board member's particular portfolio; 2. Contributes to the collective thinking of the Board on Board appointments, off-Board chairmen and committee members; 3. Participates in the raising, budgeting and spending of funds; 4. Takes part in membership recruitment, orientation and integration of new members and the development of leadership; 5. Helps develop the specifics of the League's non-partisan policy; 6. Is responsible for overall program development through policy decisions on the scope of a study -item, planning and setting priorities, interpreting consensus and planning action strategies, as well as meeting those deadlines required in the bylaws for the discussion of new program; 7. Making decisions on local publications and bulletins in terms of when, if, and how to publish, distributes State and National materials; 8. Helps develop a strong unit organization; 9. Participates in public relations policy decisions; 10. Responds to State and National Calls for Action. EACH BOARD MEMBER ** Individual Responsibility 1. Forms the committee for the particular portfolio; 2. Pre-plans the activities of the portfolio with the committee, gets Board approval on the plan and makes periodic reports to the Board on the committee's progress; 3. Carries out membership and Board decisions; 4. Keeps current on publication in the field of the portfolio; 5. Keeps a notebook or file for those who take over the portfolio at a later time, including a job description, plans of the committee, reports, actions, etc.; 6. Is familiar with League policies, procedures, programs, bylaws, etc. 7. Attends Board meetings regularly, presents reports and reads materials presented for Board attention. MEMBERSHIP EXAMPLE OF TOTAL BOARD RESPONSIBILITY President ? Selects the chairman, passes on transfer names and other pertinent information from the Duplicate President's Mailing; tries to meet all members, holds a President's coffee; includes discussion of Membership growth on Board agendas. Vice-President ? Given a specific membership responsibility such as overseeing orientations and serving as liason between membership chairman and the treasurer or helping develop a Lec^gue profile, v Secretary ? Letters of welcome, letters of recognition for achievements both in League and in the community. Treasurer ? Collects dues, works with the membership chairman on the reasons for non-renewals. Unit Organization ? Provide rides, name tags, friendly atmosphere; review of program and procedures ..for new members; involves members in discussions and program development. Public Relations -- Helps develop membership flyers, promotes new members through go-see tours, developing PR for membership drives, etc. Voter Service -- Provides programs on voting, government, politics, etc. in the community and encourages interested people to join; uses new members on Voter Service or Citizen Information projects; provides "in house" meetings for League members on Know Your Government, etc. Publications ? Gets background material to new members, provides subscription service, helps develop new member packets and orientation kits. Bulletin -- Includes new members and something about them in the Bulletin; provides a League and Community Calendar, helps with orientation and up-date articles. Membership ? Keeps up-to-date records on members, interests, addresses, etc.; develops membership list; encourages one-on-one relationship between regular members and new members in units; helps in orientation program; keeps the Board informed on the growth of membership and reasons for non-renewals; passes on names to program chairman. Finance ? Considers contributors as potential members; uses new members in some aspect of the finance drive; explains the need for the finance drive. Program ? uses new members on committees as soon as possible after receiving names; appeals to potential members through go-see tours, bulletin articles, contacts interested people at other meetings. Nominating -- is responsible for identifying people who will provide leadership in the League and to recommend to the Board for Board or committee assignments. Budget -- Must provide the dollars for the welcoming coffees, the publications, orientation kits, as well as for the general support services of the office. Every Member -- recruiting and welcoming new members, selling League program to others and identifying prospects. GOALS AND PRIORITIES Goals must be: CONCRETE -- set forth a specific target for change or improvement. OBTAINABLE -- based on analysis and knowledge of what is realistically possible, not on hopes or intuition. MEASURABLE -- able to use some indicators to tell whether progress toward the goal is being made. BEHAVIORAL -- directly related to the performance of assigned tasks by member of the group based on the group's understanding of the goal. ACCEPTABLE -- both to members of the group and to the community. OPEN TO RENEGOTIATION -- if progress is not being made or if circumstances change, the goal should be reassessed and adjusted. THESE ARE GOALS THAT MANY LEAGUES HAVE: 1. Provide information to voters on candidate, via meetings, questionnaires 2. Keep members interested and involved 3. Lobby and Testify 4. Study issues and arrive at consensus 5. Raise money by direct solicitation in the community 6. Raise money by other activities -- publication sales, speaker's fees, special projects, etc. 7. Educate the community on pertinent issues 8. Promote the use and sale of publications within the LWV and the community 9. Present resource materials to members 10. Conduct registration drives 11. Maintain an office 12. Keep members informed about activities at other levels of League 13. Get member involvement in effective action on all levels of government League of Women Voters of the U.S. 1730 M Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Leadership Training Session I'll B2 ; Model Committee Meeting Trainer Kits (Participant Handout) CRITERIA FOR SETTING PRIORITIES 1. Timing: a. Is this the time for it? b. Is it a long or short-term project? 