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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr* A* 0* Hitter lour letter of June 29# file 733^# regarding proposed assignment of the lease to import Plumbing Co., 900 S. Mala st. Mr. Slstner Is trying to negotiate the sale of the Ruppert building but whether the sale will be consumated depends on whether the Railroad lease oan be secured. The client ie a furniture storage concern operating their own ?an lines between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, although any furniture coming from the Hast will more by rail. The amount of suoh rail traffic Is Indefinite. If the lease oan be obtained, the furniture storage company plans to build a platform of box oar height and a spur trade and extend either a tramway or a movable platform aoroes the private roadway so shipments oan be moved from the spur track to the warehouse which is located on lot a. During this operation this roadway will be blocked 30 to k$ minutes, Slstner says. The new arrangement has not yot materialized but Slstner experts something definite In the next few days* Las Veg&s - July 6, 1950 B 4 A. M. Polger