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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Walter C. Goodnow Genevieve Goodnow David C. Goodnow 907 BROADWAY STREET BROADWAY STREET PHONE TUxedo 2-9224 VINCENNES. INDIANA August 12* 196S. Mr* A1 Freeman * c/o The ?╟╓Sands?╟╓ , Las Yegas, met. Dear Hr* Freeman: I stepped lute Mayor Holly KiIfoil?╟╓s office this after- noon just as lie was hanging up the phone. Asked him if he had your address***.he said ?╟╓That was him I just talk- ed to * l I*we wondered many times what Red?╟╓s reaction would he to sponsoring some sort of a memorial here at our own Yin- cennes University. This a junior 2-year college and real- ly is expanding* I know he hasn?╟╓t had the opportuinty to look the place over and I know he*d he astounded at what?╟╓s taken plaee on the new campus in old Harrison Park* Two years ago this comming November 1 contacted Mr* Eugene Pulliam, publisher of Phoenix, Aria* Has a flock of papers including 2 big ones in Indianapolis and the local paper* His ?╟╓Central Newspapers Foundation, Inc.*, provided the funds for a nice electronic organ for our auditorium. Red knows Boh Green, contractor, who donated the auditorium & the new Gymnasium hulling........Testerday the new Flani- tarium was dedicated, donated hy Mr* Dunseth of Lawrence- viile, 111. This being where Red?╟╓s roots really were, I know of two projects that, if sponsored, would fill a need* One is an electric organ for the Student Union building, the other an electronic carillon on the carpus, simillar to one now at a down-town church. It?╟╓s ton# reaches out l/2 mile. This item I had imagined would constitute a fine memorial* ?╤e*re going to try to put cm a good show for Mr. Skelton cm the 3rd of next month, here* Parade, floats, etc* Yincennes is mighty proud to claim him**?╟≤ ..Since I?╟╓ve the idea any such projects such as these outlined are funneled to him or the Mrs*, perhaps you?╟╓d be good enough, as the funneler, to at least bring it to their attention and learn the reaction* I?╟╓d be honored were you to contact me?╟÷-my phone is listed a* bove, and our area code is 812* I am at home any night after 8:30, somewhat later than voti-r / Certainly hope I can meet