2. Political Climate: a. Is the government giving this problem/issue priority? b. Should it be given higher priority? 3. Community Awareness and Attitude: a. How aware is the community of the issue? b. How aware can the League make the community? c. What is the community attitude toward the issue? 4. League Members: a. How aware are members of the problem? b. Do they care? c. Do we have member capability to carry out action? 5. League Circumstances: a. Do we have the time and people to work on this? b. Where does it fit with our other goals and priorities? c. Can we be effective? 6. Allies: a. Who else is doing something about this? b. Who could we join with? c. If we don't take it on, who will? 7. Controversy: a. How controversial is the issue? b. Are we willing and able to deal with controversy? 8. Cost: a. Do we have enough money in the budget? b. What sources can provide extra funding needed? 9. Public Relations: a. What will this do to our prestige, effectiveness in the community? b. Can we get coverage? COMMUNICATION WHO SENDS WHAT TO WHOM President: Receives one copy of everthing mailed from the National office. Any additional copies of these materials should be redistributed immediately to the appropriate Board members. Notifies Board members of report deadlines. Corresponds as necessary with State president and sends the State president copies of all substantive correspondence with National. (No need to send your catalog orders.) Vice-President : Receives copies of president's important correspondence. May also receive a Duplicate President's Mailing for the purpose of information and redistribution. Secretary: Sends to the State LWV a list of Board members and any changes and additions as they occur; the exact wording of the adopted Program immediately after the annual meeting; two (2) copies of minutes of the Board and of general meetings; two (2) copies of amended current bylaws; one (1) copy of proposed bylaw changes. Sends to Nation LWV one (1) copy of the amended bylaws and one (1) copy of adopted program. Treasurer : Sends to State LWV president two (2) copies of the adopted budget immediately following the Annual Meeting; two (2) copies of the complete alphabetical list of members as of November 1. Sends to National LWV, the State President, local membership chaiman, and local Voter editor one (1) copy each month of new members, changes of address and dropped members. (There are National League forms for this.) A copy should be kept for the files. Sends to the National LWV one (1) copy of the complete alphabetical list of members as of November 1. To State Treasurer a check for pledge payments, according to agreed plan of payment. Bulletin Editor: To National LWV three (3) copies of the Voter To the designated National Board Member one (1) copy of the Voter To State LWV President one (1) copy of the Voter To each local League president one (1) copy of the Voter Voter Service Chairman: To State LWV president three (3) copies of each local Voters Guide when published. Local Program Chairman: To State LWV president two (2) copies, of any completed written project; three (3) copies of local consensus. To National LWV and State LWV president three (3) copies of any local publications, such as Know your Schools, Know your County, etc. Public Relations Chairman: To State LWV president three (3) copies of any article published on the work of your League. One copy of any communication with the National Board must be sent to the State League president. State Leagues: To National LWV three (3) copies each of State Board Minutes, Voters, State Board Reports, Convention and Council Workbooks, Convention and Council Minutes, Substantive publications and memos. One (1) copy of proposed bylaw changes to Organization Committee. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF LAS VEGAS VALLEY 5/81 BYLAWS - AS AMENDED MAY 21. 1977 ? ARTICLE I. Section 1. The name of this organization shall he the LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF LAS VEGAS VALLEY. This local League is an integral part of the League of Women Voters of the United States and of the League of Women Voters of Nevada. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE AND POLICY Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley shall be to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. Section 2. Policy. The League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley may take action on local governmental measures and policies in the public interest in conformity with the Principles of the League of Women Voters of the United States, and may take action on state legislative measures affecting Clark County particularly, provided authorization has been received from the State Board of the League of Women Voters of Nevada. It shall not support or oppose any political party or candidates. