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Las Vegas$ Nevada October 27 , 1938 This questionaire is sent to you in an e ffo r t to gain fa cts upon which to base constructive action on License Ordinance No. 243. Your cooperation is urged by a jo in t committee o f the Junior Chamber o f Commerce, the Taxpayers Association, and the Las Vegas Chamber o f Commerce. The questionaire should be signed by the head o f the firm addressed. No in dividual questionaire w i l l be made pu blic. The public w i l l be advised only o f the percentages and averages, e t c ., o f the re p lie s . Please mail w ithin fiv e days, as quick action is indicated. I f you wish to comment on any c it y tax subject upon which na question is asked, please use the blank portion o f th is questionaire to explain. The fo llo w in g information concerning budget figu res, d e fic it s , expenditures, e t c ., was supplied by the C ity auditor on his re s p o n s ib ility , the C ity declinin g to state amounts d e fin it e ly . This picture as and o f December 31st, 1938, does not include assessment d is t r ic ts , sidewalk or other W.P.A. or P.W.A. p rojects, the to ta ls o f which the Commission does not include because they fe e l they d is to rt the fin a n cia l p ictu re. ESTIMATED INCOME A vailable Sal, 1/1/38 Reserve from P rio r Tax Levies l/3 o f 1938 Tax Levy Non-Tax Revenues Total ESTIMATED,EXPENDITURES Total & 9,427.50 39,644.52 20,631.00 114,341.84 Budget Appropriations $186,161.84 .Reserve to be carried over (D e fic it ) (2,116.98) 184,044.86 184,044.86 SPECIAL COMMITTEE LAS VEGAS NEVADA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION