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    \ Las Vegas Land, and Water Company O * Part II RULES AM) RJjXjUIATIONS if Application for Connection to Ifaln - All applications for installation of services for water must bo made at the office of the Las Vegas LAnd and Water Company. Tho applicant should present description of the property to be served including Subdivi­sion, Block and Lot, and purpose for vtiich the water will bo used. Ho person except an authorized employee of tho Water Company will bo permitted to make any connection to water rvains or distribution pipes of the Water Company, 2. Payment of Bills - Charges for water sorvice,shall be due and payable on the first day of each month for water Ihmidhed during the previous month. 3. Delinquent Bills - if said charges are not paid by the 15th day of the month in'which they*boeamo duo they shall become 1 W >1. I v.V^V: ^ . 'HYfcwflS*?' "V-isT delinquent. Notice of such delinquency vd.ll be * given to tho con-sumor personally or by mail and if tho amount of such water charges I is not paid within 5 days from the date of such personal notice or within 5 days from tho date of mailing, such notice, the Company will discontinue tho service to such delinquent consumer until said amount is paid together with tho reconnection charge heroin pro- ’ < vidod. A consumor* s water service may bo discontinued for non­payment of a bill for water sorvice rendered him at a previous M m location sorvod by tho Company, provided said bill is not paid within 30 days aftor presentation at the now location. Original Sheet W.CN No Issued by Win. Ro‘ nhardt vioe-l'rofiident Iffo o tiv o September 1 . 1951