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. How Composed. Any adult person who subscribes to the purpose and policy of the League of Women Voters shall be eligible for membership. Section 2. Types of Membership. (a) Voting members shall be those citizens of voting age, resident in Clark County, whose dues are current. (b) Associate non-voting memberships shall be held by nonresidents of Clark County, and those under age 18, desiring to join the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley. (c) Honorary non-voting memberships may be granted upon action by the Annual Meeting. ARTICLE IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Number, Manner of Selection and Term of Office. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the League, six elected Directors and not more than six appointed Directors. Three Directors shall be elected by the general membership at each annual meeting and shall serve a term of two years or until their successors have been elected and qualified. The elected members shall appoint such additional Directors, not exceeding six, as they deem necessary to carry on the work of the League. The terms of office of the appointed Directors shall "be one year. Terms of office for elected and appointed members of the Board of Directors shall _ officially begin at the conclusion of a May Board of Directors meeting. Section 2. Qualifications. No person shall be elected or _ appointed or shall continue to serve as an officer or director of this organization unless he or she is a voting member of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley. Section 3. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors by reason of resignation, death or disqualification of an officer or elected member may be filled, until the next Annual Meeting, by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors. Three consecutive absences from a Board meeting of any member without a valid reason shall be deemed a resignation, Section 4. Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall have full charge of the property and business of the organization, with full power and authority to manage and conduct same, subject to the instructions of the general membership. It shall plan and direct the work necessary to carry out the Program as adopted by the National Convention, State Convention and Annual Meeting. The Board shall create and designate such special meetings as it may deem necessary. Section 5. Meetings. There shall be at least nine regular meetings of the Board of Directors annually. The President may call special meetings of the Board of Directors and shall call a special meeting upon the written request of five members of the Board. Section 6. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS Section 1. Enumeration and Election of Officers. The Officers of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be elected for terms of two years by the general membership at an Annual Meeting and shall officially take office at the conclusion of the Board of Directors meeting following their election. The President, the First Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The Second Vice-President and the Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years. Section 2. The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors, and may, in the absence or disability of the Treasurer, sign or endorse checks, drafts and notes. The President shall be, ex officio, a member of all the committees except the Nominating Committee, and shall have such usual powers of supervision and management as may pertain to the office of the President and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Board. ARTICLE IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Continued) 2 ARTICLE IY. OFFICERS (Continued) Section 3? The Vice-Presidents. The two Vice-Presidents, in the order of their rank, shall, in the absence or death of the President, possess all the powers and perforin all the duties of that office, until such time as the Board of Directors shall elect one of its members to fill the vacancy. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as the President and Board may designate. Section 4. The Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the League and of all meetings of the Board of Directors of their election; shall sign, with the President, all contracts and other instruments when so authorized by the Board and shall perform such other functions as may be incident to that office. Section 5? The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all money due; shall be the custodian of these monies; shall deposit them in a bank designated by the Board of Directors; and shall disburse the same only on the order of the Board. The Treasurer shall present statements to the Board at its regular meetings and an Annual Report to the Annual Meeting. ARTICLE VI. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley shall commence on the first day of April each year. Section 2. Dues. (a) Annual dues of $20.00 shall be payable on the first day of the anniversary month of the member's joining the League. Anyone failing to remit within three months after dues become payable shall be dropped from the membership rolls. (b) Board policy shall determine additional dues categories. Section 3* Budget Committee. A budget committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at least three months prior to the Annual Meeting to prepare a budget for the ensuing year. The proposed budget shall be sent to all members one month before the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall not be eligible to serve as chairman of the Budget Committee. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS Section 1. Membership Meetings. There shall be at least four meetings of the membership each year. Time and place shall be deter?mined by the Board of Directors. Section 2. Annual Meetings. An Annual Meeting shall be help after the National League Convention date. The exact date shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The Annual Meeting shall; 3 (a) adopt a local program for the ensuing year; (b) elect officers, directors and members of the ? Nominating Committee; ? (c) adopt an adequate budget; and (d) transact such other business as may properly come before it. Section 3- Quorum. Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley. ARTICLE VIII. "NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section 1. The Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members, two of whom shall be members of the Board of Directors. The Chairman and two members, who shall not be members of the Board, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Nomi?nations for these offices shall be made by the current Nominating Committee. The other members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at its first meeting after the new officers take charge. Any vacancy on the Nominating Committee shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Suggestions for nominations for Officers and Directors may be sent to the committee by any voting member. Section 2. Report of Nominating Committee and Nominations From the Floor. The report of the Nominating Committee of its nominations for Officers, Directors, and the members of the succeeding Nominating Committee shall be sent to all members one month before the date of the Annual Meeting. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the Annual Meeting. Immediately following the presenta?tion of this report, nominations may be made from the floor by any voting members provided the consent of the nominee secured. shall have been Section 3 . Elections. The election shall be by ballot, unless there is but one nominee for each office, in which case the Secretary may be instructed to cast the ballot for every nominee. A majority of the votes of those qualified to vote and voting shall constitute an election. Absentee or proxy voting shall not be permitted. ARTICLE IX. PROGRAM Section 1. Authorization. The governmental principles adopted by the National Convention and supported by the League as a whole constitute the authorization for the adoption of the Program. Section 2. Program. The Program of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley shall consist of Current Agenda and Continuing Responsibilities as hereinafter defined. (a) The current Agenda shall consist of such current local governmental issues as the membership shall choose for concerted action. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS (Continued) ? Section 3. The Annual Meeting Shall Act upon the Program using the Following: Procedures? .. . (a) The Board of Directors shall consider the recom?mendations sent in by the voting members two months prior to the Annual Meeting and shall formulate a Proposed Program. (b) The Proposed Program shall be sent to all mem?bers one month before the Annual Meeting. (c) A majority vote of voting members present and voting at the Annual Meeting shall be required for adoption of subjects in the Proposed Program as presented to the Annual Meeting by the Board of Directors. (d) Recommendations for Program submitted by voting members two months prior to the Annual Meeting but not recommended by the Board of Directors may be considered by the Annual Meeting provided that! (1) the Ammual Meeting shall order consideration by a majority vote; and (2) the Annual Meeting shall adopt the item by . a two-thirds vote. (e) Changes in Program, in the case of altered conditions, may be made, provided that! ? (1) information concerning the proposed changes has been sent to all the members at least two weeks prior to a general membership meeting at which the change is discussed, and (2) final action by the membership is taken at a succeeding meeting. Section k. Member Action. Members may act in the name of the League of Women Voters only when authorized to do so by proper Board of Directors action. ARTICLE X. NATIONAL CONVENTION, STATE CONVENTION AND COUNCIL Section 1. National Convention. The Board of Directors at a meeting before the date on which the names of the delegates must be sent to the National office shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of the United States. ARTICLE IX. PROGRAM (Continued) Section 2. State Convention. The Board of Directors at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of Nevada. Section 3. State Council. The Board of Directors at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Council in the number allotted the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of Nevada. ; ' : . . . '.i . : ... i ? : ? t " ? / V1 ? '? ? * ? ? ' - ?? - -???? _ ? _ . . . - ? . _ . ? ? .... i . . . . . ' . . .? ? - ARTICLE XI. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Section 1. Parliamentary Authority. The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments. These Bylaws may be amended by a two- thirds vote of the voting members present and voting at the Annual Meeting, provided the amendments were submitted in advance of the meeting. r .. ARTICLE X. NATIONAL CONVENTION, STATE CONVENTION AND COUNCIL (Continued) , : r v 7 . .'J 6 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF LAS VEGAS VALLEY RECOMMENDED PROGRAM ITEMS May 1981 The Executive Board of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley recommends that we CONTINUE the following local positions and update them as time and personnel permit. v r . : HUMAN RESOURCES SCHOOLS: We maintain support of integration in all grades, in all schools, in special services and staff positions and in all curricula materials. School District-provided transportation is consistent with sound educational principles and can be used effectively to promote quality educational standards. . ? . - EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT AND HOUSING: We maintain support of equality of opportunity in education, employment and housing as stated in the National Program Position. . PLANNING AND ZONING ?T We maintain support of practices and procedures which will insure high quality planning and zoning throughout the Las Vegas Valley, and develop?ment of the area as a desirable place in which to live, work, play and visit - with emphasis on: a) intergovernment coordination of goals.; b) consideration of aesthetics and convenience factors; c) true reflection of public wishes. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Because air, water and land pollution abatement involve interrelated problems, there must be a coordinated approach to pollution control. SOLID WASTE: We feel the solid waste pollution in Las Vegas Valley is a direct result of the inadequacy of our present methods of solid waste disposal. We support a valley-wide system of waste disposal which would include the disposal of such items as furniture, appliances, construction wastes, et cetera. AIR: We support control of automotive emission, industrial emission and emission caused by improper construction site practices. WATER: We support the concept of water conservation through controlled water use. We believe that a program of total water management including waste water, should abate existing problems of water pollution and prevent further problems from arising in the future. 2 PARKS AND RECREATION l We maintain support of a balanced program of public parks and recreation in Clark County with emphasis on strengthening the County's leadership in this field and developing a countywide master park plan including: a) inter-governmental cooperation and coordination with clearly defined roles and responsibilities; b) exploration of all avenues of financing with a system of priorities; c) citizen participation in all phases of planning and implementation. CONSOLIDATION We support reorganization and revitalization of local government in Clark County by consolidating regional services in the county and urban services under the present city governments leading to metropolitan urban services and government as the citizens recognize the need. Criteria for such reorganization should be: a) Is it financially feasible? b) Does it fill a need in the community? c) Does it take into account the physical nature of the community? d) Does it provide for citizen participation? e) Does it take into account the population make-up of the community? f) Is it accountable to its constituency? g) Does it avoid or relieve undue hardships to any segment of the community? h) Does it contribute to pride in the community? TRANSPORTATION We support the following statements: ' 1) Transportation is a public service and is deserving of public subsidization to adequately provide that service. 2) Public control is required over transportation systems supported or subsidized by public funds.* 3) Transportation planning must be part of comprehensive regional , planning and must weigh all social, environmental, and economic costs and benefits. 4) Responsibility for implementation of the transportation plan should rest with one agency which should be a unit of general government representing and responsible to all citizens of Clark County. Existing League consensus on consolidation of services would preclude support for a separately elected special district to perform this function. 5) Broad, continuous citizen participation must be built into both the transportation planning process and the development and imple?mentation of the transportation system. * Public control can be accomplished through public ownership of equipment with stringent performance requirements included in leasing arrangements with private management concerns for the operation of transit systems. This would take advantage of matching federal dollars for capital costs. A further step should be taken to establish public ownership and operation through contracts with private management in order to secure matching funds for both capital and operating costs.